Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here we make Monsters.

Darth Odium


Odium listened to the question and hid his surprise the best he could as they dropped from hyperspace. His green hands quickly adjusting the controls and altering their approach vector. He began to broadcast an approved merchant IFF and angled toward the planet's dark side.

<<The Heart will give me power that will be necessary, but its power I won't keep in the end. This is my Master's design and you are indeed what I was lead to believe you are. My goal, Master, is to free the Galaxy, a final solution and nothing more.>>

Odium guided the ship through the atmosphere toward the business districts and landed in the mid-city. He qu I ckly powered down the ship and stood.

<<Miraluka are known to be used down below to see force users hiding in the slums. This was my doing we will find a team and take their eyes.>>


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Darth Odium"]

Free the galaxy. A goal Valik's first master would have approved of. The choice of an Imperial Sith rather than a chaotic one. If that was all he wanted the Heart for though perhaps his Master had alternative goals. Something to be explored later perhaps. Now they were on the planet, and it was time to hunt for their beasts.

"To the slums then." Valik said, and headed out of the ship, presumably with Odium in tow. They'd head toward the lower levels, with Valik feeling more at ease on Coruscant than he ever thought he would be. No Jedi lurching around the corner or Republic men skulking about. Just Sith, and the local inhabitants, servants whether they knew it or not. Even so, it can't have been said Valik wansn't uneasy. He'd be happy to find his prey and get out of this overpopulated ecumenopolis.

Darth Odium


Odium followed Valik from the ship and checked his data pad for patrol schedules. The air was not air clean in the lower levels as at the high-rises and spires. His head tresses moved inspecting the air as they headed further below to an intersection between large towers. He pointed a large hand at a small band with a tall collared man between a group of sith troops. His eyeless stare spoke of what he was while his bound wrist said he was not going far.

<<We should not leave witnesses.>> Odium said with no hesitation to killing Sith troops. <<And that is one of the steongest Miraluka we have.>>

Odium began walking forward and raised a hand to stop the patrol.

<<Report.>> he commanded the men.

<<My lord we have found nothing today and are checked in. We have to return the prisoner to his pen.>> said the ranking troop.

<<Excellent.>> Odium said as he reached out a hand and used the force to quickly jerk the troopers head to the side breaking his neck. They stood confused long enough for Odium's sword to come to his hand and remove another of the 5 guards heads while the Miraluka fell prone to the ground covering his head.


Professor of Alchemy
'Odium' took out his sword and slashed at the Sith hunting party, killing all but the Miraluka. The strength and speed he exhibited was impressive, not missing a stroke or suffering a strike. The Miraluka went straight to the ground and covered his head. Valik opened his left hand and pushed it below him, telekinetically throwing a downward force on top of the Miraluka. With his right hand he unveiled a syringe, then crouched to the floor and pressed it into the man's neck. The Miraluka's body fell limp as he went unconscious. He wouldn't remember this, nor the past day likely. Crouching down and grabbing the man's arms he hurled them over his shoulder and begun to stand, albeit slowly. Valik wasn't the strongest of men.

"Back to the ship I suppose?"

[member="Darth Odium"]

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