Edric Vanyan
The Historian King
[member="Darth Praelior"]
"I didn't say i wouldn't fight, i mean come now, that bit is inevitable is it not? No but i have a superior mind than a good number of your half wit brute vong and your power hunger Darths, so how about this Mother. Someone teaches me the force on the side, and not you as that would destroy the relation between you and me that for some reason Alexandra thought you capable of, and in repayment i help lead your half wit vong and greedy Darths as well as help with the tactics and analysis of the enemy strength. I can promise i am quite useful in that area."
"I didn't say i wouldn't fight, i mean come now, that bit is inevitable is it not? No but i have a superior mind than a good number of your half wit brute vong and your power hunger Darths, so how about this Mother. Someone teaches me the force on the side, and not you as that would destroy the relation between you and me that for some reason Alexandra thought you capable of, and in repayment i help lead your half wit vong and greedy Darths as well as help with the tactics and analysis of the enemy strength. I can promise i am quite useful in that area."