[SIZE=11pt]Location: Kaeshana, Ruins of Santassia[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: 4; A Promise Fulfilled, A Sacrifice Honoured[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Post: 3[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]As Pharazon stood silently behind Scorpio, the memories came surging in, walls of fire, roars of defiance, the stench of burnt flesh. He stood there, boots encrusted with the now dried mud of what was once ankle deep mud mixed with the blood of human and eldorai alike. Now there was nothing, nothing but bodies and rubble. As Scorpio continued to weep openly now after his roar was completed, Pharazon simply stood behind him, and put a hand on his back, Scorpio made no move to stop him, and there they stood for a few minutes that seemed an eternity to the two men involved. Watching this man weep over his brother, Pharazon’s mind wandered to his own family, who would weep over his own body were it shipped back to Hapes, shattered and broken. Would his mother and grandmother even come to see him, would Bethelthyia be able to look beyond their past and childhood and grieve for her brother. He thought she might have been finally coming around to him before… before his life had literally exploded and he was forced to flee Hapes. Is Elenthyia even still alive… would I not simply meet her on the other side… beyond the eternal mists… [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Pharazon thought, his own eyes growing glassy as he comforted this bereft man under his command. The only thing he could think of is response was the voice that had spoken to him when he was in surgery. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]But that is impossible, how could she have possibly talked to me inside my own mind from across the galaxy[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]…[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]His personal thoughts were shattered as an alert blared through his helmet speakers over the command comm. It was a call for medevac, from somewhere within the ruins with coordinates attached. How has anyone been found alive… [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Pharazon thought dejectedly as he watched his men continue their grim work, they had recovered about half the bodies and properly secured them of those fallen brothers they knew to still be here.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“This is Captain TK-6850, Captain Draken of the 189th Grenadiers, I cannot reroute you a shuttle but I can dispatch a transport speeder to your position” Pharazon replied crisply and professionally, emotions still there and coursing, but thoroughly hidden now.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“I can also attach and dispatch my company medical officer, Lieutenant TK-2366, Lieutenant Dagon, he can keep that trooper alive, just as he did me, he has an... intimate experience of the wounded of this world” Pharazon said, voice still crisp but some emotion leaking slightly back into the edges.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“The living must be saved, our fallen comrades will understand, Draken out” Pharazon finished grimly, signalling to the driver of one of the transport vehicles and sending a quick text order to him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Dagon get in the transport, I am sending you details of a medevac request we have received from within the ruins, keep this man alive, or else aid his passing” Pharazon said grimly to the man that had since the battle in this very ruin become quite the friend to him. It always amazed Pharazon each time he began to grow close to someone, it reminded him that his life had not taken everything from him. Trust was real, and if anyone deserved it, it was these men. Pharazon was still conflicted about these new relationships and disclosing too much of himself, but he was starting to realise just how much of a horrible impact his being raised on Hapes had done to him, and maybe, just maybe, growing more accepting of the idea of rectifying the flaws in himself that he had so far perpetuated to stay alive.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]"Acknowledged sir, though I can make no assurances, he will have only barely survived to have made it this long, but... I will do what I can" Dagon replied darkly, memories and feelings of hopelessness of those he had been unable to save on this world during the battle evident in his voice.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]"I know my good man, but if anyone can help that trooper, it is you, and we are likely the closest assistence available, even if a shuttle comes, do what you can, may the stars guide you through the mists" Pharazon said, warmly and [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]quietly[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] to his friend over the com, finishing with a saying known to some on Hapes seeking guidance in dark and desperate times. Dagon only nodded solelmly before heading toward and entering the transport.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Hydros, take your squad and accompany them, keep those still within the ruins away from them” he directed finally to the genial giant.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“But sir… my mortar” Hydros said, raising himself out of the dust of the ruins he had been digging in after retrieving Hammos’ body. “I will ensure it is recovered, but that was an order Sergeant, a man is dying and I will not risk the good doctor and our transport just so you can find a ruined mortar in a ruined building... I can rely on you and your men, let something good come of this day” Pharazon retorted perhaps more harshly than he had intended even if he did temper his words at the end. Even so, Pharazon knew Hydros took no offence, and it was necessary to be forceful with the eccentric man when he was like this. The man was likely an engineering genius, but was too excitable concerning explosives and let himself be distracted from the bigger picture.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Knowing, however, that Pharazon would keep his word, Hydros snapped a crisp salute and directed his men onto the transport that then sped off at likely unsafe speeds toward the emergency call.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Let us save at least one man from this wretched place, just one… Pharazon thought, unable to completely suppress his own feelings of guilt and responsibility for the loss of life in this wretched place.[/SIZE]
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