Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heavy Metal Abraham Lincoln [Black Sun Dominion of Sleheyron]


[member="Ordan Vosk"]

"These droids are slave controlled man. I can't just connect to a random computer and shut down the droids willy dilly. There's a control node somewhere keeping them active and organized. And I doubt its at some refinery. They keep those fortified. Or on ships. And since we control the skies rather well. Take a guess the type". Hacker jumped out from cover and bound in to the remaining fray. His blasters were heating up and their charge running low. But the droids were nearly thinned to the last. "All we can do is break them here. And we hope Cypher or Rasho find the brain". Hacker lunged to the right, very quick for a guy his size. All for dodging fire. He rolled and sprung up on a knee, taking the final shots at the remaining few droids. "And don't you find it fun destroying droids Ordan. Or do you like taking the easy route"?
Ouch. Pain was the first thing Domino recognized as her consciousness began to drift up from the sweet blackness. The next was the smell of blood. "..." Okay, that was supposed to have been a groan, or a question, she wasn't sure which. Had her lips even moved? Eyes, she needed to see. It seemed to take the Twi'lek hours to get them open, during which she gradually became more aware of a sense of rushing movement around her that she was separate from along with more sound mixing together into one loud, garbled, noise.

Finally she managed it and after that her eyes eventually focused beyond washed-out blurs. Hospital, of course. She should have known. It looked like it'd been set up in a field, not that she could tell. The Drab walls of the large tent building blocked any sight of the outside but at the far end of her vision people in Black Sun uniforms were laying down plastic flooring over the muddy ground. She had a feeling like that mud was more blood than water.

"She's awake!" Came a surprised yelp from some med person that must have been wondering at her turned head before seeing her open eyes. There was a hub-bub of noisy confusion during which a stern glare and a certain finger being raised got her silence. From the way they were acting none of them had expected her to survive. "What happened?" Her voice was weak but clear and more importantly, it got her answers.

Her gunship had taken a direct hit, several of them to be precise. From what people knew they'd lost most of the tail at just under five hundred meters and an engine shortly after. Now she had shattered ribs, a collapsed lung, and a list of bone fractures and lacerations mixed in with the odd burn for variety all over. It was only when the crash site was being policed for ammo and equipment that she'd been found and drug out. About that time in the story she sort of faded out again. When she came to someone had swapped out her old bandages for fresh ones still wet with bacta and she was in a more comfortable cot. Or at least she was more comfortable, or she had better painkillers. Probably the latter, she mused as she faded out again. She did that a few more times, each period of conciseness showing her glimpses of battle aftermath as soldiers were tended to along with the occasional battle report by anxious looking junior officers, but she only listened to them long enough to know that the rest of the command structure had made it down and things were going well. Eventually she managed to gather herself enough to draw on the force and let it sustain her as she directed it to sustain and heal herself.
[member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Rasho the Hutt"]

Rasho budged Cypher out of the way. The Hutt clearly not up to hear him complain any longer. Not any complaints from him of course. If Rasho could do the job faster; great. He deactivated his saber and stowed it on his belt. But Cypher wasn't some pampered prince who was unwilling to put in a hard days work. Everyone knew as he was doing this whole time he'll be in the trenches fighting. Pressing the issue against a Hutt Sith Lord though was an unwelcome endeavor, so since Rasho wanted to why not?

Maya and Rasho had the Turadium slab cut out. Its massive weight crashed in to the floor with a mighty thud, cracking the surface and shaking them all up their spines. Cypher leaned over to see inside. There was a ton of cabling and computers, all very techy but poorly done and old. Still a great big smile crossed his face. This was what they were after. The control node. Exactly where [member="Mr. Ash"] said it would be, or relative anyways. "Alright men. Get in there and shut it down. We've won this world". Cypher let out a cheer, and so did his men. They poured in to the breach and got to work. The battle for Sleheryon was over, and all that was left was to mop up, spread the new, and celebrate.

"Rasho, Maya. You've both served with distinction. I'm not one to be going out and singing praises and all. Cause I don't need to get gushy. But yeh. Good job, bonuses for the lot of ya". Cypher placed his hands upon his hips and lowered his head. A little disbelief came over him. The kind you get when you face death and beat it. "Now lets get topside and announce the news. The slaves are free".

Above ground. On the Palace Stepes.
A floating holocam focused its lens on him. A bold man stood before the camera to make his anouncement to the people. Black Sun was connected to all forms of communications on this world, visual or audio. "Citizens of Sleheryon. I am Cypher, The Underlord of Black Sun. We came here not as conquerors but as liberators of the people. The Hutt which kept you enslaved is dead, his goons killed or are being rounded up. And even his secret droid army failed to keep his hold here. And with all that you are slaves no more, but a free peoples"!
Cypher gave some time for that to sink in before continuing. "Black Sun will help organize a government and bring this world out of a slave based workforce. So all I can say is given time, hard effort and of course investment, we'll transform this world and bring it in to the future. And we'll do it together. Rejoice now, for this is a great cause for celebration. Cypher out.". He gave a two finger salute to wave himself out, then the feed died.
Thank you Mr. Cypher, its been pleasure, and you to Hutt.

All Maya could do was to put her saber back up into her hair as she twisted up. Walking back up the way they had came with out another word she need a good spa day for sure. Coming back up As she saw the mess that had been to all the droid that had been swarming earlier. Listing to the face of what she just help do to free these slave. This bring a smile upon her face. Closing her eyes to feel the emotion that now flow freely that bring a smile upon her face into a grin that was beaming.

[member="Cypher"] @Rasho the Hutt
The deed was done. The Hutt who'd done her Companion wrong was dead, the slaves were free ( well depends on your definition of free. Indentured servitude worked well too ) and the Tibanna Gas production and refineries were now under ATC and black sun control.

The bulk of the Tibanna Gas refineries would go for Black Sun, but the ones secured by the Star Wolves would be taken in by Danger. It was more of a way of payback for what had been done to those under her protection, along with the aide given to the Black Suns for her mercenaries and droid offense.

Her knowledge of the fueling industry, if the Suns chose to take it, would bring a whole new venture of profit for them. In this Danger saw a new method of making some cash. Tibanna was it.

More so once she got her wheels going in her mind. This would be a new venue. A most profitable venue if [member="Domino"] chose to help her with it.

TibannaX is a special isotope of Tibanna gas used in StealthXs. Its ion emissions cooled in several milliseconds, making the StealthX hard to track.

Maybe it was time to bring back a company, just like TibX back in it's heyday, to cater to starship manufacturers who would need TibannaX for their ships.

She was about to take the bull by the horns here and bring TibX back into business.

Her daddy would done be right proud.

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