Making a profit was in the Nakaioma Genes some would say. Each successful endeavour and technological breakthrough propelled them through the corporate charts not just in the Galactic Alliance but across the known universe. But a successful businessman once said "Just because you have tons of revenue coming in; doesn't mean there isn't room for more." and that advice would be followed here tonight. The Onomato Grand Hotel had just finished construction on the Galactic Alliance Capital of Coruscant a few weeks ago. Although setbacks and delays had pushed the opening date to this exact moment in time.
The Grand Hotel was supposed to envision the richness of the upper level combined with the subtler tones of the Densely Populated Underworld. No expense was spared by Onomato Holdings to make this an enjoyable place to be with exotic imports from Alderaan to the Grumani Sector being flown in by shuttlecraft to accommodate a variety of tastes and interests during the opening and the foreseeable future.
The Nakaioma Corporation was unveiling their brand new campaign titled 'Ending Industrial Pollution on Primitive Worlds' underneath the management of Senior Executive Officer Kishimoto Nakaioma at tonight's gathering of the elite for the opening of the Grand Hotel. The Corporation had been working on a brand new device that could eliminate industrial pollution on a planetary scale to save the native populace from suffering from negative health and turn that captured pollution into potent biofuel for starships and in the longer run entire fleets should governments choose to adopt the new technology being showcased tonight. All manner of personnel and service droids moved throughout the hotel getting everything polished when the guests arrived. Kishimoto himself had been a recent unknown figure within the Nakaioma Corporation and had failed to make an official appearance as a proud supporter of the Galactic Alliance's Mission of Freedom and Democracy to all worlds within its sphere of influence.
The Morale of the Galactic Alliance had never been higher with the defeat of the Brotherhood of the Maw to the Tython Accords. None could deny that they were still a formidable force to be certain but a small weight had been lifted off of the people's shoulders for a time. They were free to carry on their lives until total war called them to the front once again to lay down their lives against an foe which sought to destroy the galaxy for some twisted sense of rebirth. Onomato Holdings and the Nakaioma Corporation would tap into this new found morale to push their campaign to the elite tonight once the doors to the hall had been opened. With the recent senatorial elections and the push for the chancellorship; they expected attendance to this event to be considerably lower than normal. However those statistics might have been false considering the people who had already arrived from coruscant's elite.
The curtains were raised
as the hall opened to the public
as the hall opened to the public
"Do you expect alot of attendees; Mr Nakaioma." An aide from Long Xingzou asked him while they were heading down the hallway from the VIP Section towards the grand lobby which would house the event tonight. "The Nakaioma Family has never failed to draw a considerable crowd to its events. Although I am certain that the Galactic Elite are busy with the Senatorial Elections and the race for the most important position within the Alliance. Whomever becomes chancellor must stand firm against the foreign aggressors" Kishimoto replied in his distinct Long Xingzou accent combined with galactic standard basic. His black suit pressed tightly upon his slightly obese form with a hint of muscles within his shirt line. The event tonight was important not only to introduce himself to the galactic elite but to unveil the new product that Nakaioma was developing.
"Welcome all to the opening of the Onomato Grand Hotel right here in the glorious capital of the Galactic Alliance. I am certain that you will enjoy tonight's dishes and entertainment provided. This event is not only to celebrate the unveiling of the 'Ending Industrial Pollution on Primitive Worlds' Campaign' but to celebrate our freedom from oppression and show the galaxy that the Alliance will not cower so easily."
- Kishimoto said in his introduction speech on the podium provided; he wanted to fire up the crowd with signs of nationalism with a hint of corporatism with the including of the New Nakaioma Campaign. Ending the speech with a toast towards the crowd before climbing down to head towards the main lobby.
The campaign was nothing short of a double edged sword with allowing the corporations to appear to help the primitive natives to avoid the negative health consequences of Industrialisation but actually they were generating quite a considerable profit by purposely polluting worlds and then transforming it into biofuel for starships to then sell back to the galactic community for a hefty sum. All in all a giant scheme by the corporate sector for a public relations boost while doing nothing to save primitive species.
Kishimoto had made it down into the main lobby followed by a single corporate aide. The Nakaioma Enforcers were not far behind but kept their distance to avoid any trouble. Parties such as this had the tendency to attract criminal syndicates who would not doubt use this party as a cover up for their criminal activities. Kishimoto could not blame this because he was doing the same with his own criminal gang who were among the security staff for the event.
Grabbing a drink of boga noga from a passing service droid; Kishimoto would be hard to miss being 6'6 in height and wearing a black bowler hat. He scanned the crowd for anyone of note to discuss things with until the time came for the campaign to be officially unveiled to the crowd for their reaction and comments. But for now the current objective was to mingle and make relations.
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