Tenel Daggoth
walking the line
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Tenel sat silently in the middle of an empty training room, staring out the window in contemplation. Her mind was swimming with the events that had taken place over the past few weeks, and everything that had led up to them.
She could still envision the lights leaving Ren's eyes as vividly as the day it happened. She could still hear Marcus' laughter as his friend turned bitter rival's body hit the floor. She could still remember what it felt like, after everything they'd been through, to put a bullet through Marcus' head and watching the shock wash over his face as he fell just like Ren did.
Tenel shook it off. Now really wasn't the time for contemplation, especially of memories that could potentially get her kicked out of the Order. She assumed they wouldn't take too kindly to murderers among their ranks.
Tenel sat silently in the middle of an empty training room, staring out the window in contemplation. Her mind was swimming with the events that had taken place over the past few weeks, and everything that had led up to them.
She could still envision the lights leaving Ren's eyes as vividly as the day it happened. She could still hear Marcus' laughter as his friend turned bitter rival's body hit the floor. She could still remember what it felt like, after everything they'd been through, to put a bullet through Marcus' head and watching the shock wash over his face as he fell just like Ren did.
Tenel shook it off. Now really wasn't the time for contemplation, especially of memories that could potentially get her kicked out of the Order. She assumed they wouldn't take too kindly to murderers among their ranks.