Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here, Fishy Fishy...

Krueger's heart was racing, adrenaline pouring through him, blood pumping; this was it...the thrill of the hunt. His quarry had gotten a tip off on him and was sprinting through the dark streets of the Imbraani market. The terrified Mon Calamarian refugee tore the relatively sparse crowd, still managing to collide with a number of people in his panic. He ran knowing full-well that if he did not escape he would be dead. Krueger was hungry for this mark....not only did his contractor not care whether the Mon Cal' were alive or dead, they just required the holopad he carried. What it contained, Krueger did not care, but he was more than happy to accept a hunt on a Mon Cal'.

The Mon Calamarian almost tripped and turned sharply into a narrow alley; it was the last mistake he would ever make. Krueger pounced down from the roofs of the market shops and entered the alley behind his prey. The Mon Cal' was scratching at a fence at the end, trying to clamour over, for freedom. Just like an animal, Krueger thought to himself. He found himself salivating...his prey was so close. The alien turned around to reveal an expression of sheer terror on his face, the sight of Krueger's jagged and toothy grin haunting him in his last few moments alive...he held the holopad in an outstretched arm while looking away. The Mon Cal' prayed that this hunter would only take it and leave him, but unfortunately Krueger was not just hungry for the credits. He was also just....hungry....and Krueger relished the taste of seafood...

Krueger spoke in a harsh, raspy voice, cementing the Mon Cal's fears, "The Goddess Zweichen has blessed me this night, and I humbly receive.."

The Mon Calamarian's screams did not last for long.


Krueger found a holonet terminal, uploading the holopad's information to his contractor. "We are pleased Krueger, here is your payment," the hologram in front of him said, as a notification of the credit transfer popped up on Krueger's gauntlet holopad. The hologram continued, "What became of the poor former owner of this information?"

Not able to contain his pleasure, Krueger replied, "I had to forego the butter with him..." his grin turning into a light chuckle.

"Shame," the contractor said, "Nonetheless, we need you again. Some smuggler or thief has stolen something very important to us. A small holodrive with information vital to our business. Retrieve it. Feel free to dispatch them with any way you see long as the holodrive is undamaged. You will be paid handsomely again."

Krueger just nodded as the hologram flickered and vanished; he awaited for details on the thief to be downloaded to his holopad momentarily.
The data disc was in his hand. All he had to do was get off world. Simple enough. But the company he stole the plans from weren't utter idiot like some. No. They would've noticed by now. And they wouldn't be too happy about their starship plans going off to a rival company. They would be tracking him right now. He had to get off world. Fast. Alone in such a hostile environment. He wasn't really thinking when he decided to carry out the mission personally. He was so bored by the idleness of recent times, he would jump at any opportunity to do something.

He ran along the streets on the 205th level of the city, hoping to get to the starport as fast as possible. He sprinted into a small street, taking the long way around avoiding the main streets which must be monitored by the local police. They would be against him. He must avoid meeting them at all costs. He continued taking the route to bay 238 of the local space port. There awaited his RZ-110 starfighter, his only getaway vehicle on the planet. If that exit was compromised, he would have to buy a ticket off world on a smuggling ship. Dangerous and expensive. Not the best option.

He stopped and looked around. Now, where are his pursuers. Why can't he see them? Where were they? How many? He scanned the area with the heat sensor in his helmet, but so far, nothing. This street was practically empty, except for a lone being far off into the distance, who didn't seem like much of a threat. Perhaps he could borrow a speeder bike? Or maybe the being would get him off world?

He unholstered his blaster rifle, lifting safety into the off position. He could take no chances. Caution was a priority.

A special Assignment, with a lot of Credits behind it. A Disk, gone. A corporation on the brink of losing everything...and willing to pay anything. That's what HK-42 got into on the planet, as he was contacted by a representative of the company via portable holo-projector. "Greeting, HK-42. I apologize for this, but we require your assistance." The image of a man in a trench coat and some kind of armour underneath appeared on the projector. "This unidentified man has stolen a data disk from our systems,and has taken it to one of the 200 landing bays. If that got in our rival's hands, it would cause us to file for bankruptcy." HK-42 piped up at this moment in time, speaking as most HK units do, keeping to some form of deception with his programming towards the representative. "Insulting Query: And I should care about your meatbag company dying...why?" The man gulped a bit, and presented onto the guise of the holo-projector a table covered in credits.

"We are willing to pay you handsomely for this job to be complete. Just get the disk back without damage to it, and the money is yours." The man was serious. HK-42 did not reply with words, but just nodded in agreement. "Very good...OH! one last thing. We hired another hunter to go after the same prize... this being." The next photo to come up was that of [member="Krueger"], as the man described in very little detail who he was. "Work with him and split the creds, or kill him and take it all, we don't care. As long as the disk is ours, you do as you wish." "Statement: I make no promises in the safety of this 'Krueger' nor of the thief...but consider it done." HK-42 then hung up on the representative, and then made his way up to the 200's for landing bay numbering, Expecting to find the target eventually.

[member='Kyle Raymus']
While the intel his employer provided wasn't terribly useful to him, there were only so many different routes to the starship that one could follow...and it was easy to spot a man who was hurriedly making their way there. Especially when they divert down the narrow side streets, obviously trying to avoid unwanted law enforcement's attention.This is it, Krueger thought to himself, what he lived for....the chase.

Rain started to fall as he made his way through one of the main streets; the sweet moisture and smells filled Krueger's nostrils as he began to try and discern his prey from the ambient scents. The smells of everything were intoxicating...from the delicious scents of the food vendors nearby, to the natural odours emanating from each individual...the exact smell differing between each race. As he took everything in, the downpour continued to grow, the moisture in the air becoming thick and humid, as puddles started to form in the dips of the streets. Krueger took a moment to relish the feeling of the rain on his gills, feeling invigorated for the wetness.

It only took a few more moments before Krueger found it. It was a smell rank with sweat...and fear; a human, for sure, not too far away. He was sure this was his man. Pursuing the trail into one of the side streets, Krueger stopped as he peaked around the corner, spying a figure a block or so away, aiming his rifle at something further down the street.

[member=Kyle Raymus] | [member=HK-42]

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