Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Heirs to the Empire | NIO invasion of TSE held Serenno and Ord Radama

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Beric Layne Beric Layne
WITH: Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

"Oh you're a Fed. Oh, that makes a fethton more sense." Jerec scratched at his neckhump thoughtfully. "Well, if you want education, no, the jackboots at the NIO keep their dickery sort of individual-scale. Saying they're on the same moral level as the Sith Empire is way off base. Look, I'm not the one to talk to about this - feel free to hop in, Tuffo - and by the way, you went for Assure? Not Jerc Asser, Asyrhole? I mean, it was right there-"

He refocused on Beric. "Okay, the Empire's greatest hits, all of'em just from the last few years - they're all the same folks as the One Sith and the previous Sith Empire, but those are all war crimes under the bridge, right? Looking at just this Empire, just in the last few years, they purged the absolute balls out of the Dathomiri and then covered it up - so I guess it's not your fault you didn't know about that one. But they did a big nasty multi-stage genocide on Mandalore, wiped out the whole planet. Uh, let's see, what else, if a couple genocides aren't enough. And can I just say that what you're doing is one hundred percent to the Sith Empire's benefit-" He snapped his fingers. "Right, that was the other one. They torched Arrakan, and that's hard to do to a waterworld. Pretty much a genocide there too, just completely crushed the place. And mass kidnapping and brainwashing and experimentation and turning folks into monsters and turning monsters loose on folks - you got any more, Tuffo?"
Laertia snarled under her black helm as Rurik Fel Rurik Fel hurled the remains of a Droid at her at high speed. She casually teleported out of the way, letting the destroyed Chassis hit and behead one of Fel's own Knights. That should piss him off enough...

Laertia teleported behind him, her Crime Hunter Pistol firing a series of heavy laser bolts into the heads of the Knights next to Rurik before they could wheel around after having drawn their blades, before teleporting in front of Rurik.

"I'll not be dismissed so easily today, Usurper." Laertia said as she holstered her pistol, drawing her blade in the same breath and with a plan to sink into the Falling Avalanche technique , to try and kill Fel immediately by trying to slam her blade against his body from overhead as fast and as hard as she could, trying to hit his shoulders and face, with her blades.

"I fought Ryv at Dantooine. Cut down Imperial Knights at Bastion. Killed more at Generis. Teleported buildings onto your men at Ziost." Laertia said quietly but with clear antagonism as she prepared to execute the previously mentioned strategy . She felt nothing for the NIO now, who stood in the way of a united response against the Bryn'adul.

Rurik Fel needed to absolutely know he was up against The Black Knight.

She angled the SynthBreaker at him, its inverted green blade pointed at his chest as she approached him, brutally beheading an Imperial Knight who attempted to stop her with the blade in her other hand, the Claymore Like Sword of Surt'r

"The Sword of The Jedi couldn't stop me, and neither will a delusional tyrant." She snapped, moving forward liquid like in her black armor, the SynthBreaker aiming for his blade. Neither of her Lightsaber blades could be broken.

But the SynthBreaker had a much higher chance than normal of breaking almost any Lightsaber blade.

The Sword of Surt'r, a weapon belonging to a previous incarnation of her lover Syd Celsius Syd Celsius was a terrible power in its own right. It cut through traditionally saber resistant materials faster, but that was hardly the most dangerous aspects of its nature as Laertia struck at him...

Meanwhile, The Amalgam The Amalgam , cut off from Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku at the last moment by his warriors, had just finished dicing them to pieces, feeding off the Darkness and hatred present.

Her flesh shuddered as she called lightning from the sky.

Purple, heavy bolts of lightning smashed through the main hall ceiling, killing whoever it hit, her blades cutting rapidly through the defenses of any Imperial Knight who actively fought her after a few seconds each, her speed and agility making her extremely difficult to hit, with any injures she took, light cuts to the shoulder and torso, starting to rapidly seal up due to the concentration of evil present. She giggled in delight as she watched Laertia try and kill Rurik.

She had never been more proud of Laertia than at that moment, proud and confident and terrible and defiant and murderous, all rolled into one. A titan of a warrior to battle another. Both had drenched themselves in the blood of her enemies (with Laertia in particular using a chainsaw against Sith at Atrisia).

But who's will would win?
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OBJECTIVE 2: The Danger In Starting A Fire

The Blood-Red Banner of Galidraan - Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter Willan Tal Willan Tal Enedina Tal Enedina Tal
New Imperial Order - Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre DT-0800 DT-0800 Halketh Halketh
Galactic Alliance/Other - Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Viers Connory Viers Connory

ENEMIES (TSE/CIS): Darth Strosius Darth Strosius UX-0626 UX-0626 Kimora Min Kimora Min
Laertia Io Laertia Io Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


Primary - Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
- Basket-Hilted Vibro-Claymore (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade
- Fairbairn Vibroknife Fighting-Dagger (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
- Gifted Brass-Knuckles from the Guv'Nah (Both Trouser-Pockets - akimbo wielding)



The Fight For Carannia: Part 11 - Maelstroms of Auditory Ultraviolence

The lines were engaged, and with such a metallic clash that even the strongest of eardrums would wince a little, and all was happening right on schedule; even the celestial blue glow that erupted portions of the charging line, in all it's destructive glory couldn't pop the ears of the collective Galidraani advance. If such a strike had landed in the old Battalion's day, all would agree there wouldn't be much of a Blue-Heart contingent left to fight on, but this was a fully-staffed, well-rested mechanised brigade of warriors from Galidraan's commonwealth planets; the Woad and Tuath element were obviously the demographic majority, but the Carrack and Archaisians weren't too far behind in troop-number turnouts for their respective battalions and/or companies, so the losses wouldn't be felt too greatly for the numbers that would be appearing on their comrades' uniforms and armour-sets at the end of the invasion.

Though the worst had passed the center of Tal's attacking line, (and though a squadron of TIE-fighters had wreaked havoc on all the ATs and Cataphracts directly in Erskine's path) with some behind him wrecked in the TIE-fighters' overzealous spraying with their own red glowing blasts of death, the Lord-Commander of the Blue-Hearts was all too aware of who was in those fighters' cockpits. Syd Celsius, taking a heads-on approach her own, though both knew that hers wouldn't last very long without immediate access to ammunition reloads, so Erskine had a plan in mind specifically for the Alagam's loose ally, patching through to her holonet by ordering his comm-link operator to hack into the entire TIE squadron's holonet monitors, completely bypassing the need to resort to hours of searching through comm-link frequencies to find the right stream of enemy channels.
Oor long-distance lenses picked yeez up, silly. We watched yeez aw leave the hangar the-gither, step into those TIEs, an' fly at us in formation.

'Oh, Syd.... If that is you up there! You silly sausage, D'you know who this is? Can you trace my - accent, perhaps? If you do, meet me on the ground for goodness sake; I wish to ask you a question in person, and you can have all your goons watch as well. I know every Nuetralizer has been given hands-off orders with my name all over them, this means you clearly harbour nagging curiosity towards the man who survived..... Your gifted friend, Effigy. "You-know-who", out! Hahahahaha-'


You'd better land those TIEs now, woman. An' besides, we both know you've got some serious explaining to do.

Seeing that the fighters were returning, with their engines roaring with that iconic open-valve scream driving them southwards again, but the Blue-Heart segment of the Blood-Red Lion's offensive line was all too ready for their prideful return for another salvo. Within 1km distance of their initial firing positions, all the tanks and walkers along the 8.6km wide center-line who weren't engaged (roughly eight in total) would have legs and smoothbore turrets turned to meet the returning threat. The uncontested ordnance would adjust their shots' inclines to compensate for the weight of the shells and wind-direction, receive their autonomous orders to fire from within, though some near-misses had forced the entire TIE squadron to beat a conservative retreat, with the clear gesture in their actions that stated intent of preparing for the arrival of their most infamous rival.

'Proper eager to meet me, this one. We have our means to move forward alone, just as I always planned. Naebody aligns wae the Amalgam, not on my-'

<"-Blue-Heart Alpha. Taka Group will circle from the West and meet your forces in the centre. Your eastern flank is open. Keep it as such -- for bait -- and our combined sweep will crush them.">

'Vexander Graves has been given control of my left flank, and now I'm giving you full tactical control of my entire right flank to push on as I have a little scrap with Syd Celsius personally. I think she was in one of those TIEs you saw just there, and my rivalry with her little clique of abominations is a little too complicated to explain; so, on this occasion you'll need to push for the inner city without me. And another thing, you'll find rooftop defensive-positions spread across three different tower-blocks, these are friendlies who can resupply you and offer medical attention if need be. These are Quartermasters commanded by Second-Leftenant Archer. Blue-Heart Alpha out!'


The Fight For Carannia: Part 12 - Strolling Through the Warzone

<"Murdoch to Blue-Heart Alpha! We've found the right comm-link frequency, and the channel they've been assigned to use. Only one chance t'get your message across, Milord. They'll reassign and find a new frequency to occupy, so this opportunity is as rare as it gets. Check your datapad an' use those exact details for your comm-device, you'll be the only one to test if it really is their frequency or not. Good luck out there-">

'-Save it for folk who actually need it, Murdo. Thanks for the comm-details, but I'll be timing my transmission a little better than the waste of using this opportunity right away. Blue-Heart Alpha out!'

A great urban-setting for a leisurely stroll through the city, and the Lord-Commander of Blue-Heart Brigade would take this lull in activity to drink to himself with Vibrosword drawn and dripping with the blood of three Sith-Troopers already; Erskine wouldn't dare give his position away to anyone else but his intended suspect for questioning, and so his blaster-pistol would remain in it's holster for the sake of stealth and infiltration through a district that was crawling with Nuetralizers already. The chances of whether these Nuetralizers would adhere to their hands-off orders or not were still hanging on a tentative knife's edge of affirmation, as their presence would increase to visible proportions with every new city-block he passed on his way north, with all the Nuetralizers in sight observing with the poise of droids perpetually awaiting the eventual order to strike out at him.

Turning to face them for a moment, Barran took another drink from his bottle of Cladhan-814 then opened his arms in a taunt whilst shouting to the windows above,'YOU'RE MORE THAN WELCOME TO TRY, LADS!!!', with the same amount of mirthful disdain that one might expect of a careless Corellian drunkard. Eventually Erskine would find them standing closer, and at ground level as he slowly drew closer to the airbase where Syd was tracked back to; standing statue-still, pointing their blasters and swords at their mortal enemy as every last one of them stared death at the Lord-Commander. In response to another, one who shifted forward had prompted a growled outburst of,'Try it, ah'd rip yer heid aff wae this 'hing! Look at it - I said LOOK AT IT!!! Ye want this blade in yer neck, dae ye?', through his teeth as he intimidatingly clenched his jaw with readiness to fight at any given moment.

Before he knew it, the Brigadier-General was out of whiskey, tipsy and standing at the gatehouse checkpoint of the local TIE-Hangars, throwing the bottle at the guards he saw making their way towards the speeders that were parked behind the guardroom. It was the safest place to give away his position in the one-time comm-link transmission, so Barran set the frequency and channel to those specified by Corporal Murdoch, drew his pistol with the left hand and sat down on the road with a disgustingly-loud burp, completely fearless as he stared into every pair of eyes around him.

'Hello, Syd. Fancy meeting me by Hangar.... Three? Right next to the TIEs you maybe flew today? I'll be waiting, and like I said, I'll have questions to ask you in person. Try not to dawdle, darling. Barran - out!'

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"I'm not talking to you...I'm talking to her, the one you've tried to take from me."

Shursia grinned wickedly at the Jedi’s refute. They were matched in denial of realities. One of them was living in a falsehood.

Sneering, they stepped closer again. The darkness that drenched Serenno imbued the Sithling’s form with extra strength, fortifying its nasty intentions. Everything about it was evil, putrid personified –– except for that face. Her face.

Suddenly azure pierced through the greyness of the corridor, light culminating around the extension of the saber. Shursia felt a prickle of agitation course through their skin, and tightened their fist. Despite the discomfort pulsating from the range of the indicolite weapon, the corners of their malicious grin sharpened.

This had been what she wanted from him. A pattern break from their confrontations Ryv, Djorn, Aaran––They’d all tried to supplicate through Shursia to the woman of yore. Their offer of tenderness was proof she’d been ruined.

In contrast, Maynard was engaging Shursia through dialogue and his posture changed from passive to prepared. Evidently they’d said enough to get a reaction that wouldn’t send them spiralling into blind rage and forced to be the first to attack.

They had more poise now and would get strength from the power they’d be able to exert and through that power, they’d achieve victory.

"And you're hiding something...hiding that she's still there. Otherwise, doubt you'd be talking much at all."

Clouds colliding with autumn––their eye contact was fierce. A brief flicker of connection that seemed to recognize there used to be a light in his eyes — she –– they –– tried to remember. It wasn’t there now. Out. Or no, not out. Not extinguished. Only wrapped in something. Armour. Or hate.

Hate for it. Hate for them.
They were union.

Flesh, sweat, flaws, veins, scars. They were union. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Flesh, bones, skin, soul… these remained the same. They were not so changed. Anything they were now, they had always been.

“We’re all here.” It started out as a whisper as if they were making a promise just to themselves.

“We have nothing to hide.” These were the lies that architected their mindscape that kept the contaminated harmony in their responses. A response that wanted now to avenge that hatred and wasted time. Her arms spread out, the oily sinews snapping around her torso to her wrists, up around her neck and part of her face.

All that she had been beckoning to their wicked desires had culminated about its hands, ready for distribution. Their heart was as vast and dry and empty as a desert, but it spiked in warning and adrenaline with a loud thump.

They could have moved. Stepped back, twisted, dipped, blocked. It wouldn’t have done more than test their physical responses. Losing maybe only a strip from the uppermost layer of their shared flesh and little else. Nothing fatal. Nothing they couldn’t mend. But everything they could use to kickstart the undoing of the Jedi and send him down the path to slaughter. His movements were just enough for the creature bathing in terror to falsify with grotesque hyperbole and instigate a very unexpected reaction that unfurled into a wider scene.

The pained outcry wasn’t inhuman. It was the shrill, wet gasp of the host; Like he’d heard before.

Simultaneous with the disorienting verbal burst, the delineation between Kiffar and creature blurred until there was only the very human outline, wounded, wide-eyed in shock to their stomach. What had been a quick graze across the creature’s abdomen seemed to be something much more painful. All the blackness that had covered her disappeared beneath peachy skin. Those eyes, a mirage of what had been, stared at the deep wound across their belly. Red ichor pooled and stuck around the edges of burnt flesh. Everything below their waist was soaked in blood. The falsified odour, another layer to the illusion partly borrowing from the smouldering scent of the burning sky, was putrid and steaky.

With the interactive apparition, the seams between reality and falsehood were nigh undetectable save for faint undulations around their base. It would appear as though his bloodied wife was staggering, bewildered by his betrayal when truly the creature only stepped to him with perfect composure. And when Loske’s gentle hand reached out for supposed support, it was talons seeking to establish a connection to amplify the fear he felt and experienced. They touched at the base of his throat, while the other hand sought to tame the wrist wielding the weapon.

Warring against the presence of The Ashla’s nexus, Shursia poured out the darkness to add to the miasmic atmosphere. Every crushing intention they had took the
shape of fear as they summoned terror with intricate gestures of their fingers. The movements looking like little more than feeble gestures of a pained, broken husk. All part of the illusion to maintain closeness and get him to a neutralized state. They'd cripple him with his own dread.

Fear was fascinating. They'd learned this from Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf –– respecting its ability to corrupt wonderfully. When encouraged, darkness illuminated its own memory –– for as much as people were afraid of that which they did not know, many fears were born from the familiar. Those things that were precious could be turned into weapons;
a war on oneself.
ENEMIES | GA | NJO | NIO | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | CLOSED

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Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob

ALLIES: NIO, Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr
OPPOSITION: TSE Beric Layne Beric Layne

"I.... apologise Jerec. Shifting from the persona of battle to a more social one is difficult for me. My banter is a bit weak. I ask that you forgive me." He said, bowing his head once in apology to the Ithorian before directing his attention back towards Beric Layne.

At the mention of Beric being a member of the Confederacy, Aaran's jaw tightened. Now it made a lot more sense. Why he was so adamant on pushing things down to a contest of champions. Someone representing a faction that so far in this war favoured only the Sith would go for such an approach. Shaking his head once he let out a despondent sigh. "The poisoning of the oceans of Dac and Mon Cala." He quietly added to Jerec's list of crimes committed by the Sith. "Togoria. Ession, Thyferra and so many more. All ruined by Sith hands in the name of conquest." He shook his head.

"One cannot even claim that we should stop fighting to unite against the Bryn. Despite what certain lunatics say. I am not sure if you are aware. But the Sith blockaded Pabol Hutta. Snatching up refugees fleeing from other genocidal monsters and slapping chains on them." Beric could now feel a frown forming under Aaran's hood as his gaze turned fully to the other Jedi. A note of disappointment in his voice. "I will admit that the Iron Sun, Galactic Alliance and even my own Order have committed horrible acts in this war. Ones that I deeply regret, and wish could be changed."

"But to compare the two? One side performs cruelty out of necessity, desperation and with deep regret, followed by a desire to atone. The other exalts in it. Revels in malice and pain. And to ignore them and allow them to continue is to allow more to suffer every day. For me it stops being a matter of considering how a Jedi should act in response to this. And it becomes a simple matter of ethical responsibility. If I have the ability to aid those who are suffering, I should act on it. Of course, I would be the first person to admit that I am a terrible Jedi."
His hands folded into the sleeves of his robes. Not budging from where he was standing. "Even your Confederacy is guilty crimes like this. Dantooine. " He began raising a finger. "Your naval forces committed Perfidy by flying under a flag of truce and then opening fire." He shook his head again. "Before that even. The Viceroy of Siskeen had called for neutral delegates to represent them in their attempt to secede from Confederate territory. Once talks were over, those same delegates were placed under arrest for false charges and innocents were harmed in the crossfire."

He held out a hand. "You see a peaceful resolution. I am willing to believe you. But you represent an organisation that I cannot take in good faith. You ask me to trust another Empire that cannot act in good faith." He began to move, making his way out of the room, towards where he felt the command post to be. "You ask me to call my New Imperial Order allies, ask them to stand down. And if the Sith attempt to betray the agreement, which they likely will. I will have killed each of those men. Because I considered my ideals more important than their lives." He shook his head. "If the Sith stand down. I will do everything in my power to convince the Imperials to do the same. But I doubt they will. Nor will either side be willing to trust you or consider what you say."

The Sith would not trust Beric due to him being a Jedi. The New Imperial Order will not trust him due to his ties to the Confederacy. His goals and intent were noble. But unfeasible. He paused. giving Beric a slight bow. "Master Layne. I do hope you can convince the forces outside to stand down in your own way. I will do the same in mine." He said, turning to give Jerec his own nod of farewell before moving to exit the room and put a stop to the fighting in his own way.
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A raucous laugh erupted from the back of the room. "I'd always wondered what Metus told his Jedi lackeys to keep them in league with the Sith. At first I thought it was folly to keep light-siders under his thumb, but now I see it was genius."

The Barabel stepped out from the shadows, revealing himself to the three in the room. For a man so large he'd been near invisible up until he stepped forward to block the exit of the room. He'd been shadowing Beric ever since his arrival on Serenno; unlike the Confederacy, the Sith tended to keep the servants of light on a much tighter leash. Surely the nobleman had felt the wisps of his presence but Xeykard had the courtesy to keep out of sight.

Unlike Layne, the Inquisitor had no illusions about his purpose or the nature of the war. It was a bloodbath. It always had been, and always would be. Stopping further bloodshed? No. The Sith would revel in it. Through these trials and fires the strongest would be purged of restraint and the Empire would stand stronger than ever. Xeykard would see it through.

Yet, as ever, the doubts slipped into his mind. What could it truly achieve? The New Imperials had grown since those few paltry stormtroopers hidden on Nirauan. Now they were a blight, leeching the Empire's western reaches. What if they did, indeed, fail?

He growled to himself. If he was found weak, then let him be purged. He would be strong. Forever.

He looked to the Ithorian. "Jerec Asyr... you evaded me at the shadowport, Stigler's Hope."

He gave a determined glare. It won't happen again.

"Unfortunately, Lord Layne, I must agree with Knight Tafo. Your efforts will be fruitless -- the battle has already begun, and the Empire has no intention on relinquishing any more territory. The war is everywhere. Even-"





He threw his hand up. A spectral grip searched for purchase on the Ithorian, intent on pulling him-


-right into the now-extended blade of Xeykard's lightclub.



XT-62 | MBTb 'Cataphracht'



I - II - III - IV - V

I - II - III - IV - V

I - II - III - IV - V


I - II - III - IV - V

The air was contested, the Sith made sure to make their jab to the chin of the armored force pushing through Carannia as bombers shrieked down unto the Hell's Hammers, the electric fury of an explosion slammed into the top of one of the Caraphract. The turret buckled beneath the explosive force before the tank ruptured and burst as a whole. Through the distorted scrap metal, he could take in the sight of the crew managing their way into the open streets, errant rounds from Sith and Defense Force troopers clashing into their combat assault transport armor before they took poisition behind cover and into one of the buildings secured by the 501st.

"I'm not letting bombers ruin the damn charge, Sentinel, train your top hull repeaters unto their bombers, I don't want any more of tanks taken out by any airpower." Next he had to make a call. Fiolette Fortan had made her services available to all Galidraani. Konrad...was not Galidraani. But Archaisian was close enough, being the host planet to Willan Tal's Galidraan-in-exile. He honed in his commo on the frequency of her command ship.

"Fortan...any one of you numb-skulls know what to call Fortan? What's her rank? Title?"

<"Don't think she's got an official rank, Major.">
Konrad paused for a moment, pounding a closed fist against his forehead in a light tap for a moment before mulling over it.

"We'll just go with-"

<"Lady...ahh, this Major Konrad Bolter, 66th Armored Company 'Hell's Hammers', Imperial Army. I am here in the Eastern Sector of beeeautiful Carannia and I must say it would be ideallic if a erm...beeeautiful lady such as yourself might delegate a squadron...or three to providing air support to my offensive. Thank you.">
Konrad said, his extent a derititive of native Galidraani, Archaisian. A colony of the proud world. The driver emitted an audible laughter at the conclusion of Konrad's transmission even as blaster bolts and micro explosions washed against the shielded hull of Konrad's command vehicle.


<"Nothing, Major.">

Konrad shook his head. He'd just lost one of his vehicles, leaving him down to nine.

<"Cassel. Do we have enough of a corridor open to pull HMPs up from the rear? Soon as they're up I'll need infantry with them.">

<"Aurek Section reports twelve out of twelve, they're holding just fine. You should have your corridor.">

<"I love you boys in blue, damnit. Very well, pinging Hellion group. Soon as they're in range they'll swap to anti-air and we'll get a net cast and a coverage zone over our approach. Get those birds from orbit down and we'll have our superiority. Keep pressing forward.">
Konrad commanded as the unit crawled forward. Down one tank or not, his nature on Generis showed he was unflinching, unyielding in his method of command. The enemy would be slain by any means.

He saw a Nuetralizer crawl unto the hull of his tank, the action immediately grounding both rows of his teeth against one another before he drew the blaster pistol from his holster and pried up the tank commander's hull again, taking aim down the sights he fired a three round pulse into its head only for it to lob a detpack toward him in its final moments. He ducked down only for it fling over the open commander's hatch and into the ground behind.

"Damned droids!" Bolter barked out in anger. He took up the Reaper again. He wanted to feel the rush of the kill again. He spotted another few Sith troopers held up in a building and made sure the floor they were stationed on could not sustain itself much longer with a savage rip of the gatling cannon as he squeezed down the triggers and took aim with violent prejudice.

It felt good to do the dirty work himself.

They were well under way for making the full pincer enclosement around Carannia, all but giving the city no choice but surrender should they fully envelop.

ALLIES | NIO | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Willan Tal Willan Tal | Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre | Tulan Kor | Julian Qar | Strasza | Enedina Tal Enedina Tal
ENEMIES | TSE | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Syd Celsius Syd Celsius | UX-0626 UX-0626 | OPEN
"Hey! Andrew! Andrew!" A Nuetralizer exclaimed as it spotted Erskine moving through the streets, sloshed harder than Barney from the Simpsons.

"You gotta fething be kidding me." Andrew the Nuetralizer said from a rooftop as it watched Erskine move through the streets.

"The feth is this chit?" Tobey the Nuetralizer exclaimed, having stopped strangling a Stormtrooper momentarily to gape in pure surprise as Erskine walked, muttering for Syd of all people to come and speak to him.

Tobey took aim with an assault rifle only for Andrew to put his hand on the barrel and push.

"No, my fellow Nuetralizer!" Andrew said.

"Why the feth not?" Tobey asked. "Its not like those 'hands off except to Advanced Models thing is set in stone."

"He's too amusing to kill in this state. Besides, there's no honor to be had in shooting a drunk. You kill him this way, you'll just make his death an endless source of hilarity if he dies like that. They might actually take heart in how amusing his death would be!"

"How could they take heart if he dies in the street sloshed?" Tobey asked.

"Trust me. He'll only become a fountain of memes if he dies that way."

"Clever bastard!" Tobey swore in a whisper, shaking his fist vengefully in the air as Erskine passed by. "Relay this up the food chain...if you want a funny death to not come back to haunt you, you have to have the agent of Death Infliction be potentially funnier than the Victim."

They instantly began transmitting their data. Everyone was. The other Nuetralizers, though their skeletal face betrayed no sentiment except death, you could tell they were half considering just killing him anyway...

But they had put it to a vote wirelessly and decided to let someone just as amusing kill him potentially.


The Amalgam, busy butchering Stormtroopers in packed melee combat while spinning her staff to deflect deadly blasterbolts was flagged down by a passing Witch as she electrocuted an Imperial Knight to death.

"Mistress? Candygram from those silvery studmuffins!"

"You've been hanging around The Arena too much." The Amalgam teased mockingly as she casually looked at the report the Nuetralizers had just given.

DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran was drunk off his goard, stumbling to the Hangar. What the eff. This was too good to pass. Up.

"Do the Nuetralizers actually have a hands off order for him?" The Amalgam asked.

"I don't think its hands off so much as he's somehow too amusing to shoot at the moment."

"Ooooo, how novel..." The SithSpawn joked, brutally ripping off the face of a victim she had in a chokehold with a knife, spraying blood everywhere, watching as Lyssa the Advanced Prototype dodged the debris flung at her by Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju , charging at him still, her blades would be in range of striking in seconds.

"They asked for you to go and kill him. If he is trolling, an even bigger troll is needed to counteract."

"Awww, I'm so flattered they thought of me first!" The Amalgam remarked, electrocuting a charging Stormtrooper. "I'll be happy to troll this Barran guy."

The Amalgam slipped into a Force Cloak, sneaking out of the main hall, confidant her Witches could handle the situation, and eventually sneaking her way off the palace grounds.

She had killed a fleeing civilian for his cherry red speeder and piloted it like a Mynock out of hell to the hangar, evading heavy weapons fire from enemies in the streets just due to her sheer prowess as a pilot, brutally running them over in some cases.

The homicidal witch had pulled up twenty minutes later at the TIE hangars, to the speeder area where every Nuetralizer present had an Ion Disruptor pointed at the man after he gave his position away and they had caught the signal.

The Amalgam hopped out of the speeder with a silenced pump action shotgun, striding up in her skin tight flesh colored catsuit with long white gloves and boots

"Lord Commander!" she called out in that very slight Coruscant inflection she had never quite shed as she pointed the shotgun at his chest.

"I'm afraid Miss Celsius is indisposed at the moment. Can I take a message? Oh, and is that Cladhan-814 I smell on you? I have a few bottles myself after I paid a visit to Gallidraan to, y'know, sacrifice the pregnant among them to an evil god. Wonderful rotgut though." She posed thoughtfully.

"He fething reeks of that chit." a Nuetralizer remarked.

"Step back, lets give the liver of this Meme Lord more room to detoxify." The Amalgam ordered. "So, Barran, any reason in particular I don't turn your skull into confetti with this boomstick?"

She had her eye on that pistol of his. Her superhuman reflexes were prepared to dodge any attempt at shooting, finger ready to squeeze if he so much as twitched...
Last edited:


T H E _ W O L F
Jedi Jumpsuit | Concord Brawn |
Blade of Ruusan
Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | CLOSED


A swipe of the blade drew into the blackened sinew that bound Shursia to Loske. He knew it was far from any coup de grace at the swing of the cobalt blade into her miasmic form. Then, his grasp of reality became faulty. Or perhaps, far too sobering, when the nature of Shursia bled to the surface. They were one. This was an unescapable...horrid realization, stabbed into the forefront of his consciousness as Loske's horrid cry of pain bled through the ebon exterior. There was no note which could've manifested in more suffering to Maynard. Made only worse when inflicted by his hand.

It manifested in the trickling crimson ichor that siphoned from Loske's mortal form. The sight sucked the breath from his lungs, threatening to falter in his footing.

He nearly let the saber tremble from his grip, feeling all but betrayed that the weapon made solely in the intent of purging the darkness and preserving the light would ever do as he did. That it could ever hurt her.

It was then the Blade's aura settled down over him once more, coupled with the blade speaking its vaunted sentiment in his thoughts.

It is illusion, Maynard. The darkness is taking advantage of your attachments to manipulate you. Remember...there is only The Force.

The Blade willed to him. He clutched the hilt tighter as a result.

It is either you give up...give yourself to the darkness...let it win or release her from the suffering...she still lies within, do not falter.

"I know...I won't fail you." He spoke all but to himself. Then Shursia manifested fear unto him. The most dreaded, the most primal fear he could bear. In this vision of what was beyond his control, he took the crimson blade before him and thrust it through her abdomen, the action withheld from his control as he leaned in close to look into her eyes. Weeping in bewildered suffering as she looked upon her lover, clutching the area of flesh surrounding the horrid lunge of the blade, knowing that he'd not severed one life...but two.

It wasn't wasn't anything that could kill him. It was what could ever threaten her...what could ever rip the dream they'd fought tooth and nail to persist upon this path toward. The fear of what he could've become if he'd given himself to The Lie and manifested his anger unto her. But the blade's aura was a persistent one and it struck the illusion before shattering it completely to make way for what was the cold reality. He still had his fight to win...for them. To linger in this state of un-being any longer would be ceding any advantage to Shursia. The blade grounded him, not on the fears and emotions that the Sithspawn played at, it honed him in on the here and now. To prevent any darkened or tragic fate...he had all the power at his command.

He just had to do conquer what was the true and overarching will that deemed his actions. The emotional charge he'd placed unto it all. How could he? With her life...her very being on the brink and left to his control?

But there could be no other way. He had to focus on the struggle of it all, the very same struggle Loske felt each agonizing moment, to retain her being, her existence in the internal strife wrought by Shursia.

To claim victory in a battle so primal, he had to detach from what was the crude matter he felt he had total control on and hone in on what was luminous, what could perceive and grasp all that was around him.

Guided by the Blade, he reached his left hand forward and lashed an argent beam through the vantablack fog of fear and doubt Shursia cast about him, honing in on the black sinew which had bound itself to Loske, in the hopes to ripping it away entirely or at the very least, making ground in doing so.

Fiolette Fortan


"Admiral, signal from Willan Tal Willan Tal to dispatch the reserve," an officer informed the old Admiral.

The Galidraani who stood before the tactical display screen with a cup of tea in her hands gave a nod, "do it, dispatch the reserves and send something a little extra to the Lord Protector." Tanks, the heavy and the light, tanks that needed just a little of bit exercise. "Note to self, finish the tank line before next operation begins." A side note was written on the margin of the tactical display screen. She had the note sent to her personal console so she could review it later.

Blips and bloops on the screen, "keep our formation, intercept anything coming this way."

"More Sith ships have arrived, Admiral."

"Excellent. What a pity this event would be otherwise, now then acquire targeting solutions and engage when and where necessary."

Once more the woman continued to drink her tea grateful for the small creature comfort. It was then the rather off-the-cuff request arrived from Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter and Fio sighed and then shrugged, "give him whatever he wants." She waved off her hand to indicate her casual approval. If it was Close Air Support he wanted, it would be Close Air Support he would get. The sound of TIE fighters would grace the man's ears as they would arrive with their Galidraani markings. The Spitfire-type escorted the Barracudas, they were rather generic TIEs for the moment but with all things, there was a simple note to be made later.


Gunnar Madine



Allies: Caarlyle Rausgeber | Naier Rambeigh | Fiolette Fortan |
Enemies: Zeradias Mant | Jaeger Harrsk (?) | Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana (?)


"Where the hell are Orcana's ships?" Madine demanded. "Uh.. Sir I'm not sure what's going on, they're taking a flanking manuever." Gunnar bristled. This had gone from organized to a cluster in about as much time as it took to blink. "Adjust intercept course!" he commanded. Already the vessels had begun to move, shifting out of position in response to Orcana's flanking maneuver. "Just a little longer." Gunnar mused, eyeing the rapidly closing distance between his ship and the enemy's. "Tell those Commandos they better be ready, we're not slowing down." An aggressive frown formed at the corner of Gunnar's lips, eyes narrowing as the damage reports were coming in. Already two of his already small flotilla of corvettes had been destroyed, three others disabled and two more barely able to limp back to what was a poor excuse for a battle line.

"Prepare to deploy commandos." he said, hands gripping at the rail beside him. Only a few.. more.. seconds.


That's all it had taken. Another fraction of a second and the storm commandos would have been deployed, Madine free to beeline back to the safety of the frigates and destroyers. One fraction of a second and his task would be completed and he could go back to doing what he and his small group had been designed to do. It was over in a blink. The vessel that had been their target had simply disappeared. One moment it was there, the next it was not. Of course, alarms had erupted the moment the ship blinked out of existence, locks lost and navigation upset at the sudden lack of data. "What the..." he muttered, eyes searching the readouts for any clue as to what had just happened, all the while combat continued around them.

"Shields at forty percent Sir, we're getting hammered!"

"Port side engines are damaged, we're bleeding speed!"

"Three casualties sustained in engineering, a conduit exploded!"

It was overwhelming. Reports coming in, alarms going off. What they didn't need was indecision. "Issue orders to fall back to the main battle line and regroup. Break formation." It was a dangerous thing to do, breaking formation in open space. In a perfect world, each ship covered the blind spots of the vessels next to her and so on and so forth, likewise with vulnerabilities. Gunnar Madine didn't have that luxury. His ships consisted entirely of assault corvettes, a quick strike force and what they were doing now was getting bogged down. Mobility was key. By breaking formation they would at least have some chance at getting lost in the fog of war rather than focused and brought down.

"Transmit to Grand Admiral Rausgeber." He waited a second for the line to open. :: Grand Admiral - the enemy shi... :: Gunnar's voice caught in his throat as he now saw the battlespace readout. There it was. It had jumped, blinked and now rest adjacent the Tregessar. :: Mission is a wash, the vessel is on your port side now. We are regrouping now - we're getting decimated out here! ::




This imperial seemed quite different than others he has known, he was actually quite interested in the battle ahead and somehow thrilled to have a Jedi at his side. Vexander didn't think the same to be honest, not on a personal level but more on a political and philosophical level.

Still, he shook his hand, and boarded his ACV following his direction. The vehicle was quite amazing and it was definetely well fitted for command, along the required supplies to just provide tactical analysis and orders to the ground units. He understood how useful this ACV was and how a Commanding Officer would be able to provide the right calls from this vehicle, especially with the live battlefield being displayed in the tactical table inside... but he was a different type of a commanding officer... he was actually quite eager to join the battle and guide the troops from the ground.

But that was not an option at the moment... Vexander just tried to sync in all this information and all the details that the Brigade General told him and proceed to issue orders on his own.

"Cyan Company this is Silmeria One... we will be joining over the Blue Heart Brigade and proceed to the left flank" with that being said, he proceeded to punch a few commands in the tactical display and inmediately highlighted his personnel to stand out "We are not many so make sure that you provide cover fire from behind the bigger guns"

The Jedi caressed his beard a bit as he began to move and as the 88ths confirmed the command, he noticed how the Captain who he had designated as the second in command, Captain Stevsco Renmad; relied the orders and organized the unit.

"I am quite puzzled at the moment... I do not undestand why we have two Jedi-wannabes fighting along side the Sith today against us" the man kinda knew the ill intend against the NIO from some older Jedi... heck he even had some reluctance at this point... but to side against the Sith? unthinkable.

"You have plans to take on Syd Celsius for questioning with this push?"

His words were left completely hanging as the General instructed the right and left flank to be left under the Jedi control as he moves to engage with some force directly at Syd. Such command made the Jedi raise his eyebrown and inmediately began to look at the layout. Without saying anything at all, he just began to punch further commands to divide the pieces of the Brigade left under his command to be clearly visible in the field and this time around he had to move his Company in a different way.

"Captain Renmad, coordinate with Second-Leftenant Archer and proceed to the nearest Tower-block in the left flank... try to determine if they have Galidraani armored units and join the push" Vex figured that having them covered in durasteel would just not keep them safe, but it would allow him to focus on the whole view instead of just figuring out where they were compared to the whole armored division.

"Blue Heart Brigade this is Jedi Master Vexander Graves, switch to callsign Silmeria Alpha from now on, both flanks will proceed with current orders until I get filled in on the battle plans. May the Force be with us" the last part... it came out of reflex, he didn't know what the Imperials would think about a Jedi wishing them that... but there was nothing he or they could do about it for the time being... they just had to press on against these Sith forces.

Objective: 2
Allies: NIO, DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran
Enemies: TSE, Syd Celsius Syd Celsius

Much to the dismay of DT-0800 it seemed that being known as Syd would seem to be difficult. Her flames already managed to burn through the Stormtrooper armor, and it had burned the living tissue off as well. The metal endoskeleton underneath was exposed in the entirety. The blood red photoreceptors locked onto it's prey. Even as the Fire tried to melt through him. The Paladin Class Battle Droid was not an average droid. Being an Anti-Force Terminator. Made to destroy even the most battle-hardened Force Users, and a product of the best and brightest engineers of the Third Imperial Civil War.

With the Droid now utterly exposed, she disappeared only to appear behind him, and blast him some more. Causing him to turn slowly. The fire internal suppression systems activated. The internal systems would be difficult as well as the outer shell to penetrate. While still on fire moved slowly with heavy steps. A synthetic-like sound came from the Vocabulator, as with the freehand grabbed her. The internal HUD analyzing as he kept a firm grip on her for the moment.

Analyzing Target.....

Target Identified: Syd Celsius Syd Celsius

Objective: Terminate...

Activating Close encounter initiative 850

Grabbing a hold of his newfound prey, the Teleportation system activated, now with the metal interior fully exposed and the flesh now burned off. The infiltration model was free to use any method to destroy the Jedi before him. The weapons he had now, was discarded. Packing the heat of a one-man army. The infrared vision zoomed in as the pocket teleportation malfunctioned while keeping a firm grip on her. This time as a result of disappearing. This time instead he had gone through a wall. Crashing her into it, and with one throw went to send her flying into another wall.

Stuck in the wall for a moment, DT had to break through a wall. Moving even more like a droid than that of a muscular man. The true form of DT now didn't need to hold back, eyeing through the ruined wall. Waiting yet for his target to emerge. Ready for the real fun to begin. No doubt more destruction was to be had from the deadly combat. While He had been concerned with the Neutralizer droids, that would have to wait. Now the Cybernetic Organism had a bigger fish to fry. Now he remained vigiliant waiting to see what fury would emerge from the broken wall poised to strike back at the killing machine.


Carannia | COMPFORCE
Sinestra Sinestra
At one point, the city must've been beautiful, Tavius figured.

But like other places they had touched, it burned. This... Was necessary. Serenno, he knew. How could he fault someone for wanting to return home? To cast away the shadow of the Sith from their place of birth? No, Tavius didn't resent Lucien Dooku, Rurik Fel, and whoever else in the New Imperial High Command that hailed from Serenno and decided this planet was worth the lives lost.

No, Tavius blamed himself for being apart of it for so long.

I should've stayed out of it.

The allure had been too much though. A new fight, a new Imperial state that fought against the tyranny of the Sith. Mostly idealistic. I should've known better, Tavius surmised.

Blinking blankly, he stared into the empty obsidian visor of his helmet.

Notches adorned the sides of helmet. Kill counts, of Sith and their cultists.

Kalee, Huk, Dantooine, Glee Anselm and Oben. There were others, many more, ones he couldn't bring himself to remember. Not in this instant.

The dropship shuddered as it continued its descent into atmosphere to the city below. He had seen the images of the city in the past. Before the Sith had come and claimed it. Before the New Imperials had decided that a homecoming was in the cards.

"We should've hit one of the Inns before comin' out here."

And yet, despite the bloodshed, the continuous rampage through the worlds of the Outer Rim, Tavius couldn't say he hadn't enjoyed some of it. Shili, the temporary leave had been... An experience, a dive in brotherhood shared with his partner. And Glee Anselm's beaches hadn't been so bad once the corpses of the monstrous creations of the Sith had been removed.

The helmet came up and was placed over his head, the HUD's light dim against his dark features as he blinked, once again immersing himself into the world of the Armed Forces tech.

The countdown in the corner of his HUD told him they were closing in on their LZ. Then, Tavius rose to his feet, slinging his rifle off to the side as he reattached his vibrosword to the sheathe across his back.

The blackened visor staring out at Arno, the murderer. The murderer who, it didn't matter what the mission objective was, what the limitations they could do were, as long as he could kill people, he was content.

Arno, the idiot. The man who'd kill anyone and anything that got in their way just because they gave him an answer he wasn't wanting to hear. He reminded him of Coruscant, the Lower Levels back home. Maybe that's why they meshed so well together. Because, even if he didn't like the way he operated deep down. That, even though he knew it was wrong, it was familiar.

Arno, the friend. The man who had saved him countless times across a dozen missions.

"If we get out of this one, our next 'trip' is on me, yeah?"


V E N O M _ S N A K E


Like a snake he slithered through alleyways and buildings, killing those offered any signs of resistance towards him and his men. He was hellbent. Enough was enough for him. They operated with many restrictions in battle, wanting to not stoop at the Sith’s tactics and lack of moral when they fought. They wanted to fight not as simple conquerors, but as liberators wanting to end the reign of terror in this side of the Galaxy. Showing mercy to those that have lived under fear and oppression from the Sith.

Those tactics, however, prolonged the war despite its good intentions. They had lost battles with that kind of mindset, even receiving hostility by civilians that were zealous believers to the dogmas of the Sith. Battles to Djorn needed to be won with a practical, pragmatic mind with little emotion to cloud those thoughts. He would not suffer another battle loss on their offensive campaign with those tactics. He’d take decisions in his hands, no matter how immoral they were.

Coming across a street Snake and his men came under fire by a platoon of Legionnaires, an abandoned street with speeders and and rubble littered about. Good enough for cover in a firefight, but this was just a distraction to his task in the battle.

<“Get ready to throw in your null grenades. We’re moving out, we’ll run towards the buildings and make our way around.”>

<“Sir, if there’s any civilians-“>

<“I don’t give two sh*ts for them. My only concern is seeing this operation go through,”> and he meant that genuinely. The citizens of Caranna were just an obstacle the Sith thought they could use to impede the New Imperials, not for him though. If he brought harm to a family only wanting solitude from the bloodshed, he wouldn’t give a damn about it. Surely they didn’t care much for the New Imperials that died here today which was all fair to Snake.

He would spill the blood of his desire and have the Iron Sun scorching Serenno’s skies.

His grenade launcher fired an anti-personnel ordnance to a squad of legionnaires hiding behind a barricade of of landspeeders, bursting in flames from the unforgiving combustion from the ordnance.

<“Now! Let’s move!”> and null grenades were thrown between the fighting Imperials, an aerosol smoke activating which would server as a barrier against any blasters fires on them. It allowed Djorn and his men to sprint from their positions without worrying much harm maneuvering towards skyscraper that served for both commercial and residential purposes. They entered the first floor of the building with ease, full of civilians that straggled from the dangers of war. Covered in ash and blood, faces of horror and anger when seeing the New Imperials. Some were armed, though they didn’t dare raise their blasters when Djorn and his Vipers aimed theirs on them.

<“Anyone does anything smart, and I’ll blast you to hell!”> barking at the civilians, no one offering resistance to him and his men.

<“They’ll be pursuing us, no doubt. Put some thermal detonators behind us, slow them down. Take whatever ammo from these people if you’re almost out, and hurry. We don’t have time to waste.”> Should only take a minute or two if they rushed, placing thermal detonators where they came from and timed it for two minutes before detonation. When confronting an armed civilian, the man refused to give whatever armament he carried. A thermal detonator and some blaster ammunition. <“Fine.”> before putting two blaster bolts in the man’s chest, enough for people to scream in panic. That should’ve give anyone an idea what would happen if they refused giving what they were demanded to hand out.

<“Time's up! We’re moving out.”> advancing away from the lobby and going through the open spaces to exit the building from its other entrances.

Behind them they would feel a violent explosion, enough to rumble the feet where they walked as smoke rose from the building with screams of horror. The planted thermal detonators that would kill and obstruct any Sith-Imperials chasing them. Indifferent he was to his actions, moving forward into the city to sabotage any defenses marked.

War was hell, but good deeds wouldn’t give them the winning edge.

And Snake was already at the edge.

ALLIES | NIO | GA | Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Willan Tal Willan Tal | Enedina Tal Enedina Tal | Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter | Halketh Halketh
ENEMIES | TSE | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | UX-0626 UX-0626 | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Kimora Min Kimora Min


Carannia | COMPFORCE | Objective II
Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji
DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran
See this life of war and mayhem, blood and bones, death and demise - it's like the ocean. You stray long enough in and the currents are bound to pull you into the depths at some point. The thing is Tavius still could swim against it, still could see the golden coast, still could reach it.

For Arno? There was only the ocean.

It wasn't always like that. Once upon a time, a young dumb kid took a dumb choice. Married early to the wrong person. Things were breaking at the seams right from the start. Normal. One day he comes home - the wife murdered. Her lover too. Guilty till proven innocent. Never was. And it's not the joint that broke him and molded him into what he was now. It was the moment that judge gave his verdict - murderer. Spend all that time behind four walls with only the verdict running on repeat in your head and you end up becoming exactly what the verdict said.

Cold-blooded killer.

It's all he came to know.

If Tavius still saw a glimpse of his past self in the reflection of his obsidian visor, then Arno saw himself in the reflection for exactly what he was.

"If we get out of this one, our next 'trip' is on me, yeah?" something in Tavius' voice. It rubbed off odd.

The laconic commando simply nodded, "I've heard that one before."

Arno adjusted his rifle's connection to his HUD and hopped off the transport, its roaring engines blowing dust and deafening their surroundings.

"Find and clear out entrenched positions for the armor to move ahead." the commando repeated the debrief from earlier.

He glanced at his comrade, his eyes slightly squinting beneath the helmet.

"Mind on the mission."

Captain Enedina Tal
1st Galidraani volunteers armoured infantry division
Location: Carannia city
Tags: Willan Tal Willan Tal DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Halketh Halketh Arcturus Tal Arcturus Tal Fiolette Fortan Darth Strosius Darth Strosius


Block by block, street by street, house to house, room to room; they fought in the face of dismal violence and terror. Galidraani soldiers fought with tenacity. All the savagery of wolves unleashed upon the sheep flock, where blaster rifles failed, they used bayonets and clubs, where that failed they used bits of rubble and their bare hands to claim Carannia bit by bit, piece by piece. Nothing was too dear, too sacred or too much in the pursuit of going home and avenging their brothers in arms. Her unit steadily advanced through the urban jungle, systematically cleansing houses of anyone and anything hostile to their cause. Conscripts, Acolytes, knights and even the wounded were not spared the inferno that the Galidraanis brought upon them. Enedina and the rest of them knew what they were fighting for, and what they were here to do.

She threw herself into the familiar rhythm as the fighting dragged on; her men would line up outside a house, plant charges, wait for it to blow and rush the Sith inside. Rinse and repeat, just how the Galidraani and Imperial military academia manuals on urban warfare detailed it. Enedinas unit was waiting for the charges to blow once more, all of them in cover outside the remnants of what once might've been an apartment block. Any futile attempts to shoot down at them from any number of the holes and windows failed severely, as the defenders were only met with sniper fire from Galidraani soldiers in buildings opposite.






And go.

The door blew inward, and amidst the chaos, a flurry of war cries and blaster bolts were exchanged; the first Galidraani who rushed in was peppered with blaster fire that sent him lurching backwards but gave Enedina adequate cover to fire back and push. Bayonets in hand it soon turned vicious. Everywhere was chaos; the building was awash with fighting men, shouts of anger, pain, and fear filled the air. She found herself face to face struggling with a Sith conscript, their stares locked in hate as the pair fought for control in the confines of the room. While the pair fought against the wall of what used to be a kitchen, A Galidraani soldier fresh from braining a Sith with a household object rushed to help his other comrade pin a struggling Sith legionary on a table. At the same time, a third sank his bayonet in the man's chest while the two held him down. Her opponents gaze shifted temporarily, allowing Enedina the opportunity to shift out of his grip and sink her knife deep into the man's side.

The Galidraani woman hit the wall, the breath forced from her lungs, landing next to her now dead opponent. Enedina made her way along the wall, quickly casting an eye back, scanning the room. No one but her own men in the kitchen was alive; one shot her an acknowledging nod before moving with the rest of the soldiers to prepare to storm the next level of the building. Cursing, Tal lumbered through the door and picked her way unsteadily down the corridor, as fast as possible. She stumbled over the mangled remains of several bodies. Who they exactly belonged to was anyone's guess; the bodies were mangled and burned beyond any semblance of recognisable humanity. A blessing in disguise perhaps, she had already lost several friends since the great cause to liberate Galidraan started. She entered another small corridor, breathing heavily. Her face streaked with sweat, dirt and blood. Enedina leaned against the hard steel surface, taking in deep breaths in huge gulps. She could not say if the ragged breathing were a result of exertion or that of fear. Nor did she care to think about it. Enedina didn't have time to consider that either but now, alone in a corridor in this wretched complex, the sounds of men fighting and dying receding in the floors getting more distant with every step she took, she found her mind wandering as she pulled her commlink out to inform Galidraani command that the building would soon be secure. As she had done many times before today, and inevitably until dawn would cast it's orange haze upon the grim ruins of Carannia city.




OBJECTIVE 2: The Danger In Starting A Fire

The Blood-Red Lion Banner of Galidraan - Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter Willan Tal Willan Tal Enedina Tal Enedina Tal
New Imperial Order - Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre DT-0800 DT-0800 Halketh Halketh Djorn Bline Djorn Bline
Galactic Alliance/Other - Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Viers Connory Viers Connory

ENEMIES (TSE/CIS): Darth Strosius Darth Strosius UX-0626 UX-0626 Kimora Min Kimora Min
Laertia Io Laertia Io Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru The Amalgam The Amalgam


Primary - Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
- Basket-Hilted Vibro-Claymore (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade
- Fairbairn Vibroknife Fighting-Dagger (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
- Gifted Brass-Knuckles from the Guv'Nah (Both Trouser-Pockets - akimbo wielding)



The Fight For Carannia: Part 13 - A Long-Expected First Encounter I

Lord Erskine was standing on the TIE-airbase runway by Hangar 3, having just walked there with the Nuetralizers watching him at every conceivable angle as he trespassed on the airbase with little regard for those we walked past. There were matters he needed light shed on, as the Amalgam had proven quite illusive by then, and the trail was seemingly only going to lead him to her through Syd Celsius and Laertia Io, motions that Erskine was all too willing to go through in his search for the truths hidden along with the details of Effigy's origins. Barran suspected there was more to their encounter than merely seeking to kill him, that there were elements with a personal stake in the Advanced Model 1's growth as a duellist droid-assassin; such elements he suspected were benefitting from it to comprehensive-learning extents, such elements who were constantly, near-impossibly illusive since Laertia's surprise attempt on Erskine's life during the Second Battle of Bastion.

That shot had come close, but it wouldn't be enough to finish the job on Bastion, just like the sneaky Sith-legionnaire the Amalgam sent during the fight to save Konrad Bolter on Generis, both coming close to killing Erskine from what felt like obscurity; though the overzealous soldier's attempt on Barran's life would maybe have found better luck in trying to do better with his distance-shot attempt than Laertia had in her own, as hand-to-hand CQC was always one of Erskine's strong suits, and had been so for the best part of 40 years before the Sith-legionnaire ran crashing into his ribs with an ox-like strength advantage. The will to swordsmanship had proven to work to Erskine's advantage just minutes after caving the strong one's skull in with a rock, as the Nuetralizers who'd been sent to finish the job would learn this the hard way, both losing their heads for their misguided loyalties.

When Ziost had rolled around, the Amalgam's presence would be a distant affair again, though her reach extended by way of two Nuetralizers; the first, hidden among the ranks of a twelve-strong droid contingent of exterminators, the second and much more interesting by far, appearing behind the Lord-Commander as he checked on the overall condition of his dead subordinate's Fairbairn. The first would be temporarily shut-down until his inner-systems worked to stand him upright again, the blaster-shot to the head didn't quite do the trick, the second would become a party to the best and most-difficult fight of Erskine's lifetime, contrasting everything Barran had opined on her kindred droids with more ease than the Brigadier-General could ever have anticipated. On Serenno, it seemed that chasing the Nuetralizers under Syd's control was a step in the right direction, though the Lord-Commander (continuing in his trend of being pleasantly surprised by the unforeseen) wouldn't know how correct his assumptions would be until a red civilian speeder was seen driving in from the base-entrance side of the runway.

The way the surrounding Nuetralizers smiled and laughed with joy at the sight of it was implying it wasn't Syd Celsius driving up to the scene Erskine was creating, and it wouldn't take long for Barran to learn who was approaching, gazing over to see the woman walking over with shotgun in hand as the warfighting posture readied him for the worst-case scenarios. With a silenced pump-action blaster shotgun shouldered, the Amalgam would approach with eyes never once leaving the gaze of her surrounded drunken foeman, but only bringing the shotgun to face him roughly thirty paces away from the wild circle of Nuetralizers. 'Lord Commander!', she shouted in the hopes he wasn't just zoning out in their mutual deathstares, revealing a slight (though still noticeable to a man who'd known the planet for all the pre-deployment contracts he'd been given there as a mercenary captain) Coruscant accent that sounded just a little out of place, almost like a diluted Galactic Basic bastardization of the rich urbanised accent it was always known to be.

'I'm afraid Miss Celsius is indisposed at the moment. Can I take a message? Oh, and is that Cladhan-814 I smell on you? I have a few bottles myself after I paid a visit to Gallidraan to, y'know, sacrifice the pregnant among them to an evil god. Wonderful rotgut though.'
So that's what happened to our crate from the Ziost LZ.... Sly, though the tasteless joke keeps me from giving kudos for it.

Barran always got the reports on the goings-on of the Galidraani cluster, and such macabre news would've reached the exiles in some form or other; either publicly, or by sources more-privately involved in the investigation processes, and the last mass-murder on Galidraan in any form was commonly-agreed to have been committed by it's secret societies and death cults nearly a decade before. Such slaughter, sacrificial or otherwise, was always accompanied by the blood-painted symbols of the perpetrating orders' sigils; powers that not even the security forces could apprehend for the sacrificial murder of foreign mothers-to-be, powers who would escape the full comprehension of the Amalgam's passing joke about the darker aspects to Galidraan's diaspora.

'He fething reeks of that chit!'

'Step back, lets give the liver of this Meme Lord more room to detoxify.', the Amalgam barked in a loud, though mirthfully jesting tone towards her Nuetralizers. The iciness in her stare remained for Erskine though, promising untold amounts of suffering for even the slightest misstep with his drawn weapons. Leaning into the shouldered shotgun, Erskine's adversary smirked in a more-human attempt to impersonate him before reverting to her own brand of smirk before asking,'So, Barran, any reason in particular I don't turn your skull into confetti with this boomstick?', with an air of light curiosity that did little to hide the visible fascination that bubbled fiercely beneath it.
I know a confident gambler when I see one.... You believe Effigy can defeat me, don't you?

'First off, these? Not for you, Amalgam.', Barran responded, slurring his speech as he shook his head with a mild, matter-of-fact deadpan expression. As he tilted his head towards the gathered crowd of Nuetralizers, the Lord-Commanders eyes would dart back and forth cursorily before continuing,'For them - for anyone who wishes to disobey Effigy's, or rather your little,"Hands-off", order.... Walk with me, there is obviously much and more we have to ask each other. This is our one and only chance to talk like this before the end of this war, so we may as well make the best use of this opportunity before the outbreak of the next one, wouldn't you say? Your Nuetralizer droids can follow us if they must, I don't mind.'


The Fight For Carannia: Part 14 - A Long-Expected First Encounter II

Sitting on opposite benches by Hangar 13, both Erskine and the Amalgam had strolled towards the echoing sounds of combat to find Syd Celsius and DT-0800 were both engaging each other with every intention of killing each other; trying their hardest not to distract either fighter, Barran would find benches outside the main entrance to Hangar 13 itself and watch as they resumed their talks on Effigy's improvements since. Starting first, the Lord-Commander stopped the Amalgam in her tracks before she could take control of the conversation too early, muttering,'You've had dealings with that one before, eh? Aye, me an' DT-0800 have been having words between deployments, but word t'the wise; for all that me and my teleporting ally do blatantly to defeat you, it won't be us who kill you. Might want to keep your flanks guarded from the maker of she who you happily throw your purse into betting on.... I'm drunk, Amalgam. Not stupid, as even I can see that your victim's faces are allowed to haunt your step without reprisal.'
Your victims, with their faces copied onto the skulls o' your favourite nanite-droids. Ghoulish, especially for your ilk.

DT-0800 would interrupt the Brigadier-General's conversation with his biggest wartime rival, especially as the clash against Syd Celsius had taken their mutual aggression towards each other to entirely new plateaus, gifting the Amalgam and Lord Erskine a front-row view to a fight they'd be hard pushed to find anywhere else in the galaxy. For the next while, the evenly-matched bout between the teleporter and the Amalgam's reported associate would proceed with no sign of slowing from either opponent, a blessed sight for the opposing tacticians who were briefly distracted from their up-close scrutiny of each other.

'You sharpen Effigy, not for my assassination, but rather - you appear to sharpen Effigy for your own. The Advanced Model 1 only serves to bring out the best in my swordsmanship, and you'll never have the budget to make an entire roster of Effigy. Your Nuetralizers will soon become redundant, redundant to the Vibroswords I'm issuing out to my officers when we get back to HQ. The next war will be our bloodiest, Amalgam. Best make your peace with that now, 'cause you don't get such chances to do so when you meet the likes o' me in the crucible.'

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ALLIES | NIO | GA | NJO | Caarlyle Rausgeber | Fiolette Fortan | Jaeger Harrsk | Naier Rambeigh |Gunnar Madine | Arcturus Tal Arcturus Tal | Jivim Vaak
ENEMIES | TSE | EE | CIS | Sith Dominance | Thaelius Thaelius | Zeradias Mant | Melia Siari




Gallius howled as Zeradias's ships disappeared. The mission was getting more and more dangerous as every minute passed, but the gambled seemed to pay. The fleet had moved perfectly, Gallius thought, and it was time to start pushing the Iron Empire towards the Tregessar. Its ships had sustained heavy damage, and they could no longer use their maneuvrability to dodge the pincer maneuver. Until they disappeared.

It took Gallius several seconds to realise where the ships had gone, and he lost these precious seconds scanning the whole battlefield. It seemed the galaxy wouldn't let Orcana alone on this mission, as Commodore Arcturus Tal was closing onto Madine's fleet. More and more Sith warships were joining the fray, backed by the serennoan loyalists. Gallius watched as his ex-superior Rear Admiral Rambeigh arrived in the system, gathering his mighty Autumn Division and meeting the Sith head on. Gallius continued to draw battleplans on his datapad, his frantic sribble masked by the shouts of his crew.

He positioned Madine and Tal on the flanks of Rambeigh, then assigned his own fighter carriers to the support of this counter-attack fleet. These two more Inceptus would come handy, carrying a quarter of his fighter compliment. One of his Donnagers and an Escolta would reinforce Madine and his light cruisers. Admiral Fortan was asked to cover the Tregessar with her ships, able to deploy if Rambeigh failed to hold the tide. Gallius then named his strategic suggestion "Serenno - Battle Plan suggestion 3", and sent it to each concerned officer.

All of this didn't tell Gallius where Zeradias Mant and his ships had fled. While the Commodore had been drawing his next stregic suggestion, his crew had been busy finding Zeradias. And it had spotted him just above Rausgeber's flagship. With that realisation, came Carlyle's own tender words, thanking Gallius for his unexpected gift.

"Orcana, you insubordinate boob! You disloyal Lothrat! You feckless colostomy bag! You-you-you wanker ! You inept son of a whore, whose orders are you following man ?! Moving the Iron fleet towards me?! Under whose authority do you operate, you feckless moron ! You invalid ! You will move your fleet and you will engage where I tell you to, how I tell you to, and you will not belay that order ! You will not countermand it, and anyone who tries to, is to be shot ! In fact, for this betrayal ! This treasonous act, I should have you relieved of command and hung right and then and there ! You useless sack of seed ! You should thank your worthless life I am not there to tie the noose, personally ! If you are wise, Orcana. And you value the life of yourself and your fellow officers, you will listen closely. You will move your fleet to create a cordon. You will isolate this Mant and his band of merry men. You will then seek to divide your forces, and engage the enemy. Close range. Your command will be the shock force. And should you not oblige this order. Attempt to deviate in this task. I will have you terminated. I will ensure that your career, any future mention of you ? Expunged. No one will ever know you existed. And those who do, will wish they never knew you. Do we have understanding ?"

"I always thought Jaeger would be the death of me..." Gallius sighed heavily, before smiling cockily. "Alright gentlemen ! Harrsk has what he wants, now is the time to go out with pride and glory ! Contact Rambeigh, and complete the pincer maneuver. Moving to engage Iron Empire."

As the mighty Azure Hammer Command moved heavily towards the Tregessar, Gallius contacted the leader of the Autumn Division. "Admiral Rambeigh, this is Commodore Orcana. I'm moving to save the Tregessar. Madine's and Tal's fleets are available and can engage the Sith Armada immediately. I lend you two Inceptus, a Donnager and an Escolta, but I can't help you more than this. I'm sorry, sir." As Gallius closed the transmission, he managed to mutter few good luck words, then turned himself towards the observation pane.

The Fifth Fleet moved to engage the Iron Empire. Gallius was not able to repeat the microjump, but would arrive timely, behind Zeradias. As the reports went and became more precise, it was apparent that the flagship was under assault, boarded by the Iron Empire. Although it was not a surprise move, it meant Orcana could have a chance to shine there.

"Prepare the TodHussars, Jax. We gotta board the flagship and save Carlyle's butt. I will lead the anaxsi to battle. The bridge is yours."

The whole crew was surprised of such a declaration, but Jax showed none of his shock and apprehension. He would lead the Azure Hammer Command to engage the rear of the Iron Empire fleet, while Gallius would board with the elite anaxsi troops.

With a bit of luck, Rausgeber would forgive the hotheaded Orcana.
Gallius joined the TodHusars' barracks, and prepared himself as quickly as possible. Already, the anaxsi soldiers were rushing to the boarding crafts, their weapons in hand. Squad by squad, the TodHusars left the barracks, and, escorted by TIE Fighters, the shuttles left the hangars. Almost a company was taking off, and more soldiers throughout the fleet were doing the same. In total, two battalions had been ordered to board the Tregessar and save the Stossjaegers.

Gallius quickly grabbed his armoured chestplate, equipped it, then threw his cap and replaced it with a helm. Fully protected, Orcana had just to take his verpine scatter gun out of its holster, and grab firmly his kyuzo petar. No stormtrooper armor could resist this combination of weapons. Finally, the Commodore made sure the iron fist rosette was shining on his right shoulder, and left the barrack gone dark.

On the landing pad, the last shuttle was ready to take off. Gallius raced towards it, was pulled inside by a helpful hand, and the shuttle departed. The doors closed as the craft passed through the shields, and Gallius witnessed his fleet engage the Iron Empire. From there, he couldn't tell if Jax was doing well, but he trusted him.

Now was the time to redeem himself in the eyes of Carlyle Rausgeber and the whole Imperial Navy.

  • NIV Pride of the Emperor, Cuirassier-class Cruiser
  • NIV Proudheart, Valiant-class Cruiser
  • NIV Conqueror, Cuirassier-class Cruiser
  • NIV Revanchist, Donnager-class Star Destroyer
  • NIV Faith of Steel, Donnager-class Star Destroyer
  • NIV Fury of Kraig, Escolta-class Frigate
  • NIV Imperial Hand, Caçadores-class Corvette
  • NIV Eternal Crusader, Caçadores-class Corvette


M A N _ O F _ I R O N
Iron Skin |


The Black Knight seemingly would not stray from shadowing his path. His path into the heart of Serenno, to rip it, flowing with blood and stake claim of this vaunted Kingdom for the New Order. The Truest Empire. The severing of each life, of each knight drew him to ground his teeth against one another. A gruesome, grisly sight. How one rogue knight was able to catch these warriors unguarded and sever their lives so gruesomely. Nature no different from a Sith, such was this creature's nature. As was the nature of all who'd often consolidated to try and rip the Iron Sun from its inevitable eclipse.

It was pitiful to view the hypocrisy, to bark in salival vitriol at Rurik and the rest who marched in their crusade as those depraved beings. Those who were not content with the existence of an Empire built upon suffering. Rurik was cruel in facing the enemy...because he wanted to imprint no trace of its existence onto the Galaxy any longer.
"I fought Ryv at Dantooine. Cut down Imperial Knights at Bastion. Killed more at Generis. Teleported buildings onto your men at Ziost."

"So it is the butchering of Imperials and Jedi that is worthy of praise? And not your many, many victories against the Bryn'adul? You are as mentally ill and morally bankrupt as the Sith you serve."
Rurik replied. Unbothered by the claim.

"Annihilation rained down unto Muunilinst, New Adasta...the Sith bathed these worlds in nuclear fire instead of ever conceding a defeat. They spat and insulted any attempt at peace...never sought to make one of their own...and when the old powers of the Galaxy united to try and stop them, they did nothing but try and demean our cause, our crusade of righteousness...and send fools like you to their marching orders. Think what you all could have done if you marched on Draedimus Prime...and not Dantooine." Rurik states.

"I don't hate you....I pity you and the rest who have been so delusionally programmed to think the slaughter of those who want to go back home and want to restore a proud Empire free from a Dark Creed which venerates lies and deceit for the gain of power as those who are morally bankrupt. A comedic irony...and a depressing one. But as are clearly unnegotiable. If the chance to commit suicide ever arises, I advise you to take it." Rurik states, swiping the emerald blade away from his chest in a flurry of argent before he consolidated the power of The Force into his open, organic hand. Pulsing out a shockwave of the compounded potential energy within his ethereal grasp out toward Laertia to send her back and away from him. To clear the next stretch of his approach. There was no negotiation in the vitriolic zeal that came from the Black Knight. Only a final end.

Hindered or not, he would make his way from the throne room into another ornate corridor. One step closer to the hangar bay which he suspected the leadership, if not in its entirety perhaps a few of the figures of the Sith Loyalist Dooku, the puppet rulers of this realm might lie.

ALLIES | NIO | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Hans Rennagen | Kainan | Dorian Sicarrio | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju | Lilith Dooku | Adron Malvern | Tiadu
ENEMIES | TSE | Grand Moff Decimus | Laertia Io Laertia Io |OPEN TO DISTRIBUTE TURBO

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