Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello, to everyone who is reading this! - Am I doing this right?

Full disclosure, I haven't done text-based RP in years - too afraid to even get an accurate number - and, full disclosure, I am somewhat of a returning member to these forums.
I posted here no more than a few dozen times, several years ago. Around, five years back, IIRC. Long story short, life got in the way...
I decided to dive back into text RPing, and figured this was the perfect place to start but, unfortunately, my account no longer exists. I figure it was removed due to inactivity, as well it should have been. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Let me know if I'm doing anything wrong by creating a new writer account under the same e-mail, as I want a fresh start and am not looking to break any rules. I will solely be using this account.

I've read the rules but will only have time to create my character and begin writing sometime tomorrow. In the meantime, I would appreciate if someone could provide me the answers to a couple of questions, or at least point me in the right direction.

1) Are (not banned or restricted) non-canon - i.e., Legends/Expanded Universe - content freely allowed?
2) Where is a good place to review all the information regarding the current timeline, or is everything pretty much detailed on the "highlighted" articles on the top bar?

Thanks for having me, looking forward to clash lightsabers with you all, on a galaxy far, far away!
Halcyon Halcyon

Welcome back!

Legends are indeed a part of Chaos as we're set hundreds of years after the movies, and legends are fairly subjective at this point (Some might believe them to be myths, others believing them to have really happened, for example).

Writers accept pretty much all Star Wars lore with the few exceptions of the restricted/banned species and hyper gates (Outside of Staff run events).

If you have any other questions feel free to give us a shout and we'll do what we can to help you along :)
Turns out, I made an opsie! I was never a member of this site, but of a different one with a very similar name. My bad! XP
As I said, it's been more than a few years! Don't want to rattle any cage.

Oh well, the force guided me to this place, so I must stay here and meditate on that.

Thanks for the support, WolfMortum WolfMortum !
Hey guys, thank you all for the kind words!
Slowly making some progress towards my first character. A couple of questions though, if anyone can help.

Stupid question first, I've read the timeline lore - and enjoyed it! So, from my understanding, the current year is 867 ABY, right?

Also, can I simply mention, for background purposes only, that my character used to belong to one of the current major factions on the site but quit/was expelled? Or is it best/mandatory to ask that faction's leader(s) permission to include a reference to it on my character's backstory?
The Corellian Sharpshooter
Hey guys, thank you all for the kind words!
Slowly making some progress towards my first character. A couple of questions though, if anyone can help.

Stupid question first, I've read the timeline lore - and enjoyed it! So, from my understanding, the current year is 867 ABY, right?

Also, can I simply mention, for background purposes only, that my character used to belong to one of the current major factions on the site but quit/was expelled? Or is it best/mandatory to ask that faction's leader(s) permission to include a reference to it on my character's backstory?
You can include that in your backstory, sure. It might be a good idea to check with the faction leader to maybe make a thread to explain why you were expelled. It would make an interesting story.

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