Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi Ho, Hi HO, off to work we go. (complete)

[member="Makai Dashiell"]

She knew that he wanted to be sure that all he did assured her they were going to do a proper job for her. Did she need him personally to come back? So let us see what he says to her question

"Whatever if your common practice is acceptable. It seems this will be a long term contract involving multiple upgrades and purchases. Do you think you should be here?"
[member="Faith Organa"]

"I suppose I will see you and Mr.Thomas in two weeks with equipment and crews. I'll uh, try to remember a jacket next time."

Makai shook Mr.Thomas' hand and gave the foreman his contact information in case anything changed. A slight bow to the Royal Highness before departing back up the mine. He'd have to move quickly to get the orders in but Alderaan was an important contract, pushing the new boundaries of their old territory. In two weeks the equipment would arrive and he'd be back to oversee the installation - and perhaps challenge Her Highness to another footrace.

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