Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello! Back after five years.

[member="Evangeline Cross"]

You sound like me when I first came to Chaos. The addiction will hit you soon :)

Welcome to Chaos! I hope you find what you're looking for and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask! :)

If you're looking to get started, happy to help out with a thread. I also have a Jedi Knight, which might be slightly less intimidating than a Sith Lord.
[member="Evangeline Cross"]

Welcome to Chaos!

We don't bite, ask all the questions you have!

As for advice? Be respectful to other people and their characters own abilities, don't write someones specialty off especially in combat.
[member="Evangeline Cross"]

No problem! In combat as heard above just be reasonable, take hits fairly and dish them out equally. People love it when they have opponents that make fighting an enjoyable and salt free experience, it'll draw them in rather than repel them! As for my other tip above some people put their time into investing specific traits or powers about their characters, like some force users are specialized mentalists, or others like [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] who is the exalted master of telekinesis on the board, coming across someone like this people like it when you respect the skills of their character, and don't "shrug" them off.
[member="Darth Prazutis"] I will remember that, thank you! :) I actually just thought of a new question that you may be able to answer (and anyone else is welcome to answer as well!)--what is the etiquette for turning other players down for RP? For instance, I will probably be posting in the 'looking for' group soon in search of a new Master. I have a very specific 'vision' of who/what I'm looking for, but I certainly don't want to step on anyone's toes if their character doesn't exactly fit that vision. Are people generally understanding in that regard?

Connor Harrison

[member="Evangeline Cross"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Glad to have you here - enjoy yourself and just shout if you need help or guidance at any time.

Vengeance said:
Lol perhaps you should talk to [member="Joza Perl"] before you voluntarily put a Jedi Padawan in Vengeance's path. :p
Don't do it, [member="Evangeline Cross"]! Unless you plan on becoming a Sith Lord's plaything.

On that note, welcome to the party! :)
Joza Perl said:
Don't do it, [member="Evangeline Cross"]! Unless you plan on becoming a Sith Lord's plaything.

On that note, welcome to the party! :)
[member="Evangeline Cross"]

Don't let her fool you. She enjoyed it so much she came back for more. On a more serious note I am only half as bad as the character I write. I just tend to have more fun with darker plots than I do tea parties. ;)
Vengeance said:
[member="Evangeline Cross"]

Don't let her fool you. She enjoyed it so much she came back for more. On a more serious note I am only half as bad as the character I write. I just tend to have more fun with darker plots than I do tea parties. ;)

We still need to have that tea party :p

(Seriously tho, he's good at beating paddys up if that's your thing,)
[member="Connor Harrison"] Thank you--I absolutely will! :)

[member="Darth Prazutis"] Thanks so much for the help!

[member="Joza Perl"] Next time Evangeline feels like being a Sith Lord's plaything, I suppose I'll give [member="Vengeance"] a ring--but the tea party is more her style! :p Thank you for the welcome (and for the laugh!).

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] Looking forward to it! :)
Joza Perl said:
Don't do it, [member="Evangeline Cross"]! Unless you plan on becoming a Sith Lord's plaything.
I don't know, sounds pretty fun to me.

But hi [member="Evangeline Cross"]! Trust me, in a few days you might just be the tiniest bit obsessed (not that I know anything about that...obviously...). If you ever want to thread I'm always down!

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