Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Help a new member out?

My advice :

1. Have fun
2.Don't get frustrated if your character doesn't turn out the way you plan. New directions are exciting!
3.Do or create something you personally enjoy. If you dont love it, you wont want to write.
4.Have fun!
5. Since you are new, consider joining a faction with at least one of your characters. These folks become built in friends and folks you'll be able to look to for guidance and activity.


Well-Known Member

I could also look up some anime? I usually just Google images and find pictures that capture my interest. If it doesn't interest you, it won't interest someone else is the way I see it.


Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Hello new guy! My name is Noah! If you make any Ark jokes,I'll disembowel you! Other than that,listen to what Tef and the Admins say,never argue with a RPJ or FJ and don't sell your soul to Tef,of course your already signed up,so basically you already have. :D
You guys and gals have all been really nice and helpful, so I guess I only have one more question. There has been alit of humor in the responses, and as much as I enjoy it, alot, I do also like shit to get real every now and then, so, I was wondering if things got sierious on ocasion in the RPs as a general rule.


Well-Known Member
That is a bit much to ask, IC some people are nothing like their normal selves. OOC tho in threads like this, you are completely capable of asking such as your the creator

Alendarius Veygar

Well, IC I'm this super arrogant and power hungry sith, OOC I'm nothing like that. So yeah. OOC it can be completely different from what you can see in IC threads.
Things can be serious, but they can also be humorous.
It really depends on the thread. And who you're RPing with.

If you want serious, you can make it serious. If you want it to be funny, you can make it funny.
That's one of the wonderful things about writing, if you want something to happen, you can make it happen. :)
Things can be serious or they can be funny. IC usually tends towards serious. OOC most of us goof around.

Glad to see a totally new RPer. Did you have an idea for what sort of character you wanted to make?

I thought @[member="Fabula Cavataio"] ooc was much like ic, she'll just punch your face in for no real reason...she can still be humble sure but ya know
For the record, the character I'm working on, and am damn near done with, is an unafiliated rougue Jedi contract killer. My problem is that I read that all Jedi/Sith characters had to have a master or aprentice. I don't want an aprentice at the moment, and my backstory I have written says that my master was murdered. Is there a problem with that?

Unless you're transferring rank from another forum, you'll start out as a beginner Force User (Sith Apprentice, Jedi Padawan, etc.) So if that's cool with you and your story, then no, I don't have a problem with it.

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