Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello, I'm brand new and just started today :D

KOTOR FOR LIFE!!! Badass Bastilla! Kreia had it right right up until she wanted to destroy the Force! Atton was WAY cooler than Carth! :D (The series should totally be remade for Xbox One)

Technically, Jedi are allowed to feel here. They follow Luke Skywalker's rules about love and feelings. The Sith are just fething INSANE (have you SEEN [member="Darth Elecebra"]? :p). Personally, I like the Gray Jedi. Balance is the best solution. ^_^

Anyway, they all sound pretty cool in my opinion!



Active Member
Neshoba Nodi said:
KOTOR FOR LIFE!!! Badass Bastilla! Kreia had it right right up until she wanted to destroy the Force! Atton was WAY cooler than Carth! :D (The series should totally be remade for Xbox One)

Technically, Jedi are allowed to feel here. They follow Luke Skywalker's rules about love and feelings. The Sith are just fething INSANE (have you SEEN [member="Darth Elecebra"]? :p). Personally, I like the Gray Jedi. Balance is the best solution. ^_^

Anyway, they all sound pretty cool in my opinion!

Everytime I try to beat Narshadaa on kotor 2 my game crashes every 5 seconds and it's sooooooo annoying ;~; ( so that force destroying thing was a spoiler :x) And yeh I didn't know about the emotion thing though, I just assumed based on the jedi/sith code. No I havn't looked at Elecbra but I will soon, but yes the hardest thing right now is Images. I would need to find something that suits a character roll or inspire me to make a backstory around what they look like or how they might act. Although the more I think about it the more I like the idea of the fox on the sith side being on Ash's team ( yes I will call her ash from now on ;p even in char ) So I might just start off with a Lawfull neutral sith fox. ( unless you got a backstory or somthin that says other wise :p )

Also random img time! May or may-not involve gamegrump's vids on poke art acad
Oooooh.... My mistake! People sometimes call me Ash IRL. :p

Also, you can mention people by either typing @ before their names, or pressing the "mention" button underneath their avatars. :)


Active Member
[member="Neshoba Nodi"] did not know that, i was just copy and pasting away :p thx though.

And I think ill make a padawan first, can you make a backstory for aster? So I can try and build one around it so there is an actual reason why we might be together :p

And clearly, doesn't love Hk-47, I should make this char too to see if Neshoba would like/hate droids after that XD Even if they would stick around after that too.

All that's left is an img for miss/mister jedi!


Active Member
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Valiens Nantaris said:

Enjoy the Chaos and ask any questions you want!

Also, don't eat the cheese.

Don't ask.
You just said ask any question, but then you contradict that statement by saying don't ask about the cheese! MAKE UP YOUR MIND D:

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Corvus Raaf said:

A warm welcome to CHAOS. I'm not even going to try to pronounce your name LOL

Simple, s-al simple as that. Unless you mean my username then just pronounce it as Jib-sniv :p

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"] [member="Neshoba Nodi"] Alright, I'm going to ask, why should I not make a blue Twi'lek? Because your tempting me to make one. Just because you said no :p

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Enjoy your time here and look forward to seeing you in action!



Active Member
[member="Connor Harrison"] Lets hope so, just trying to figure out what sorta character I should start with. :x Anyway, best of luck to ya! (unless you got recommendations on where/what I should begin with xp )

Connor Harrison

[member="jbsnv"] Best advice I can give? Create who YOU want. Nobody else, so write a character you can really see yourself sticking with and investing in for months...possibly years...and you will get so much enjoyment taking the RP journey with them and have so much fun.

You'll have a few ups and downs along the way probably with characters but it'll all work out in the end! :)


Active Member
Connor Harrison said:
[member="jbsnv"] Best advice I can give? Create who YOU want. Nobody else, so write a character you can really see yourself sticking with and investing in for months...possibly years...and you will get so much enjoyment taking the RP journey with them and have so much fun.

You'll have a few ups and downs along the way probably with characters but it'll all work out in the end! :)
[member="Connor Harrison"] Thanks alot mate I'll try to stay true to that, hopefully I can make a few more friends along the way ;p
Lol it's just because we're going through a Chiss Invasion at the moment. Literally, people are coming up with Chiss characters EVERY SINGLE DAY now. It's unnerving... :p

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