The cacophony of violence ceased to exist, instead replaced with the soft tread of footsteps against a durasteel flooring, and the stretching of leather that came with movement. Sinister expressions lay openly on the Pirates' faces, directing each other through the use of hand signals. It seemed only two remained of that skirmish, and they knew one of this crew remained; somewhere, he was hiding- whether with an ambush or not. A pistol and a shotgun. Might kill Kole if he isn't careful.
A doorway's rim is in which Harper hid, stashing himself just on the other side so he can't be seen at moments notice. Heavy, yet quiet breaths took hold, repeating on a never-ending cycle of frustration, adrenaline, and a will to survive. The steps got closer, and he held his breath. A barrel stuck out from the doorway, and that was it. Harper rushed towards, snatching a hold of the blaster with both hands as he ripped it from the caught off-guard pirate's grip.
The other set of footsteps was rapidly drawing near.
Kole cracked the bloodthirsty killer over the head with the butt of the weapon, causing him to stumble over. It was at that moment the Rodian's skull collided with a piece of furniture, knocking him out as he lay sprawled out across the floor. To Kole? He may as well be dead. He twisted with aggression, facing the other doorway just in time to pull the trigger and fill the Weequay full of holes.
Harper then leaned back into the wall, slumping down, sitting against the wall with a vacant stare. Zoned out.
The cacophony of violence ceased to exist, instead replaced with the soft tread of footsteps against a durasteel flooring, and the stretching of leather that came with movement. Sinister expressions lay openly on the Pirates' faces, directing each other through the use of hand signals. It seemed only two remained of that skirmish, and they knew one of this crew remained; somewhere, he was hiding- whether with an ambush or not. A pistol and a shotgun. Might kill Kole if he isn't careful.
A doorway's rim is in which Harper hid, stashing himself just on the other side so he can't be seen at moments notice. Heavy, yet quiet breaths took hold, repeating on a never-ending cycle of frustration, adrenaline, and a will to survive. The steps got closer, and he held his breath. A barrel stuck out from the doorway, and that was it. Harper rushed towards, snatching a hold of the blaster with both hands as he ripped it from the caught off-guard pirate's grip.
The other set of footsteps was rapidly drawing near.
Kole cracked the bloodthirsty killer over the head with the butt of the weapon, causing him to stumble over. It was at that moment the Rodian's skull collided with a piece of furniture, knocking him out as he lay sprawled out across the floor. To Kole? He may as well be dead. He twisted with aggression, facing the other doorway just in time to pull the trigger and fill the Weequay full of holes.
Harper then leaned back into the wall, slumping down, sitting against the wall with a vacant stare. Zoned out.