Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Heavy is the Head

He stopped counting how many days it had been since Mandalore. Kheir was growing larger, but without knowing when vong reached maturity he wasn't a very good indicator of time. How swiftly someone can lose themselves in ruling and the responsibility. How much swifter someone can lose themselves dealing with it.

The Sociph often say that they developed drugs immediately after weapons and alcohol after both. Nicair had never been much for drink or any sort of escape in the past, but Mandalore hit harder than he had expected. Teurit's death did as well. Warrior's die, Sociph die, Sociph don't care. But Teurit was Nicair's right hand. Ris, the female that now served that position was fine at her task. There was a part of him that admired her. She was one of his original vanguard, and a Tarish as well. Unlike many Tarish, however, she did not become a Tariph. She did not fall into the abyss she looked into, not like Nicair had so many years ago. Granted, she wasn't one for extremes of emotional expression, but she knew how to act and speak like a Sociph, it helped her survive. He couldn't tell if what he saw in her eyes when she looked at the state he often found himself in was disappointment or a culmination of life.

Qer'aks on Antisoch want for nothing, and with proper emphasis on the nothing. He'd indulged, and he'd indulged often. With the development of Sociph narcotics there was also the development of both addiction abating and tolerance removing substances. The individual would still suffer withdrawals, but they would be to a lesser extent. It was not uncommon for some to drift from intoxication to medicated back to addiction and not suffer from anything more than some irritation. Most are irritated anyway. Antisoch is hot, Nicair isn't widely loved, there are a number of Mandalorian refugees in the capital city of Haran. There are plenty of reasons to be irritable.

Nicair was surprised to hear from K Kaine Australis after Mandalore. The man hadn't had much communication with his fellow vod for quite some time and last he knew the old Warmaster's condition was unknown. Nicair had started running before he found out any different. The Cadera's had been growing restless, as is to be expected when the word Mandalorian and refugee are used right next to each other, to say nothing of a strange planet filled with those that are not particularly enthused by their presence. From what Nicair could gather, Kaine wanted to check on them, more than likely it was high time the Mandalorians went back home. The Caderas, at least. Some had become Cladens, not many, but some. Those that knew the story of how Nicair took back his clan knew that in the state he was in, it was history repeating itself.

He didn't much care.

Kaine would be met in the port closest to Nicair's stronghold-palace by both the man himself, Ris, and little Kheir whose head now stands at around Nicair's midsection. The Qer'ak was without his helmet, hair and beard grown wild, eyes more sunken than usual.

The planet breeds paranoia.

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