Going to throw some thank yous right back at some people:
The Maw, first and foremost, well done for the epic tale to all of you
The Mongrel
- excellent RPing, I always had to read your posts with fine detail, very fun to read
- Had a lot of fun bouncing off your posts, hope we can cross fleeting paths again soon
Darth Solipsis
Darth Carnifex
- Engaging dark side posting, made me wish I had a Jedi to throw at you during
Derix Tirall
Talon Kyber - Had a fun with our battles, some tough opposition, and looking forward to next time!
Gallius Orcana
- Great job with the fleeting. I'm really,
really looking forward to Roudac meeting Gallius IC after this.
Constantine Oliva
Teica Giraan
- Enjoyed reading your fleeting, had hoped to engage with you both more, but alas
And of course shoutouts to the other defenders involved, it was a very enjoyable thread/event!