Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hell Hath No Fury

The heat faded, but the pain remained. She was aware Strosius was speaking, but its was muffled as if he was under water, she looked past him eyes tracking movement that wasn't there as a red skinned twi'lek adorned with black tattoos passed behind him.

There was a predatory look in her mother's eyes as she circled, surveying the scene passing her judgment.

Well aren't you lucky...

Lina followed her gaze down to the hand Strosius placed over the wound he'd created as she felt the pain ease.

Pity, I was looking forward to spending some quality time with you...

Lina blinked and Anaya Fen was gone, Strosius voice came back into sharp focus. His threat ringing in her ears.

"They don't care what I say Strosius, and they care even less about a small threat like you." She paused, feeling sluggish, like her thought were a thick bog to wade through. "But I will see her freed, one way or another."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
"Then they'll die as they lived, fools." He did find it rather amusing that she'd give off an insult despite her current predicament, being so vulnerable to another quick slash or flick of his wrist, but it reminded him far too much of himself to be offensive really. We're the situation reversed then he'd be spouting every curse word that he could think of at her after all. "Let them think that they're safe, it will make it all the sweeter when I hang their bodies from the bumper of my ship."

At Lina's assurance of his Disciple's freedom however, his mocking and confident tone shifted. "See that you do." Darth Strosius almost sounded concerned, vulnerable. A fleeting moment of course but one that no less was clear to see. "If...if you should bring me information regarding my apprentice, or indeed bring her to me, then I shall spare you and your immediate family from my retribution." He took in a breath as if to steady his nerves, pulling back slightly as the healing had done as much as it could with his lacking skill.

"Do we have an accord, Lina?"

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar
For the first time since she'd met him, Strosius's voice softened. Did he regret his actions? Or did he simply pity her in her current state? After a beat Lina decided it was the latter. She'd never seen him regret anything in the ahort time she'd known him and she doubted very much thay he'd regretted stabbing her.

The pain was still present as he drew back but she was at the least no longer on deaths door. She stepped back eyeing him warily.

"We do." she agreed. One hand still clutched at her side, the other waved, lightsabers returbibgto her belt. "We could have done all of this without the violence. You could have confronted Taeli on a different day..."

She shook her head. Reaching for her comlink.

"All Hands, withdraw." There was a series of clicks of acknowledgement in response. They would find their own way off world, stowing away if they had to.

"As soon as I have information, i will let you know."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
"I needed to send a message and you had the perfect occasion." The masked man shrugged nonchalantly, slowly returning his weapons back to his belt as she did the same. "Additionally I assumed the wedding wasn't exactly...consensual shall we say, so I figured you might enjoy the chance to slip away." Of course he hadn't done the deed purely for her sake but he was honest, any fewer hands among the ranks of his foes was a welcome victory in his mind. In truth he had simply assumed that none would willingly consort with, let alone marry, a Zambrano at all.

As Lina gave her order to her Hands, Darth Strosius reached up to tap the side of his mask. :"Let the scum run, focus on the rioters and damage control. We need to start unloading our people from our transports in orbit at once and we can't do that with a city on fire.": Not an order that he typically issued but one that he knew would be heeded nonetheless. They had far more important things to do than hunt a handful of infiltrators.

"See that you do." He crossed his arms behind his back and stepped past her, sitting in his chair and idly starting to tap on the terminal there to begin assessing the situation at hand. Even without the attack as a factor there were still many preparations that needed to be made given the refugees from Formos. "And when I make my final movements against the Kainate and their precious Malsheem, I shall give you advanced warning as well."

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar
Lina let out a snort of derision that devolved into a groan of pain as she sank back against the desk, her hand clutching atbher side. He may have seen to the worst of the wound, but it would need further attention.

"Careful, Strosius, you almost sound like you care."

She closer her eyes breathing deep, the adrenaline of the fight leaving her somewhat shakey as he issued his own commands.

"I know it might be an alien concept to you, but I do actually love my husband. He is not however, the brightest man. A brute through and through, but he is devoted." There was a soft smile as she spoke of him, one that vansihed as he spoke of his plan to attack the Malsheem.

"You cannot be serious?" She said staring at him, though she knew full well his hubris was very serious about attacking the Malsheem head on...for the sake of his apprentice.

"Bogan take you, Strosius, you are a fool." She shook her head. "You will need more than brute force to take onnthe Malsheem. I will see what else I can glean from it to help you, elsewise Revna will have no Master to return to."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Only a chuckle served as his response to her little jest, although he did cast a glance at her amidst his typing as she breathed deeply and clutched at her side. He could still send for someone to fetch some Bacta or a proper medic after all, if it was needed. A messenger was of no use dead when the message was so complex and in need of being properly heeded.

The masked man scoffed and rolled his eyes at her assertion of her husband, finding it more of an insult that she would claim a Zambrano to be anything positive than anything else. "If you wish to believe such delusions then so be it."

As expected she clearly doubted his plan to assault and siege the Malsheem, as everyone did. He was unphased though, oddly so given his usual determined arguing. Let her and the rest call him a fool all that they'd like, it would simply be all the sweeter when he did succeed.

"I managed to assail and invade it once before, I can do it again. Last time I was held back by both my master and Empyrean's hesitation. Next time will be different. Just make sure that you aren't aboard it whenever my fleet arrives, whether it be sooner or later." His visor glinted dangerously as he glanced back at her. "I'd hate to see you perish like the rest of the Zambranos because of their pride in such a station. It will fall, mark my words."

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar
Lina was quiet for a moment, contemplative. There was much for her to do, and she knew whatever steps she took now she was being watched. Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was not a fool, devoted to her his son might be, he held a power to end their relationship. The steps she took now would seal her fate and her standing within the kainites. Better that she make the most of what little time she had left with the access she did.

"There may be another way I can help you, to make your assault easier. I'd need time, though considering your current position, I think I have plenty." she pushed herself off the desk. She'd need to dig into old records and blueprints of her mothers, see if she couldn't update and modify the sabotage droid she designed years ago. Tailor it for shutting down systems on the Malsheem.

"I'll be in touch in a couple of weeks. We'll have to meet somewhere secure and away from the kainites eyes, so try not to take it too sourly when I send you a summons."

She smirked, knowing full well being summoned anywhere by any Zambrano would serve only to irritate him.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
He raised an eyebrow beneath his mask at the offer of more assistance, finding it somewhat surprising given their agreement had been made with blades at each other's throats. "Oh you'll have time to prepare, have no fear. Especially given some very recent damage to my city, I'll need to spend some weeks getting everything organized at all. Let alone to plan for an assault in Kainate space."

A rather bitter fact that he was reluctant to admit but could hardly disguise the truth of. The loss of Formos would have his powerbase reeling for quite some time and only his steady hand and iron will could help stabilize it in any meaningful timeframe. But he would still have his attack. He would still retrieve Revna and put an end to the northern threat.

"Summons is a very strange way to describe calling a meeting, don't you think?" The threat in his words was subtle but clearly indicated by no small amount of venom in them. "Go then, before I change my mind about this little arrangement of ours. And make your 'summons' as palatable as you can whenever they occur. If you would please."

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar
Lina couldn't help the smirk that tugged at the corner of her mouth at his complaint of the damage to his city. He did crash her wedding party. The damage to his city was recompense for that and he knew it. she didn't need to remind him, not now when they had reached an accord, albeit onw still wrought with mistrust and dislike.

Time would resolve that, along with proof that they could indeed work in synchrony with each other.

"It's so easy to get under your skin, do you know that?" She said, stepping towards the door, pausing in its frame and turning back to him. "It is a weakness you ought to work on, might help you keep a level head." She winked at him turning away and stepping out of the room.

"I'll see you in a couple of weeks." she called back behind her, a smile on her face. She might have been in pain, but progress was still progress.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
"Anger is power Lina, no matter where it comes from." As if to disprove her point he merely shrugged off the suggestion, glancing up to watch her leave with a hidden glare. Playing with fire was also a good way to lose one's head in his mind, but he chose not to share that rebuttal.

If Lina still wanted to pretend that their interests aligned and wanted to 'work together' then so be it. Either she'd wind up being useful or he'd get the chance to wring the life from a Zambrano before he moved on to the main event and put down the lot of them. So long as he kept his eye on any more clubs and cantinas popping up on his world then he had few concerns.

"I shall see you in a couple weeks." Preferably with a far less explosive meeting next time.

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar

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