Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Herd Meet over Ithor | Herdship Vonnuvi [Jedi, Humanitarians, Civilians]

Alicio didn't seem convinced by the Padawan's attempts to assuage him. "That shouldn't excuse the behavior. Permission is endorsement." He didn't like the idea of a gaggle of young Jedi learning they could objectify their masters.

The king was happy to drop the subject, however, in favor of talking about family.

"I'm happy he wants to be a Jedi, like his mom," Alicio clarified. Inanna's hand was a welcome weight on his shoulder, as he produced a datapad and powered it on. "You all are inspiring. You save people, do what's right despite your fears, keep hope alive in the darkest night. No matter what he does, who he becomes, those are lessons I want him to learn. They certainly helped me, when I was deciding who I wanted to be."

Alicio turned the datapad to Inanna and Gatz with a smirk. It showed a crayon drawing made by an unsteady hand, of a smiling green stick figure, holding some form of blue sword, surfing on what appeared to be a tiny, impressively detailed star destroyer. "I won't lie. I do worry for him, and Liana both. Amani and I rush into danger without a second thought, and I fear they'll learn to do the same. But... I'd never stand in the way of their dreams. As hard as that may be."

"Don't sweat the future. Live in the present... but maybe put some money away for their education."

Alicio raised an eyebrow, a bitter smile splitting his features. "Gatz, I am a senator. And a seer... and a king now. 'Sweating the future' is all I know." A bubbling sort of chuckle erupted from his chest. He said it like a joke... but it wasn't a complete lie. Alicio couldn't afford to live in the present. Not when the future required constant attention. As for the money...

Alicio didn't mention it, but for whatever reason, credits were not an immediate concern of the new monarch of Alderaan.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar -
Gatz and Alicio had a short back-and-forth over whether the Padawans in question were in the wrong. Inanna sat in the middle, her eyes darting between them as each man spoke, not quite sure what to make of it. Gatz came across as overly defensive, but Alicio was being a little too hard on him. Either way, this was not something they really ought to be discussing casually. The original joke had worn out its welcome.

"Pretty sure you're past the age requirement for GGILF."

I don’t have any great-grandchildren yet,” she said with a faint smirk. But that was dangerous territory for her. She was glad when Alicio changed the subject.

"I'm happy he wants to be a Jedi, like his mom. You all are inspiring. You save people, do what's right despite your fears, keep hope alive in the darkest night. No matter what he does, who he becomes, those are lessons I want him to learn. They certainly helped me, when I was deciding who I wanted to be."

Oh stop,” she said softly. “You’re going to make me cry.” It was crazy enough to think that she was a Jedi Knight now. At times, the past few years felt like a strange dream. One that she hoped to never awaken from, but still. She never could’ve predicted the path her life would take. “I don’t remember what I wanted to be when I was a child. I know I didn’t want to be a Jedi—in fact, I went out of my way to avoid it. My father was a Jedi, and he wanted me to be like him. I resisted for as long as I could… and then it got to the point where I didn't know what else to do with my life. I spent so much time rejecting the dreams other people tried to foist on me, I never developed any of my own. So I gave in, got shipped off to Coruscant, failed miserably, and spent the next hundred and fifty years or so running away." As she spoke, she spun her wedding ring around her finger. "To make a long story short, I wound up marrying a Jedi Knight who was nothing like any Jedi I had ever met before, and it all came full circle.

Alicio pulled out his datapad to show them August's drawing of Amani (presumably) surfing on a star destroyer. “Radical,” Inanna crowed. She didn’t have any of the kids’ artwork on hand—hoping to limit their screen time, she had given them flimsiplast to draw on and magnetized the sheets to the fridge. Old school, but then she was old. She took out her datapad to show off some pictures of her family instead. “That’s Serena, if you can believe it.” Alicio, to her knowledge, had not seen her daughter since she was a baby. The girl was now almost four, with her dark hair in pigtails and glasses perched on her nose. While she was showing the photos to Gatz and Alicio, a warning notification popped up informing her that her storage was almost full. “Figures. I take a lot of pictures these days.

There was a slightly sad twinge to her voice. She had learned the hard way the importance of preserving her memories of people after they were gone. “I don’t think I could handle it,” she muttered. “Being able to see the future, I mean. Unless I could influence what was going to happen, try to get a better outcome...” For a little while she just watched the kids play, then she turned to Alicio and asked, “Do you see things you can’t change?


Ship: The Red Night
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"That shouldn't excuse the behavior. Permission is endorsement."

"On that, we agree. I made a comment like that once, and my father sprayed me down with the hose. Taught me real quick."

Soon enough, the conversation turned, and Gatz found himself staring at pictures of children and their art, and their families. That pang echoed in his chest again. He yearned for the simple days with his family, and he hurt knowing that the closest he would ever come to that again was visiting their graves back on Naboo. And tombstones didn't hold conversations particularly well.

He swallowed past the lump in his throat, and tried his best not to resent Alicio and Inanna. They didn't know—he hadn't even told Inanna about his family—and it certainly wasn't their fault that he was alone in the galaxy.

That didn't mean the reminder didn't sting, though.

His Master dove into a story about her past, and much to his surprise (not), he found a glancing number of similarities to his own situation. Well, minus the whole being over a century and a half old part. Gatz had long since been convinced that their similar experiences were exactly why they'd been paired together, but if he still had doubts, he most certainly didn't anymore.

Being able to see the future, I mean. Unless I could influence what was going to happen, try to get a better outcome...

Gatz knew little of seers, other than that Vera was one. And her visions typically weren't very pleasant. It wasn't a burden he'd wish on anyone. So, naturally, while his Master settled for something somber, Gatz turned to the king with a grin on his face and a joke on his lips.

"Do you think you could tell me the winning lottery numbers this week?"

Humor was his go-to for somber or tense moments. Much to the chagrin of most of the people around him.


"I often wonder at the... validity... of the paths the Force takes us all in." Alicio found an ironic grin. "But as twisting as your path was... I'm glad it took you to where you needed to be, Inanna."

She certainly seemed in a better place now than when he first met her on Erakhis.

August's kitchen-table drawing earned the reaction from Inanna that he'd hoped, even if Gatz didn't seem to show much. Inanna's own picture of Serena earned a raised eyebrow, and a soft chuckle from the king. "She's gotten so old. The perfect picture of a pilot-reporter-fairy princess."

Do you see things you can’t change?

"Mmm." Alicio's good mood seemed to disappear in an instant, replaced by thoughtful, muted sorrow. He looked away, towards the civilians entering and leaving the hangar. "When I look ahead, I see... a sea of possibilities. The more likely something is to happen, the clearer it is. I... have been able to change what I see. But that is the worst part of it, I think."

"Because sometimes, I can't. And I'm left to wonder how I could have done better."

"Do you think you could tell me the winning lottery numbers this week?"

Alicio pondered the question a moment, a slight smile fighting it's way back onto his face. "I haven't tried. Buuut... I imagine I could.... A few minutes before they announce them." Helpful? No, probably not. But still impressive for a seer, with a request that specific.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar -
"I often wonder at the... validity... of the paths the Force takes us all in. But as twisting as your path was... I'm glad it took you to where you needed to be, Inanna."

I’m glad too.” Inanna smirked. “Sometimes I wish I could see the bigger picture, learn how things work behind the scenes.” But maybe it was best not to know. She heard the sadness in Alicio’s voice as he spoke of his visions. Having had plenty of heartbreak in her life, she didn’t need any more.

Nor could she think of anything to say that would make him feel better about his prescience or the impact his failures to change the future had had. It was so far removed from her own realm of experience, she simply could not relate. But she could be there for him. She rubbed his shoulder, trying to convey that she cared without words.

Gatz’s question about lottery tickets managed to make her laugh, lightening the otherwise dour mood. Alicio couldn’t help him, as his future vision was limited to seeing something just a few minutes before it happened. Inanna giggled again, thinking of a dirty joke—but after the whole MILF fiasco earlier, she decided not to say it out loud. “I imagine it helps on the Senate floor, knowing what people are going to say ahead of time. Speaking of which, congratulations on passing the Equal Rights’ Act. I know you were one of its biggest supporters.” She gave the king a sly wink.

Ashur and August were now playing a rudimentary form of tag, laughing hysterically as they chased and tagged each other over and over again.


Ship: The Red Night
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"I haven't tried. Buuut... I imagine I could.... A few minutes before they announce them."

"Damn shame," Gatz shook his head, "but probably for the best. Abusing the Force for personal gain isn't exactly the mark of decent folk."

For all of his shortcomings, for all of his faults, Gatz was at least proud to say that he'd never abused his connection. When he realized that he was about to walk into a life of crime, he had turned away from the Force. It was only Valery's urging, patience, and guidance that had convinced him to open himself up to it again, terrified as he had been about using something so powerful for ill.

Considering that he was standing here as a Jedi Padawan... well, maybe Valery had been right. This time.

The topic turned to politics then and, admittedly, Gatz tuned out. As important as such things were, he had never held any interest in the Senate. He could go on a tirade about how it was a bunch of stuffy, wealthy pricks passing laws on common folk whose situations they had never lived, and would never understand. Not unlike the Jedi Council itself. But, really, Gatz had no desire to start a debate.

Besides, championing equal rights was pretty commendable. Even Gatz—as cynical and distrusting as he could be—couldn't find fault with that.

"It's kinda funny to think about," Gatz chimed in, "I'm from Naboo. It's not as bad as Hapan, but our monarchs are exclusively women, and I never thought much about that until now. One of these days we might get around to joining the Alliance, and end up with a king for once."


"No, no it isn't," said in response to Gatz, sending him a fine-drawn smile. He'd never once felt tempted to use his abilities for personal gain. His power in the Force was his responsibility, his offering to the people of the galaxy. He couldn't use it for selfish reasons.

I imagine it helps on the Senate floor, knowing what people are going to say ahead of time. Speaking of which, congratulations on passing the Equal Rights’ Act. I know you were one of its biggest supporters.

Alicio nodded, new thoughts visibly appearing behind his cloudy-day eyes. "As it turns out, most of the Senate does see reason. Every once in a while." He bowed his head to Inanna in thanks, before addressing the first half of her imaginings. "I... try not to use my powers politically. Sometimes, it happens accidentally, of course. My future-sight is a constant, annoying companion..." He paused briefly. Had he ever told Inanna that? Maybe not. "But the Assembly has already had to deal with it's share of scheming Force-wielders. I don't intend to add to the list."

Gatz mentioned he was from Naboo. Alicio frowned, some new hidden information flashing in his eyes. He put it off for now, instead staying on target. "Despite the more... exciting topics of conversation on the floor, I don't think the most important section of the Act is brought up enough. Citizens on most planets may not feel the difference of their leadership's gender, but equal pay and legal protections will bring about real, and hopefully lasting, change."

Alicio's frown strengthened, even as he looked to August, who was now chasing Ashur while they were both... rolling on the ground. Boys would be boys.

"I... worry for Naboo. The only thing between them and a Sith invasion is Rimward Trade League space. And... I worry for the League's stability, too."

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar -
Heh, yeah.” Inanna nodded along as if she didn’t regularly use her telekinetic powers to levitate objects purely for her own convenience. Besides, stopping her toddler from dropping food on the floor or plucking something off a shelf too high for her to reach was hardly an immoral application of the Force.

"I... try not to use my powers politically. Sometimes, it happens accidentally, of course. My future-sight is a constant, annoying companion... But the Assembly has already had to deal with its share of scheming Force-wielders. I don't intend to add to the list."

She had found out at some point about Alicio’s future sight, though she didn’t know the details or the full extent of his power. “Sounds like it’s as much a curse as it is a blessing,” she said. “Maybe you could find a way to turn it off temporarily. Although that could cause its own set of problems…

Despite Gatz’s disinclination to talk politics, he wound up making a remark about his homeworld of Naboo and their exclusively female rulers. Inanna crossed her arms as she listened. The Shi’ido didn’t have as much history of inequality between the sexes, but she had spent the majority of her adult life posing as a human, so she had a fairly good grasp of what it was like. Enough to realize that discrimination didn’t make much sense, and it was high time something was done to level the playing field.

I’m not that knowledgeable of geopolitics,” she said. “But I agree. It feels like it’s only a matter of time before the Alliance is all that’s left in a sea of Sith upstarts and Imperial wannabes.” Her brow furrowed. “The Mandalorians didn’t last very long, did they?” She knew the Protectors were still around, but they seemed to be more of a defensive force than an invading horde. “It sounds strange, but I have a hard time keeping up with who we’re fighting anymore. I know we always have some sort of enemy waiting in the shadows, but…” She shrugged and smiled sheepishly. “Maybe I’m just too old for this stuff.


Ship: The Red Night
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"I... worry for Naboo. The only thing between them and a Sith invasion is Rimward Trade League space. And... I worry for the League's stability, too."

"I worry about our Queen just accepting their rule." Gatz admitted, "there was a gala at the Royal Palace, just after Life Day. And she sent invitations out to Sith Lords."

He still remembered the anxiety that hummed in the ballroom, Jedi and Sith being made to share a space like that. An idealistic part of him wanted to hope that the fact that there hadn't been an incident meant a lasting peace was possible. But the Sith would never stop trying to eradicate the Jedi. And, in truth? The Jedi would never stop fighting the Sith. Neither could abide by what the other stood for.

And his homeworld was doomed to be caught in the middle of it.

"I want to believe she was just trying to play her cards right. Spurning the Sith when they're so close to home isn't exactly a smart idea for an independent world. Maybe she thinks she can stave off a proper invasion by being cordial. But... I don't know. Seeing them in the Royal Palace didn't sit right with me. And it frightened me."

A random thought occurred to him, and Gatz turned to Inanna.

"Master, have you ever been to Naboo?"

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Inanna likened his Future Sight to a curse. Alicio smirked. "It certainly felt that way, when it first started happening." He folded his arms over each other good-naturedly. "But... I've grown accustomed to it. To the point that it feels unnatural, to be without a... 'sneak peek'." He'd learned to ignore it, for the most part, but there were still times he got a little confused in pleasant conversation.

But Alicio's jesting mood quickly vanished, as they began their talk about the state of the galaxy. "The Enclave wasn't set up for longevity. In retrospect, it made sense. Crusading for resources requires resources, and I believe they didn't net enough of a gain to be sustainable." He also secretly hoped enough Mandalorians realized the error of their ways, and refused to continue. Hence the Protectors.

His thoughts inevitably turned to Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze . He was curious about her thoughts on the matter.

"I worry about our Queen just accepting their rule. There was a gala at the Royal Palace, just after Life Day. And she sent invitations out to Sith Lords."

The King of Alderaan sighed, a puff of air escaping his nose. He understood Gatz's worries. Hell, he shared plenty of them. "It's certainly concerning. But I... imagine I might have done the same, were I in her shoes."

The padawan asked the master a question, Alicio turned back to look at the kids, his eyes softening a little. He certainly had some good memories of Naboo.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar -
Refresh my memory—did those visions start before or after we met?” she asked, looking at Alicio fondly. “You’ve always been brooding and mysterious, but I don’t recall you getting lost in thought or gazing off into the distance all that much back on Erakhis. You’ve changed a lot since then, and it’s not just the wrinkles.” She was jesting, of course. He hadn’t aged a day.

The Mandalorian Enclave wasn’t built to last, he said. “Neither did the Bryn’adul, or the Maw, or the Ashlan Crusade…” she muttered, putting away her datapad. Gatz was probably too young to remember most of the dead factions she’d just listed off. Hell, Alicio probably didn’t remember much about the Bryn either…

Inanna lifted an eyebrow at the mention of the Naboo gala and Alicio’s apparent agreement with the Queen’s decision to invite Sith to the party. Personally, she still thought it was a really dumb idea regardless of the alleged diplomatic value. She’d been to a couple of those dance-with-your-enemy type events before. They always wound up being an awful, sometimes even traumatic experience. But she didn’t want to darken the mood, and it would’ve involved revealing pieces of her past that she wasn’t quite ready to tell her apprentice about yet. So she kept her horror stories to herself.

"Master, have you ever been to Naboo?"

Yeah, I think I mentioned I had been there a few times back when we first met,” Inanna replied with a faint smirk. “It’s nice, but I liked Alderaan more—and I’m not just saying that because you’re here, Alicio.” She had better memories associated with Alderaan, mostly involving Cato Harth Cato Harth not wearing any clothes. “Naboo is probably the most overrated planet in the galaxy. But that reputation for being the fairest of them all seems to have granted them some aura of protection. Most conquerors don’t want to go down in the history books as the one who razed Naboo.


Ship: The Red Night
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"It's certainly concerning. But I... imagine I might have done the same, were I in her shoes."

Better to play nice than to piss off the Sith. Gatz did understand that. Still, kissing their gothic boots seemed cowardly to him. On one hand, the Queen probably didn't want to doom her people to an invasion by setting off some upstart Sith Lord. But on the other... everyone died someday. Was it better to die on your knees, cowering in fear? Or to die on your feet, having fought?

Gatz supposed the Queen was being cordial in the hopes that her people never had to make that choice. But Gatz wasn't naïve enough to think that Naboo was safe forever.

"I think... that I'm really glad that I don't have to make those decisions. Sorry Alicio, but I'll leave the burden of ruling to you."

Ruling was (supposed to be) for the wise. And what wisdom did a former smuggler have to offer anyone? He could gripe and moan all day about the decisions the galactic leaders made—they were far better educated, and far more informed than he was. What did he know about politics, other than the fact that they gave him a headache?

His Master went on to mention that she'd already told him she'd been to Naboo. Gatz tilted his head for a moment, trying to remember. She probably had—he believed her, as she'd never given him a reason not to. He supposed he'd been to focused on the baggies of spice that had been hidden in the alien frogs to properly recall their first conversation.

But then Inanna mentioned that Naboo was overrated...

"As someone who grew up impoverished and starving on Naboo... I completely agree. I don't have many good memories of my homeworld."

He didn't have many good memories at all, really.


"After," Alicio answered Inanna, his eyes searching the air in front of him for his memories. "When we first met, I was just getting used to my Gift. It wasn't until... a little before Exegol, that I... couldn't escape the Future." Some old, resolved trauma seemed to resurface on the king's face. "It took time to... accept that it was a part of me."

"I think... that I'm really glad that I don't have to make those decisions. Sorry Alicio, but I'll leave the burden of ruling to you."

Alicio let a surprised smirk paint itself across his face. "I'll try to manage." It was the first time someone other than his wife had shared anything other than a 'congratulations' about their new appointment. As if they had won some prize.

He was fairly certain they had lost something, instead.

On the subject of Naboo, Alicio's face darkened, as if clouds were passing overhead. "I doubt the Sith Lords of our age will have their blades halted by sentiment." Favorable diplomatic relations, however, could save the people. But even that was toss-up, when it came to Sith.

Something the padawan said seemed to touch Alicio. The Alderaanian let his cooled gaze flick his way, a weak smile touching the corner of his mouth.

"Do you ever wonder what a younger you would think, were he to see you now?" He let his smile strengthen, becoming warm for a moment. "I imagine I'd be disappointed I wasn't a Jedi."

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar -
"I think... that I'm really glad that I don't have to make those decisions. Sorry Alicio, but I'll leave the burden of ruling to you."

Inanna snorted. “Yeah, have fun with that,” she added, following along the same lines of comical frankness.

"I doubt the Sith Lords of our age will have their blades halted by sentiment."

If they were under threat from that new Mawite remnant faction, then yeah.” The look in Inanna’s eyes was grim. “But this is the latest iteration of the Sith Empire, right? They actually want to rule the planets they invade, not just consume them.

"As someone who grew up impoverished and starving on Naboo... I completely agree. I don't have many good memories of my homeworld."

Neither do I, but seeing it destroyed by the Maw still had an impact on me.” She watched the children play through eyes hooded in shadow. “I may make a lot of dark jokes and speak bluntly about invasion, but I hope Naboo doesn’t fall to the Sith or any other power.

Taking a break from rolling around in the grass, a sweaty Ashur came toddling over. “Mommy, can I have my water?” he asked.

Inanna handed him a brightly colored sippy cup, which he chugged with relish. “You’re thirsty,” she commented.

Ashur paused. “Yeah.” Then he went back to drinking.

"Do you ever wonder what a younger you would think, were he to see you now? I imagine I'd be disappointed I wasn't a Jedi."

I don’t know what I’d think,” she said. “Maybe I could’ve taken comfort in knowing things would turn out okay for me.” Turning her attention back to Ashur, she asked, “Are you and August all done playing?

Eh.” Ashur seemed reluctant to stop. “I sit here a lil while.” He plopped down on the grass with his water.


Ship: The Red Night
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

The Sith of this era seemed more interested in ruling than destroying, like his Master said. That was a very small comfort. And he agreed with Alicio's doubting that they'd let sentiment guide their actions. It was still hard to fault the Queen for trying whatever she could to keep her people safe... but Gatz wondered how far she would bend for the Sith. There had to be a line somewhere.

Except the moment they drew that line, the Sith would just go "mine" and snatch up their world anyways. And Gatz had little confidence in the Alliance's military capabilities, despite its large size. Or, rather, he doubted it because of it's large size. They'd floundered against the Mandalorians, who held a fraction of the territory the Alliance did, and Ukatis had paid the price.

"Do you ever wonder what a younger you would think, were he to see you now?"

Gatz went quiet for a moment. That... was a difficult question to answer. Because did young him only see current him? Or did he see everything that had led to this moment? Because Gatz had seen some things—done some things—that he could never forget, and never forgive.

"I'm glad younger me couldn't see where he was going," Gatz said softly, "sometimes ignorance is bliss."


When Ashur came back to Inanna, August was close behind, continuing to roll on the grass towards his father, a bright, unbothered smile spinning round and round towards his father. Alicio pursed his lip in worry. "Careful, Aug."

"Mhm!" The half-Mirialan did another summersault, breathing heavily with some mix of exhaustion and excitement. He laid on his back next to his new friend, his chest heaving.

Maybe I could’ve taken comfort in knowing things would turn out okay for me.

Alicio hummed appreciatively. That was a comfort he could share in.

"I'm glad younger me couldn't see where he was going, sometimes ignorance is bliss."

The new king turned to Gatz, his wise grey eyes suddenly sharp with thought. He paused a moment, his mind working overtime, even as his lips stayed still, until finally, he spoke. "Where you were going ended up here. And... from my very surface-level view... you seem admirable. The kind of person a kid on Naboo would like to grow up to be."

"Can we... hooohh... ship now?" August's voice piped up.

"Soon, love." Alicio smirked down at August, who was now rolling around on the ground again. He smirked. "I don't know how he has this much energy. I certainly wasn't like this at his age. I blame Amani the farm girl."

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth - Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar -
Ashur had attempted to replicate August’s cartwheels and somersaults, with limited success. Now he watched his playmate’s gymnastic antics with a calm resignation in his red eyes. There was no way he could possibly keep pace with a flexible half-Mirialan—and by now, he didn’t want to.

Gatz’s response to Alicio’s question was self-deprecating and cynical. Inanna was beginning to grow used to these kinds of remarks from her apprentice, though it didn’t mean she liked hearing him talk like that about himself.

"Where you were going ended up here. And... from my very surface-level view... you seem admirable. The kind of person a kid on Naboo would like to grow up to be."

Alicio’s reply was better than anything she could’ve thought to say in that moment. She gave him a grateful look, then added, “I made a lot of mistakes and poor choices before I got to this point. I don’t think I’d want my younger self to see that side of it all either. But this moment…” She looked down at Ashur, who was gnawing on the mouthpiece of his sippy cup, and tried to get him to stop biting the plastic. “...Little Inanna can have it.

"...I don't know how he has this much energy. I certainly wasn't like this at his age. I blame Amani the farm girl."

Inanna smiled faintly. “I can relate.” She didn’t know where Ashur got his traits from, and while she could see Cato in Serena, there was nothing of her nature in the girl. Sometimes she wondered what it would be like if her children were hers by blood. Would she recognize herself in them, or would they be something wholly new? Or perhaps both?

Mommy,” Ashur said urgently, pulling her from her thoughts. “I need to go to the ‘fresher.

On that note…” She grasped Ashur’s hand and turned to wave goodbye to the others. “We should probably get going. It was nice talking to you both. Maybe us and the kids can get together again sometime.


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