"Both my parent's were smugglers. My mother even earned herself a nickname, "The Silent Knife" because if you fucked her over on a deal, you'd be dead before you even heard her coming. She died when I was three. Someone finally outsmarted her, and when her client showed up to pay for whatever shipment she brought in, they thrust a vibrodagger through her neck. I apparently witnessed the whole thing, but I don't remember it."
"I do remember how I got this scar though... I was thirteen years old at the time. My father was a much worse smuggler than my mother. I believe part of why I'm so good at what I do is because I grew up watching my father's mistakes. I already knew what not to do. Anyway, my father was supposed to be smuggling a large amount of spice, weapons, and death sticks for a hutt here on Nar Shadda. Except he made the stupid mistake of going through Republic space to get back here. Anyway, shit hit the proverbial fan and he lost the shipment, had to drop everything and hightail it out of there. When he got back to Nar Shadda, he told the hutt what had happened. He also told the hutt that he couldn't afford to pay for the lost goods. I still remember how it felt to have his blood and brain matter splash across my face. I was standing two feet behind him when they blew his head off with a very high powered blaster. A shard of his skull cut my face."
"I was lucky, the hutt decided to let me go. One of his advisors or whatever it is they are, convinced him that I had suffered enough. I ended up turning to the gangs shortly after that," Talani explained, halfway through her story she leaned forward to fill her glass again. By the time the brief synopsis of her life was over, she had finished that glass as well. [member="Solan Charr"]