Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey, all

Cendar said:
EDIT: Another question - what's the policy on writing backstory threads? There's a number of threads I had on TRF that got abandoned by other players that I'd like to pick up on here, if possible. Most of them can be transferred over without too much editing, and they deal mostly with Skygge's struggles to fit in as a Sith Apprentice or her attempts to balance light and dark as a Sith Knight. There's also a number of such threads that were planned out and, because of other player disappearances, never saw the light of day. I'd like to start those as well, give something to flesh her out a bit more.

Yes. Feel free to transfer any threads you like and conform them to the site.

We also have a "non canon" prefix for any non canon roleplay you may want to do.

You can add prefixes like so under "Star Wars Open Roleplay" Forum only.

[member="Cira"], this site just keeps looking better and better.

I'm doing what I can to recruit some new members as well. Got one who (hopefully) will be joining when he gets home, and I've got some PMs out to some other TRF members who might be interested. Now I just have to fix up Skygge's bio...

No problem, if you need any help or guidance with the rules, timeline, Factory, Codex, etc, please do not hesitate to ask.

This also includes the transfer for Force ranks for transfer characters. I'd be happy to direct you to where you would need to go and do :)

First stop would be the rules, then character creation.
[member="Cira"], I've been reading through a lot of that. Transfer of Skygge's Force rank is going to be a big one for me, though, since I've put a lot of work into building her development. I don't mind starting as a mid-level Knight, but anything less than that will feel like a waste. What's the procedure for that?
Cendar said:
[member="Cira"], I've been reading through a lot of that. Transfer of Skygge's Force rank is going to be a big one for me, though, since I've put a lot of work into building her development. I don't mind starting as a mid-level Knight, but anything less than that will feel like a waste. What's the procedure for that?
1. First stop is Character Creation Rules, the transfer guidelines are there. Go through the first bit of posting your bio and such then follow through this part.


A. Please list all role-plays at your previous board that attribute to your character's training, e.g. Rank Promotions, Force Sensitivity Discovery, Neutral Character Lightsaber Training
B. Please list what roleplay board you're transferring from.

Then request your transfer rank :

Request Your Rank Titles | Sub-Account Name Change


3. The maximum number of titles you may request is 2.


  1. If you are not transferring a character from another Star Wars RPG, you must request an Apprentice/Padawan rank.
  2. If you are transferring Knight-equivalent or higher, please include your promotion role-plays from your previous Star Wars RPG community & state which specific rank title you're requesting in your request or it will be denied.
  3. You may only request one Force User title.
[member="Cira"], that'll be a lot of reading for whoever gets to go through it. Also, whoever reads it should note that short posts were discouraged, as post count was far less important - we worked off word count. Some of Skygge's posts were quite...lengthy. Not as lengthy as some of Wes's 4000 and 5000 word monstrosities, but still...

I've been working on updating her bio. I'll get it posted as soon as it's done.
So long as the threads are visible and we can see your quality it's fine.

Knight ranks we're happy to transfer over quite happily.

Also, welcome! I see the others are taking care of you, but continue to ask any questions you might have.
[member="Darth Skygge"] Don't forget that you can go to your profile and link your character bio! It'll show up as a link beneath your avatar. That way people can click on it any time they see you post with ease!

(It's one of the many features I love about this site)
Seems like most of your questions have been answered, regardless of this, welcome to chaos!

I, as many others have, can attest to how great this website is.

As for what you mentioned with long posts, you'd be surprised. Some people on here write books like you seem to want. Majority keep it casual ( a few paragraphs) for a post. There is some who write a few sentences as well. I think it's important to write with people who match your size. In my experience threading with much better writers, or simply people who write so much, can be daunting. Although it can also teach you and make you a better writer. (You as in everyone, people of existence) Not you specifically, you may be the best writer to ever see the light!

Just thought I should share my thoughts. So, if you're ever up for roleplaying with a werewolf merc just send me a private message and we could work something out I'm sure.
[member="Irajah Ven"], Done, and thanks. Yeah, that is a neat feature - especially nice coming from TRF. When they did their last board transfer, none of the character profiles moved, so I had to go find the archived site just to find Skygge's basic info. Ended up rewriting most of the bio anyway, but still.

[member="Nymeria Vizsla"], thanks! Yeah, I was a terrible writer when I started at TRF. I was actually hesitant to link most of my early posts, and I just about rewrote the entire bio for Skygge. RPing with the players there helped a lot. I'm a fair-to-middling writer now, and always looking to improve. And I'm more than happy to RP with you if the story occasions it (which I'm sure it will at some point). Looking forward to it!

Connor Harrison

[member="Cendar"] Welcome to the Chaos! Have fun out there and if you need help with anything, just keep the questions coming. :)

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