Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here's your housewarming gift, jerk. [PM admins to join if not a member]

[member="Keira Ticon"]
[member="Miss Blonde"]

As the effects of his Force speed wore off the pitch black clan figure exhaled a breath of air. Force speed was a simple ability but when used in advanced forms it was rather draining. Xan was rumored to be a master of many things but was still subject to being mortal despite the stories. He was also subject to this rather fast counter attack. Black eyes locked on the Red blade as it sweep came closer, stepping into the attack Xan threw his arms in the air giving him enough momentum to leap straight up.

Clearing the danger of a blade of plasma and energy. Leaning back some Xan positioned and prepared his body to deliver a augmented kick aimed at [member="Darth Ferus"]'s chin. If all went well Xan expected to land roughly in a kneeled position or on his chest. Of course their was the chance Ferus would counter this strike, but that would be dealt with when and if it happened.
Leaving the Sith Temple on the upper levels, Darth Ayra begun to navigate her way down to the lower levels, where she knew the fighting had begun. She was yet to formalize a plan to deal with the situation either. It remained unclear to the Sith Lord how she would end the confrontation between the Black Tie Syndicate and the Sith Assassins in a way that would yield the results that she was searching for. She did not want Darth Ferus and the assassins to kill Patricia Susan Garter or her men and yet she did want the assassins to come into service to her so as to accelerate the Grand Plan.

The Grand Plan itself was constantly evolving. It had too, given the complicated nature behind it. There was no clear path or route to the victory that Darth Ayra sought. She wanted to destroy the Jedi Order, takeover the Galaxy and rule it all. The core tenants of the Rule of Two allowed her to see that this could be accomplished, not by her, but her Sith Apprentice or their apprentice and so on, until finally, there was a true Dark Lord of the Sith that ruled the Galaxy. She was creating a dynasty that would last forever. A legacy that would topple the old Order in place of the new. The tapestry that Darth Ayra wove, through her powers of the dark side, was beyond the petty feuding of crime lords and Sith Assassins.

They would all bow to her or be destroyed. She only dealt in absolutes.
Being a sniper was not just about sitting in one hidden position far off, looking through a scope and pulling the trigger. It was much more than that. Those that excelled in the art of marksmanship knew that. Many judged the snipers as murderers rather than soldiers, that might be half true but there was more to it. A brilliant sniper used his scope not only to target the enemy and shoot it. A brilliant sniper used it to gather more and more information on his game. A brilliant sniper had to always take this as a hunt. Observe the prey, find its weak points, outmaneuver it, remain unseen, focus on the weak points.

As the droid set himself next to Alexei, the sniper simply nodded keeping his gaze in the scope.

"Shoot only after I shoot." He ordered the droid. Alexei was slightly unhappy with having a partner marksman, in the end he always took this as a solo job. Hopefully, the droid would be more of a help rather than get in his way.

The armored person that was earlier identified on the holoprojector in the apartment made her entrance in the apartment, she quickly shuffled around and seemed to quickly pass in and out of the scope's view. The thermal sensor alerted her movement but only a stupid sniper would waste a possible clear shot to attempt to shoot someone through the wall despite knowing her position due to those thermal sensors. When he noticed a slight limp in her movement, the sniper smiled. The prey had expressed her first weak point.

Then she went right to the window where the sniper had a clear shot, Alexei almost pulled the trigger. At the last moment he halted. Had he been less experienced, he would attempt a shot and probably miss due to the woman jumping off the window.
Alexei Makarov was no rookie. He judged where her landing would be following the trajectory, her unnatural slow descent helped him time his shot better but also made him more aware of her capabilities. A Force User ? This raised the level of the challenge to much beyond. This was not a simple heavy armored grunt. (That is noticeable right, Keira?)

The moment she landed in a crouch and began standing up was the exact moment Alexei wanted to pull the trigger, the moment where she was for a second or two in one place. A brilliant sniper had to be decisive. No time for hesitations. And Alexei considered himself one as he pulled the trigger of his Verpine Sniper Rifle. The slug was initially aimed at the area of heart due to the torso being a bigger target for a sniper thus easier. The sniper rifle was known for its near silent shots and amazing power, and with Alexei's armor granting him camouphlage - it was a deadly combination. The Verpine knew how to make weapons to kill.

Let the hunt begin...

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="HK-51"]


Faithful Assassin Droid
"Statement: Yes master." HK responded. This position was good, offering a long sight line for precision kills. Soon after he'd set up, a target appeared, a women, crouching after jumping from a previous perch. Perfect shot, and it's new master knew it. Seconds after Alexei pulled the trigger, HK did the same, aiming for the target's torso, more accurately the left lung. In the event that the shot hit, but didn't kill, the target would at least be injured. And without proper oxygen flow, would die slowly if they tried to run.

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Alexei Makarov"]
If Ferus had use of both of his arms, the attack from [member="Xan"] would of had a much different ending. Blocking would of been easy then, followed by a deadly swipe of his lightsaber. Unfortunately, that wasn't how it went. Unable to lift up his dislocated arm or bring his lightsaber around in time, the most he could do was make a quick barrier. Behind his head, and right where the knee came a shimmering blue lit up the area.

With a thud the knee hit, smashing into the barrier and causing the Sith's head to sling backwards. While not as painful as it could have been, it was enough. What's more, the jerk back had the second barrier smash against the steel wall. Again, not as bad as it could have been, but when stars could be seen something had gone wrong. The most he could do was unleash a blast of the Force around him to try and push back his assailant.
[member="Honas'di"] [member="Sen Lon"]
(Sorry, forgot to reply)
*Gear in Bio

Cyrus slid to a halt as the blue canine dodged and leapt overbid head and landed on the other side. Popping a fresh mag into the pistol, Cyrus confirmed [member="Miss Blonde"]'s orders and began to run for the next building, in an attempt to clear the firing area. As he did, he began to set off the mines he dropped on the roof.

He'd head for the ground, sliding down poles and rails and what have you. He'd be right behind another of the Sith parade. The brown haired youth who had made a brief appearance at the roof moments ago. He'd begin firing at the young Sithling. And for the blue beast, if he wasn't entirely distracted by the mines going off, he tossed a few of his MP-SE grenades behind him to deter his blue pursuer. At least momentarily.

This alley they were in, was on of those that held a hidden VT-200 electro mine. Where it is, only he knew. As well, he had the detonator.
Due to his eyes already adjusting from the pitch darkness he had previously been surrounded in to the increase in illumination, Xavka thankfully wasn't blinded as the man who had entered his apartment turned the lights on. Taking the opportunity that the new light source provided by the artificial illumination that shone down from above his head provided to him, Xavka cast his one eyed gaze across the body of his opponent, attempting to determine anything that would assist him in the inevitable and oncoming fight from whatever the man was wearing.

Not much could be discerned from the clothing the man wore, indeed, he not as if he was about to challenge a Sith to a fight, but instead as if he was simply venturing out of his abode. Clad in silver and grey camo trousers and a webbed shirt as he was, the man looked unarmoured and unassuming. However, Xavka took note of the fact that the black gloves and boots that the man wore were plated in a silver metal, but in the end he paid that fact little to no consideration. Even if the metal help a resistant to blaster or lightsaber as one of its properties, Xavka used neither of those weapons so, in the end, it would not concern. The main fact that Xavka focused were the scars that covered the torso of the man, silvery lines that spoke of the man's experience with combat.

It was the scars that gave Xavka his first indication as to the second fact that he was able to ascertain about the man; the first being his gender. When coupled with the man's skin colour, the scars indicated to the Zabrak that the man he was now facing was a Firrerreo. Calling to mind any and all information that Xavka knew about the particular species, Xavka particularity focused on the fact that Firrerreo's held an admiral healing factor, one that could very well end up playing a part in their fight.

When, while the Firrerreo was opening his mouth to speak, Xavka felt a small tremor within the Force, just at the edge of his senses. A minute warning that stirred at the edge of his awareness that fortold of an incoming attack from the man that stood before him. Before the Firrerreo had even finished speaking, Xavka was pulling the Force into his being once more, just like he had been doing only minuets earlier during his meditation. However, this time, he wasn't using the Force to assist in his healing, but was channeling in to and through his muscles, strengthening them and increasing their efficiency to a point that defied biological explanation and delved into the mystic.

As the man that stood at the threshold of his small and temporary (his detest at the putrid smell of Coruscant that constantly assaulted his keen sense of smell never allowing him to stay their for long) domain lept forward in an attack, his knee raised so as to impact against his chest, Xavka moved. The Force imbued speed at which Xavka traveled ripped away the objectives an outside observer may have used to describe his path backwards, leaving only the verb as the only word to describe how Xavka evaded the Firrerreo's attack.

Blurring as he moved, his cloak billowing forwards, Xavka landed with his knees bent slightly a couple of meters from where he had previously stood, his back only a couple of feet from the wall behind him. As soon as his feet touched the cold metal flooring, Xavka twisted his body sharply from right to left, throwing his right shoulder and arm forwards only scant moments before he did so; while he had been still airborne. From within his right sleeve a small metal sphere, barely four centimeters in diameter, shot forwards with assistance from the Force, rapidly extending until the line of rope attached to it grew taunt within Xavka's grip, leaving it hovering barely a meter in front of his person. When Xavka threw his body into the twist, the momentum carried along the length of rope before pulling the small sphere of metal into a diagonal strike aimed directly for the left temple of the Firrerreo.

If the attack with Xavka's Meteor Hammer, the name that the ball and rope held, impacted where he intended it to do so, the sphere would collide sharply with the left hand side of the Firrerreo's head where it would threaten to crack his skull.


Xavka used Force Speed to create some distance (less than a meter) from Andreas while, at the same time, dodging his attack after being forewarned by Precognition. He then attacked with his Meteor Hammer and is attempting to have it impact against Andreas' left temple.

OOC Note:
I don't know if you know this or not, but I will assume that you don't for the purpose of this explanation. The Meteor Hammer is a real life weapon that was wielded by the Shaolin Monks in combat, its purpose is what I described in my post, to crack bone even through light armour. Or, at least, that is what my research into this weapon says. I thought that I'd let you know just so that you would understand what Xavka is doing a bit more.
Oh yeah. This is the part of his job that he lives for. The fight. The thrill. It gets his heart pumping, his blood rushing. Conscious thought diminishes, replaced by pure fighting instinct and everything he's ingrained into muscle memory. All other thoughts go away and are replaced by a pinpoint focus on his singular target. From this moment on, nothing short of death could stop him.

Andreas leaps. [member=Xavka Duquo] moves. That speed! Andreas turns to see a speeding object. He swipes the ball away and winds the chain around his arm. It seemed that his target was just as fast as he was. Oh really? Snarling, Andreas yanks the chain and dashes in close.


He roars as reaches out to grab the Zabrak by the throat and, lifting the taller alien over his head, chokeslam him through the coffee table and into the floor. His eyes were wide with wild rage as he yelled into his opponent's face.

"First you copy my look, then my style. Oh, the balls on you, kin!"

He said, the ball mace head of Xavka's own weapon held tightly in his hand, about to bash his head in with it.
Gear in signature

In those few seconds before the shots were fired with a deadly precision there was an electricity to the air that communicated violent intent not of her own rendition. The same predator that had been observing her moments earlier had made their decision as to whether she would live or die, and the verdict was most certainly negatory. When at last the attack was made in earnest it was evident that Keira was facing more than one adversary, a realization that sent a thrill through her in the pit of her stomach. Here was where she thrived, and these two had made the mistake of instigating combat with one who wouldn't stop until they were broken and bleeding. Someone would fall today, that much she knew with an overwhelming surety.

By some feat of talent or perhaps just a stroke of luck she managed to avoid one of the shots entirely, not being quite so lucky as to manage the same twice in a row. That second bullet clipped her in the side, sending her backwards through kinetic force alone. And she allowed herself to be carried, the armor she wore absorbing the majority of her impact with the ground. Lying there for a few moments she collected herself and gathered her wits, working her muscles from head to toe methodically in order to locate any injuries and determine their exact extent. Nothing seemed to have punctured the phrik plating and embedded itself into her skin, but her ribs were tender on the left side, her torso no doubt black and blue beneath the armor.

Breathe. In and out. Breathe. The moment she demonstrated any signs of life she would be under attack yet again, and so had to move quickly in order to avoid being overwhelmed. This would require some kind of finesse, but nothing she hadn't managed under similar stress in the past. With one last final inhale she was on her feet, moving again as a blur with aid of the ethereal, not stopping until she was secluded in a nearby alleyway. "Get me a line on this malspriha sec'l, and save the 'I told you so' for later." While she was more than capable of locating his position via the Force she didn't want to divide her attention on that plane any more than was necessary. Her reflexes there were better put to use doing her best not to get shot.

A crude map was granted her, and she stifled a quiet sigh. Having some idea of just where she needed to go was no doubt an advantage, but he had the high ground both metaphorically and literally in this case. Much to her annoyance some kind of subtlety was in order just so she wasn't cut down on the way to her ultimate destination, but all the same she was rather fond of keeping her life. Sometimes the methods she was required to go about in order to do so proved more of a hindrance than anything. Her life had always been made up of sacrifices, however, and this was no different. Finally she abandoned her cover, circling around to what was behind his position and hopefully out of sight of both snipers. You're mine.

[member="HK-51"], [member="Alexei Makarov"]


Faithful Assassin Droid
"Observation: The target has left her previous position, and I'm detecting movement behind us. I suggest we either relocate, or lay a trap." HK-51 kept it's sensors trained on the target's movements. It didn't want to disappoint it's master, but more over, it didn't want to be blown into a thousand small pieces.

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Alexei Makarov"]
As the explosions began to pop off on the rooftop, he would simply take a few steps backwards, clawing down the side of the building and down onto the streets below, shaking his head somewhat in defeat. "I'm going to rip him apart." He let out a loud growl, before sprinting to his right and into one of the shadow filled alleyways.

His claw would dig into the wall as he walked down the alley, shutting his eyes, opening them to the force. Searching around him. He located two individuals one, seemingly in pain. It drawed the blue giant in, he began to run towards the pair, slinging his spear back into it's holster to allow him to run a little quicker, before he augmented his speed in an attempt to get there as quickly as he physically could.

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