Mantic Dorn
Old school...
Panting Mantic stopped his onslaught drawing on his jedi training to achieve it. Killing was not the preferred option, he knew it but still felt the instinct to finish him. The notion was over in a blink of a time though and Mantic took a step forward pointing down his saber at the defeated man before him. With his left arm he force pulled his adversaries light saber to his own hand and clicked it into his own belt.
Then he moved his comlink to his mouth.
"R5, please take the ship to my location straight away. I am in need of extraction, and I will be bringing a guest along the ride." he instructed into the com.
"It is time to move." he then continued speaking to [member="Rafeesh"] and waved with his saber for him to stand up. outside the air roared as Mantics transport was arriving. He would lead his prisoner outside into the ship for a hast departure and grabbing the datastick from the main fram, taking whatever it had gotten so far. Time was running out and he had no idea if more of [member="Darth Mythos"] people anywhere near.
Then he moved his comlink to his mouth.
"R5, please take the ship to my location straight away. I am in need of extraction, and I will be bringing a guest along the ride." he instructed into the com.
"It is time to move." he then continued speaking to [member="Rafeesh"] and waved with his saber for him to stand up. outside the air roared as Mantics transport was arriving. He would lead his prisoner outside into the ship for a hast departure and grabbing the datastick from the main fram, taking whatever it had gotten so far. Time was running out and he had no idea if more of [member="Darth Mythos"] people anywhere near.