I'm not questioning your motives, mind you.
But I trust my droid because I can interact with it and modify its programming somewhat to suit my dependence on it.
No offense [member="SN-1411"] , but I do not have that privi of even checking or modifying your programming. I do not own you and you are not dedicated to my person...it is what I am meaning.
It's not that I don't trust you. You have not warranted for me to be suspicious of your motives. But at the same time, what I question of your entity, I question that of living beings outside my own family circle when it comes to security and loyalty. If my sister asks me for the PIN number to my cortosis credit card, I don't have to think about it, I just give it to her. Would I do the same to a non family member? That is what I am meaning. There are certain level of trusts one gives to different entities based on their relationships.