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Hi Ho Hi Ho A Camping We Will Go (CIS Dominion of Nar Chunna)

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]

"Oh quite. I find these younglings far too anxious to get where they are going. It is always better to get there slow and meet your opponent with at least an ounce of energy left" Corvinus replied as he used the cane to the fullest of its abilities. It was funny, while all the young ones of the group seemed to be going off like they were on some heroic adventure, the two old men strolled through the forest and talked as if they were just old bones complaining about the younger generation. Turning to his new found companion, Corvinus gave a slight nod of his head, "The pleasure is mine, Verask. You may call me Corvinus." the elderly man regarded with another slight nod

"I have never met a Bothan before, such a fascinating race your people are"


Well-Known Member
Atretes nodded again and set after the Bothan, his mind racing with ideas of what kind of monster had discovered them. He stifled a laugh along the way, imagining what it would be like if that massive sound was caused by a tiny creature with big lungs and a voice for acoustics. He felt better after that. Less nervous. Still, the threat remained and he chose to make the journey to the site in relative silence. Sometimes there was no room for words, and other times there were few to no words to be had. This was one of those moments. Silence was golden in the face of this unknown.

[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
"Ah, but therein lies the rub of it all my friend." began the Bothan as the two men continued their trek. To say the very least, Verask had begun to enjoy the exchange that was taking place between them; two old souls in the midst of a youthful ocean. "Those of the younger generation are unique in that they have almost as much energy as the stars above. They can rush blindly ahead and have plenty of energy to face down the energy. Of course, therein lies the rub of experience, for rushing blind often results in being knocked onto one's arse." This was said with a slight chuckle at the close, partially in response to Corvinus' comment regarding his race. "You do me much honor in your words Corvinus. My people are indeed interesting...if you define an affinity for political backstabbery as interesting!" he said, chuckling aloud.

Then, turning to look back at the young man who tarried only steps behind, the Bothan nodded in confidence. But then, a second roar filled the air; this one louder than the first. They were getting closer to whatever it was that disturbed the night, and the time to draw blades was at hand. "Gentlemen, I do believe this is the part where we ignite our sabers." he said humorously.

[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]


Well-Known Member
Atretes' mouth twitched. He hadn't acquired a lightsaber just yet, so he was stuck using a blaster and a knife. Perhaps he could prove more useful in other ways than simple combat. He couldn't be sure, but as he thought on the matter he began to look around the wooded area more carefully, noting particular vines and perches up in the trees. On a whim, he bolted off to a thicker tree and began to climb up it. Once he was high enough, he crawled along the branches to get a better vantage point than from on the ground. His weapons were far from special. Perhaps he could be tactical instead.

After all, it has been presented 'what is a Jedi without the Force, or his lightsaber?' to which Atretes would answer, 'exactly what I am right now'. He was careful, he thought many things through, and he made sure not to make mistakes. His Force signature rang out like a beacon at times, which made him a bigger target in some instances despite his lack of power and ability.

[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]

"Quite true" Corvinus laugh at the the bit about being knocked down, it had been so long since he was a youth that he couldn't even remember having that much energy. "It is in my firm belief that every government in this galaxy has an abundance of backstabbing, something that will always hold back the proper development of society. Something that will need to simply be corrected one day." Corvinus said with a smile, but his words were serious and sincere to the letter. Still, though, he chuckled at the whole conversation.

"Gentlemen, I do believe this is the part where we ignite our sabers."

Corvinus simply chuckled and continued a calm stride in the direction of the monstrous roar, "Do not become so intimidated just yet, we have yet to even see this 'monster'"
The actions taken by the young man were, perhaps, the most effective in terms of tactics. Scrambling up into a tree would grant him the higher ground; in addition to a valuable vantage point from which to see the enemy. Of course, the vantage point would have provided a similar view to the one that would come bursting out of the trees; for the enemy had caught the scent of some very very force-sensitive blood. Thunderous steps bore the towering, scaled behemoth through the woods at an alarming rate; and its roars grew louder as it drew ever closer. Finally, after shoving two full-length trees out of its path, the Terentatek reared back its ugly head and uttered a tremendous roar. Its appetite was beyond ravenous and now there were tasty, Templar morsels to fill its gullet.

Glaring down upon the group that had gathered to investigate, its first action was to swipe its terrifying claws swiftly. It attempted to rend apart their flesh and bones! Verask, lacking the spryness of youth, relied upon the cover of trees to elude certain demise from this spontaneous threat; and once safe from view, he ignited his lightsaber. Snap. Hiss. A blade of green slid into existence and was held aloft by the Bothan. He had heard stories of the terrible beasts known as Terentatek, but never thought he would see one up close...let alone fight against one. "I do believe this classifies as a monster, don't you Corvinus?!" called Verask, still bemused despite the situation. He then allowed his mind to wander, formulating an initial strategy to deal with the monstrosity.

"Young man!" he called, then as quickly as his aging legs would carry him, rushed behind new cover. "Use that blaster of yours! Aim for the eyes! Corvinus, see if you can't trip up the beast with those vines that are all about! I' bait!"

[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]

"Oh bother" was all Corvinus could manage before the massive beast threw a giant fist in his direction, seeking to crush him into but a pool of what used to be an old man. Using what force he could muster, the Palpatine jumped back from the beast as its fist impacted the ground and sent shards of rocks flying in every which direction. Thrusting his cane forward, the old man used the force to shoot the end of the lightsaber cane off and then ignited the glowing blade with a hiss. The of cane hit the beast in the eye, sending it stepping back with a horrendous roar and giving the old man time enough to work his way to the cover of the trees. Corvinus pressed his back against the tree as the old bothan called to him, "Oh no, my friend, this must be just a child!" Corvinus joked back with a slight chuckle, bringing his blade back down to his side.

The beast marched forward, angered and looking for the force users when the Bothan announced his plan. "Perhaps he won't take a liking to fur" Corvinus called back, running to one side of the tree and beginning to collect up vines with the force.


Well-Known Member
Atretes' first reaction? Tuck and roll. Not in an acrobatic sense, but to assume the fetal position and cower. That's not what happened, however. Self-preservation was always key, no matter what kin of creature you were. He was unfortunate enough to have been upon one of the two trees that were shoved, and the Bothan's orders were mostly drowned out by his scrambling to not be crushed by a tree.

"Young... blaster of... eyes!" was all he was capable of making out. He managed to gather what he was supposed to do, but there was a bit of a problem: his foot was snagged in a wily branch. He trashed and tugged, but he was caught in a basket of bramble and getting free was proving to be a chore. He looked up and saw that the creature that was unknown to him was lumbering after the others, and did something markedly brave and wholly foolish: he took aim and fired.

The shot landed just after the old man's jab with the saber, and added even greater impact to the welt that existed where one eye was. It was a bit of a confusing fray, but it led to a slightly dazzled beast and allowed Atretes a moment to twist the correct way and pull free of the tree. He backed away, not daring rise yet, and scanned the surrounding area for some kind of tactical advantage. He felt the thundering footsteps start up again, and they felt like they were coming in his direction. Adrenaline was beginning to rise exponentially, and he could feel his heart race. There was no time to calm himself as he may have normally. He had to find a path from this position stuck between a fallen tree and a death place.

[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]
Now this was quite the sight to behold! Two men, well past their physical prime...chuckling and laughing in the face of one of the deadliest beasts in the Galaxy. This thought caused the Bothan's bemusement only to rise; but not enough to distract him from the task at hand. "Well, if I fall, I will rest knowing I inflicted a nasty hair ball upon the enemy." said Verask in response to his comrade's remark. Drawing upon the Force to bolster his aching bones, he was then able to move a little bit faster; narrowly avoiding the flailing arms of the Terentatek as it howled. Apparently being caned in the eye stung; who'd have thought? With a near perpetual grin plastered upon his face, the Bothan relinquished his hold upon the Force momentarily as he came behind the cover of trees once more. Drawing a breath, he then commanded the Force once more, cracking a series of branches above the Terentatek's head. Like a symphony, the branches sounded in unison until thundering down, impacting its head with a mighty smack.

Of course, such a beast would not be defeated by that meager display; but it would provide enough distraction for the vines to ensnare and for the young man to find a new source of cover to hide behind. Seeing the plight of the Templar, Verask called out to him: "This way! Behind the Boulder!"

[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]

Corvinus simply laughed at his new found friend, watching as the tree fell upon the beast's head and worked to send the minster fumbling backwards in hate and rage as Corvinus used the vines to raise them behind the beast. The darkside abomination was easily tripped up by the simple tactic, its legs beginning to get entangled and caught up in the hundreds of vines Corvinus had colelcted


Well-Known Member
The sound hurt Atretes' ears, but it was ignored due to the opportunity it presented. Despite his hesitation, the creature was busy flailing at the trees and allowed him a moment to think.

"This way! Behind the Boulder!" he heard. Whether it was directed at him or not, he couldn't tell, but he did know that a boulder sounded sturdier than fallen tree. He scrambled, tripped, then scrambled again and blazed his way to the boulder. He skittered behind it and halted himself from such a full-on run that he doubled over and was at this point prostrate. He brought himself up to crouch and caught his breath, listening to another screech of the beast.

"What... is th-that...thing?" he asked between breaths. His stamina was absorbed by the sprint, the adrenaline, and pretty much the events of the past three minutes. He found it hard to believe that these two were laughing.
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
Was this the absolute best a Sith-born abomination could do? Reduced to a fallen, tangled heap in response to a few, quick parlor tricks? Now that was amusing indeed; causing the Bothan to break out in bonafide peals of laughter. Of course, it did not help that the young man had began to question what the beast was. So, fighting mirth, Verask quickly regained composure and gave him a glance. "That, my dear boy, is what you call a Terentatek. Nasty creatures they are, and ancient too. They feast upon the blood of force sensitive men and women, especially Jedi...Yes, it sounds like something out of a bed time tale, but it's true." he said, focusing his attention upon the downed beast. With the vines keeping the Terentatek somewhat occupied, Verask had a rare opportunity to breathe and think. Those vines would not last forever, so they would need another restraining agent until a proper, final blow could be formulated. To this end, Verask looked to the young man and made an inquiry.

"Do you see that tree to the left of the beast? Can you knock it down through the Force? he asked, motioning to the decaying tree. Termites had obviously gotten to this particular piece of vegetation, so its towering form could easily be knocked over by a well-placed, telekinetic shove. From there, Verask wasted no time in gathering his focus and placing it upon the tree to the beast's right, forming cracks upon its base through the Force. It would take a few seconds to do what he was aiming for, which was pinning the Terentatek under trees and vines, but he was certain they could do it.

[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]


Well-Known Member
Atretes listened, and committed the visage of the beast to the name provided. It mulled in his mind a few times over before he locked it down. There. Noted. Then he heard he was questioned. He wasn't paying attention, so he replayed the past bits of audio in his head to keep from looking rather dumb. He then nodded.

"Aye, that I can do." he said with a bit of a grin. On his own, he'd managed to figure out how to push and pull rather well. He locked eyes with the rotting tree and with a fluid motion that looked like he was pulling and weaving a thread through his fingers playfully, the tree creaked, cracked, then finally collapsed upon the Tarentatek. He nodded at his work, pleased that he'd managed to anger it so far that it let out a shrill screech. He winced in pain then turned to the Bothan.

"Atretes Rhoujen, pleased to meet you." he said. Yes, this was completely the wrong time and place for introductions. Yes, it was unusual. Yes. It did happen.
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
Astrian charged forth into the group, saber ignited and lightning rippling from his right hand. "What is that thing?" He asked in a shout, the white lightning rippling from his fist was draining him but it was keeping the Terentatek back a few feet, the lightning ripping against its hide and into its eyes. It roared, throwing its fist into his chest. The creature stood 2 feet taller than Astrian, but the mans augmented strength allowed him to take the hit without flying around the area. He stumbled back, as a normal person would in a normal fight with someone else. But this, if Astrian dropped his blade would turn into a very bloody monster beat down. It's claw ripped down across the songsteel and created horrible sounds that echoed through the forest back to the camp, Astrian swung his saber at the creature, slamming down on its arm like a large bat against steel. His blade ricochet and the beast seemed relatively unharmed by both of his attacks, in retaliation it brought its elbow into his chest. It's spikes colliding with the songsteel, some ripping through into the leather and armour weave and some into his chest. "Fething beast!" He growled, bringing his massive armour clad fist into its face and knocking it back with enough might for it to yank its elbow from his chest. He dropped two feet to the ground in a crumbled manner, but was soon getting to his feet with gritted teeth, the fight wasn't over and Astrian wanted to be the one to put the beast down. "Come on beasty.." He taunted, yellow eyes looking back at it.
He was as much a monster as the Terentatek was.

@Corvinus Palpatine
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]
The first of the group to venture off into the woods had seemingly dedicated himself to the task of facing down the Terentatek in a one on one brawl. This individual was only a mere two feet smaller than the beast and more than enough to cause a distraction. As the two squared off, the trees felled by the combined efforts of the young man and the Bothan fell; impacting the Terentatek with thunderous thuds. Peals of furious screams ripped from the monstrosity's lips as it, despite the obvious pain of being whacked with full-sized trees, shrugged off the wood and continued its onslaught. Of course, Verask was not dissuaded by this turn of events; they would simply have to try a bit harder. Turning to his comrade, the Bothan gave a polite nod of acknowledgment. Even in the thicket of battle, there was such things as manners after all. "Well met [member="Atretes Rhoujen"]," he began whilst extinguishing the blade of his lightsaber. "My name is Verask. A pleasure."

Now came the time to formulate a better plan. Looking to Astrian, who seemed to have his end of the battle under control, the Bothan's eyes quickly scanned the surrounding area. The Terentatek still had vines obstructing its full range of movement, but that bloody hide was preventing it from taking the brunt of damage. As such, something had to be done about that. At that moment, an idea popped into the Bothan's head; but it would require assistance from his young comrades in order to accomplish. "Atretes, I need you to help me hoist up the tree you just dropped. We're going to impale the beast!"

[member="Astrian Callus"]
[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
"Clever thinking, my friend" Corvinus stated as he watched the beast struggle with the vines, it's monstrous jaws snapping and its massive arms flailing about from side to side. "This poor beast truly could have been quite useful, shame that it must be put down, wouldn't you say Varesk?" the palpatine mused as he used the force to start the process of lifting the giant tree into the air. He was not yet at full strength, not even a fraction of what he was at in his own time, but he'd be damned if he was going to just set around and let the young people show him up like this.
Astrian leaped forward towards the beast again, using the force to augmented his speed to that of a blur. Getting in between the creatures arms and slashing at its chest rapidly with heavy blows that caused the beast to shriek and stumble, not with the pain inflicted. But, the power behind the blows. Knocking the creature back he heard the plan of his companions. Whom, with that began preparing their plan. Astrian was busy keeping the beast distracted as it was unable to retaliate with his relentless strikes. However, the beast was not foolish. It leaped back, and Astrian had to stop before falling to the ground with his own momentum, his boots slipping in the mud beneath his feet. He slipped forward as the beast rushed him, instead of using its elbow or arms it charged its front tusks toward his chest, luckily for Astrian his brain worked at a lot faster than that of a normal persons. He only had a short period of time and the only weak spot he could identify was its eye, as the brute came into contact, Astrian brought his saber up into his chest and plunged the blade down into the creatures left eye, which led to its brain and so on and so forth, but Astrian was not fast enough to stop the creatures tusks from bashing into his already damaged armour.

Piercing the armour and colliding with augmented ribs, causing a crack. But luckily the creatures momentum was slowing, it would hit his organs. They both slid in the mud, the creature's muscles were still going and it was too, Astrian drove the whole blade into its head. The saber right through its skull with such force he could see its red light piercing the back of its skull and through the head, but the big creature wasn't done. It still dragged astrian a few feet further and sent them both crashing into the group and the tree, its body tumbling and crashing towards the tree whilst Astrian pulled himself from it, with one of its horns in his chest. Its large brown body and massive spines came crashing down, Astrian fell to the side and spat blood. "Ugh.." His hold body was hurting, he had a mastery of force speed. But, even such precision was draining. But, he could still feel his muscles. He could still feel his body, that was good. But, he could feel blood dripping down from his chest. He was in pain, he may need some help in the near future. "Oh kark.." He mumbled.

@Corvinus Palpatine
[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]


Well-Known Member
"Right, w-" he started, then a blur of activity and the large man was down, the Tarentatek in worse condition. He stepped out from his position behind cover and looked between the man and the beast, not entirely sure what just happened. Curious, he walked over and kicked the Tarentatek. Its hand reflexively moved and Atretes jumped away, but it seemed that that may have been reflexive movement as a result of severe brain damage. Still, he took a step or two back, just in case.

[member="Varesk Fey'lya"]
[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]
[member="Astrian Callus"]
Astrian flexed and grunted in pain, rolling onto his side to observe his workings. "Is that karking thing still alive?" He grumbled, reaching for the saber placed in its eye. "Give it a bit of a twist there..that should do it." He spoke, now nodding at his blade as the taste of blood woke up his tongue. Attempting to sit up properly was a poor choice, it only caused further grunting. "He's not getting back up." Astrian spoke. "His muscles are in a fit of spasm, end the beasts suffering..." He ordered, still pointing to his blade.
Before the Bothan could so much as prepare to launch his makeshift missile, the towering man who was directly engaging the Terentatek scored a fatal blow against the creature. Through a daring attack, he impaled the very brain of the beast through its eye, causing both to fall to the ground. Relinquishing his hold upon the enigmatic Force, Verask quickly made his way over to the bleeding warrior and looked upon the deceased form of the Terentatek. Quickly, he reached into his utility belt and fumbled about for his comm, cursing the aging dexterity of his fingers until he grasped hold of the device. "This is Verask Fey'lya, requesting immediate medical evacuation. There was a Terentatek on the ground and we have a Templar injured. The beast has been slain, but we need help. Now." he said with the utmost urgency. He then looked to his newfound friend, [member="Corvinus Palpatine"] in addition to his youthful acquaintance, [member="Atretes Rhoujen"], before saying. "Come, let's see what we can do to help until the dropship arrives."

With that said, he removed his cloak from about his shoulders and placed a hand on [member="Astrian Callus"] 's arm. "Deep breaths. Help will arrive soon."

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