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Dominion He is no longer a Buc: The Fall of Ekun Vagabond Pt. 1 (Elys. Dom of Empty hex Northwest of Spindle VI)

Elysium Eternal

Elysium Empire Narrative

Post: 3
Tags: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun GreyJedi GreyJedi Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk Var-Sulis
Fleet composition:

Another ship gone...devastated by the missile barrages from the enemy ships. Ekun frowned, but quickly began grinning as sensors showed escape pods launching from the enemy flagship. Furthermore it appeared that the ships were shifting, likely intending to retreat into hyperspace. His plans were working to perfection in that sector of the battlefield. ( Haon Hafey Haon Hafey )

In the central sector of the battle, the force of ships was continuing to steadily move toward the base, and now some of the longer-range defenses were opening fire on the destroyers. In a few moments, assuming the fleet continued its' current pace, the heavier defenses would open fire. Once that happened, it wouldn't be long before they meet inevitable doom.

( Brodan Dobson Brodan Dobson )

Finally the last of the enemy forces, the ones holding position. So far they appeared to be continuing to hold position, and so would Ekun and the Buccaneer fleet. (Fleet Admiral A. Athantras )​
“Don’t you know who my relatives are?”


"Have we heard back from the troops inside the enemy base yet? Do we even have any troops in there?" Brodan was beginning to get very impatient with current events. His ships were beginning to come under long range fire from the enemy base, although apparently his Deliverance-Class Destroyers were shouldering those shots aside like they were designed to. His other ships behind them remained more or less unmolested by gunfire, with the exception of a few lucky shots slipping by the three leading ships. Brodan felt a little smug at how pathetic the enemy's long range defences were against his defensive star destroyers.

The comms officer stuttered, "n-no sir! Th-the fighters haven't heard anything either, but they have confirmed that the landing ships belong t-t-to us, sir!"

"Why haven't the fighters started their attack runs yet?" Brodan asked angrily.

"They were still confirming the siting of those landing ships. They are finished just now, sir!"

Brodan scoffed a very trademark Dobson family scoff, "well great. I'm glad they are finally finished playing recon… if those troops inside the pirate base don't want to respond to our hails, then they will have to deal with what we throw at them. Have the fighters move into point blank range and begin strafing runs to strip the enemy of their weapons! Take care of this quickly so we can break into a firing line and destroy that blasted facility! In the meantime, keep advancing the fleet to the enemy base! Get within our effective range and then spread into a battle line as we planned! The ground forces will have to be quick now!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Chief Bubba at the turbolifts, cleaning his finger nails with a cocky demeanour. Brodan could tell that the old chief was thinking poorly of what Brodan was doing. Anger welled up within Brodan's chest and he couldn't help himself, "well, do you have any problems with my orders?"

Chief Bubba looked up at the Commodore with false mild surprise in his eyes, "who, me? Nah. You're good. Those fighters will be fine. You tested their anti-strikecraft defences before sending those good pilots in there without gunship support right?" He smirked at the commodore, but deep down he was dreading the wasteful expenditure of Elysium Pilots. He knew from experience how they would fare in the next exchange.

Brodan's face turned bright red and he gritted his teeth, barely keeping himself from screeching at the old Chief, "This mission calls for haste and aggressive action! We don't have time to 'test the enemy defences'! Those pilots knew what they were getting into when they joined the navy!"

Chief Petty Officer Alro "Bubba" Doreen dropped the smirk on his face, and his expression went completely flat, "and I'm sure this has nothing to do with the fact that you wanna get ahead of Haon Hafey Haon Hafey and Fleet Admiral A. Athantras right?"

Suddenly, without warning, a Mynock Navy Blaster came out of a holster and three shots nearly deafened the ears of the entire bridge staff. Three explosions struck Chief Bubba's chest and his back slammed against the wall behind him. The light in the old man's eyes went out and he slid to the floor becoming no more than a smoking corpse.

Brodan re-holstered his navy blaster, and struggled to slow down his breathing. He looked upon the faces of his bridge crew who were looking at him in total shock, "insubordination… will not be… tolerated during battle! Return to your duties at once!"

  • Brodan doesn’t get a response from the elysium troops in the base and still doesn’t know exactly who they are.
  • Brodan orders his fighters to begin strafing the base’s weapons while his star destroyers keep moving into position.
  • Chief Alro Doreen warns Brodan that the fighters will not survive the attack
  • Brodan shoots and kills Chief Alro Doreen.

Omar Dobson Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk Elysium Eternal Elysium Eternal
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Martin Dux

As Martin walked down the corridor, he buckled as the asteroid shook, violently. He leaned against a wall, steadying himself. Reaching for his ear, he tapped the comlink he'd attached to it.

"What was that!?" Martin said, in a hushed but commanding voice.

The static of Vidcoy came on the other end. "That... was Brodan."

Martin sighed. "Who is Brodan."

"Brodan Dobson, he's the son of Omar Dobson, the one you spoke with a while ago."

"Oh... what did he do?" Martin asked, warily.

"He ordered pilots to perform strafing runs along the asteroid," Her disappointment was obvious, "Or at least, that what I'm getting here on the ship. Apparently, he killed an officer too..." Martin could feel the grimace from the comlink.


"Awful?" she finished his sentence.

"Yes." Martin whispered.

"Nothing you can do about it, carry along."

Continuing down the corridor, he stopped, pressing himself against the wall. He could feel them, sense them. Four bodies, heading his way. He reached for his lightsaber, fondling it. Had they sent people to look for the two missing pirates? No, it was something else. The comlink. If Martin could claw his face off, he would. That was a stupid mistake, of course, they could track com signals. In his defense, it had been a while since he'd done a thing like this.

In one smooth motion, Martin slid from the wall, igniting the lightsaber as he did, The pale blade passing through the arm of one of them. This part of the base was dark, not pinch, but still dark. One of the few things illuminating the space was his saber and the blaster fire that followed.

"Jedi!" One of them shouted.

The small corridor became a show of lights and burns, as the Martin deflected each bolt with a semblance of elegance and roughness that only an old master could know. With a clean precision, Martin waved the lightsaber in front of the incoming bolt and deflected it back to the blaster. The pirate dropped it, surprised as the others were. They were stunned for a moment, only a brief moment. With his free hand, Martin ripped the man towards him, raising the saber, impaling him.

Surprised even further, the two remaining pirates were dispatched with relative ease, and Martin made his way further into the asteroid base.

Another pulse went out through the base. "I need to get out of here." Martin said, trying to remain as calm as possible, into the comlink.

"What about the mission?" Vidcoy questioned, half-knowing the answer.

"To hell with the mission! By the look of things, I'm not needed here." Martin didn't like saying those words, it felt like giving up on a promise.

Officer Vidcoy maintained silence for a while. "... Should I alert Omar?"

"I would."

"Very well."

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | GreyJedi GreyJedi | Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk | Sanji Hoss Sanji Hoss
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Grand Inquisitor of the EOTL
Objective Two: The Planetary Ion Cannon.

Two figures, one tall and muscular, one comparatively small and dainty walked up the entrance ramp of a battered, rusty, and rather marginal freighter seen as so dingy it was judged not worth taking out even with the ongoing assault on the main base. Words were exchanged between the two between the two as they stepped into the airlock leading into the interior.

“Are you sure we should be doing this? Shouldn’t we be helping out with the defense? Ekun will be furious if he finds out. I don’t want to become his next meal…” The larger figure said hesitantly, a hulking, good looking young man decked out in second-rate battle armor with soft brown eyes, tan skin, and thick, wavy brown hair asked his companion.

“You take your pleasures where you can, Arken,” the woman with soft blue eyes, a doll-like face, and shoulder-length, flowing white hair in a formfitting spacesuit that complimented her quite well replied seductively, scratching his chin playfully with her black-gloved hand as she did so “Ekun has an eternity to enjoy them, we have only now. Besides, he’s a bore and doesn’t pay us nearly enough for this anyway…”

He blushed and turned away, focusing his attention towards what they had come here for.

“Hey, where’s the rum? You said there would be rum and…food…” Arken puzzled, peering over at the conspicuously empty, pathetic excuse for a mess hall that the ship had, clearly expecting there to be at least some kind of spread.

And then darkness enveloped his world as a silvery blur struck him in the carotid sinus with ruthless precision and consummate skill, crumpling the hulk of as man like paper, though his blow against the floor was softened as Aculia gently caught him and instantly checked whether or not he was still alive. He was.

She sighed in relief.

“You’re lucky I cared enough to do my research, Arken. That could have gone far worse if you had any kind of condition, now…” she reached into her one of her suit’s many pockets, pulling out a small sedative needle and gently applying it to his arm “that should help you sleep for the next twelve hours.”

After she had slowly dragged the bulky young man to the cockpit and strapped him into the seat with a little help from the Force to bolster her physical strength for a short while, she looked fondly at the young man and smiled slightly before opening up the ship’s onboard computer.

“You’re not a bad boy, Arken, unlike the rest of these scum…” she said as she began entering a set of commands, starting with having autopilot slowly fly the freighter to the far side of the base away from the heaviest fighting of the conflict, then instructing it to jump to hyperspace immediately to a distant set of coordinates “just stupid, desperate, and in with the wrong crowd for money. Be a good man, take these credits, buy back your sister and take up a less violent profession. I think you would be a good farmer.”

She placed a small box of credit chits on the floor near his feet, along with a datapad expressing her thoughts on what he should do with them, and then made her way to exit the freighter, making sure to grab her vibrosword and custom “multitool” on the way out.

She blended into the crowd as she moved swiftly with purpose towards her objective, even as the base shook from the fire around her. A few of her “comrades” glanced at her, but only for a moment or two. No one gave the “maintenance tech” and Arken’s “little porcelain woman” who had joined up with the crew by taking a liking to Arken at a seedy bar some weeks ago and showing a basic talent with machinery much thought to begin with.

Soon she arrived at the security checkpoint for the massive ion cannon that would soon begin unleashing its devastating volleys at the attackers outside. It was manned by one of her absolute favorite pirates, Borko.

“Borko.” She replied warmly, though it her eyes reflected more of the absolute zero temperature outside of the base.

“Oh, look who it is! Ac…Alu…Arken’s little plaything? What brings you here?” the short, ratlike, middle-aged man with blonde hair and blue eyes laughed, openly leering at her bosom as he did so.

“Ekun wanted me to be there in the event anything goes wrong with the controls. You know they haven’t been doing the maintenance on them properly. Not after the last tech messed up and became…” she let it trail off.

Borko winced.

“Yeah, yeah. You know the procedure. You’re still new, no weapons allowed. Just put your vibrosword against the wall there, though we both know you’re useless with it. Don’t know why you bothered asking Arken for lessons. You can pick it up when you leave, assuming we all don’t die to those blokes out there. And what’s that?” he replied, gesturing to the “multitool” on her belt as she laid the blade against the wall.

“Just my multitool, unless you’d like me to work on those live wires with my hands.”

The base shook again under more blasts, causing Borko to stumble slightly, with Aculia calmly leaning into it. He glanced out one of the plastasteel windows at the carnage unfolding in space nervously.

“Fine, go! And you better do your job as well as you please that stupid kid.”

She gave him another warm smile as she walked path him, down the long corridor to ion cannon control with her "multitool".

“I always do…” she whispered softly as she began humming happily to herself, pulling out a small, circular device from her pocket and pressing it on it for a moment before dropping it to the floor and crushing beneath her boots. A small, secure-band transmission went out for a slight moment before cutting off, likely not noticed by all but its intended recipient Omar Dobson in the chaotic frequencies bursting around. Then, she pulled out a small black-gold ribbon, and began putting up her silvery hair as the door to the control room, and its two guards, became visible.

Omar Dobson
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Two of the carrier corvettes slowly started to break apart, it was getting more desperate. Starfighters and bombers were flying past, weapons were firing and doing everything they could to halt such an advance. The flanking manuver was going well, the moment was coming upon them...then it happened. Haon Hafeys flagship collided with the Enforcement Barge like a knife. Scraping over the top of it, it had all weapons open fire at the same time directly into any internals it was opening up. The scraping, the small explosions rocking the Flatwell. Haon Hafey had the helm still, redirecting subsystems as he glanced out as the cloaking device finally failed. He was exposed, this was the moment he been waiting for. What will they do? His capital ships were engaging their hyperdrives and prepared to leave.
Elysium Eternal Elysium Eternal Omar Dobson Brodan Dobson Brodan Dobson

54 capital ships began sprouting from the void in a random staccato pattern. All ships, ranging from star destroyers to corvettes, were fresh and ready to fight. A standard phalanx of Val-Khaar Class Corvettes and Rectifier-Class Heavy Cruisers made up the front line to form a solid defence against any surprises the enemy might have. The back line brought up the rear, which consisted of the Bright Eye War-class Star Destroyers, the ZuEric-class Interdictor, Makashi Light Cruisers, Imperial Lancer-2 Frigates, and the Katitik Hive Interdictor corvettes. Fighters of various kinds began pouring out from the hangar bays and began forming screens for individual capital ships at the command of the imperial flight control operators.

As soon as the drop from hyperspace was completed, reports started rolling in from the comms officer and the bridge talker. Burtch's heart began to race as the direness of the situation was beginning to hit him.

Fleet Admiral A. Athantras was completely tied up warding off attackers and was rendered useless to anyone else. But Haon Hafey Haon Hafey had taken the most damage. To the man's credit he had opted to show his courage and smash the enemy back as hard as he could. Grand Admiral Burtch made a mental note to give Haon Hafey Haon Hafey a medal and a commendation for his resolve and dedication if he could be saved. The man had serious balls.

Then Burtch looked to the absolute front line of the battlefield and saw the culprit for this travesty. Commodore Brodan Dobson Brodan Dobson ’s fleet was pushing the attack against the enemy base using the old approach protocol that the Empire used a long time ago. The outdated tactics were easily adapted to and the enemy was having no problems luring Brodan into a trap. Hatred filled Burtch's heart and he struggled to maintain his composure for the rest of his bridge staff. The Dobson officer had cost the Empire a lot of good people today. And the losses weren't over yet.

Burtch looked to his flag captain, Captain Treyfa, and her eyes betrayed the very same intense despair that Burtch felt inside. There was simply no way to salvage this battle now. The Empire was on the back foot and the pirates would have no trouble making their escape with minimal losses, aside from the ones Haon Hafey Haon Hafey already inflicted. It took considerable effort for Burtch to begin muttering orders. But he had to act now to save what he could.

"We need to scrape the enemy off of Fleet Admiral A. Athantras and Haon Hafey Haon Hafey and try to give them some breathing room. Once we do that we can start recovery and rescue ops. Have the Phalanx charge the forces that are harassing Haon Hafey Haon Hafey and force the enemy back. They won't want to fight our heavy cruisers up close. Their ships might be bigger than the Rectifiers, but the Rectifiers are built to fight above their weight class in a close range battle. The rest of our ships will charge the Forces attacking Fleet Admiral A. Athantras group. His group still looks functional, so we might still get some fight out of them once they're clear.

"As for Commodore Dobson's fleet, there's nothing we can do for them for now. He's pushed in too deep and the enemy knows it. They will have to sit there and take it while we save the other two fleets."

After he was done speaking, he just stood there and stared at the central tactical display. His mind was filled with a million emotions, but he was still thinking clearly. He was so focused on the battle that his steward droid, Laxxy, waddled by with a tray of fresh coffee and he didn't even notice.

Elysium Eternal Elysium Eternal

Martin Dux Omar Dobson Aculia Voland Aculia Voland Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk
Objective 3
Tags: Omar Dobson Elysium Eternal Elysium Eternal

Omar's orders had recieved merely a confirmation notice before the 4 set themselves up. Beam cannons were some of the most powerful handheld weaponry you could come across for good range and with the accuracy that they had would quickly start to melt into the enemies anti-aircraft countermeasures. They wouldn't be able to get rid of them all immediately, but their range advantage meant more forces would need to be dedicated to countering them, and they kept on the move constantly, used to high mobility assaults while sniping down smaller targets, hitting these shots while on the move was no problem. Two of them stayed on the anti-air weaponry, while two poked at any forces that dared to show their faces or anything that threatened them. Cruk was one of the latter, as it also helped him keep an eye out for unexpected situations.

Allies: 3 Katitik Hive Elites
Beam Cannon,
Personal Energy Shield,
Armorweave protection.
Beastwarden's shield
Static Pike
Breath masks

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Martin Dux Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Brodan Dobson Brodan Dobson Fleet Admiral A. Athantras
Grand Inquisitor of the EOTL
Another wave of rumbling shook the asteroid base as Brodan’s strikecraft continued to strafe the facility, shaking the hallway leading to the ion canon’s central control room rather fiercely. Aculia stumbled forward as she closed the gap between her and the guards, who moved forward as if to catch her from falling.

“Hey, caref-”

The words from the leftmost guard were cut off as the woman suddenly turned that seemingly uncoordinated stumble forward into a low ready stance, drew her “multitool” from her belt, and activated it as she made a speedy diagonal upwards cut across the center of his chest in one fluid motion. The guard to the right could only watch in horror as a thrumming blade of pure white that had cut apart his friend was then swiftly brought down on him in a downward diagonal swing as the girl seamlessly pivoted toward him and completed her lightsaber drawing technique as the corpses of both guards fell to the ground. She hadn’t even had to draw upon the Force to execute that, just let her body carry out the motions she had practiced thousands of times.


Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself for what was to come, opening herself up fully to the Force. She did not have time to play around and savor what would come next thanks to whatever idiot admiral had decided to deviate from the plan. Extending her senses into the next room, she could easily feel around eight or so pirates and fixed their positions in her mind, with one sitting behind a command desk Some of them were starting to get up from their chairs, hearing the loud thumps as the two guards hit the floor outside.

“What the hell was tha-” the lieutenant started to ask as he began to rise from his seat as the door opened up to reveal Aculia, lightsaber in hand. Her blue eyes were ice cold as the Force flowed into her, bolstering her natural physical speed and strength, and then again enhancing the former to preternatural levels with a combination of Enhance Attribute and Force Speed. Then, the carnage began.

Aculia’s blade tore through the pirates in a devastating flurry of blows that seemed to come from almost every direction at once as she moved like a raging whirlwind through her foes, her afterimage seeming to be in multiple places at once. Most of them hadn’t even managed to realize what was happening before they were impaled or torn apart by her blade, the lieutenant had just barely managed to flip open the leather strap holding his blaster into his holster before he was the subject of a vicious decapitation that sent his head flying into the wall behind him. In a few seconds, it was all over. The technique was not called Divine Whirlwind for nothing.

If another Jedi were nearby, they certainly would have felt the sudden heavy burst of Force usage and then swift, brutal, and cold mist of death and a hint of the Dark Side that followed as eight lives were snuffed out almost instantaneously and with pleasure.

After finishing the brutal display, Aculia smiled as a few beads of sweat ran down her forehead. Although the prey she had encountered so far was weak and uninteresting, especially compared to Ekun himself, at least there had been enough of them to get some decent exercise.

The asteroid base shook violently once more, and she frowned, then pouted, as she reached into the dead lieutenant’s pockets and pulled out his command keycard, placing it on the desk. Then, shoving his headless corpse off the chair, she plugged it into the onboard control computer and started to look through the ion cannon’s systems. Then clicked her tongue with frustration.

Of course this isn’t the only control center, just the main one. Despite being incompetent, they at least had the foresight to have redundant command systems. At the rate Admiral Ignore-the-Plan-I-Need-My-Glory is bringing those three Star Destroyers and strikecraft forward, I won’t be able to reach and disable the other ones in time before the backups kick in or they pull command from here when they realize it’s not firing properly. They’ll start opening fire on the rest of the fleet and probably destroy half of it before we can punch through the heavy shields and take out the cannon. Not only will Mr. Glory Hound find himself disabled and dead, the Empire will take so much damage here I’m not even sure they will be able to pay me.

She sat down in the command chair to think for a few moments, tapping her gloved hands on the desk, thinking how best to handle the situation. Disabling this command station would do nothing, and she did not have the explosives or skill in certain Force techniques to destroy the massive cannon on her own. Then, she smiled and began entering some commands into the targeting computer.


Aculia picked up the dead lieutenant’s keycard and plugged it in to the computer.


The lights in Aculia’s section of the asteroid base and likely nearby sections began to flicker off and on violently as more and more power was drawn into the capacitors of the ion cannon. Angry messages started to blare from the dead lieutenant’s commlink. She didn’t have much time. Glancing at the targeting solutions and projected arc size, she winced.

The arc of the shot is going to be much wider than usual and have a longer duration and range than usual, as could be expected, and there are no good places to fire it directly into space…it’ll be at least a glancing blow against some of our forces at best…but I don’t have much time.

She glanced at Admiral Glory Hound’s three leading star destroyers. From what she remembered from her blue-skinned boss’s long unprompted speech to her on the capabilities of each ship in the assault that she sort of half-listened to, they were among the sturdier ships of the line the Empire had. If she had to fire the arc somewhere near their forces, they would have the best chance of not imploding.


[[[FIRE [Y/N]?]]

[[[ [Y/N]? ]]


[[[ [Y] ]]]

[[[ FIRING IN 10, 9, 8… ]]]

“Time to go.” Aculia muttered to herself as she quickly exited the chair, moved over the bodies, and swiftly exited the door, lightsaber in hand. That shot was going to cause all sorts of hell she did not want to be around for.

As she walked down the hallway, a massive THRRRUUUUUUUPPPP rippled through the base, and the outside of it temporarily flared up with blue light as the giant, glowing pulse of ionized energy, far larger than normal, erupted from the top of the ion cannon, its center passing just to the side of Bradon’s lead Star Destroyers, who were lucky to only take a glancing blow. Ripples of ionized energy tore through them, wreaking havoc on every system from life support to shields. The ion cannon itself exploded in a rather spectacular fashion, ionized debris hurtling at high speed in various directions, some hitting the base, some hitting some of the strikecraft, and some barreling toward the three forward Star Destroyers.

This time she was not able to brace herself properly against what felt like a massive earthquake striking the entirety of the base, and she fell onto her knees, only barely able to put her hands out in front of herself before she hit the deck.

“Frig you, glory hound admiral…” she muttered angrily as the lights flickered wildly, red emergency lights started to come on, and alarms started to blare all throughout the base. She was going to have to get out of here, and soon.

Ac-whatever the hell your name is-what was that? Borko demanded of her, as he came running down the hallway. “Command wants to know what happened!”

I don’t have time for you.

Reaching out with the Force, she pulled the vibroblade she had left against the wall forward at speed, twisting it as she did so. With the sickening sound of flesh being torn and a loud “Urrrk!”, Borko collapsed to the ground in pain.

Aculia stood up.

“H-help…” Borko pleaded reaching out a hand to her desperately. She walked over to the hilt of the blade, turned the vibration function on, and, without looking back, shoved it forward and upwards through his chest and head. Blood spattered across her space suit, hair, and face, and her eyes took on a dangerous light as another death rippled across the Force. She left the blade there as she made her exit down the hall.

“Time to leave this blasted rock…” she muttered softly, making her way to the hangar where her Arken had been, and where her small escape craft had been carefully concealed.

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Omar Dobson Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk Brodan Dobson Brodan Dobson Martin Dux

[60 EP/200 EP].
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Fleet Composition:
x1 Nagato-class Battleship SIN Nagato
x2 Kongo-class Battleship SIN Kongo, SIN Hiei
x6 Akizuki-class Heavy Destroyers
x18 Shimushu-class Destroyer Escorts
x30 Hashidate-class Gunboats
x12 A-Class Light Cruisers Multiple configurations
x24 B-Class Light Cruisers Multiple configurations

Imperial Intelligence got wind of the Elysium-led attack on the pirates after it had commenced, and decided to jump at the chance of ending the threat.

For years now, the Vagabond and his crew had rampaged through the trade routes, pillaging supplies and vessels, killing thousands of innocents and military personnel, and disappearing before an appropriate response could be levied.

Now it was time to end it.
The Sakuran Fringe Defense Fleet rallied, and quickly attached to the flagship SIN Nagato under Imperial Fleet Admiral Sonoda. Rapidly, the vessels slammed back into real space into the outer fringes of the asteroid field and immediately began falling into formation. Sonoda took inventory on his battle map and took note of the situation and began barking orders.

"Comms, open channels for wide range broadcast. Split the fleet into three wings, let's offer some relief to the Elysium forces throughout the asteroid field. The Nagato will push to the base and provide ground support." his orders were relayed across the internal Battle net as the ships began their advance. Fighters and bombers were launched from their respective bays as the embarked Marines began preparing to make landfall from the Nagato.

Sonoda keyed his open channel,"Forces of the Elysium Empire, this is Sakuran Imperial Fleet Admiral Sonoda from the SIN Nagato, we have come to assist with eradication of Vagabond and his pirates. For long enough have they scourged these sectors and the Empress has issued a decree for his capture or death."

Sonoda sat back in his command chair and watched as the faster ships and small craft surged forth to engage the pirate vessels as he focussed on the pirate's base. He steeled himself and hoped he would be sending a favorable report back to headquarters.

Elysium Eternal Elysium Eternal | Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Brodan Dobson Brodan Dobson | Fleet Admiral A. Athantras | Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk | Omar Dobson | Martin Dux | Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch | Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Martin Dux

Martin hit the railing of the catwalk, that led down to the hangar. Looking down, over it all, he saw pirates scrambling here and there, many were trying to escape like he was. He shook his head, this was going to be difficult, but it had to happen. The rock shook violently once more, Martin had gotten used to it at this point, but it still bothered him. Just then, he noticed a nice, small transport ship near the center of the hangar. thank the force.

With one smooth, practiced motion, Martin dropped down into the hangar. He rushed towards the transport, he needed to get out of here. But then, like a response to his desire to leave, almost every pirate in that place turned to him. First, they looked confused, then angry, then they started getting their weapons out. Martin's face went deadpan. Right when he was thinking the day would go better.

Pretty soon, he realized he was surrounded. "Looks like we got company." one of them snickered.

Martin rubbed his forehead, looking at each one of them. There was a lot, but not so many he couldn't handle. "Gentleman, and lady," he coughed out, noticing that one of them was a trandoshan female, "I really don't have time for this."

They looked at each other, surprised at the man's nonchalant attitude. "Why don't we just put our differences to rest, and..." Martin thought for a bit, "get on the ship, it looks big enough for all of us."

They didn't respond, only looked even more aggressive.

Martin sighed. "Well, I tried." He unclipped the lightsaber from his belt, got into the soresu position, and ignited the blade.

They gasped, what they had seen as just some old guy running through the hangar had just revealed himself to be a Jedi, or whatever other force-users use lightsabers. A good portion of them backed off, but there was those who stayed.

Martin grimaced. Stubborn bastards.

The vibroblade came down on the old master, being deflected almost immediately. The large man wielding it tipped back, losing his grip on the weapon, holding it only with one hand. With one swift motion, the pale white blade cut through his hand, sending him to the ground in pain.

"Look fellas, I don't want to do this. Although, I will." Martin said, matter-a-factly.

That didn't stop two of them from firing their blaster rifles at him, which he deflected, sending them into the metal floor. Martin spun, quickly making his way to the pirates, leaving one decapitated and the other with a missing hand. It didn't take much longer to take care of the rest.

When the battle was nearing its end and Martin had just dispatched the last of the pirates. Martin trembled, he felt something. Darkness, one he had not felt since... no, it wasn't him. Following that dark feeling, the lights began to flicker, coming on and off. He swore he could a large explosion, maybe a cannon blast.

He shook his head, he felt... bad. It was time to leave this rock.

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch | Aculia Voland Aculia Voland | Elysium Eternal Elysium Eternal
The palace command center was bustling with activity. This deployment had been rushed through the chain before the Empress had even known of it...and she was furious. Her eyes narrowed as the first contact reports began streaming in on the displays as her forces began engaging alongside the Elysium forces. Supreme Commander Takami stood beside her and breathed a sigh of frustration. The woman had sent her own protege into the thick of it, and even though the aged Akaran had learned modern military tactics and procedures relatively quickly, the quiet frontier had not allowed them to sharpen their teeth with a real test until now.

"Miku, bring me the intelligence dossier on the Elysium forces please." Kimiko quietly pointed the order at her current secretary and the young woman quickly scurried from the room. She thought of a recent brief of this new political entity she had originally brushed off, content with keeping her own borders secure. But now, things had changed.

"Ki," Chika began in a hushed tone,"perhaps it's time we come out of our isolation and begin spreading our influence again." she looked at the Empress quizzically, awaiting an answer.

Kimko stood in silence, contemplating her answer as Miku came back and handed her a data pad. Her eyes focused on the Elysium King,"Perhaps you are right, I think we've been quiet long enough. Let's begin preparing to reach out." she grinned at her thoughts as a cup of caf was presented to her.

The first sip was a little hot for her liking...

Omar Dobson

Objective: 3

Omar scowled as the base began to get pummeled. It was too early. What the heck was going on up there? Trigger-happy naval yuppies; the lot of them.

With silent signals, he notified his unit that their mission was over. One didn't need to guess that he wasn't happy about it. It was evident in how he did an about-face and walked out of the base the way that they had come in. He didn't even look down at the bodies that he walked over. Instead he kept his gaze forward, even as the base shook while being fired upon.

Omar didn't break radio silence, not even to contact their transport. It was best to walk out to it. Especially with the way that the navy was attacking the base. Any extra ships in the area was sure to be fired upon, regardless of if they were on the same side. No doubt the navy wouldn't be able to tell the difference...

At least he didn't lose any of his unit due to their incompetence.

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Elysium Eternal Elysium Eternal

Elysium Eternal

Elysium Empire Narrative

Post: 4
Tags: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun GreyJedi GreyJedi Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk Var-Sulis
Fleet composition:

Ekun knew when odds were against him thanks to countless years of trial and error. He had failed before. He had died before. But this time it didn't take an immortal to see that the odds weren't in his favor. It was clear when one battlegroup -no- One fleet dropped out of orbit, that this battle was over and the momentum had changed ( Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch ). When another group appeared ( Sakuran Narrative Sakuran Narrative ) , all that Ekun cared about was survival.

However the Buccaneer in him wouldn't allow a simple retreat. No, not at all. The fleets would need time to get into a position where they would make a difference, and moments ago the tide had been in his favor. He still had a chance to inflict more damage on this Empire than they could deal to his Empire.

Of course, he had received messages now from the events below, on the asteroid base. He had ignored the messages, certain his lieutenants could handle the foe. But now it seemed that things had become more complicated for the idiots. Between the central enemy fleet bombarding the base, and some intruders, the base would surely be lost.

"Fools! You've failed perhaps the most simple task in the history of the galaxy. All you had to do is keep intruders out while I destroy their fleet. Was that too much to ask for? Bah!" having spat out his scolding to the men, Ekun then gave his orders: "Destroy the base, all of it, even the outer asteroids. I want everything gone! Especially the turbolaser batteries. They're too valuable to let the enemy take, and too big for us to take. I also want that Ion Cannon taking one final shot at the biggest ship it can hit. Make them hurt."

"As for my fleet..." Ekun said, switching channels to the naval command, "...they are too many. Run. You will know where to find me. You always do."

The base would explode, bit by bit, and surely the force of the blasts and the debris that it would send flying would all but destroy the enemy seemed logical enough at least. Of course they would still be firing for a minute, up until the second they detonate. As for the rest of the enemy fleet, they'd probably take some light damage before The Buccaneers retreat into hyperspace.

As for himself, he would do what he always does. He will find a place to rebuild, and then this new Empire will pay.
“Don’t you know who my relatives are?”

"Fighters are getting killed out there, Commodore! The new acting wing leader has requested again that he be allowed to fall back…"

"…All three Deliverance Class Star Destroyers are not responding! The ION canon has not fired again yet, but they no longer protecting the fleet…"

"…Turbolazers in the enemy base have begun pummeling our other star destroyers! Three of our five Patron Class Star Destroyers are abandoning ship, and the other two are reporting heavy damages!"

"…Majesty Class Star destroyers one through four have lost control and are impacting with the remains of the Patrons, sir. The other two are struggling to get control since they still have some of their stabilizers active…."

"Our Unity Class Star Destroyers are showing shield failures on the bow! Sir, this ship is gonna start…"

Commodore Brodan Dobson began to tune out the relentless barrage of reports rolling in from his various officers. The world around him went quiet as he strode calmly to the forward viewport while sparks, flames, and screams erupted all around him on the bridge. He was in a trance as he reached the viewport and gently rested his hands on the vibrating handrail as the ship began to shake. He was oblivious to the carnage on the bridge and simply watched his ship's hull get torn apart by the incoming heavy weapons fire from the enemy base. There was no expression on his face, and deep down he felt nothing. Except a strange euphoria as a state of shock had consumed him.

A turbolazer bolt then sheared the port side wing of the bridge clean off and the atmosphere vented out of the ship immediately. Brodan's flexicris collar in his uniform detected the depressurization instantly and deployed the breathing hood over his head. The extreme pressure change in the bridge thrust his whole body towards the now gaping hole into the void and he went limp like a rag doll.

A giant furry arm suddenly reached out and snagged him in mid-flight just before he was lost to the great void forever. Dazed, Brodan tried to crane his neck and get a look at the being that had caught him. It was a tan-furred wookie from his custodial staff, wearing a breathing mask. Without so much as a look of concern on his face, the wookie used his massive strength to drag Brodan through the howling winds. With incredible effort and time, the wookie reached an escape pod and opened the hatch. With one final display of strength, Brodan was thrown rather unceremoniously into the pit before the wookie climbed in himself. Brodan could hear his own bones break from the impact from being thrown into the escape pod, but in his state of shock he didn't feel anything. His vision began to blur and his mind was quickly loosing grip on reality. The last thing he remembered before the world went black was the whooshing sound as the escape pod was jettisoned into space.

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