Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello All!

Hey, guys! I stopped by once last year, but, never really went anywhere with it. But, I'm getting back into Star Wars, and I very much want to get involved in this amazing universe. So, here I am. It's nice to meet you all, and I hope we can have a lot of fun writing together!

Oh, so, uh, while I have you here, Jedi or Sith? :p
Actually, your choices are not just limited to Sith or Jedi, we have wealth of non force users running about the many quadrants of space. Welcome of Chaos. Daxton Bane pleased to make your acquaintance
So, I'm thinking of making a force user character, probably fairly young, pre-padawan, probably. I love character development. I'm pondering on whether I would prefer a Jedi or Sith side for them, but, I like to think that it'd be fun if it would be possible to have the character be "chosen" by an already established character, or something similar.

But, uhm, yeah. Part of my issue right now is finding a fun appearance. This site has been around a while, and finding a good pic that hasn't been used is probably troublesome. Any help in that regard would be...fantastic. Thanks again for reading and the greetings!

Edit: Ah, yeah, I'm aware. Thanks for letting me know for certain, though. The force users are admittedly my favorite aspect of the universe. Although, my favorite character concept from my SWRPG is an HK unit with the goal of "freeing" droids and creating an unstoppable droid army to conquer the organics. Haha He is a good time.
[member="The Dapper Mog"]

Jedi! 100% Jedi!

But welcome back :D

As far as face claims go, there are a few options, you can reuse a face claim with no problem, Aryn Teth and Josh Dragonsflame are a famous example of that but if you want someone new, then do you want to go human or alien? And photo/art/game character?

As far as being chosen by someone, a lot of that depends on Jedi or Sith. If you choose to go Jedi, then I know the SJO always has several masters who are happy to work with you to choose your character as a Padawan and train them up, could have a one on one experience, a class experience, whatever you want. I'm sure the Sith are more than happy to do something similar. All come back to that first choice do you go Jedi or Sith? (I'm totally biased I admit but think about the story you wanna tell and go for it, you'll never not have people to write with :D)
I kinda prefer alien, just because it feels a little less vanilla, if that makes sense. We have this huge universe of lifeforms, you know? But, uh, I'm leaning towards Jedi, but, I really like both sides and the spaces between. ^_^

I'm thinking of the character being a teen, so they aren't really young but they still have a lot of growth to go. I'm also undecided on gender, but, leaning towards male. I know, I'm not helping a whole lot, and I am terribly indecisive. I appreciate any help, though. ^_^
[member="The Dapper Mog"]

Nah, no problem at all :D

So male, alien is a good place to start. Are there any particular aesthetics you like? Physically bulky, elegant. Like you say, there are a lot of options out there but we can figure something out :D
As far as aesthetics go, the concept I have in mind would be martial artist-esque. Lithe and fit, strong yet compact, small and agile, that sort of thing. But, it occurs to me that a lot of alien races really aren't ideal for this sort of thing, so, I'm completely open to alterations. That being said, I think I want to you particularly brawny species, as well as anything, for lack of a better term, monstrous. I'm not as worried about standing out and using uncommon species as I used to be, but, I do like to sometimes take a different route. Goes with wanting to play something "other", I suppose.
Ok, so a few options for you







Any of those strike your fancy?[member="The Dapper Mog"]
My pleasure dude :D

If you have any more questions feel free to shoot them to me either on the website or on Discord.

And if you are going for a Jedi then hit me up too :) I can fill you in on the SJO

[member="The Dapper Mog"]
There is always the option for the race with 2 hearts, although I cant remember what they are called off the top my head. If you do decide to blur the lines a bit in terms of force philosophy, Daxton will be always happy to help as he doesnt believe in either extreme.

Jahan Lionheart

Welcome! [member="Oz Sill"]

Mandalorians ftw. But can I interest you in the Cathar species maybe? They got claws. :D

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