Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello All

Kassandra Distorith said:
@[member="Menoetius"] - Welcome back! Sacrifices are available over on the left. *nod*

@[member="Tirdarius"] - I like it, even though I was rather partial to the last one :)
His last one was a failed Gou'ald spy who got killed by Teal'c. Not suitable for a man of Tirdarius's standing.


Anzat's How it's Done
Ashin Varanin said:
Welcome back, apprentice.
Your avatar has boobs. I suspect this was not intentional.
They're pecs! I swear! Check Menoe's bio for a clearer pic :p

To everyone else - thankyou for the warm re-welcomes! I'll be wriggling my way into some RP within the next 24 hours, for sure. See you out there ;)
@[member="Menoetius"] I remember when you were supposed to be part of the three "gods" of the Moross Crusade...... Man that seems like forever ago.

Welcome back and I hope to work with you later on.

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