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Faction Heroes, Rebels and Politics | Eternal Empire




867 ABY

The Eternal Empire has faced many threats recently; such as the fight with the Omni in the Nether, or just the ongoing battles against the Shadow Empire. However, the Empire successfully removed the obstacles. There was just temporary peace in the galaxy after the collapse of the Sith states, though this silence is probably just a sign of a larger storm.

In the north there was the Maw, who now posed a threat to the entire Galaxy, but they could also be potential allies of the Wardens of the Shroud if their goals really matched. In the South, the First Order collapsed and countless new systems might come under Eternal Imperial rule. And to the east was the CIS, with whom they managed to re-establish the relations.

The rebels continued to remain silent while the Shadow Empire continued its efforts, while there were growing concerns within the Black Sun as well, although there was no trace of this yet.

Today, however, was about celebration and politics…



Objective 1: Heroes
There is a large-scale parade at Parade Grounds due to previous victories. Among other things, awards and promotions are given to those who are members of the Army or the Fleet and have taken part in the fighting. Military parade, air shows. Today, civilians are also admitted to the event, so even family-friendly programs await visitors if there are those who want to meet the heroes of the Empire or learn about the Eternal Army and Fleet. At the event, the Empress will hand over the awards in person, not to mention that countless high-ranking individuals will also be present.

Objective 2: Politics
A few hundred meters from the Parade Grounds, in the Spire of Eternity, the Imperial Assembly also gathered to hold a political discussion on how to proceed with political life, home affairs, and foreign affairs. The allies (sub-factions and Agents of Chaos) as always are invited to this event, as it can affect them as well. Any topic can arise, as the fate or future of the Empire may depend on these.

Objective 3: BYOO
In addition to these, countless another story wait to everyone, and anything you want, personal stories. Have fun in any way that you please!


Links: Wulfngard | Kalidan

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Parade Grounds, Wulfngard, Kalidan
Objective I. and II.: Heroes and Politics
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
[ Birth of War ]
<"High Nelvaanian language"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

~ A few hours earlier, Warden Stronghold ~
It was still dark and dawn outside, that was the time Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor had to come here, that was the Empress' order. There were Ingrid and half a dozen other Lord Commander in the room. With the exception of the Empress, everyone wore a helmet or mask, it was impossible to know who they were. As soon as she got in, Ingrid looked at her and spoke:

<"Initiate Kelamvor, kneel down! While most Wardens must pass the Shroud trials before becoming a knight, you have proven in the battle against the Omni that you are worthy of the white robe!">

If Lilanna kneeled, the other Wardens gathered around in a circle around the two, standing solemnly at attention as the Eternal Empress started the short ceremony; the ceremony which marked an Initiate of the Order's ascension into the ranks of knights, a prestigious and influential position, but one which came with its own set of duties and weights which must be carried.

<"Uphold the principles of our Order and all that for which we stand. Never share our secrets, or reveal the true nature of our work. Do so until death, whatever the cost. This is your oath, remember this!"> At this point Ingrid did not hit the girl, like Tacitus did with her.

<"Rise, Knight Warden. Defender of the galaxy, enemy of disorder, sword and shield of the Order, the first and last line of defence against the end of all living things. Rise and be counted amongst your peers,"> the Empress proclaimed. <"You may now wear the white robes of the Wardens, take an apprentice of your own and learn the secrets of our Order."> she said the same words that Tacitus had once said to her.

With that, the other Wardens saluted, fist-over-heart in Imperial style…


~ Now, Parade Grounds ~
A few hours later, when the events were already taking place, she was also there at the Parade Grounds. Ingrid listened to the speeches from the front line, watching the first parade and air show. As always, it was cool, the sky was thickly cloudy, and it was snowing. That is, the time was perfect. Now the time has come for her to present honour and promotions to the worthy individuals, soldiers and agents.

And the show got to the point where the awards ceremony could begin. Ingid came out of her seat, where she had been watching events so far and went to the podium where the soldiers were. Since it was a state level military ceremony, so typically only Army and Fleet men could be present here, the people of the Contractor's Guild will receive their medal later. She looked through the heroes once more as one of the officers who held the badges stepped beside her.

The ceremony began…


Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tag: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy OPEN
Location: Spire of Eternity

The assembly was still gathering. However Broka was there in person this time. A couple new faces among the seemingly nameless rabble. There may be a few he did remember, if he bothered to pay attention. The peace was a thing Broka could only figure as the calm before the storm. What lay ahead, he had no clue at this moment.

Black Sun was still prominent here, and a was still a major source of income for his Kajiedic due to the various industries it has taken over within the Eternal Empire. He had to make sure that its interests were still kept in mind while these Imperial officials voted on their ideas and proposals. He had no mind to really propose anything himself, but monitor any of the others. Where he makes proposals was with his Hutt Republic across the galaxy. The fledgling frontier government on the fringes of the Silver Jedi Concord's territory. It has been growing, but none of that effort would have even happened if it had not been for the Eternal Empire hosting his business in its territory.

While some of the other politicians were familiarizing themselves with each other, or are still arriving, Broka sat in grandiose opulence fitting of a being of his stature. He enjoyed the wine provided to him by the retenue of servants that were busy attending to their master. Occasionally, one of the servants would bring him a small platter of food to keep the colossal Hutt engaged instead of growing bored from waiting. Such platters were cleared in seconds, but they did indeed stimulate Broka's mind just enough to keep him wary of what was going on.

His booth in the assembly was a lively affair. The servants working to appease him, the guards standing watch for any threats to their lord, a few courtiers observing the surroundings too to advise their master, and Broka himself at the center of it all. This microcosm of how Hutt Space politics should be done for all these Imperials to behold if they bothered to pay attention to it. Any minute now the assembly will be called to attention, and the session of Imperial politics will begin.
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Objective: Politics
Location: Spire
Interacting: OPEN
Nearby: Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim (Unsure)
Ceremonial robes.
Present accompaniment:
4 Zhorngi
6 Jkri

The Eternal Empire. Formidable, and frustrating. Had the Corporate Protectorate not failed, he might have been spared the unfortunate situation he was in. Though he kept up cooperation with the Empire, he was certainly not pleased at the fact his planet remained in their territory. But it was the only logical choice, though his forces weren't entirely unskilled and did have a number of advantages. They were far too outmatched when it came to fleets. He could have fled, naturally, bring a large chunk of his power source with him. But it would still be the loss of authority over an entire planet. It was not something he wanted to lose.

So here he was, to play politics. He had guards, naturally. Not that he expected them to do anything. Most, including him, simply stood still. Watching. There were chairs to sit in, and occasionally one or two at a time could be seen seated. But for the most part, they stood, and watched.

He was careful with his telepathy. He knew some were force sensitive among the Eternal Empire and he didn't want to take unnecessary risks. It was unfortunate, but it would be safer to keep his own mind locked safely than freely seeking information from those around him.

Nexus did take note of a Hutt, Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt . They had a bit of a reputation behind them, one far older than almost any others in the galaxy actually. It seemed no matter how many times empires or republics rose and fall, there would always be the Hutts. A far more 'eternal' empire than the one he now stood beneath. He would have to consider discussions with that one later if he was able. Could prove useful, or self-destructive, depending on the Hutt most likely.
Objective: Politics
Location: Spire
Interacting: OPEN
Nearby: Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim (Unsure)
Ceremonial robes.
Present accompaniment:
4 Zhorngi
6 Jkri

The Eternal Empire. Formidable, and frustrating. Had the Corporate Protectorate not failed, he might have been spared the unfortunate situation he was in. Though he kept up cooperation with the Empire, he was certainly not pleased at the fact his planet remained in their territory. But it was the only logical choice, though his forces weren't entirely unskilled and did have a number of advantages. They were far too outmatched when it came to fleets. He could have fled, naturally, bring a large chunk of his power source with him. But it would still be the loss of authority over an entire planet. It was not something he wanted to lose.

So here he was, to play politics. He had guards, naturally. Not that he expected them to do anything. Most, including him, simply stood still. Watching. There were chairs to sit in, and occasionally one or two at a time could be seen seated. But for the most part, they stood, and watched.

He was careful with his telepathy. He knew some were force sensitive among the Eternal Empire and he didn't want to take unnecessary risks. It was unfortunate, but it would be safer to keep his own mind locked safely than freely seeking information from those around him.

Nexus did take note of a Hutt, Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt . They had a bit of a reputation behind them, one far older than almost any others in the galaxy actually. It seemed no matter how many times empires or republics rose and fall, there would always be the Hutts. A far more 'eternal' empire than the one he now stood beneath. He would have to consider discussions with that one later if he was able. Could prove useful, or self-destructive, depending on the Hutt most likely.


Tag: Krae Krae
Location: Spire of Eternity

This was the first political conference he ever attended. At least it would have been more respectable of an idea than that of the Sith. However, as the Baron of Lotho Minor, he had to go. This was one way to present True Strength perhaps. He only hoped that these leaders were as strong as he assumed. They were all military officials as far as he has learned. Perhaps they would be worth his time after all.

He entered the hall. The door was surprisingly wide enough for his figure. He heard that the Empress was promoting one of the other Wardens to Knight earlier. He could not attend though due to this less favorable duty he had to do. Returning to his situation on that note, he looked around. There were people here in military garb, many well decorated, but this presentation was not what he needed. He must wait for them to speak to judge if they were weaklings or not. However, there was one being here that was certainly weak, and not worth a bit of his regard. In a booth all to itself, a weak, fat Hutt sat there with servants attending to its needs and a gaggle of lesser courtiers scheming behind him. How could that..thing be here?!?, Viermen thought to himself as he continued to wade through the small sea of men to his area.

He got to the spot prepared for him. The chairs were cleared at this location. He did not sit down though. His six robotic legs could not get tired anyway. He was used to spending his days standing indefinitely. This was no different for him there. As he waited he noticed the stares he was receiving. He was glad these Imperials were noticing him. That was the job he more intended to do here. He was a missionary of True Strength through his appearance and behavior today. The more who beheld his enlightened form, the better. It was time to see who was weak now. It was time to see who was strong here. It was time for the trials of this senate to begin. However, he waited for the first to speak. He would not be first; that would be foolish. He may be blunt and brutal, but he was no fool.
Objective: Politics

Willow and Ivy were one pair of courtiers that were near Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt . The siamese twins sat in a specialized chair made for them both. Not long ago Broka had informed them that he was going to train them in politics, so this was surely going to be one of their lessons.

Normally they'd spend their time here using their Force abilities to peek into the futures of those around them, to search for any specifics regarding their employer Broka. Time and time again people have told them that they were slaves, given the limitations put on them, yet the twins wouldn't believe it. Broka looked after them, housed them, fed them, protected them and gave them a small salary. What would they do without him? They couldn't possibly survive out in the wild Galaxy on their own.

Their eyes were drawn to Viermen as he stepped in, staring in the direction of their employer with a look of disgust. He was certainly....unique in his own right. The twins had seen some beings with cybernetics enhancements, but this was entirely different. He was a strange one, indeed. And coming from them, that was saying something.
Location: Parade Grounds, Wulfngard - Kalidan-Lysenia
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Attire: VA-BWu | Visel Arms Ltd.
Equipment: X8 “Gambit” Elite Disruptor Pistol

It was all so much to take in.

In witnessing the display of soldiers, armored vehicles, starfighters, and other elements of the Eternal Army and Navy arrayed within and above the parade grounds, Ivixa could not help but to feel a swelling of pride in her bosom. Sarissa-pattern tanks rumbled by, with their commanders saluting from the upper hatch. Lance fighters and dive bombers howled overhead, flying in precise formations which left Ivixa in awe. It was almost too much for Ivixa to resist gaping like a schoolgirl, knowing that she had to maintain a firm, neutral expression, especially given her position towards the front where no doubt, there were likely hundreds of cameras focused in around her location.

For the diminutive Blackwatch Assassin, this was a day of celebration, but also an opportunity to reflect. With the operations on Vagar Praxut, Shuldene, and many other worlds, the Shadow Empire was in decline. The Eternal Empire was in a time of relative peace. However, in spite of the pride she felt in the Empire, she maintained deep reservations regarding the new alliance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In her mind, nothing short of a war or imprisonment of the leaders involved could forgive the terrible atrocity they had wrought on her people, which was why the alliance had horrified her to such a drastic extent.

She could feel pride, but at the same time, disappointment.

Nevertheless, Ivixa’s eyes went wide, even if only briefly, as the Empress emerged into view, her red hair and towering figure cutting a distinct presence amidst the military officers. Fist locked in place over her heart, Ivixa let a soft breath escape from her lips, before waiting for her name to be called...

Heroes, Rebels, and Politics
She had been summoned before the Empress only on two occasions before this. Once, was before they began to strike at the Shadow Empire, the second, was on that beach exodus where she had met Corin, and now this would mark the third. Sadly, this was perhaps the lowest point that the Warden had experienced. Her injuries, her shame, and now...her pride, all undone by her own hand. It was a miracle in her mind that Corin considered her a friend still, would even consider her an honorary Ultranaut. She wished to feel pride in this moment, but there was only the shame she felt, standing on the new cybernetic leg. The empress herself had given funds for it's creation, something that the Warden knew she didn't deserve, and yet, here she stood upon it, in the middle of a crowd being honored for her 'sacrifice'. The real ones who should have been honored were the departed, the ones who had died while Lil had betrayed her comrades.​
Standing before the rest of her peers, Lilanna had moved before the Empress as commanded, kneeling, her bowed. She wished to hide her face, to keep herself from being known, hoping that the other Wardens might not know of her shame. She should have felt pride as the Empress praised her, laid upon her a promotion, elevated her in status to something of noble holding. Yet, she felt nothing but that festering guilt. How had she proven herself? How did she deserve to keep going when so many others just as worthy had departed? Lilanna had no answers. She merely closed her eyes, and took that which was placed upon her, trying to soothe her emotions that the Empress wasn't mistaken, that it was just her emotions at play.​
It didn't make her feel much better.​
Rising as she was appointed as an official knight, she felt the eyes of the other Wardens felt upon her, and merely grimaced as their gaze felt as if it shifting to blame. Did anyone know the truth of that day? Would they know? Or would it be a secret between herself and Corin?​
Lilanna had no real way of knowing.​
OBJ 1: Heroes​
Lilanna had found a nice hiding place within the parade grounds, though she had phased through the nearest all to accomplish it, she was able to view the others from the view port before her. Others were being praised for their service against Omni, for their efforts against the drones in that otherworldly place. Which was exactly why Lilanna had withdrawn from the festivities. Corin deserved far more praise than herself, as did countless others. Besides, as a Warden, she had no place in the lime light, there was no reason to make herself known, not when she had been fighting for the other side for most of the conflict. She pulled up a chair, still cradling the bottle of Corellian Ale she had swiped from the bar, and opened it. She was tired of wrestling with her guilt for the day.​
She needed to fight this demon alone.​
Hopefully Corin didn't come looking for her.​

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Location: Parade Grounds, Wulfngard
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
Kit: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS MK. IV Armour, Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid Control Unit

Standing at the head of her company, Captain Corin Autem did her best not to move. Standing at attention, she could feel the eyes on her even as her own bore straight forward, emotionless behind the faceplate of her helmet. She did not react to the procession of friendly armor as it rolled past nor the squadrons of fighters and bombers as they soared by overhead. She could not allow herself to become distracted. Not now. She had to remain focused on the situation at hand, and refuse the temptation to look around. Fierce as that temptation was proving to be, she knew she would hold.

Ultranauts always held. Right down to the last if needs be.

The Tenth Regiment was arrayed around her, silent and imposing as they always were. Ordered by the battalion, the first and second found themselves towards the front of the parade grounds, soaking up the limelight. The third and fourth -battle-diminished and not yet fully reinforced- stood towards the back, away from the cameras and the eyes of the onlookers. Corin stood with them, unnoticed for the most part. That was okay. Today's ceremony wasn't for her, but for all of them. A few key players were to receive medals, and it was her job to bear witness to that. Unphased as she might have appeared to be, she recognized the magnitude of what was about to happen, could feel it in her chest.

Thus the immaculate armor and shiny wolf droids.

Gazing skywards, the Ultranaut Captain looked on as it began to snow. Grey clouds drifted lazily by overhead, trailing a sea of swirling flakes. One landed on her visor. By the time she looked down it had begun to melt, smearing the lense everso slightly. Not that it mattered. She could still see, which was good, as the Empress chose that exact moment to stand and make her way to the podium setup in front of the gathered soldiers. Even at this distance, Cor could make out the Empress's signature red hair. It didn't take much to envision the person it belonged to. The stern face, the cold eyes and the strength they held.

Imperium personified.

The Ultranauts saluted as one. "Hail L'lerim!" They chanted once, twice, and Corin added her voice to those of her brothers and sisters. "Hail L'lerim!" She chanted for a third and final time before falling silent, a few thousand eyes glued squarely on the podium, and the Empress stood there.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Parade Grounds, Wulfngard, Kalidan
Objective I. and II.: Heroes and Politics
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Open
[ Birth of War ]
<"High Nelvaanian language"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

This is the day when everyone wears parade uniform and parade armour. They wear all their honours and awards which they can show their merits. Ingrid was the odd one out; as always. Unadorned uniform, on the usual unadorned military coat. Only the armband on her arm; perhaps her hat was one that only high ranking officers could wear. As always, she was present at the parade in such a way. Though she was the Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet and the Army, she was also given these titles when she got the Empress' title.

As always, her stand, her radiance spoke about her nobility, her rigor, that she was the leader. Even if she looks only a private with no ranks based on her dress. She looked at the soldiers with her cold blue eyes, who greeted her. She paused for a moment and saluted them in an Eternal Imperial way, clenched fist over her heart, in the manner of the Eternal Empire's military and fleet.

The prides of the Empire!

Ingrid was different from Tacitus; the red-haired woman did not want another personal cult among the Ultranauts. It was plenty enough that the veterans still considered the late emperor as a god. She was relieved that she was not being respected in this way. She never believed in gods.

What happened to Lilanna at Netherworld, Ingrid knew, and the Lord Commanders knew. She returned, able to defeat Omni's influence, and that mattered. Although she did not see her here among those who will receive honours today, she felt the girl’s presence and guilt in the crowd. She remembered for a moment to call her, but in the end she didn't do this.

<"Today, we remember not only ordinary soldiers, but also those who work in the shadows, never in the light, Blackwatch agents. Agent Nera'kas, step forward! For your continued high-level services to the Empire, you will be rewarded with the Distinguished Service Medal and, from today, you will also receive the rank of Special Agent!"> said in her usual cold and military voice, and if Ivixa stepped forward, Ingrid would personally pin the medal on the woman's uniform and then salute to her as well.


Location: Parade Grounds, Wulfngard - Kalidan-Lysenia
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Corin Autem Corin Autem Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
Attire: VA-BWu | Visel Arms Ltd.
Equipment: X8 “Gambit” Elite Disruptor Pistol

Ivixa listened to the chants of the Ultranauts, their voices raised in a collective chorus to the Empress. She was a woman who had never sought to foster a cult of personality, but many seemed to venerate her regardless. While Ivixa had met and worked directly with the Empress in person, in addition to being very familiar with her reputation and one of her alternate identities, even Ivixa could not think of a reason as to why she could be undeserving of their veneration.

To put it simply, Ingrid had earned the adoration of the people, and yet more.

Agent Nera’kas, step forward!

The words of the Empress, laced with the sound of her own name, rang in the diminutive Asa’nyx’s ears as she stood at attention, eyes fixed forward with unflinching discipline. And yet, her heart fluttered in her chest, knowing that for the moment, the eyes of the nation were on her, a tiny citizen and Agent of the Empire. It had only been a few months since her induction into Blackwatch and her initiation as a citizen, but within that short span of time, Ivixa was made to feel as if the Empire was her true home. While the Agents of Chaos had done many things for her people, of which she was extremely grateful for, Ivixa could not deny the overwhelming emotions flowing through her core. Had she been in less control of her expression, tears might have manifested on her cyan features. Instead, she gave a soft, humble smile, before stepping forward out of the line and walking to the platform, feeling the cameras which represented the eyes of trillions of sapients, perhaps even more, focused on her diminutive figure, which was otherwise hidden from view behind rows of taller bodies.

Stepping up to the platform, Ivixa bowed, then assumed a ramrod straight, statuesque posture as the Empress pinned the medal to her uniform. Then, Ivixa moved a tiny fist moved swiftly over her heart, delivering a firm salute to her Empress, before returning to formation.

Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu)
Overseer of Science Development, Knight Warden of the Shroud


Location: Spire of Eternity
Equipment: Dark Blessings of Kuolema / Varjokävely
Ship: Aries XIII
Tags: N/A


The conference was minutes away from starting, nearly every seat occupied, with a few stragglers stumbling to their designated locations. There were several topics within the Empire that needed to be discussed, ranging from laws to new proposed ideas that both affected the Empire directly and indirectly. For Mikilanna, politics was a fun and adventurous endeavor, a way for her to gently breeze the minds of others to get what she needed; in terms of the scientific aspect of the Empire. She was the Overseer of the Science Development program, and though the Empress had laid strict regulations on certain agendas for the science community; there were ways to filter through those regulations if enough support was garnished from agreeing voices. However, as much as she loved politics, she hated and detested the squabbling associated with the subject. Most days of the political conferences she usually sat back, reading the minds and expressions of her peers, only getting involved in the heated debates if some fool thought it wise to pull away support from the science program; then she would act accordingly, with dripping anger and vicious verbal attacks with concrete facts.

She had resources that allowed her to possess facts and evidence to counter the other departments and politicians, which was damning and crushing to the opposition. Others constantly questioned how she came into such sensitive material, but Mikilanna knew how to play the political field; and one never revealed their sources.

Leaning back in her chair, her eyes roamed across the itinerary of subjects she wanted to address the conference. Off to her left, she caught the gaze of a rival politician staring intently at her. Mikilanna had been involved in an incident that changed her features somewhat, adding character to her face and reshaping parts of her body; mainly her tail and left leg, both hidden from prying eyes until she settled upon a personal decision on how to act upon accordingly. Her hair, a once flourishing locks of red, were now robbed of it's color for a more white, root-dead, color.
"Not polite to stare," she hissed, never taking her transformed eyes of her datapad.



Heroes, Rebels, and Politics
The award ceremony was starting, she could hear the Empress speaking now, and the first of the recipients was being called forth. Which meant her presence was going to be requested soon. She needed to go back out there, or risk stirring a mess. Sitting up in her chair, Lilanna looked to the bottle she held, having gotten only a quarter of the way through it. What in the hell was she doing here? Truthfully, she didn't know. Slowly, she rose, the sensation of being lightheaded slowly seeping into her head, though she could find her feet still. She set the bottle in the chair, her hand moving to her helmet, and engaged it's mask property. The helmet enclosed around her face, the Warden's identity going back to being concealed. Her leg implant was almost identical to her original leg, though she still could feel the differences; perhaps in time it would fade. Honestly, the worst thing about it were the accommodations she had to make to her armor as a consequence; though compared to some, it wasn't nearly that bad.​
Moving closer towards the wall, Lilanna drew upon the force, pressing herself through the obstacle, and emerging into the outside world. She didn't feel like joining in the festivities, and wasn't feeling the atmosphere that the Empress might have been trying to go with. Hearing the applause as the diminutive one took to the stage, Lilanna merely looked forward, the Wardens form slowly moved towards the back of the assembly, and found an opening to lurk within. She was happy for Ivxa, the woman deserved the praise after all of her hard work; which made Lilanna ll the more reluctant to receive anything close to a reward. At the very least she was making an appearance, though at current she was doing everything in her power to remain unnoticed; though given the nature of her armor and aura she was giving off, that was probably going against itself.​
Ideally, no one would call on her, and the moment the ceremony was done, she could be leave. Though to complicate matters, the alcohol was now starting to get its hooks in her, as she staggered forward just a tad before catching herself. Probably not a great call on her end.​

Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tags: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Krae Krae Ladybug Ladybug
Location: Spire of Eternity

Broka continued to sit and wait. It seemed many others were doing the same. They sat there, and waited for something to pounce on. Someone would have to say something soon. However, unlike the Imperials, Broka was able to occupy himself while waiting. A few courtiers and advisors were around him in his lofty position. Two of which he brought along with him purposefully. He called the twins over to his seat. The servants then moved their chair over to the spot of Broka's liking.

As they came over, he had them sit down and get comfortable. Though, in a tone quiet enough not to resonate with the whole room, he said, "<You have observed rooms like this before to warn me of things. But now, try see what I see. Look about these people in their seats around us. Give it a moment to look intently. Then tell me what you see about these people.>"

At the same time he observed the room as well. He saw a man that came here with intentions to still rule his world, whichever that was. Another man was here out of duty, and clearly was not built for politics, both literally and figuratively. A woman was sitting at a spot in the room, Broka could vaguely remember them too. He saw her doing similar things to him in this room. She was waiting like he was. Then the rest were exhibiting behavior expected of the Imperials by Broka at this point. Generals were there, though he could tell which were more tested than the others. After this, his gaze returned to the twins he was training.

Parade Grounds, Wulfngard, Kalidan-Lysenia
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
Kit: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS MK. IV Armour, Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid Control Unit

The Empress spoke, and the gathered Ultranauts listened. The civilians that had been permitted to watch the ceremony crowded around the edges of the parade grounds, their voices a collective murmur as the Empress of the Eternal Empire read out the first name of many.
"Agent Nera'kas, step forward!" Tilting her head back everso slightly, Corin tried to get a better view as the first award was meted out. For a moment she wondered whether anyone had actually stepped forward to receive the medal, the falling snow casting a thin veil over the soldiers and their counterparts.

Nope. There she is!

Enhancing her vision of the stage using her helmet's optics, the captain couldn't help but crack a smile as the diminutive assassin, Ivixa Nera'kas, came into view. Short, unassuming, the Blackwatch agent made to stand before the Empress. Despite her height, the Asa'nyx did a good job of appearing imperious. Straight-backed, well-turned-out, she received her medal and promotion in good order, snapping a crisp salute once the former had been pinned to her chest. Turning on her heel, the newly promoted agent made her way back into formation without a word.

Quick and to the point. Just how these sorts of ceremonies should be, Corin thought, holding her silence as the next name was called.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Parade Grounds, Wulfngard, Kalidan
Objective I. and II.: Heroes and Politics
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Open
[ Birth of War ]
<"High Nelvaanian language"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Ingrid couldn't afford to smile, not even if it had been the smile only "exist" due to her acting talent, and not an honest smile. Because she wasn’t really able to do that in a situation like that. The whole Empire watched them. She should not show any sympathy or kindness, she had to look cold and unreachable. Her entire nation expected this from her.

Lately, she’s had to play this less and less because she really felt more and more distant from those who have an average lifespan. Ingrid began to understand and fully comprehend what it is like to be Shadow-born and that she will never grow old, but everyone around her will does.

So she just nodded to Ivixa and waited for the girl to return to her seat. This was followed by roughly one and a half dozen officers and soldiers who received the honours. She had to move in line because they had plans. Among them were other agents, communications officers, and military doctors. As soon as they received the awards, Corin and her team followed.

<"Captain Autem, step forward! You and everyone on your team will all be honored for your continued high quality and dedicated work. And you, you have proven to be great at leading your battalion, always do your best on the battlefield, excellently inspiring your people and setting an example for them. In addition, you set an example of superhuman camaraderie to everyone, saving the lives of many of your comrades. You have earned the Distinguished Service Medal for your actions and, from today, you will also receive the rank of major! Congratulations Major!"> if Corin stepped forward, the Empress would personally pin the medal on the woman's armour and then salute to her and her company as well.



Location: Parade Grounds, Wulfngard, Kalidan-Lysenia
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
Kit: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS MK. IV Armour, Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid Control Unit

The cold of Kalidan-Lysenia did little to dissuade the Ultranauts as they stood to attention. The biting wind and snow was something you grew accustomed to if you spent any amount of time on the Empire's home planet. Even the civilians -most of whom were locals- had gotten used to the temperamental weather. You had to. There was no room for weakness in the Empire, and Her soldiers knew it just as much as those they were sworn to protect did. It had taken blood, sweat, tears and toil to get to where they were today. During the fledgling days, hardship had been an Etties bread and butter.

And boy didn't we eat well, Corin thought, the Empress' voice carrying across the parade grounds as she went from one awardee to the next.

Things were better now, truth be told. The days weren't so dark, the fights not so desperate. There had been sacrifice, true. Tacitus had been lost to them, as had a great number of her brothers- and sisters-in-arms. But their sacrifice had paved the way for Ingrid and those who had followed. Without them, there would be no Empire today. Straightening up, the Ultranaut Captain let that thought pass as the Empress turned to walk down the lane of open ground dividing her company from the one in front.

Eyes locked forward, she almost didn't believe what she was seeing when the Empress stopped in front of her. Suddenly overcome with nerves, she did her best to hold onto her composure as the goddamn Empress began to speak to her and those under her command. She hadn't seen this coming. Indeed, she saw no reason for it. To serve was to do her duty; what was noteworthy about that? Listening on, the Ultranaut could feel her mouth going dry as Ingrid told her of the medal she was about to receive. The promotion, too.

Major? What the feth-

Taking a moment that felt like an eternity, Corin gathered herself before stepping forward. The weight of the moment was almost enough to turn her legs to jelly, but she did a good job of ignoring her nerves and wandering mind. Letting the Empress pin the medal to her armor, she returned the salute. "You honour us, My Lord," she said, risking a few words. Surely the Empress wouldn't begrudge her that. "You honour them." Diverting her gaze, Corin looked the Empress dead in the eye. Though she was wearing her helmet, the Ultranaut could almost feel Ingrid's eyes piercing her own. And in return she could see in Ingrid's more than what the Empress had chosen to portray to the crowds. Much more.

"Thank you."

Snapping off another crisp salute, Corin stepped back into place before her company- her companies, a mixture of pride and a sense of loss competing to undo her.
Willow and Ivy sat upon their chair next to Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt in answer to his summons. The Great Hutt was teaching them the ways of politics, which would turn their gifts into something more beneficial of his Republic.

They listened to his words and then looked to all of those around them as he had instructed. Willow closed her eyes and focused on the Force. Her consciousness moved among the brilliantly colourful webs that weaved and mingled around everyone in attendance. Sometimes those webs would move about as individual people shifted their own thoughts and focus to someone or something else.

It was Ivy that spoke quietly to Broka to tell him what they were discovering. "There are some there that seek recognition for their efforts, and more than half of those will gain it. Others are here to simply bear witness and to spread gossip. Another shows much distaste towards Your Grace and your species as some are want to do. There are those with high ambitions of gaining more power for themselves through well placed words and pledges. There are....a lot of different viewpoints to take in."
Location: Parade Grounds, Wulfngard - Kalidan-Lysenia
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Corin Autem Corin Autem Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
Attire: VA-BWu | Visel Arms Ltd.
Equipment: X8 “Gambit” Elite Disruptor Pistol

Ivixa returned to formation, more decorated and honored than she had been only a moment before. Once she knew that the cameras were off of her, she couldn’t help but to crack a small, ephemeral smile as the implications of her new rank dawned on her. More pay, which meant she could better provide for her family, more independence, but also, more expectations. To be frank, Ivixa balked at the idea of leadership, but she prided herself on being ever the dutiful servant of the Empire. She had stepped out of her comfort zone before in fulfilling her work and this would be no exception.

Watching as the next recipient met the Empress on the platform to receive her own reward, Ivixa gave her applause in turn, a soft, gentle motion fitting the atmosphere of the ceremony. Seeing the Ultranaut Captain, now-Major, reminded Ivixa of her little sister, who had unfortunately failed to pass the initial physical qualifications to enter Ultranaut training. Fortunately, Priesse had found her career elsewhere, though it set Ivixa ill-at-ease knowing that her little sister would be fighting on the frontlines.

Nevertheless, Ivixa was proud of her, just as she was happy for the Ultranaut Major on the platform. Some day, she might fight alongside them both, together working to bring peace to the Unknown Regions...

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