Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello there.

I discovered this site whilst perusing for a new RP community after my last one fell through. I'm not the greatest at said activity, but from what I've seen on this site, it is simple enough for me to learn and grow. I tend to make my characters somewhat on the weaker side or simply less important in order to make others seem stronger, so that should work perfectly for any Sith I end up working with.

I've been a huge fan of Star Wars since I was a child and have followed most of the Legends continuity, so I like to believe I have a somewhat decent knowledge of lore and capabilities. I've also played a few failed D&D campaigns which is where most of my RP knowledge comes from.

Hoping to enjoy what I can participate in.
[member="Yidra Eihort"]

Welcome to our humble abode Tovarishch!

I do hope you enjoy your stay! If you wanted to write a more evil sort of character, may I suggest the Sith Empire, emponymous for its force users and the baddest Sith of them all, [member="Darth Carnifex"]. But, if you're interested in a more, I suppose lesser evil but still interesting, lemme shill the First Order. A nice little military junta seeking revenge on the Galaxy.


Smart girls don't win by being polite.
HI [member="Yidra Eihort"] !!

I'm Krystal!! SO so happy to have you around on the site! Shoot me a PM here or on discord (@catie#7205) and I'm always happy to lend a hand if you need one to set yourself and your character up on the site. The freeform RP is really an amazing aspect of the site, and there's a home for everything here. I'm also happy to help out with any art you or your character might need!

Also (since the recruitments have evidently already started) may I present the Confederacy of Independent Systems? I won't try and oversell but there's definitely a home for a real darkside here o.0


Fiolette Fortan

[member="Yidra Eihort"]

Welcome to the board, if you have any questions feel free to ask and enjoy your stay!

Welcome [member="Yidra Eihort"] ! If you're ever looking for some Jedi to write against, let me know! I can hook you up.
I'm not entirely up to speed on how this sub-account stuff works, but judging by the looks of it, I will predominately stay on this one here for the most part. I've joined the Sith Empire to be an evil piece of garbage everyone hates. It is my life goal.

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