Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey Kid, Wanna Buy Some Spice?

"I have a weakness for men with pretty faces," she replied with a grin, setting her glass down and refilling it. She leaned back and glanced up at the ceiling. She was trying to think of something to do. She wasn't used to sitting still, Talani always craved action. Drinking in the cantina was fun, but she was there every day when she wasn't doing other jobs. The dancers were nice enough company, especially at night when the bar cleared out a bit, but she wanted something different today. Solan seemed rather interesting and she wondered what kind of trouble they could get into together, once he dropped the condescending, arrogant attitude. [member="Solan Charr"]

"And i have a weakness for red heads and raven haired women...." HE grinned back at her before looking at the ceiling himself and drinking from the first glass still. "You are irritated... annoyed... maybe a tiny bit angry? How about you tell me about yourself and i can hopefully fix why you seem to be so touched and then we can drink and have some fun all night long. Without something happening that we both come to not understand in the morning because trust me. IT comes to that sometimes."
"It'd take more than a night of drinking to sort through all of my issues trust me," she finished off her second glass, but didn't refill it right away. She leaned back, with her feet up on the table, though she was careful not to scuff it with her boots. The Chiss woman stared up at the ceiling for a bit before looking back at [member="Solan Charr"]. She reached up and traced a scar on her face with one of her fingers, it stretched from the corner of her left eye in a diagonal line across the bridge of her nose and stopped midway down her right cheek.. "I could tell you how I got this scar if you'd like."

"Go ahead, im always open for a good story so nothing like hearing one." His hands ran over to the bottle as he refilled his drink but set it down immediately after. He was more than ready to listen to this girl and really there wasn't much he didn't like about this meeting so far. He would have to remember this cantina too. A place free of Slavers was a place he could get around to hanging out in. To tell the truth he always liked smugglers and mercenaries. They were just making a living in the trade of goods and in selling their swords... its when drugs and slaves come involved he has to stop it.
"Both my parent's were smugglers. My mother even earned herself a nickname, "The Silent Knife" because if you fucked her over on a deal, you'd be dead before you even heard her coming. She died when I was three. Someone finally outsmarted her, and when her client showed up to pay for whatever shipment she brought in, they thrust a vibrodagger through her neck. I apparently witnessed the whole thing, but I don't remember it."

"I do remember how I got this scar though... I was thirteen years old at the time. My father was a much worse smuggler than my mother. I believe part of why I'm so good at what I do is because I grew up watching my father's mistakes. I already knew what not to do. Anyway, my father was supposed to be smuggling a large amount of spice, weapons, and death sticks for a hutt here on Nar Shadda. Except he made the stupid mistake of going through Republic space to get back here. Anyway, shit hit the proverbial fan and he lost the shipment, had to drop everything and hightail it out of there. When he got back to Nar Shadda, he told the hutt what had happened. He also told the hutt that he couldn't afford to pay for the lost goods. I still remember how it felt to have his blood and brain matter splash across my face. I was standing two feet behind him when they blew his head off with a very high powered blaster. A shard of his skull cut my face."

"I was lucky, the hutt decided to let me go. One of his advisors or whatever it is they are, convinced him that I had suffered enough. I ended up turning to the gangs shortly after that," Talani explained, halfway through her story she leaned forward to fill her glass again. By the time the brief synopsis of her life was over, she had finished that glass as well. [member="Solan Charr"]

He said and did nothing during the entirety of her story. He simply sat there, with cold eyes as he nodded at some of the facts and the words but never said anything. It was as if his mind had been set to autopilot for once before he just smiled at her and reached over to grab the wine. Pouring her another glass he simply raised his glass before speaking in words that much to anyone else would remain unknown in their origin. After though he looked at her and repeated the words in basic. "To the dead i offer up my soul and my memories, my feelings and my devotions, my life and my death." Once he finished he drank the glass in a single motion.
Talani raised her glass as well before downing all just as easily. She asked one of the dancers sitting with them to grab a bottle of the strongest liquor in stock from behind the bar. Wine wasn't doing it for her that night. The Twi'lek girl returned with a bottle of vodka shaped like a human skull. It was even the same size as one too. This particular bottle was kept hidden beneath the bar as it technically wasn't sold there. It was only kept in the cantina because it was Talani's favorite. She was the only one who ever got to drink it usually. She smirked as she uncapped the bottle and took a sip from it. [member="Solan Charr"]

"What, didn't like the taste of the wine you picked out?" He smiled as he poured himself a bit more from the bottle and couldn't help himself but smile at the woman as she drank straight from the bottle. A bit too much for him as well as the strength of the drink she had gotten. He could drink that mind you, quite easily. But he rather preferred the taste of wine when drinking over something like what she had gotten from her own private stash. "So, tell me about your business then, what is it that you normally... transport for your fees?"
"Weapon's, equipment, people... occasionally spice and deathsticks that have been... Altered. The gang's believe they are selling legitimate drugs, and small amount of it is real to decrease suspicion, but for the most part the 'drugs' I sell to them are harmless. They look the same, smell the same, taste the same, but they don't have the same effects. It creates a sort of placebo effect on the unfortunate souls that have become addicted. They believe it's real, so it is. I only hope no one ever catches on to that part of my dealings... It would make quite a few people very upset with me. I do have connections to get real drugs for people, but I typically refuse. It takes a lot of convincing for me to run drugs for anyone. I only give hutts the real thing, and that's simply because I don't want to end up like my father," she explained, taking another sip from the bottle before capping it and setting it down. She would leave it untouched for a little while, to keep herself from getting sick or losing control of her own mind. [member="Solan Charr"]

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