Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello There (Templars)

Malif Cove. How many times had he wanted to go back? The Jedi assault forced the Assassins on the move, taking away their truest form of a home and forcing them deeper into the shadows. Afterwards, during his time as a leader of the Assassins, he forbade anyone from going to keep the Jedi off their tails. Years passed, the Sith changed. The Assassins changed. And still he forbade it. Then, he died.

Revived, no longer an Assassin, Krest stepped across the sandy beech of his old home towards the ruined cliff side. Greenery had returned, but the scars of the self destruction of the base could still be seen. He wore simple clothing, though his axe rested on his back in it's sheath. He wasn't sure if anyone had returned, but he wasn't foolish enough to come without a weapon.

Or allies.

The Templars had been called, the few that there were, as a sort of challenge should any of the Assassin's still monitor the planet.

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
Being invited by some strange person to a strange place on the notion of something about Templars and fighting Sith was one of those, 'what' moments in his life. It had not been something the Mirialan took seriously but after getting in with the clergy of light and becoming more firmly established such an order seemed promising. After all as a Bishop he was no longer expected run out into front line combat and putting his 'spying' skills to use, though it would be a waste not to.

As such, despite better judgment the former inquisitor had spent the last few months researching more into this Templar's, noting records in the Imperial archives about them infiltrating and destroying Sith Orders. Hopping out of the old TIE interceptor the man of cloth, adorned in his priestly outfit, he got a good look of the current cove that would be the apparent meeting point. It was lush and greet, yet to be tainted by any major war or conflict, it was nice.

"I could get use to this"

Yuroic exited his ship and looked out to the horizon, he took in the view as he pondered his reasons for coming here. Krest had messaged him to join the former Sith on this world, however, the question was why should he trust the man. Recently regaining his memories, Yuroic remembered what Krest had done to him, his Order and more importantly, what the man had done to Jairdain. It had crushed him when he found that Jairdain had been captured and tortured by the Sith and eventually turned into one. Their relationship never quite went back to normal after all that, there were other issues but a large part started with Krest.

However, it was his duty as a Jedi to see that the man had reformed and was no longer the Sith that he was before. There was a fairly big part of Yuroic that wanted to see what he was called for, what mission Krest had. Yuroic was wearing a casual shirt with the sleeves rolled up and well worn blue jeans. It was a very casual look and nothing stated he was a Jedi or a Force User, however, he wasn't looking to show that off. If he needed to fight then he could and he had his armour in his ship. His Lightsabers were linked to a belt loop on his jeans on his left side.

Once he reached Krest, there was another man that had arrived before him. Yuroic gave a nod before he turned to Krest. "You called me here, what for Krest?" His voice was stern but not dismissive, he respected the older man's skills in combat and Force powers, but he was not the young Padawan/Knight that formerly fought Krest. He was highly skilled and a powerful member of the SJO.

[member="Krest"] | [member="Iturizu Yuvie"]
It had been by her hand that Krest had returned and now he called to her. Not just her, but others as well. The two of them had a troubled past, but were connected due to her actions. Having worked through their issues, they now had something of a normal relationship. In a way, Jairdain thought of him as a friend and while he had hurt her in the past, she would not think of him as her enemy again. Because of her actions, he was no longer Sith and for that she was thankful for.

Traveling to a world very far from any place she had ever been, Jairdain had only a small idea of what was going on. A reunion, but there had to be something else. She was not a very good pilot and had her ship droid fly her there. Landing nearby, she climbed off her ship and stopped in her tracks.

Not prepared for one of the other people there, she was suddenly reluctant to continue. Gritting her teeth, Jairdain slowly continued her path. Not only was Krest here, but Yuroic. Another person who was very important to her and closely tied in with her past. Hearing his voice when he spoke to Krest, she was pleased to hear no trace of the padawan in it. They had all changed and this was one she was happy with about Yuroic.

Another person was also present and one she didn't know. Instead of walking over and greeting Krest or Yuroic, she went to Iturizu and nodded slightly before speaking.

"I am Jairdain. Do you know why Krest invited us here?"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Iturizu Yuvie"] [member="Krest"]
"Hope that you're the man I imagine you'd become." Krest answered [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] without looking to him. He could already feel how strong he had become on his own, and how devote he had become to the light. His advice would be welcome in the coming days, if he chose to stick around. [member="Iturizu Yuvie"] earned a chuckle from the old man as he looked out over the beech. It was a beautiful sight, quite contradictory to what someone would normally assume an Assassin's base would be located.

He did however cast a glance to [member="Jairdain"] as he heard her. A close ally, friend. It was good to have her here.

"The Sith Assassins use to have a base here that I ran back in the day. I'm hoping to find any signs of them returning and maybe a lead on their current whereabouts."

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
He had been a little surprised by the presence of both [member="Jairdain"] and [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], even if his time in the Silver Jedi was short and unofficial the Mirialan had gotten to know through third parties who each on was. It was nice to see somewhat familiar faces, even if both Jedi didn't really know who he was, Krest though was different but not bad. During time as an inquisitor and other spy activities Iturizu had come to learn about the man, apparently a former Sith much like himself that had changed for the better, even if reasons were different.

"Well this is a rather small group but one I could say is certainly strong, though can I ask something before hand, what are the Templars exactly? I have not really known much about them". The Sith assassins she had studied a lot, the group that merged with the Sith Ascendancy to form the new empire so the goal seemed clear but beyond that the whole way this 'order' operated was kind of lost to him.

Yuroic crossed his arms. From what Yuroic could gather, he had been brought here on possibilities and maybes. Yuroic was not filled with the greatest level confidence in this path that Krest wanted them to take. "Why would the Sith Assassins reform without you there? From what I gathered, you had always been their leader, who would lead them without you there?" Yuroic questioned the former Sith Lord, he was attempting to figure out who their enemy might be. Yuroic also thought any information about them could be useful for the Silver Jedi Order.

Jairdain had arrived as well as the Mirialan, whose name he did not know. Yuroic was surprised to see Jairdain here, perhaps she had forgiven Krest for what he did to her, something Yuroic felt was difficult to do. Something that Yuroic might never be able to do, however, if there was evidence of this Assassins were returning then there would be a need to use Krest to find them and end them. "If there is a return of them, why would they return here? They would know that you know of this place and that you aren't a Sith anymore." Yuroic questioned as he would never return here in case of revealing his plans to rebuild the Assassins.

[member="Jairdain"] [member="Iturizu Yuvie"] [member="Krest"]
Reaching out with the Force, Jairdain felt the life of the planet. She was far more in touch with the Force than she ever had been before. It made her something stronger and better than a simple Jedi or Sith. The Force itself was neutral and she knew this now. Having used both light and dark in her life, the woman was a true neutral, even if she leaned more to the light in matters.

Her hands opened up at her sides and she turned in circles for a few moments reaching out. Touching as much as she could with the Force to verify some information, when she was done, she stopped and faced Krest.

"There are no living Assassins here."

It was stated in a very matter of fact tone and something Jairdain was totally confident about. Listening to the questions posted by both Iturizu and Yuroic, she decided to allow Krest the chance to answer for what exactly the Templars were. However, she could help provide one for Yuroic's. Turning to him, she didn't delay in giving it to him.

"He is no longer what he was, Yuroic. I changed him. By bringing him back the way I did...he is..."

She might have said, "under my control", but was unable to give it fully to voice.

"Krest was their leader, but is no longer able to."

And she left it at that. To go any further into detail would reveal too much information and she didn't think Krest wanted all the details known.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Iturizu Yuvie"] [member="Krest"]
"What are the Templars? .. It's a good question. They're a long gone order dedicated to peace, but not like the Jedi. Soldiers would be the best way to describe them." Krest turned his attention to [member="Iturizu Yuvie"] , offering the faintest of shrugs. There was no good answer. "But, should any of you wish to help, the Templars will be made anew. And we will determine what they are in this new age."

Then he turned to [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] and [member="Jairdain"] . It was.. Interesting to see them talking again. Their past was almost as troubled as his own, but then again he was the cause of most of their misery. The old Zabrak hoped to right that wrong some day, but this day wasn't going to be it. "You won't feel the Assassins Jair. I trained them to hide from folks like you. And to sustain themselves with or without me. My apprentice [member="Darth Ophidia"] is more than capable of running the order on her own, and there are plenty with her skills that could do the same. The Assassins run off fear however. Fear they they're still around. Fear that they can strike anyone at any time. This was their home, and those that trespass in their ruins will be marked for death."

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
A 'thinking' expression came from Iturize as a little more information came from [member="Jairdain"] and [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] short conversion, she had heard some things about Jaridain being a former Sith, but from the looks of things this trio had quite the involved past. He sort of felt like the odd one out int he group, a little more so due to the mans younger age compared with the rest. Hopefully not fights or other forms of altercations would arise from past grievances , last thing he needed was be caught in between two powerful force users dueling it out.

Making a mental not he turned back to facing [member="Krest"] a he explained the concept behind the Templar, "so, it is an active order that seeks to route out the Sith and their assassin whom are often used to bring about the downfall of other nations". It was an interesting and much needed sect, as it stood the light faction could often hold their own in open combat, but unlike the Sith were not ones to meet them on the shadowy spectrum of undercover jobs. To be honest most nations that fell to the Sith and dark side often succumbed within long before the outside fell to the legions of black clad soldiers.

He continued to ponder over the words, keeping an ear of the other information, these assassins certainly seemed like a difficult bunch to track down, but if Krest was their former leader he'd know what to do. "You say they feed off fear and such areas would be were they are reside, but are not the point of assassins to not be known to the major population? or is that how this certain sect works, giving enough information for people to fear them but not revealing their actual location".

Standing behind the others, the Dathomir Witch listened as the other's spoke; merely observing all in attendance. She was new to the Order, and though her devotion to her craft and the Darkside never waned, she had been nearly tainted by the Sith and their unnatural seductions of power and the promise of learning knowledge at a disturbing pace. In her short time with the Sith, she saw them for what they were. Monsters who wrapped themselves in the veil of the easy path. They needed to be thwarted before the whole galaxy burned.
Via wondered what types of Sith assassins, if any, they could be facing. She never had the pleasure of dealing with any assassin, but from what she was piecing together from the conversations ahead of her; this outing could provide a round of both experience and entertainment. The former she sought more than the latter. She needed to learn all she could about the intricate designs and wheel turnings of the galaxy. In her young age, she had only spent time on four planets; and of those four, one she was created on and the other raised on. She was for a lack of a better word, a newbie to the galaxy.
Yuroic shook his head. The answers were not what he wanted hear. Yuroic scratched his chin as he thought on what was the best way to proceed. They could just follow what Krest had in mind but Yuroic was still being cautious in following Krest and believing he wasn't still part of this Assassin order. Betrayal was a common thing Sith attempted to do, it happened with the Galactic Alliance as a most recent case. So, Yuroic narrowed his eyes as he assessed what Krest's position with this Order was but it was hard to tell without some bias festering in his back of his head.

"There is nothing to worry, this place would be ransacked and abandoned by now. Whether fear or death threats are there, there will always be those who attempt to prosper from looting." Yuroic stated, he knew scavengers and looters all too well. Some of the brave or stupider or even just those most desperate would loot a place abandoned like this if they got a chance. "Even if the scavengers didn't know the location, other Sith would have and done the same after your death. Knowledge would give them power and I'm sure you had some interesting holocrons and such." Yuroic looked to the sea and inhaled the slightly salty breeze.

[member="Krest"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Iturizu Yuvie"] | [member="Via Dolorosa"]
Smiling at Krest when he spoke, Jairdain lifted a finger and wagged it at him slight and shook her head.

"Yes, they are used to keeping themselves secret from other Force users, but it isn't likely they would think to keep hidden from nature. The beasts of this world would be able to assist in finding them if they are here. Within this small group, there are two people that command them and I am able to communicate with them as well."

Through a ritual she had completed, she was far more in touch with the Force and nature. She was stronger for it as well and luckily had learned control over her emotions. They tied into the nature around them and if she didn't have that control, then wild storms and other things could happen. She had struggled with that at first, but eventually her surface emotions no longer extended to nature.

It seemed the others had their doubts still and she understood that. There wasn't much she could do or say to change their minds, Krest would have to prove it to them himself.

"If they hid what they left behind, then I doubt it will be easy to find. Krest would be the best bet in finding it though."

Another person had joined them, but had yet to speak. A small nod was given to her, but it was nothing more than a simple motion to indicate her presence hadn't been entirely missed.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Via Dolorosa"] [member="Iturizu Yuvie"] [member="Krest"]

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