So, I'm thinking of making a force user character, probably fairly young, pre-padawan, probably. I love character development. I'm pondering on whether I would prefer a Jedi or Sith side for them, but, I like to think that it'd be fun if it would be possible to have the character be "chosen" by an already established character, or something similar.
But, uhm, yeah. Part of my issue right now is finding a fun appearance. This site has been around a while, and finding a good pic that hasn't been used is probably troublesome. Any help in that regard would be...fantastic. Thanks again for reading and the greetings!
Edit: Ah, yeah, I'm aware. Thanks for letting me know for certain, though. The force users are admittedly my favorite aspect of the universe. Although, my favorite character concept from my SWRPG is an HK unit with the goal of "freeing" droids and creating an unstoppable droid army to conquer the organics. Haha He is a good time.