Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Healing Sands | GA Dominion of Obroa-skai and Bogden


"Amani's always had a good eye for healers. Stick close to her, you'll learn a lot."

The colors didn't lie. Don't talk about family with these two. Or at least Shan, if she was reading them right. It was hard with so many people around, but there was still a clear darkening of them when he responded so sharply. Instead, she smiled. Nodded to Saria.

"I am, yes. I've been away from the Order for a bit to finish up my doctorate so I could come back and help. I've missed the Halls of Healing."

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Saria Rae Saria Rae


"An age joke? No, we're far too old for that aren't we?"

He just smiled innocently before turning his gaze forward. Nodded. His mind was already abuzz with the different ideas on what they could find. He was, after all, a relic maniac through and through.

"I hope a mixture of the two. Lost history, I absolutely love discovering that. Especially if it's arcane in nature. What do you think, Cailen?" He glanced to the boy, offering a kind smile. Of all of Valery's Padawans, he was the one Kahlil knew least about. Hopefully today would change that.

Cailen Corso Cailen Corso | Valery Noble Valery Noble
"I am, yes. I've been away from the Order for a bit to finish up my doctorate so I could come back and help. I've missed the Halls of Healing."
"You can leave the order to get a Doctorate?"

The Mirialan's eyes seemed to light up at that statement. He could potentially become an official Doctor, instead of just being a Jedi Healer. That would be something he would love to do, as opposed to just relying on what basic knowledge he knew. It would also give him something to fall back on, if he ever became disillusioned with the Force. His face was slowly gaining a small smile at the thought of him getting a Doctorate, rubbing his chin afterwards.

Saria Rae Saria Rae Iris Arani Iris Arani

"If it's priceless, I'd think you would be gaining more than you lose," Amani shrugged at the incongruous statements. She didn't even necessarily disagree with it. Ideals like freedom were invaluable, and something Jedi fought for themselves. Though if Senator Laveaux found the Alliance's interpretation of freedom lacking, then it seemed there would be little to appease her, "Sounds a bit lonely."

The woman made an unexpected claim that Alicio was a future prospect for Chancellorship. Amani cocked her head in surprise. She would always be his strongest supporter, and had no doubts about his capabilities, but to hear such a thing from another Senator was new to her. She glanced to him for some sort of reaction, and touched the back of his arm. He had the résumé, and the conviction. Even the pedigree, if one put stock in that. But would he want something like that? With everything else that already rested on his shoulders?

Knowing Alicio, a sense of duty would probably persuade him more than anything else could.

"What do your constituents have to say about a Necropolitan sovereignty?" Amani eventually asked the woman.
Last edited:


Tags: Shan Pavond Shan Pavond , Iris Arani Iris Arani


"You can leave the order to get a Doctorate?"

"Of course you can," Saria noted. "The role of a Jedi isn't an exclusive matter. Plenty in the order have also been monarchs, political delegates, technology manufacturers... Ultimately we're all drawn to find a niche to fill that benefits the wider galaxy. The preservation of life doesn't always have to be a matter of mysticism."

She had seen what the common folk of the galaxy had to offer the wider whole, how they became small scale heroes in their own right. As an individual with interest in working with people, the young Mirialan certainly recognized the value that the tangible held. A means of aid without the force. She still made use of it, of course, but there was always more than one way to tackle a problem.

"If you wish to further your own skills, perhaps this is a beneficial avenue to take," she added. "The Order would surely be able to offer up some form of grant you could invest into higher education."



Objective II - Jedi Ruins


Cailen grinned, deciding to let the joke tell itself. He knew Valery Noble Valery Noble was much older than she looked, on account of her time spent in stasis. It made it easy to forget just how much history she knew from before then. He wondered if she'd ever been here before, to the Academy. Maybe she remembered something about it from before it fell into ruin?

"I hope a mixture of the two. Lost history, I absolutely love discovering that. Especially if it's arcane in nature. What do you think, Cailen?"

"Maybe there's bones," Cailen said with a boyishly honest smirk. Not that he was particularly fond of people bones, just bones in general. He found them fascinating.

"Or cool motifs!"

He thought of the strange carvings and runes he'd seen in Jedi ruins like this one. They were usually hard to decipher, even in the best conditions, but his psychometric abilities gave him glimpses into the past that helped piece together the puzzle. It dawned on him that Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble probably didn't know that about him, and Cailen jumped on the sudden thought to tell him. The Padawan circled forward, standing directly in the Master Jedi's path with his hands held up to halt him.

"I can sense old memories!" Cailen exclaimed without any context, fueled only by his excitement for the opportunities that awaited them deeper in the Academy.



"Mm. You don't have to leave the Order to get more schooling. I would've been done with it while I was still a Padawan but the war pulled me away." Ignoring the fact that it'd still have been a while. Time was weird for Iris, with how often she found herself just loosing track of it all with the haze of colors that made her world. Still, she offered a small smile.

"There are few things you have to choose between as a Jedi of the NJO at least. Don't think of it as one or the other. Like Saria said, the Order is more than willing to help."

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Saria Rae Saria Rae
"...War..." Shan's face scrunched up at that thought. He felt conflicted about the idea. The Mandalorian threat wasn't going to be going away anytime soon, and it was obvious to Shan that he'd eventually have to pick a side. Would he fight during the war or stay out of it? There was so many different thoughts going through his mind. Was he ready?...No. That was one thing he was sure of. His frustrations towards personal matters were too strong for him to even have to think about that, so Shan shook his head, trying to regain some focus as he looked between Saria and Iris, giving a half hearted smile.

"I just feel like...I want to be able to teach people, alongside healing them. Teach people how to look after themselves. I saw too many people on Nar Shaddaa who refused to look out for themselves..." Damn it. He was being too dark with the mood, keeping the smile on his face as he clapped his hands together. "Though this place seems like its going to be great. The technology looks so...well, I can't even wrap my head around most of it."

Saria Rae Saria Rae Iris Arani Iris Arani


Aurora Medical Facility, Obroa-Skai
OBJ. 1
- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux - Open -

"If it's priceless, I'd think you would be gaining more than you lose."

Alicio let the corner of his mouth tick up a little as Amani spoke. It was a good catch. Independence from the Alliance couldn't be priceless if the price to pay was too high. In the end, it was more a semantic victory than a meaningful one, but Alicio was almost proud of Amani for picking apart wordplay like a politician.

"Freedom. A chance to start over, without the shackles of an exterior bureaucracy more concerned about gaining new worlds than taking care of the ones it already has to weigh us down. Beholden to no one but ourselves."

"It's our job to advocate for our worlds, Senator," Alicio said, after a moment. "You are the voice of Dahrtag, now. Your opinion matters. If you feel that there is a way to improve the quality of life for your people, specific freedoms you feel they lack, then bring it to the senate's attention. Or are you just arguing against favorable trade deals and tariffs within the Alliance as a whole?" Alicio folded his hands behind his back, obscured within his cloak. He was still confused by the idea that the Alliance's economic interconnectedness was somehow a weakness.

"Offering membership to new worlds may be a weight on the Alliance, but it's far from dead weight. We invest in our inductees to strengthen the economy of the Alliance as a whole, lifting us all up. This hospital alone providing for our soldiers will take considerable strain off of our current systems, which means less war-time taxes. That will help everyone, Dahrtag included." He silently stared at Sycorax for a moment. Was that who she was? A senator that only cared about their homeworld? She certainly didn't seem it, from her introduction.

Of course, her final bit of information, that he was a favorite in the Chancellory bid on Dahrtag, caused him to frown. It was the first time in the conversation that a negative emotion had eeked into the Count's persona. "Then... for your sake and mine, let's hope that doesn't come to pass." He was happy to leave it at that.

Amani, of course, had guessed all of Alicio's thoughts on the matter perfectly. He had no desire to ascend his station. If Alicio was running for Chancellor, then that meant something was terribly wrong in the Alliance, and the Alderaanian thought this was the only way to fix it.

"If it's priceless, I'd think you would be gaining more than you lose."

"I think so," Sycorax said. "But plenty of people do not agree with me. Especially those who stand to gain from maintaining the status quo."

While Alicio talked at length, Sycorax studied him. The tour had been all but forgotten as she focused her full attention on the Senator of Alderaan. The verbal waltz was becoming more like competitive tap dancing, but nonetheless she was intrigued.

"It's our job to advocate for our worlds, Senator. You are the voice of Dahrtag, now. Your opinion matters. If you feel that there is a way to improve the quality of life for your people, specific freedoms you feel they lack, then bring it to the Senate's attention. Or are you just arguing against favorable trade deals and tariffs within the Alliance as a whole?"

"Of course." She didn't rise to his bait. "It is my desire that my world would gain freedom from the Alliance, not freedom within the Alliance. We already have that, with all its contradictions, failures, and empty promises. Ideally, the galaxy should work toward reaching a state where an overarching government like the Alliance will no longer be necessary. But I fear I have spoken too much about ideals." Alicio did not seem as young and idealistic as she had been led to believe. The skilled politician standing before her was a more practical man, if chronically allergic to Sycorax's signature brand of cynical realism.

"Offering membership to new worlds may be a weight on the Alliance, but it's far from dead weight. We invest in our inductees to strengthen the economy of the Alliance as a whole, lifting us all up. This hospital alone providing for our soldiers will take considerable strain off of our current systems, which means less war-time taxes. That will help everyone, Dahrtag included."

"And what of the people who were using this hospital before the Alliance came to claim it for their soldiers? Will they continue to receive treatment, or will they be passed over in favor of the soldiers?" She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. "For everything that is gained, something is taken away. You speak to me of expansion strengthening the Alliance, but you must know that not everyone within the Alliance will benefit from it equally. There will be sacrifices. That is the way of things. For some, the sacrifice may prove too much to bear."

"Then... for your sake and mine, let's hope that doesn't come to pass."

His suddenly sour reaction and vague response actually coaxed a slight chuckle from her. "You know, they also say the ones who don't want power make the best leaders..."

"What do your constituents have to say about a Necropolitan sovereignty?"

"It is desirable, especially after recent events, but ultimately impractical to implement at this time. We have more pressing problems to deal with first." She sighed. "Namely, a high rate of crime and poverty. Our planetary government is afflicted with the lingering influence of the voivodes—vampiric nobility who ruled our world in ancient times. Vampires live for a very, very long time, are hard to... deal with, and are very good at infiltrating positions of power. Our previous representatives in the Senate tended to be corrupt. I have come in hopes of helping to resolve or lessen these issues, but my goal is for Dahrtag and potentially other worlds to achieve some sort of sovereignty. Even if I do not live to see it realized, I will prepare the way."


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Cailen Corso Cailen Corso

"An age joke? No, we're far too old for that aren't we?"

Valery shot him a glare and when he decided to add an innocent smile to it, she leaned into him like a loving wife, only to jab a finger into his side, "We're not old, shut it." She huffed and stepped away to take a look around, only for her gaze to be drawn right back to Kahlil when he expressed how much he loved lost history.

The grin on her face was immediately very teasing in nature, and he'd know she was thinking about how nerdy he was being again. But she loved that side of him, and it seemed Cailen was exactly the same way. It made this trip a welcomed change of pace from all the fighting and building up to conflict with the Mandalorians.

"Hmm, maybe you could try it here. Just be careful because Psychometry can be overwhelming," she told Cailen with a gentle smile.

Then she turned to Kahlil and looked around again. "You think we should have this temple rebuilt, love?"



Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Shan Pavond Shan Pavond


"Though this place seems like its going to be great. The technology looks so...well, I can't even wrap my head around most of it."

"I must agree," Saria nodded. "I'm afraid technology goes right over my head. While I can certainly have an intellectual conversations about their applications, I get a little lost when it comes to the finer details."

She gave a bit of an embarrassed sigh as she turned back to the hospital. Perhaps that was something she should look into. Saria hated having gaps in her knowledge. The Mirialan wanted to be an expert on whatever she could. There was practical application, of course, but she had a rather potent craving to know more.

"Ah, perhaps this falls more into your expertise," she noted, turning back to Iris. "Did you learn about any advanced medical technology during your studies?"



Objective III: Crime Time


Thayne wasn’t entirely sure, honestly.

<“The SIA,”> he grumbled to the question he had an answer for.

<“It’s strange that they’re not here. I’ll radio the Umbrals, let them know our status.”>

He raised his finger to his earpiece, but halted for a moment before clicking over to the open Slice channel.

<“They’re worried you’ll rip their arms off,”> the assassin mused, watching Kael Syddi try to make friends.

He shook his head with a soft chuckle, resting his back against a bundle of pipes and conduits. These rugged asteroid bases were ramshackle, but they felt strangely comfortable - likely on account of all the high places he could perch and watch from. It reminded him of Mek-Sha, where he competed against another killer for his mark on a Sith cultist.

Good times.

<“Umbral Leader, this is Ghost. We’re clear at the docks, be alert for anything coming by ship. Over.”>

He’d never worked for Jester Jester and her Umbral Lotus lot, but they seemed a decent sort. Eclipse had drawn him in with their shiny guns and professional payroll, but the Lotus was a close second. If he didn’t hate the thought of barreling around in his chitty ship, he might have signed on.

But for now, he was comfortable nursing his rifle and waiting for an SIA operative to find their way into his crosshairs.

Tags: Kael Syddi
Allies: Slice Syndicate
Opposition: Drego Avik | + SIA



Aurora Medical Facility, Obroa-Skai
OBJ. 1
- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux - Open -

"But I fear I have spoken too much about ideals."

Alicio only gave a smooth, singular nod. He was slowly piecing together the mystery that was Senator Laveaux. And he began to see, he thought, a bit past her spiky exterior. He realized that they were, however vaguely, a bit more similar than Alicio had first expected. They were both idealists with unattainable goals. While those ideals were wildly different...

The Count would rather have a fellow dreamer in the senate than a corrupt politician every day of the week.

"I would like to think the Obroans wouldn't offer their services if they couldn't handle the additional strain of soldiers alongside their native populations. If only there were someone around to ask..." He glanced over at the tour guide, a sly smile on his face. "Is it so hard to believe that this planet will benefit more than it hurts, by joining a conglomerate of allying systems?"

"Of course there's sacrifice. People that... fall through the cracks."
Alicio fastened his cloak a little tighter around his shoulders. "Myself, and the Jedi..." he sent a loving smile towards Amani. "We try to catch those people. That's why I spend so much time on refugee matters. Historically, they have been... left to their own devices. So I try my best to give them a voice."

Alicio didn't compound on his previous stance on the Chancellery, though he did find the tiniest of smiles at the Senator's words. The further he could distance himself from the seat, the better. Instead, he listened to Sycorax's narrative of her homeworld, his frown growing once more. "It's a terrible thing, to be trapped under the thumb of a corrupt government." His mouth twitched a quick smile. "There are bad actors in the Alliance too, as I'm sure you know. While Dahrtag is working towards sovereignty, I wouldn't mind your assistance in opposing them."
"Ah." Sycorax looked at the tour guide, still dutifully droning on, before facing Alicio again, one eyebrow and one corner of her mouth raised. "The person who is being paid to tell us a story. Now, there's a thought. We should probably ask some journalists about it too, before we leave.

"But you are correct. There will be gains for the Obroans, certainly in the short term. They wouldn't be joining otherwise. In the long term, stagnation and disorder awaits.

"Of course there's sacrifice. People that... fall through the cracks." Alicio fastened his cloak a little tighter around his shoulders. "Myself, and the Jedi..." he sent a loving smile towards Amani. "We try to catch those people. That's why I spend so much time on refugee matters. Historically, they have been... left to their own devices. So I try my best to give them a voice."

"Yes, I'm aware of how you got your start in politics, Your Excellency. You're from Alderaan, a pacifist utopia. Your planet's lack of internal problems has allowed you to devote your time and efforts to the external, helping those less fortunate than you." Other worlds were not so lucky to be able to do the same. "But it is interesting that you mention the Jedi. They're part of the reason why I think it would be best to distance ourselves from the Alliance and work towards sovereignty. Their recent meddling on Ukatis, the contempt their spokesman has expressed toward the Assembly, their silence when accountability or even a simple explanation for their actions is requested—it's as if they are being permitted to run amok, disrespecting the government they claim to answer to and even operating outside the law."

She didn't expect a positive reaction to her words from either Organa (for obvious reasons), but she did expect a reaction. What sort of reaction she received would be very telling.

"There are bad actors in the Alliance too, as I'm sure you know. While Dahrtag is working towards sovereignty, I wouldn't mind your assistance in opposing them."

"That would depend on who you consider to be a 'bad actor'," she replied. "But color me interested."


"Psychometry is a rare skill." And one, he certainly wouldn't admit out loud, he wished he had the ability to utilize. He couldn't of course, but it didn't change that want to see the past with his own eyes. Or at least feel it. Grant it, bones wouldn't be a fun thing to see. He glanced briefly to Valery, nodding. She knew best, of course, when it came to the dangers of the ability. "Rebuilding would always be good. I don't like seeing such a temple left in ruins. First, though, we explore, mm?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Cailen Corso Cailen Corso

Amani stayed silent for a little bit as the discussion delved more into politics. She regained some of her focus when Alicio cast his gaze towards her, and the conversation inevitably touched on Jedi affairs. Laveaux’s comment on the tour guide made her raise a brow, “If whether or not someone gets paid determines their merit, then I can’t imagine how you find merit in anyone.”

She smirked slightly, “Except Jedi. We don’t get paid.” Still, after giving that comment a chance to sit, Amani sighed, “That said… You’re not entirely wrong. We’ve had some… missteps in our approach, as of late.”

Amani then stood a little stiffer, and clarified the Senator’s last point, “We’re not just servants of the government, though. Jedi and politics can be a dangerous combination,” She glanced over at Alicio for a moment, and smirked again.


Objective II - Jedi Ruins


“I know,” the boy answered politely. He’d had some difficult experiences with psychometric visions before - and Valery Noble Valery Noble had been right by his side for all of them.

But he felt this place was different, much like the necropolis where he last tapped into the past. He looked to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble with mischief in his eyes before turning to his Master.

“I’ll be careful if I find an echo.”

There must be dozens of them scattered around the ruins, and Cailen wasn’t sure where to begin. He also wasn’t sure if rebuilding would disrupt his ability to sense them, but he was excited nevertheless about the thought of visiting this place in its prime. Maybe he could even help! Uncovering the structural design of various chambers by reliving the past was certainly possible, and it’d be a unique application he’d never used before.

Cailen tried to keep in pace with his Masters, but his eager feet pulled him ahead as they went through the ruins. A mosaic embedded into the domed ceiling of a nearby room caught his eye.

“Woah!” he said with awe, “look at that!”

It was massive, and despite the damage and age, it was still recognizable; The colorful tiles depicted a scene of ancient Jedi training with the Force.

“It’s amazing…”



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Cailen Corso Cailen Corso

<You know you could see through me, right?>

It didn't matter that he didn't voice it out loud — Valery could tell he was curious about seeing the past sometime as well. Whether it'd be now or in the future, she was going to have to show him. Especially if it was related to old runes or some area of knowledge that he was very interested in.

The look on his face would be worth all the potential trouble of the ability.

Valery then turned back to Cailen, and followed along until he pointed up at a mosaic way up in the Temple. She squinted at it, smiled and looked at the two with a smirk, "You think we could tap into its past? We'd just have to get Cailen up there and let him see." Was she suggesting to telekinetically lift him up there to use psychometry? Maybe, but it'd be pretty interesting to see what he'd be able to learn.

"What do you think?" she looked at Kahlil with a grin.



Aurora Medical Facility, Obroa-Skai
OBJ. 1
- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux - Open -
“If whether or not someone gets paid determines their merit, then I can’t imagine how you find merit in anyone.”

"Weeell..." Alicio said after a moment, giving Amani a guilty look. He didn't like contradicting his wife. "These tour guides are predisposed to telling us all the good things about what we're doing here, and leaving out the ugly truths. That's, quite literally, their job. If we wanted a more impartial look, perhaps talking to the common folk would paint a better picture of this deal's impact. Or journalists, if we can avoid the sensationalists." He nodded to Senator Laveaux.

Then, the hot-button issue of the era popped up; Jedi self-sufficiency and accountability. Of course, Amani's comment about Jedi and politics mixing was met by a knowing smirk, but afterward, Alicio parsed his lips. Like his partner, he didn't think Sycorax was entirely wrong. "I don't blame Kahlil Noble for what he said in that meeting. He was being goaded into casting the Jedi in a poor light. While I would have phrased things differently, I would've said everything he did, too, were I in his shoes." Frankly, he nearly was in the Epicanthix's shoes. A man had proposed to offer both of their wives up as sacrifices. Rarely did strong emotion register on the Count's face beyond an eerie calm, but even the most casual of observers could've picked up on his seething ire that day.

"As for Ukatis, and Rodia... All I will say is that you are correct that there are freedoms lost within a large government. Having the Order free to do what needs to be done to help people, when the rest of us are caught by bureaucratic red tape, is priceless." Alicio's lips drew a thin smile.

"Would you rather the Alliance assume direct control of the Jedi?"

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