Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey Everyone!

Hey everyone!

I've looked through a few sites for Star Wars RP, but this one seemed the most active and straightforward.

I've started reading up on the rules, but is there anywhere I could look to work out what's going on in the galaxy, especially with respect to all the factions and such? Who's active?

Thanks - I'll try to write a character bio up shortly, and look forward to writing with you all.
She moves like she don't care
Hello [member="Luminosity"], welcome to Chaos :)

Hmm, you can check out the timeline under resources and the map for a feel of what the galaxy is like, but time is kinda fluid here. There's no rule saying you can't join multiple threads or your character must age with the timeline.

The factions are in the faction directory. Rule of thumb is all major factions are active, because they can be recalled and demoted to minor factions if activity is low.

Hope this helps with some of the queries.

Fiolette Fortan


Hi welcome! If you have any other questions feel free to ask, and enjoy your stay!

Welcome! If you need anything let me know! I love helping with character design, story design, and just helping figure out what factions are the best fit for the characters. I hope you have a good time here!
[member="Luminosity"] Hi and welcome to Chaos :) In regards to factions, I'd invite you to go check out the map, it will tell you which are the active major factions and what their territories are. You can also check out the factions page. Aaaaand since we're talking about factions, may I also suggest you have a look at the Confederacy of Independent Systems? I can also help you out with questions regarding the Eternal Empire, a subfaction of the CIS. :p

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