Corporation Name: Socorran Tribal Enterprise
Headquarters: Vakeyya, Socorro
Locations: Socorro, Neftali
Operations: Port Management, City Management, Security, Service Contracts, Tribal Relief Fund
The Socorran Tribal Enterprise, STE for short, is to the outside galaxy an administrative and staffing services company providing able labor and management for port facilities and cities throughout the outer rim. Unknown to the galaxy, is that the STE is the means which the Black Bha'lir place individuals to gain access to pivotal information for their smuggler and pirate society.
Collectively owned by various tribal groups on Socorro, the companies goal is to protect those groups from exploitation and to provide a means to care and supply for these people without infringing on customs. From it's location on Socorro, a haven for escaped slaves, the company has also become noted for their work helping the formerly indentured find the means to become independant sentients once more.
Ran by committee of elected tribal members, the STE was a failing operation at the onset. The Socorran tribes while ingenuous and hard working, were not well versed in the world of modern business. Luckily the Black Bha'lir saw an opportunity and themselves needed to protect their hold on Socorro.
Enter Hajrah Marjanah, a native Socorran with ties to both groups. With a little wit and guile and the backing of the Bha'lir checkbook, the pirate found herself placed on the STE's committee where she has been planted firmly for some years. With the Black Bha'lir behind them, the STE's fortune has changed considerably.
Subsidaries: N/A
Parent Corporation: N/A