Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hear it in the Wind

Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

The mass of solid muscle around her and holding her was worth it and oh it would be so easy.. in some ways. Her eyes going up and looking at Adil as she spoke. "That could be arraigned... serving the god Hali is much easier said then done." Though not impossible the crusade was gone.. most who knew the old gods were gone but still some would and could remain. A smile on her face though as she was quite fond of this one was well.. "But I have been becoming more and more fond of you my dear and being able to hone your destructive power to be used and turned into a powerful weapon." She was laughing to herself as her hands came up and traced the contours of the muscle. "We shall see what we can destroy."
Adyline felt the impression Ayzlin God heli had become nothing more then a mere memory of days long past. Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike had turned her attention to her, to hone her abilities instead of her own God. They would serve each other destroying anyone who would come between them, Adyline realized she didn't need to serve Heli, having her close was all she needed.

Pulling her closer, still wrapping her arms around her still squeezing and flexing. Whispering in her ear. "I wondered about serving your god, but why when I have you, we could destroy anything in our paths. " Squeezing her even more" what if I became even stronger more powerful then your god, would I deserve your adoration,I would destroy anything that would come between us."

Licking her lips as she looked at her, while Azlyn caressed her arms as she squeezed her, pulling her closer."If your god ever decided to come between us I would crush him, and destroy him."Adyline tensed her muscles so Ayzlin could feel them."Would your god be jealous of me, stealing you from him, or that I may one day be stronger than him?"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Hahaha she was being squeezed and held and it was... somehow wonderful. To say the least and she was thinking about a few other choice things that she could do in many cases. The idea of fighting a god... any god really was enticing... fighting a crusaers god well... more fun and something more chaotic if it went for them. Her body finding a place to be molded into her muscles and body. "Hmmm fighting a god would be something to see but I doubt there is many in the galaxy that could keep us apart... sith empires rise and fall like the tide it seems so there is always someone wanting to be on top that can be fought." SHe said it with a grin on her face.
Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike was intoxicating, turning her around so her back was firmly pressed against her, she continued to squeeze her while she stilled had her arms wrapped around her. Her big arms slowly still squeezing her as she nestled in "No God would ever keep me from you I would crush them all if they came between us. Would you adore me even more if I broke them limb by limb, Sliced them in half with my light saber. I could hold you and squeeze you forever showing you how even stronger I could become. Just having you in my arms showing you my strength is intoxicating, just knowing you adore my power is enough for me to become even more. How about another squeeze"

Lacing her fingers together she gave Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike a fearce squeeze.

"Imagine what I would do to the god that came between us"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

"Oh so many possibilities with many ways one could enjoy it." She had to grin... had to show a little flash of teeth while her eyes looked out at the waters. "It would be quite a sight to see a living god and crush them... even one as chaotic as Hali but there are plenty more out there in the galaxy." She said it and enjoyed more and more the construction. "But one in the middle might mean I have to share you and that wouldn't be as fun... maybe... possibly.... I prefer being a little selfish in this regard at least." She looked up and out... "Though it would require us to eventually... sometime find a way off this beach and world... and I am in no rush."
Adilynne kept squeezing. Wrapping her arms around Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike ."You will never be in the middle, you are number one. I would make Hali kneel before me if he made me choose to follow him and leave you. I would make him feel my wrath he gave me that choice.I refuse to share you with anyone, I would crush Hal or anyone i if he came between us"

Pulling her closer, squeezing her showing her her power."I would crush a god just for you. You would be the reason I would make him kneel before me, just to have you all to myself. I won't share you with anyone,"

Adilynne refused to let Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike go, she was trapped in the moment. Adilynne kept staring out into the sunset. She didn't want Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike to think she was caught in the middle of her choosing to destroy a god. It was quite the opposite. She wanted to destroy Hali only to have Azlyn all to herself. Adilynne kept squeezing Azlyn Ike as she kept holding her.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

"Her." She said it... "And him... and sometimes anything in between... the indulgent god was such a thing of pleasure and chaos and oh so many things." She moved and slipped between the arms constructing her as she rose up and stood there for a moment. She moved planting her feet in the sands as her hips went from side to sideas her hands moved up to her hair and spread it out. "The dancing, the worship, the delicious foods... compared to many of the other gods and their servants.. they were all so... stoic.. so serious... warriors, corrupters... fighters, those who sought conquest." She said it and remained there for a moemnt looking down... "ANd there was the servants of Hali.... indulging in everything from slaughter to vices... do as you will was something said and we did.... until so many things were red.... streets, walls, butts, faces."
Licking her lips at the thought of all the carnage and bloodshed running rampart within her releasing all her rage. Smiling realizing she could never bow down before a god becoming its servant. No her thoughts of carnage was something different proving to Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike her power and she would adore her a Goddess.

Adilynne wanted to gift her with something of power. She had only heard of tales infusing an object with darkness full of emotion. Adilynne felt all sorts of emotion, which she had kept in check since their arrival here. But now she struggled to contain her rage, taking the largest diamond from her top cusping it in both hands.

A prism of lightning uliminating around the diamond intensified as her rage reached its climax. She focused on the deepest, darkest feelings of despair hatred,the sole root of her rage. Concentrated in one sheet moment. The diamond becoming blood red, she couldn't stop until it started bleeding. Adilynne turning the diamond into a radiant necklace place it around Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike neck.

"My rage is infused in this diamond, you will not only feel as my rage intensifies, but the diamond will bleed when my rage slowly rises, or abruptly." With a smile.
"You will feel every emotion as my rage rises, only then will you truly understand what I would do to those that come between us. Forget about Hali we will invoke our own carnage, I'll prove to you that I will rise as a Goddess."swaying her hips, as her hands lifted to the heavens. She was only really dancing for her,.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Ahhhhhhh.... she was looking at her bleeding the diamond and had a grin on her face with that... enjoying it... relishing it even. Adilynne rising up to give it to her and well she was small enough she likely could have just knelt there... and did it easily so there was plenty while she looked up at her. SHe was enjoying it and could fee it bleeding off of the crystal.. her zeltron abilities making it more like a buzz in the back of her mind that she knew how to ignore when needed but she could feed on the rager and the energy.. she could allow the force to be beneficial to her.. she was prepared for oh so many things here. "It is beautiful..... and now we have done what I wanted to do... what is it you want to do? Aside from me."
“Mmm cheeky as always and to the point. I gathered you had always known I have wanted you.” Standing in front of Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike her fingers tracing the diamond. “Starting to bleed, besides you what do u think I want”licking her lips.

Grabbing her by the hips pulling her close, wrapping her arms around her. It wasn’t just her rage infused in the diamond but her emotions as well. “You do know I would only flex for because you adore my power, one day you will view me as a your goddess instead of Hali.”

She flexed her arms for her taking her hand placing it on her bicep. Holding it for a moment. “Would your god stand a chance against me? Ami strong enough to beat your god, or should I train to become even stronger. Turning her around she wrapped her arms around her staring into the sunset.

“What I want is to show you my power, mabe someone I could crush on the way to prove I’m worthy of being your goddess, a little squeeze wouldn’t hurt.”

That was understatement, she gave her a kiss on the cheek squeezing, as the diamond blead. “I’d rather be right here If you don’t mind me nearly squeezing you to death.”she never would she only said it to see if she would pull away or… allow her.”or you snuggle with me”
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Hmmm show off her power. Well it was always a good way to do things. "I see no reason go elsewhere." She said it and looked up while she could fel more and more the emotions. "And the idea of my own goddess made flesh is quite enticing.. worshipping every inch... every single inch..." She said it while remaining there and looking up. "Of course even carnel bliss has its limits... a few days worth and killing in new and exciting ways is always beautiful.... but credits and jewels are lovely as well and nothing better then rolling around on large piles of both." She said it while being there and raising her arms to more wrap them around and suspend herself light as a feather from the womans neck with her hands interlaced behind.
Adilynne had to agree, there were many limitations to carnal bliss, she did have many thoughts of imaginative ways of killing somebody. If the two of them put their minds and emotions together the two of them would have more fun then she could imagine. Killing for fun is always an option, and even make a whole lot of riches spiked her enthusiasm.

“I’m glad I entice you, I wouldn’t deny you from you worshiping every inch, I welcome it. Plus I get to be your very own goddess.” Even as she wrapped her arms around her neck, with a wicked smile she flexed giving her something to take a hold of.

Pulling her close Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike was completely suspended, she was in fact incredibly easy for her to hold for any length of time. Adilynne desired her to worship her and gave her every opportunity to do so.

“Let us bath in all the riches of the galaxy, and take it from them, and enjoy finding new ways to kill them and we will claim their riches for own anyways”

“For the moment I’m enjoying right now, plus I think I owe you another flex” as she held her Adilynne flexed her triceps.Leaning close she whispered” since it’s just the two of us what would you name your goddess?”
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She gave a small clap of her hands to that... spending plenty of time with it all. "We'll see, not about most of it.. the killing is fun, the riches of the galaxy and exploring every inch... important... but here will change. Spira is good and forgiving but they prefer murders be done away from tourists and sight." She said it more as a fact then care... she doubted it would be a porblem but wider scale destruction, chaos attracted attention one dind't need and tourists places like this liked protecting their credits flow so they had armies. Azlyn had a grin on her face looking at the flexing more and more. "Perfection... but come now... where would you want to go if you could? Where would you want to explore? To see?"
“Perfection” was the first indication tha t@Azlyn Ike appreciated her. When she clapped her hands she knew herself she was in the right place. There was always time for a little flex here and there especially now she could be Azlyn’s personal goddess perhaps her lover.

As for spira, it wasn’t the time or place for a mass genocide of violent crimes. At least not out in open, but discreet. There were always contracts and a lot of money to be made when done secretly.

“All this sun bathing and ‘flexing” we have skipped the one thing that people do who wish to share something more intimate.” With a wide grin
“Dinner but I may need a new dress first” she said with a wink. “During dinner perhaps tell me more about these gauntlets you had made for me. I promise I’ll give you another flex” she smiled. With that she spun her around again wrapping her arms her. “ If I’m going to be your goddess It would be fitting if you would give me a name”
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

A new dress.... true though there was also dinners where yhou needed no dresses or anything really... though she knew that was a mixture of zeltron frivolity and just enjoyment. "Hmmm a new dress can be done.. something slinky that shows off what is important." SHe said it and offered a nod of her head.... "THis world would have plenty of makers for it... high society is impressive here or on Hosnian prime... or Coruscant... though Coruscant gala's are not always enjoyable... more a place to kill a few people to liven the mood or put something that makes all of the people hallucinate."
It was as though Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike was reading her mind, Adilynne was used to wearing something tight and less comfortable, but slinky oftentimes left more to the imagination. At this moment she wasn’t looking to decapitate the waiters head on oth a tight squeeze but Rosita down and have an intimate dinner.

Dress or no dress, but wear her same apparel made little difference. She love he bathing suit showing off her body. She was only thinking of adding some clothing showing off her physique. It didn’t hurt in the art of intimidation.

Coruscat galas were mostly high society and you more than likely spent most of your energy establishing a political career.‘BORING’ At least here you could at least build on contracts in killing rival families or corporations. Either way in a slinky dress or skimpy bakini, Adilynne would enjoy using her imagination in finding new ways to assassinate a new contract. And to have Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike by her side. She was eager to prove she was worthy of her praise.The thought of people hallucinating she was a goddess gave her pause.

“Do you suppose they would hallucinate me being a goddess” with a sly smile and of course a beautiful smile flexing her legs. “Too much” Adilynne went right into a double bicep pose. “ I could make them fear me” licking her lips

“or we could skip dinner and move to dessert, and watch me destroy anything you desire forget about Hali, I’ll be your godess.”

Adilynne’s fingers traced the diamond infused with her rage, flexing her forearms as the gauntlets radiated. “ Your gauntlets giving me even more power. I think since they are adjustable.”
Adylyne moved them up to wrap around her arms.” I think this looks better” The gauntlets gleaming red as she gave her another double bicep pose.

Pulling her close wrapping her arms around her, the diamond around Aylyns neck began to bleed. “If Hali himself came up to me and told me to return you. I would crush him”
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Hmm the idea of moving to dessert was more enticing... rich and indulgant in many more ways... which she would be all for while walking. "Perhaps, there is a lot there... and not just talking about your pants.... it would take a lot to replace a god... even for one as wonderfully sculpted and twisted as you." SHe said it while standing there though and shrugged carefully. "A whole lot of it though does sound enticing... tempting even... it would be so hard to say no but this is only our first date... we still have oh so much getting to kn ow each other. We don't want to look like some of those strange ones that move in together after one kiss."
Adilynne didn’t let her go for a moment, perhaps she held her even closer. “I am glad you you look at me as wonderfully sculptured,perhaps one day I’d be worthy of taking on a god. To be honest this feels more like a second date, the first I believe was killing the Banda leader. Does that mean there will be more than one kiss. We haven’t even finished our date yet, and yes we have a lot to learn about each other. “

Adilynne held her close even though she flexed while holding her not to show her power but her affection.” With a smile “What would you like for dessert even if we are one of those strange ones?”
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She allowed the closeness... allowed the feeling of it. "Well we will just have to learn all one can about each other. Between distractions of course... there is always room for distractions that are good." She said it while leading the way... staying within the arms and chest reach as she was being held and enjoyed.. she loved much of it... she was enjoying it and she could feel all of it there in her body. SHe was looking out at the waters as they were still crystsal clear with the setting sun... dusk on the way and white sands as she allowed the force to go between her toes... and then the touch of the water itself. SHe looked out upon the sea and then up to the stars. "Hmm now where would you want to go? You have come here... you are experienced the highest of society and glamour."

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