Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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hello all

A good friend invited me into this due to my affinity for tabletop rpgs, any advice or ideas you could give me would be much appreciated.
[member="Dunames Lopez"] i was thinking a survivor of a destroyed planet in the outskirts of the galaxy. My friend is hoping to start working with me on the planet.
Factory Judge
[member="irodil"], Welcome to the site!

I know who you talk about, *cough* [member="Gherron Vael"] *cough* and honestly, he is a really good person to talk to about any kind of ideas that you can come up with. I have written with him many times. So if you ever need any help, just ask.

As for ideas for a character, go with something simple, add one little twist, and then roll with it. Whatever happens, happens, and will likely be a very good character for you to play.

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Glad to have you here - have fun, and take your time to look around and get a feel for the place and "universe" we RP in.

If you have any questions, please ask them here and we will be more than willing to help you out.

Welcome! Survivor gives you a solid start.
Kei's advice on life and roleplaying!

1, Have a think of the type of character you wish to write, motivations and background to give yourself something to start off.
This can be from movies, books, from your own experiences in life, situations, individuals, or things you've always wanted to try out.

As you've got a survivor, what's he surviving from (predator|bandits|wildlife|hardships), what has he learned or behaviors he's taken on to get by.

2, Have a read of the getting started guide.

3, Ask any questions you have here, alternatively you can pm me if you get stuck, but don't worry, no question is too simple to start.

4, Browse the faction directory, being aware each is very different in intent, activity and membership, and that you are not limited to one (in almost all cases)

5) If you are still stuck on the character specifics have a browse of wookieepedia for ideas or inspiration. Which has extensive resources

6) If you want me to plug a planet that was badly destroyed, well you have plenty here from the constant wars such as corellia which was split in two or tython which was sith-decorated.
An asteroid impact that hit this one, Kaeshana - IC: Backdrop (Along with a lot of other threads!)

​Hopefully that helps! Enjoy your time here.

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