Khamul couldn't believe his eyes when
Kuric Taumin climbed his way out of the maw of the beast. Even in the face of being digested alive, he somehow found a way to prevail. Even such a tenacious warrior couldn't come out of such a situation unscathed, however. As Kuric fell to the ground, Khamul almost considered leaving him there. After all, even for all of his endurance, the beast had still defeated him, and Khamul had no use for the defeated. But no... there was yet potential to be seen within this warrior, and Khamul would give him the chance.
The beast reared in great agony, letting out a cry that echoed across the frozen lands of Helgard. Khamul took this moment to lift Kuric, levitating him off of the ground and further away from the cliffside. It was enough to keep the unconscious man away from the clutches of the beast, at least, for now. Khamul looked back to the hulking creature as it continued to let out its screech, mouth gaping open...
It was now, or never.
Khamul reached out one last time, collecting all of the energy from the planet that he could muster. He began feeling a pulsing in his chest, within the robes where he kept the mysterious tome he had uncovered in the depths of the planet. He could feel the souls of the Helgard's dead flowing from the ground, and into him. With each damned soul, the Dark Side swelled further within him. In one final, brutal act of defiance to this ancient creature, Khamul launched himself through the air, spinning as he flew straight toward the mouth of the beast...
He was the drill, and his lightsaber was the drill bit.
Holding in front of him as he flew, Khamul channeled the darkness through himself and into his lightsaber, sending another torrent of Force lightning through it as he flew straight into the open, gaping maw of the creature. The lightning would be the herald to the beast's demise as Khamul entered its mouth, sending a storm of lightning throughout the beast... but he would not stop there. As he flew toward the back of the beast's throat, Khamul gave one final push with the Force, allowing him to punch right through the back of the beast's head. Skin and muscle exploded from the back of the beast as Khamul came flying through the hole, covering both the Mandalorian and the terrain with viscera thousands of years old.
The Sith lord was barely able to manage to retain enough energy to soften his fall, rolling forward as he hit the ground. As the Hellhound of Mandalore stood, the beast began falling to the ground, taking a chunk of the cliffside with it. Khamul through up a small Force barrier around him as the shockwave from the beast's impact sent ice and stone through the air. Once the dust settled, there was finally silence... and the Mandalorian stood in victory.