Kayla Luspark
Genius, Billionairess, Playgirl, Fighter Pilot
O B J E C T I V E - Rapid Response
Location: In the churn
Equipment: Standard flight suit, heavy blaster pistol, REC-SS01 X-wing Space Superiority Starfighter
Companion: "Vido" V-2 Series "Minimech" Astromech
Kayla smiled as Freebird began getting them situated. Now that was a squadron leader. Quick, decisive. And Silver Two was her wing. That would need a little reorganization later if this became permanent. But Aveline was good people and she was happy to have the A-wing pilot on her wing. At the same time, she ached for her own. Kayla loved her X-wing, but she'd grown up with her A-wing. It was special. Or, barring that, even a military issue A-wing would have been great. But she'd chosen to become an X-wing pilot because she already knew the A-wing, and it had more survivability. Speed wasn't always everything.
"Two, on me," she ordered. Pressing the right rudder pedal her nose shifted right, creating a little more space between first flight. But not enough that the wolfpack could separate them easily. She just wanted a little room to maneuver. Aveline was solid, but a little green still. She accelerated with Silver Lead and slotted in just ahead and left of Two's interceptor. "Vido. Pick us two dance partners. Feed Two our targeting data," she directed the droid.
Ahead, a pair of diamonds appeared on their displays, interspersed among a cluster of squares. "Two, take the lead target. Missile first. Bring the numbers down," she said quickly while dropping her reticle over the trailing wingmate. A growling tone began filling the cockpit, a warning that they were being painted by sensors. "I have nails," she reported like she was talking about a napkin. It was to be expected.
Headhunters. They were trying for the same tactic. Vido announced a solid tone as the reticle went green. Without waiting, she pressed the firing stud and sent a concussion missile rocketing away. Flipping over to cannons she got a shaky indicator as the oncoming pilots shifted only a little. Ion cannons began flashing out from her target. A shot splashed against her shield, creating a skittering discharge before fading out, followed by another. Rolling up onto her side, the next one missed, the fourth did not track toward her. The pilot was trying to shoot down the missile! The fifth shot hit. She saw the thrust cone of the missile flare out, dead. It only took a matter five seconds maybe?
But it had so much kinetic energy and was so close it's flight continued on, slamming into the port-side engine assembly and deep into fuel storage. A second later it was a glowing, brief fireball and Headhunter parts. "Splash one," she reported then glanced over to check on Aveline, while feeding power to her shields. One more hit and she would have been a dead stick until she restarted. IF she could have restarted.