Cyran Vaas
Dream On!
Tag: Braze Kai'el
“Well that’s good to hear. Otherwise you’ll get lazy and rely on the Force too much… I assume at least. I don’t know, all that mystic nonsense isn’t my expertise.” Cyran explained, admitting that he knew next to nothing about The Force and what it took to properly use it. But then again he’d always had an aversion to The Force. Part of him even pitied the young student for sadly being caught up in its eldritch lunacy.
He listened as Braze continued to explain some of what they’ve been up to and what their Jedi Mentor often tasked him with. Also trying to convey that they were a quick learner and wouldn’t be too much of an undertaking for him. Cyran could only hope that that was true. But hearing Braze talk as if they’re not like their Jedi peers made Cyran chuckle some under his helmet. “So what you’re telling me is that you don’t have a life and aren’t any fun to be around? Sounds like I do have my work cut out for me.” Then again they seemed young, he shouldn’t expect Braze to be a well rounded and interesting individual.
Hearing Braze continue to express their dedication to following his teachings and tasks, the bounty hunter thought for a moment on how he might be able to utilize such an uncritical student. The Rose did need a new coat of paint after all.
. . .
Eventually he lead Braze back to his ship, The Rose. An old lightfighter, clearly corellian in origin and design. The most notable thing about the ship was it’s distinct pink paint job across most of its hull. Although the color was more pale and less vibrant than it used to be. Clearly weathered from use and plenty of planetary reentries. Scuttling around the ship were a few droids. Mostly old DUM-Series pit droids and rickety astromech droids with a narrow trapezoid-esque head.
Cyran turned to Braze and spoke. “Okay, first things first, I need to see if you are even worth training. After all Teras Kasi is an unarmed martial art, so you're little 'gun-fu' early ain't gonna cut it.” He then pointed to one of the DUM-Series droids, who looked really rusty. “This little guy is in need of some maintenance. They’ve gotten rusty as you can see and should get folded up so I can take them to a repairman in the future. I want you to give them a good, solid punch to their lens so it toggles them to fold up. You can’t hold back though since the rust has made it pretty stiff. Understood?” The bounty hunter asked. If Braze had wimpy little noodle arms that couldn’t accomplish this simple task then he’d be a lot more reluctant to train him. Meanwhile the old rusty pit droid looked at the two of them nervously. Clearly worried over the prospect of being punched and would likely try to avoid making contact with Braze.