Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey all, it's the sector pub crawl! [First Order T3 Dominion of New Balosar Hex]

Ishana Pavanos

Ishana still sat there in the back, watching the people come in -new people. Her people she guessed, looked them up and down and pegged them for First Order types. Gambling tables weren't too far off, just a bit in the back there so she figured to get on over. Slowly, but surely the pilot rose from her seat and grabbed a long neck from the bar as she headed toward [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] and [member="Ara Ren"]. "Ladies, boys," Ishana greeted as she grabbed a chair, "don't mind if I do." She threw down a stack of credits, left over from her Cantina dancing days which come to think of it she needed to see if Sotta would lend her some more money for a Cantina joint or two around Dosuun or Lanteeb, or something. The men harumpthed but dealt her in anyway, "did I ever tell you guys about the time I was in the One Sith?"

No one particularly cared, and that was fine.

"So there was this time I was in the One Sith, just graduated fresh from the academy training. And the first thing we do is hit up this place - small place, and hey can you - are you gonna." She looked the man dead in the eyes, "anyway we head to this little place." As she spoke she looked at the hand she was given and the table. "Say, what's your name?" She asked one of the girls, "don't think I've seen your face around here." Taking the opportunity she surveyed the guys around studying their expressions and looking to see the little tweaks they had.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Kaeshana
Objective: Rebuild the Kaeshana spaceport
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 16/38

"OK, you're familiar with the NIMBY concept, but that would not excuse your attitude towards us having overloaded the ship"

"We have arrived over Kaeshana's high orbit"

"Boss, the excavation work is complete, we may begin to pour the duracrete"

"The hypermatter reservoir status?"

To the last command to Frank, Dunames received no response. AT-AT barges can take about three hours to make it from Riflor to Kaeshana; she knew that, while a 75,000 cubic-meter reservoir of hypermatter doesn't weigh more than about 1,500-2,000 tons, in which case the whole barge is used to carry the reservoir itself, it would take up the entire legal cargo rating of said barge to carry. But also because the ship was so heavy, it was maneuvering at about the speed of a Victory-X not unlike those on patrol around the Kaeshana system. Much, much slower than on the way to Chalcedon, at any rate. Dunames knew that making atmosphere was going to be a long journey back to the outer suburbs of Santaissa; said suburbs were going to be a good distance away and a spaceport so far away from Santaissa proper may encourage urban sprawl. That, even though she knew better than to encourage urban sprawl, if only because of the highway that was meant to lead the population of Santaissa to the spaceport.
It's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up
It's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up
It's dare.

Captain Wenck stumbled into the jumping rocket, his shins smeared with his own vomit. With a drunken smile on his face, the stormtrooper had slunk away from where the other, more civilised party had drunk, to a seedier part of the Colony Club. Now the stormtrooper officer was drunk off his face, having vomited once on the shuttle ride to catch up to his compatriots.

You've got to press it on you
You've just been thinking
That's what you do, baby
Hold it down, dare

Jump with them all and move it
Jump back and forth
It feels like you were there yourself, work it out

Dergan Twigg followed close behind. The two, in their stupor managed to find an old holovid collection, of music videos. Since then, the duo had been slurring the lyrics to their favourite drinking songs. The techno of Avalonia's poorer suburbs hadn't escaped the professional thugs. The two, now struggling with walking, stumbled through the bar, singing a duet.

"What is up laaads!" Twigg bellowed at the top of his lungs, walking through the bar.

"Woo!" Rexus whooped, "Let's get this party started lads!" The trooper tore off his loose fitting top, and began to swing it around his head, revealing his well muscled torso and the unfortunate phallus tatooed on his left bicep, "I wanna get karked up lads!"

[member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Ara Ren"] | @Anyone else boozing up.
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Kaeshana, Ruins of Santassia[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: 4; A Promise Fulfilled, A Sacrifice Honoured[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Post: 3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As Pharazon stood silently behind Scorpio, the memories came surging in, walls of fire, roars of defiance, the stench of burnt flesh. He stood there, boots encrusted with the now dried mud of what was once ankle deep mud mixed with the blood of human and eldorai alike. Now there was nothing, nothing but bodies and rubble. As Scorpio continued to weep openly now after his roar was completed, Pharazon simply stood behind him, and put a hand on his back, Scorpio made no move to stop him, and there they stood for a few minutes that seemed an eternity to the two men involved. Watching this man weep over his brother, Pharazon’s mind wandered to his own family, who would weep over his own body were it shipped back to Hapes, shattered and broken. Would his mother and grandmother even come to see him, would Bethelthyia be able to look beyond their past and childhood and grieve for her brother. He thought she might have been finally coming around to him before… before his life had literally exploded and he was forced to flee Hapes. Is Elenthyia even still alive… would I not simply meet her on the other side… beyond the eternal mists… [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Pharazon thought, his own eyes growing glassy as he comforted this bereft man under his command. The only thing he could think of is response was the voice that had spoken to him when he was in surgery. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]But that is impossible, how could she have possibly talked to me inside my own mind from across the galaxy[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]His personal thoughts were shattered as an alert blared through his helmet speakers over the command comm. It was a call for medevac, from somewhere within the ruins with coordinates attached. How has anyone been found alive… [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Pharazon thought dejectedly as he watched his men continue their grim work, they had recovered about half the bodies and properly secured them of those fallen brothers they knew to still be here.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“This is Captain TK-6850, Captain Draken of the 189th Grenadiers, I cannot reroute you a shuttle but I can dispatch a transport speeder to your position” Pharazon replied crisply and professionally, emotions still there and coursing, but thoroughly hidden now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I can also attach and dispatch my company medical officer, Lieutenant TK-2366, Lieutenant Dagon, he can keep that trooper alive, just as he did me, he has an... intimate experience of the wounded of this world” Pharazon said, voice still crisp but some emotion leaking slightly back into the edges.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“The living must be saved, our fallen comrades will understand, Draken out” Pharazon finished grimly, signalling to the driver of one of the transport vehicles and sending a quick text order to him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Dagon get in the transport, I am sending you details of a medevac request we have received from within the ruins, keep this man alive, or else aid his passing” Pharazon said grimly to the man that had since the battle in this very ruin become quite the friend to him. It always amazed Pharazon each time he began to grow close to someone, it reminded him that his life had not taken everything from him. Trust was real, and if anyone deserved it, it was these men. Pharazon was still conflicted about these new relationships and disclosing too much of himself, but he was starting to realise just how much of a horrible impact his being raised on Hapes had done to him, and maybe, just maybe, growing more accepting of the idea of rectifying the flaws in himself that he had so far perpetuated to stay alive.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"Acknowledged sir, though I can make no assurances, he will have only barely survived to have made it this long, but... I will do what I can" Dagon replied darkly, memories and feelings of hopelessness of those he had been unable to save on this world during the battle evident in his voice.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"I know my good man, but if anyone can help that trooper, it is you, and we are likely the closest assistence available, even if a shuttle comes, do what you can, may the stars guide you through the mists" Pharazon said, warmly and [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]quietly[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] to his friend over the com, finishing with a saying known to some on Hapes seeking guidance in dark and desperate times. Dagon only nodded solelmly before heading toward and entering the transport.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Hydros, take your squad and accompany them, keep those still within the ruins away from them” he directed finally to the genial giant.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“But sir… my mortar” Hydros said, raising himself out of the dust of the ruins he had been digging in after retrieving Hammos’ body. “I will ensure it is recovered, but that was an order Sergeant, a man is dying and I will not risk the good doctor and our transport just so you can find a ruined mortar in a ruined building... I can rely on you and your men, let something good come of this day” Pharazon retorted perhaps more harshly than he had intended even if he did temper his words at the end. Even so, Pharazon knew Hydros took no offence, and it was necessary to be forceful with the eccentric man when he was like this. The man was likely an engineering genius, but was too excitable concerning explosives and let himself be distracted from the bigger picture.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Knowing, however, that Pharazon would keep his word, Hydros snapped a crisp salute and directed his men onto the transport that then sped off at likely unsafe speeds toward the emergency call.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Let us save at least one man from this wretched place, just one… Pharazon thought, unable to completely suppress his own feelings of guilt and responsibility for the loss of life in this wretched place.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Davin Jusik"][/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
-- --- ---
Location: Rocket City, Quesaya
Objective: Partake in the Sector Pub Crawl
Post (6)
--- --- ---
As the Major sipped on his whiskey cola he turned, leaning against the counter he turned his gaze on the short woman who'd come up on his right - a familiar face. Surprisingly he'd not seen her since their original departure from the shuttles, truthfully he'd been more enamored with the booze and cigar than anything else - though the venue itself had been fairly posh in comparison. The Jumping Rocket was alive though, none of the stiff collared and proper etiquette but rather a loose and loud setting. The music continued, bodies moving all across the dance floor, the smell of food wafting from the kitchen sent a twinge through Rolf's stomach. It had been a hot minute since he'd eaten anything. As if to answer his silent plea for food, Lydia who'd saddled up next to him held the menu. He raised his glass in thanks, returning the woman's half smile with an unhindered one of his own. The times had been rough but here he was among friends and acquaintances alike.

"Thanks much!"
Fried Mushrooms. He raised an eyebrow at that. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he'd had them, if ever. Oh sure, he'd seen them go by at social events on their little platters but he'd never really been one to indulge. In fact, now that he thought about it his palate was fairly plain, probably due to his long stints on naval vessels but maybe he was just boring. A stray thought made its way to the forefront of his mind as he perused the menu held between the two.

"You know, these Pepper Pops sound pretty good."
The description read like a dream. A spicy pepper coated in cheese and breading - not to mention the bacon bits and... His mouth was already beginning to water. Setting his finger on the menu description he took a final sip of his first drink before he nodded.

"I think I'm decided. Kind of nice to kick back and relax wouldn't you say?"
His attention was drawn to the door in that moment, the spectacle that was [member="Rexus Wenck"]. The man had practically burst into the bar, though his actions slightly eclipsed by the music and the dancing crowd. Rolf blinked a few times, unsure of whether to believe the scene unfolding before his eyes - yep. That was definitely a Gundark Gunner. A silly grin on his face he raised his new glass in the man's direction, joining in the clamor of catcalls and whistles at the man's now bared torso before turning back to the woman next to him. Rolf gave her a sheepish smile and a shrug.

"What can I say, soldiers are soldiers!"
[member="Lydia Finn-Camden"]
skin, bone, and arrogance

Post 2​

As the music cranked, Lydia leaned closer to listen to [member="Rolf Amsel"] as he pointed out what he wanted. Lydia nodded and then flagged down the bartender. He came over with the whiskey and colas -- one for each -- and set them down in front of the pair. "We'll have an order of the pepper pops, too," she called over the loud music that had begun to pump. "Oh, kriff it -- just give us one of everything and we'll pass it around," Lydia said, handing over her credit chit. "And a round for everyone, please."

The bartender didn't take the card right away, instead looking past Lydia, over her shoulder. Lydia's eyebrows furrowed and she turned to see what the fuss was about, just in time to see [member="Rexus Wenck"] tear his shirt over his head and start dancing. She studied the man with a mixture of revulsion and curiosity; what was that tattooed on his arm? She narrowed her eyes, then they went wide when she recognized what it was. "Oh my God," she said, covering her mouth to stop her laughter.

"So I can see," Lydia said over her giggles, turning back to the bartender, who finally took her card. She lifted her drink in a salute to Rolf. "To soldiers being soldiers."
Location: Jumping Rocket
Objective: 1
Post: 4

Before leaving the Colony Club, Del had learned that [member="Daska Tess"] was a TIE pilot. No wonder they seemed to get along so well. She had quickly downed two more of her ale samples, leaving two small cups still full – it was an unfortunate thing, but she hoped to make up for that during the rest of the pub crawl.

Now, she passed through the doors of the next venue with Daska at her side. Her hazel eyes went wide as they took in her new surroundings. Well, wasn’t this place neat? The neon signs were brightly colored, the music was cheerful, and the whole place seemed to have a charming feel. It was just like something out of a holoflick.

“This is different, isn’t it?” Del asked, turning to the blonde. “Cute though, I like it.”

Even if some of the fixtures seemed a bit worn, it only added to the atmosphere. She nodded over towards the bar, and smiled as they made their way in that direction. There were some familiar faces from the Colony Club, and a few new ones, too. Del took a moment to glance at the menu, her eyes narrowed in thought. When the bartender came around, she looked up.

“I’ll have a… Dirty Shirley.” She said with a grin, and it wasn’t long before a delightfully pink beverage was set before her, garnished with a pair of cherries. She took a glance to the side, to see how Daska was enjoying her next drink. “Is it good?” She asked, adding a smile to her words.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Kaeshana
Objective: Rebuild the Kaeshana spaceport
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 17/38

"Chiloon Rift Duracrete better produce good duracrete"

"I didn't endure such a slog of a flight only to find out that their Chalcedon duracrete was shoddy!"

"Landing sequence initiated"

"What a surprise: the prefabricated hypermatter reservoir is already there!"

Once the ship makes landfall, the unloading process for the duracrete is not much different from what one would expect from unloading a ship full of hypermatter into such a reservoir. The crews were forced to endure a longer-than-normal flight, but they were lucky not to be searched: rebuilding Kaeshana was a hard, drawn-out process and they knew it, with transportation infrastructure being part of the critical components. Oh sure, all the other essential infrastructure would need other entry points for the materials to come in, especially since much of the materials are to be shipped in from off-world sites. Dunames knew that there was a need to address the infrastructure needs to make Kaeshana worth the valiance of the many deaths who died in First Order service during the Kaeshana campaign. They had to grant the First Order that much: they had to rebuild the planet so that, even if the original Eldorai population may only be a fraction of its former glory, their newest conquest would still amount to something.
[member="Pharazon Draken"]

Location: Ruins
Objective 4
Post 2

The call for a skiff came back from some Captain farther down the line. Apparently he had a Med Officer accompanying it, who certainly had better gear than Davin. "Roger sir, can you patch me over to the Lieutenant?" He wanted the other man to have a full picture before he showed up. Just figuring out how to move the patient between the multiple fractures, blaster wound to the back, and head/neck trauma was going to be a problem on it's own.

Davin pushed it from his mind momentarily as he set about opening the unresponsive patient's airway up. Chances of the trooper making it were low, and chances of him getting out of this without brain damage were near impossible. God knew how long the man had been surviving on limited oxygen.

Another ward for Avalonia Veterans Hospital at best.

He cursed in his head.


Well-Known Member

-- --- ---
Location: Rocket City, Quesaya
Objective: Partake in the Sector Pub Crawl
Post (7)
--- --- ---

Returning the saluted glass, Rolf smiled as the sugary drink passed his lips. Relaxing on the stool as the two waited, basking in the ambiance of the place, his eyes passed across the now crowded venue. Familiar faces, some belonging to other military folks, some of them he recognized as associates of the First Order - Sith - and even further what appeared to be a group of Technicolor haired teens. All in all it had been a less than stressful day. The First Order military had locked down the sector, or at least Rolf could have sworn he had recognized nearly half of the fleet names that had been rushed to the sector after the dust up... no, it was a bloodbath - at Kaeshana. The Galactic Alliance had doubled down. Politics aside, they mattered little for the Major, it had seen many dead, many wounded, and an already ravaged world scarred further by the wounds of battle.. but... that was the least of things on Rolf's mind at present.

Rolf had managed to run into the reporter for the Avalonia Broadcasting Service several times over the past few weeks. Since their happenstance run in during the conflict at Kaeshana they'd maintained contact at least on a relatively comfortable basis, they'd agreed to attend the latest of events sponsored by the First Order - a ball of sorts - together and it had gone well despite their injuries and prolonged recovery. It was a nice surprise that they'd both been attending this particular event, it let Rolf unwind a bit from the official capacity he held and helped to de-stress. Looking back to his drink, he spoke just loudly enough to be heard over the music and the moving bodies.

"So, are you here for business or pleasure this time around? Not often you can catch a reporter without a camera on hand."

Rolf gave the gal a playful wink. She'd snuck up on him at the ball, feigning a reporting event - but when he'd turned there'd been no camera in sight. It was a genuine question though, if it was the former he might actually be forced to put on his Officer's hat and make sure the troopers didn't get too out of hand.

[member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Lydia Finn-Camden"]
Location: Chalcedon
Objective: 3
Post: 11

Both parties opened fire. In the middle of a chaotic mess of a fight, the stormtroopers initially found themselves massively disadvantaged. Although neither group sported cover, the white wearing men were surrounded. This situation lasted only until the disciple of Ren joined the slaughter, crimson saber furiously swinging left and right, blocking shots as best as she could. She became the cover they needed – her weapon and armour alike catching shots that would have been deadly to anyone else. Once the last mercenary fell silent, so did the barking of blaster rifles. Still filled with aggression and lust for blood, the Ren’s blade descended upon an already dead slaver’s face, cutting it apart in brutish fashion before her gaze spotted a lying stormtrooper. The only casualty on the First Order’s side. Regarding him or her with a silent observation, the emotionless mask paid a silent tribute to her deceased brethren before speaking up, breaking the pious moment.

“We have to bring our fallen sibling back home.”

Two soldiers moved, dragging the body away. It would be spared the inglorious burial to come.

“We’re done here.”

Most of the slavers were dead. With their boss decapitated like a pig, the local market would be disorganized until a new figure rose to prominence. Zmej Ren did not want that to happen. Although someone would inevitably fill the void, she very well could ensure nobody upon the station stepped up to take the dead boss’ throne. A radical message had to be sent out – one declaring zero tolerance. To do that, everything connected to the operation had to be annihilated, the station itself destroyed and turned into smoking ruins for all parties to see.

“Kill the slaves. Sabotage the reactor. The Supreme Leader wants this place purged from the face of Chalcedon. Such is his will.”

Those few Twi’leks who understood gasped and sharply turned towards the stormtroopers, eyes wide with fear. Shots rang out as Zmej Ren walked out, leaving the chamber full of bodies behind.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Kaeshana
Objective: Rebuild the Kaeshana spaceport
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 18/38

As soon as the duracrete silo is filled with dry duracrete, and the foreman's station is set up to build Kaeshana's spaceport, Dunames oversees the workers aligning rebar rods, so that the trucks laden with concrete pumps began to lay the foundations of what would become the tarmac of the new spaceport, with the lines clearly delineated so that there would be minimal waste of duracrete. Also, she knew that it was difficult to ensure that the hole that was dug for the tarmac was actually of the requisite depth of 45 cm. It was a dilemma that affected everyone wanting to build roads and other pavement, called the "mile-wide, inch-deep" excavation problem: that is, how to ensure that your hole has a consistent depth when digging shallow holes when the horizontal size of the hole far outstrips its depth. But this is a surveyor's plaything, especially those surveyors that work with civil engineers on transportation infrastructure. Oh and water drainage must also be included in the tarmac, making it flow to the edges or into manholes.

"Boss, survey equipment is in place, we may begin to ensure that the hole is actually at the requisite depth"

"Cost overruns will be punished harshly by the First Order authorities; they will force us to take care of the entire upkeep of this operation afterward"
Location: Jumping Rocket
Objective: 1 Pub Crawl

Booted heels clicked softly on the linoleum-like floor as Daska walked into the second establishment included in the Pub Crawl on [member="Delilah Beckett"]'s wing up to the bar. The Jumping Rocket was totally opposite of the last one the First Order women had the privilege of drinking at. This quant, casual atmosphere had a much more party feel to it verses the lavish Colony Club of before. Whether either girl let their hair down as more alcohol was consumed was yet to be seen, though it seemed it was highly likely there would be some merriment experienced during this R & R adventure.

"I do like the theme of it. Has a definite 'days gone by' feel to it," Daska offered back to the TIE fighter mechanic she'd made friends with.

Trading one bar stool for yet another, the golden blonde sat down and wondered if she should stick to microbrews or live dangerously. Why not... the captain doubted she'd do this kind of thing again any time soon. This just wasn't in the Bastionian's nature to go out and "party" just for partying sake. This was a rare occurrence for the usually aloof, career military officer, though her last ill-fated mission a year ago had maybe given the Ice Princess a bit of a new perspective on life, and what mattered.

Steely blue eyes perused quickly over the menu that included drinks and food. Maybe eating a little something would be a good thing to do along with the next round of drinks. "A Dirty Shirley... Now that sounds delightfully sinful. I think I'll try one like my friend here and have a plate of Potato Skins too," Daska nodded to Delilah with a grin after placing her order with the barkeep.

"Extra PT is going to be in my future after this night out I can assure you, but hopefully it will be all worth it," she added with a small smile swiveling on the bar stool so to be able to cross over one long leg over the other and positioning one elbow onto the bar counter in a casual way.

"So what do you like to do in your down time for fun or relaxation, Del? What's your secret for keeping yourself grounded during the stressful times and overwork?"
Objective: 1
Post: 7

Ara squeezed her friend's shoulder in encouragement, a wide grin spreading when the younger Ren won the entire pot. "Perfect." She whispered back before turning her blinding smile to the gentlemen and the dealer in front of her. She couldn't resist a chuckle, the grumblings of the men at the table reminding her of the last time she'd gotten a friend in trouble with a pure sabacc. Hopefully [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] wouldn't have to resort to smashing a man over the head with a brandy snifter as [member="Connor Harrison"] had.

"Please, by all these fine gentlemen a round on us, as a token of our appreciation."

A flirtatious smile and easy offer of drinks seemed to quell the hard feelings being passed around the table. The dealer nodded sharply and motioned to the bar, taking a small pile of credit chips away from the stack that was being sorted and counted for the girls before the next round began.

"And please purchase that woman and her companion," She nodded at [member="Samka Derith"] and [member="Mishel Ren"], "A beverage as well." It seemed only right to buy the knight and her young ward a spirit with their winnings. Ara chuckled evilly and started to head over to the bar where [member="Kyrel Ren"] had settled, when another woman joined their small table.

As the newcomer began to ramble, the disciple's brow furrowed, momentarily put off by the fact that she now had another semi-drunken gambler to dal with. Until a thought sprang into her mind. She cast a wicked smile at Kaalia and paused, pushing the younger girl forward.

"Her name is Kaalia and she would love to play another round. I'll get you both another drink." She leaned in and whispered to her friend. "She's perfect. A little old for you, but age is just a number." Another evil chuckle accompanied another small push.

She raised her eyes towards the bar as a soldier had suddenly decided to rid himself of his shirt and begin to spin it. "And that is where I need to be." She strode away without waiting for Kaalia's answer, aiming straight for the bar and the inebriated figure of [member="Rexus Wenck"] and his equally hammered companion.

Mishel Kryze

The Jumping Rocket felt more liked the Blurred Rocket as far as Mishel was concerned. Colors swirled together like batter being mixed in a bowl, by the time [member="Samka Derith"] had reached the young lady she was already working on the second glass of whiskey. Stern words sounded like slurred words and Mishel placed a hand atop of the petite Ren's shoulder. She focused, focused on the words coming out of Sam's mouth. A drink was handed to her courtsey of someone, Mishel spun her head around and spotted [member="Ara Ren"]. "Shtanks Sestra!" She managed downing the drink in about as fast as the force allowed her.

Music blared and no longer sounded so sweet, still it moved her. She took Sam by the hand but her feet would respond as well, resulting in her stumbling on the other Ren. "Wan-want to shance witch you." Were the words that came from her lips and as she drew her next breath something felt off. Oh did something feel off, as she put one hand up in the air. "Backs righting be," she told the girl all the while haphazardly walking into things or people. She was looking for the ladies room, but her vision not being as it was led her down toward the garbage chute with a rather unceremonious thud. Just as a shuttle hauling said garbage backed into the bin and began to pull it away, dumping both trash and the young Kerrigan Ren into the back.

Where Mishel would end up - well that was another tale altogether, but somehow she'd find herself on the same planet as [member="Zmej Ren"].
Location: Kaeshana, Ruins of Santassia
Objective: 4; A Promise Fulfilled, A Sacrifice Honoured
Post: 4

“Affirmative Sergeant, I am patching you through to Lieutenant Dagon, as well to a Sergeant and his squad that I have dispatched for additional security of the transport, good luck, Draken out” Pharazon said, patching this trooper into communication with Lieutenant Dagon and Sergeant Hydros with a few flicks and clicks of his fingers on his vambrace computer.

Satisfied that now the three would be in effective communication, Pharazon again took stock of the recovery operation within the crossroads. Most of the bodies had been sorted now, with the gurellia’s orderly lined up so that whoever wished to collect them would be able to do so. Pharazon did not know the proper burial or funeral customs of these xenos, and did not much want to have to give them a respectful send off given what they had done to his men. However, with a frown, Pharazon’s eyes passed over them as he was neither a needlessly cruel and debased person to see any benefit or satisfaction from desecrating corpses. Even if he hated every single one of the fething creatures that lay here...

“Cain, do we have them all?” Pharazon asked firmly to his protege, firmly in control of his emotions once more, even if he had not actually diffused them.

Taking a moment and checking his command feed and receiving a few updates from his Sergeants, Cain walked over and turned to Pharazon. Pharazon observed with no small amount of pride the brown pauldron now affixed to his armour, it seemed command agreed with Pharazon’s assertion that Cain was deserving of a commission.

“Yes sir, we have just located the final body and as you know we have received word from second platoon that they have also recovered the bodies from around the palace” Cain reported crisply, if slightly informally.

“Very good, inform your platoon to begin loading the fallen for transport, I need to confer with the other lieutenants but we will be moving again soon” Pharazon replied professionally as he began to open several com channels to his other Lieutenants to receive their status reports on the other recovery operations they were also undertaking.

Inside the transport vehicle heading toward the medevac request, however, Dagon was growing worried, as he needed more information. He was going over his medical supplies and tools from his pack, preparing those necessary for initial trauma and estimating what others he would need based on his likely injuries and condition.

“Likely blaster burns… potential oxygen deprivation, assorted contusions and lacerations…” Dagon mumbled under his breath from within his helmet as he checked and double checked his equipment. Hearing the confirmation that he was now connected to the Sergeant, Dagon wasted no time or pleasentries in asking for the information he sought.

“Sergeant, I need as much detailed information on the trooper’s condition, injuries, and prospects of survival as you have as quickly as you can, and spare me any euphemisms, platitudes, and false hope, we are both medical personnel and I require you to be frank, is that clear?” Dagon said over the com, voice stressful and slightly lacking patience. However, there was no contempt in his voice, only a deep concern for the wounded man and a focus on doing his duty properly.

As Dagon established the situation, Hydros could only wonder at how this man they were going to rescue had survived, he had been there during the battle. He knew how brutal it had been, but deep down, Hydros was worried, Hydros cared, and Hydros wanted to help. Steeling himself and his men for what they might find at the site, he prepared himself to do something other than their usual brutal and savage duty of killing, if the only thing he could do for the man was lift him that would be enough he thought to himself.

[member="Davin Jusik"]
[member="Pharazon Draken"]

ocation: Ruins
Objective: 4
Post: 3

The Officer's com chatter sizzled through Davin's earpiece in an officious, proffesional manner. That made Davin feel a little better about the situation. Having a green or fidgety Lt. for this sort of work was rarely ideal. "Roger. Trooper's got one large blaster wound to his upper back, directly through his life support power source, broken right mandible, glass in his right eye, burn marks across that half of his face, had an obstruction somewhere in his airway, successfully applied an oropharyngeal airway, and gave him the LSC Cocktail sir." The stream of words had partially come out while he was putting in the airway and while fiddling with the pieces of armor he felt he could remove without causing damage. He then set up a stretcher that himself and the officer could hoist the patient onto upon his arrival

The skift pulled up shortly after, security contingent included, and speedily unloaded.

"It's been forever," she agreed as she slid onto the barstool.

How long? The last time she'd been dancing was....... surely not in med school? It was a little difficult to concentrate, but she was pretty sure that was the last time she'd danced like that.

Of course, Raj's definition of 'forever' and [member="Darth Prazutis"]'s definition of 'forever' were two very different things.

The bartender moved over to the pair, depositing a pair of drinks. Irajah blinked.

"We didn't order anything?"

He laughed, shaking his head.

"Round on the house, courtesy of that lovely lady," he said, gesturing at [member="Lydia Finn-Camden"].

Looking too far into the distance made things a little swimmy, but Irajah grinned. She stood up, balancing precariously on the lower rung of the stool to get a little more height, and waved. She had no idea if Lydia saw her or not- or would even wave back, but hey, you thanked someone for drinks. She wavered on the stool before she could sit back down and reached out, steadying herself on Braxus's shoulders.

"What's in the glasses anyway?"

She was game for whatever it was, but she at least wanted to know what it was first.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Kaeshana
Objective: Rebuild the Kaeshana spaceport
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 19/38

So there had to be some gaps in the duracrete so that it could adapt in temperature variations, but with pipes going through said gaps, she was lucky another party would attempt to at least get the water drainage pipes placed into position (and perhaps alleviate the whole "mile-wide, inch-deep excavation" problem somewhat, by reducing the width aspect of it) but Star Tours was just a general contractor. And here, although the construction crews, especially the overseers (architects, engineers; usually the architect of record would either hire or be the general contractor), may need to be licensed, and the more stringent licensing requirements come with the higher-responsibility parts of the workforce in a project. At least they already got part of the work started while I was away, she thought, while the piping did not cover all the area of the tarmac just yet, those areas covered were the areas where the duracrete would be poured first. As for the highway part of the project, it had to be 28 cm at its thinnest point on the shoulder, but the transversal curvature in the lanes is not that much, yet enough to ensure safe drainage.

"Pouring of duracrete has begun on both the tarmac and the highway"

"Any estimates on whether the duracrete will last until the end?"

"We will have to pour duracrete for a few weeks, but I'll give you 5 days notice if we are to run out of duracrete"
Post: 6
Objective: 1

"Wait, what do you- Ara, you can't do this to me I don't-" [member="Ara Ren"] didn't listen after pushing Kaalia basically in front of the newcomer, and moved on to the bar where the redhead saw a man spinning his shirt in the air. She sighed and muttered "One day you'll be the end of me..." under her breath before turning to [member="Ishana Pavanos"]. "My friend already said it, but my name's Kaalia. Nice to meet you." She looked a bit shy as she took in the woman As they both sat down. Kaalia'd be lying if she said the black-haired woman wasn't good looking, and she felt something about her that was similar to Ara. Something... Flirty? "So, uhh... Who might you be?" A sheepish smile formed across her face, but she wasn't sure if that will still an act or if it was because Ara expected her to talk to the woman.

The next round started, and everyone threw in their ante. Kaalia was lucky to have won the entire pot in the last round, and used some of the winnings to buy back in. She could've backed off, but for some reason she felt the need to stay. The redhead was uncertain why that was. Ara would've likely voiced her disappointment too, and she wasn't willing to find out for how long a lecture by her disappointed friend would last. A bit unsure what to say, Kaalia studied her cards, while casting a sheepish glance at Ishana.

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