D' Orrin
I guess the title is self explanatory. I have a bit more time on my hands, and since coming back to the forum, I've actually had a few new ideas in the way of weapons tech. If I'm not stepping on anybody's toes, that is. I'm listing some of the ideas with a small description to get an open opinion on them as far as whether or not to submit the ideas. Some of the ideas I've had are as follows-
Kinetic Grenades- Actually not true to the name, the device works more off of quantum physics. If anybody's familiar with matter- anti-matter then you'd get the basis behind it. Photons are their own anit-matter. The grenade has two chambers seperated by a middle section. When activated the top and bottom chambers, which hold photon energy, are forced to collide via electro magnetic direction inside each holding chamber and the middle section. The result is something akin to a thermal detonator.
Equilibrium grenades- I know the name sounds off, but the concept is pretty cool if applied correctly. I'll be honest and say that I'm basing this one off of biological knowledge. In humans, a part of the way they keep balance is auditory as well. Throw out a crenae that generates high frequency sound waves tuned towards disrupting the target's equilibrium, and thus giving them nose bloods, a splitting headache, and throwing off their balance. To say at the least. With the loss of balance, the target is unable to properly function in combat. Special ear pieces are needed to cancel out the effects on the person using the grenade. This piece of equiment is suggested in an assumption that the other life forms of the Star Wars universe operate on the sample principle of equilibrim and balance that humans do.
Wasp Flechetes- If anybody remembers, I came up with the Omega M Rifle. A weapon that fired off micro missiles. The proposal is simple. A flechete cartridge suited to hold a small number of micro missiles. So when the casing is used, the micro missiles launch out in an area in front of the shooter, and covers a decent area as far as attacking goes. Downside is, it's adapting Flechete technology, and a slower rate of fire, so that the heat from the previous discharge doesn't accidentally set off the next volley before they're actually fired off.
I have a few other ones, but I'm still working out the specifics on my head.
Kinetic Grenades- Actually not true to the name, the device works more off of quantum physics. If anybody's familiar with matter- anti-matter then you'd get the basis behind it. Photons are their own anit-matter. The grenade has two chambers seperated by a middle section. When activated the top and bottom chambers, which hold photon energy, are forced to collide via electro magnetic direction inside each holding chamber and the middle section. The result is something akin to a thermal detonator.
Equilibrium grenades- I know the name sounds off, but the concept is pretty cool if applied correctly. I'll be honest and say that I'm basing this one off of biological knowledge. In humans, a part of the way they keep balance is auditory as well. Throw out a crenae that generates high frequency sound waves tuned towards disrupting the target's equilibrium, and thus giving them nose bloods, a splitting headache, and throwing off their balance. To say at the least. With the loss of balance, the target is unable to properly function in combat. Special ear pieces are needed to cancel out the effects on the person using the grenade. This piece of equiment is suggested in an assumption that the other life forms of the Star Wars universe operate on the sample principle of equilibrim and balance that humans do.
Wasp Flechetes- If anybody remembers, I came up with the Omega M Rifle. A weapon that fired off micro missiles. The proposal is simple. A flechete cartridge suited to hold a small number of micro missiles. So when the casing is used, the micro missiles launch out in an area in front of the shooter, and covers a decent area as far as attacking goes. Downside is, it's adapting Flechete technology, and a slower rate of fire, so that the heat from the previous discharge doesn't accidentally set off the next volley before they're actually fired off.
I have a few other ones, but I'm still working out the specifics on my head.