Kurt Meyer
Let Me Push That Button

- Image Source: Matthe Dobrich, Star Wars Movies
- Canon Link: N/A
- Development Thread: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Corporation Name: Helios Racing Company
- Headquarters: Tatooine
- Locations: Tatooine, Nar Shadaa, Dac
- Operations:
Tournament Hosting
- Tier: 2

The Helios Racing Company, as it's name implies, is an attempt to revive the famed sports of Pod, Swoop, and Star Fighter Racing.
The company was originally founded by a man named Arthur C Dalius. Mr. Dalius as he is known to most people made a small fortune two decades ago acting as a smuggler for the Republic. He made mountains of cash by traversing Empire and Republic space, trading goods between the two massive factions that would otherwise not have been available. This proved to be extremely lucrative and eventually Mr. Dalius became extremely wealthy. At first, due to his youth, Arthur squandered this money. He gambled, bought expensive speeders, and of course lost half of it to his gold-digging three wives.
Eventually however Mr. Dalius matured and he realized that his wealth could be put to a better use.
This brought him to the foundation of the Helios Racing Company.
Since he grew up on Tatooine, Mr. Dalius was well aware of the somewhat still active Pod-Racing Community. Though perhaps not as thriving as it once was Mr. Dalius recognized that it was one of the few traditions the people of Tatooine actually held to. Within a hive of scum and villainy, Pod-Racing was something that could bring the community together. The Boonta Eve and other smaller events were still recognized and made people happy. Arthur saw this, and he knew it was something that was not only valuable to the community, but also a way to make a lot more money.
Thus, Arthur created the Helios Racing Company.
The idea behind the Corporation is relatively simply. It seeks out investors and willing planets, then sets about creating new races upon this worlds. This system is relatively simple, and eventually the Helios Racing Company, and by extension Arthur, hopes to set up a complete circuit of planets that races can take place on. For now however the Company has set up three separate tracks. Nar Shadaa, Dac, and of course Tatooine.
These three worlds all either contained the free and open space required for races or had several older circuits that could be utilized. Eventually HRC wants to expand it's reach, but for now the company offers a Tournament circuit consisting of these three Planets. Racers from all over the galaxy are allowed to enter the Tri-Annual open races, the top three victors of these racers are then allowed into a separate and more 'official' circuit which leads through all three worlds which will eventually accumulate in a race on a brand new circuit that has yet to be opened.
The dream of Helios is quite simple, organize and grow the sport of racing all across the Galaxy.
The Helios Racing Company isn't actually owned by anyone.
Though Arthur C Dalius was the initial Founder and Backer of the Company, the Corporation is in fact more of a conglomerate. The amount of money, organization, and law required to actually run the company meant that it needed to grow quite quickly. Because the Helios Racing Company operates on multiple planets and hopes to eventually operate on even more the Corporation itself is actually controlled by a board of directors. Currently the board sits five total members.
These members are representative of each of the planets that a circuit is located, Mr Dalius, and then one of Mr Dalius' Ex wives whom he hates. These five have control of where the HRC goes and how it expands. Surprisingly the system has worked out quite well. The representative of each individual world have shown great compliance in setting up tracks on their planets and their attitude has been more than welcoming due to the revenue created by the races. Mr Dalius and his Ex Wife often argue, but oddly enough the former Mrs. Dalius has quite the business acumen herself and often comes up with fantastic suggestions on how to grow and expand their market share.
Of course the HRC isn't just a simple Company, in a way it's a structured tournament.
This means that the racers who enter it in a way sign a contract. When one passes through the initial Amateur tournaments into the 'official' HRC races they are paid a certain flat rate pay and are compensated for a racer of their choice(Swoop, Pod, Starfighter) as well as maintenance and travel feels. Of course there are also tournament winnings awarded to winners of the races.
Racers can also take on sponsorship from corporations and gain revenue through advertisements and other means.
It should be noted that Amateur racers gain no support from the HRC itself, mostly because this would be impossible. The nine Annual races that can be entered by anyone on Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, and Dac are all open to the Public, and thus quite a lot of people enter them. Those with the fastest times will end up being paid, but otherwise to enter one of these amateur races one must provide their own vehicles, crew, etc.
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