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Public Higher Revenue ; Sweeter Fruit

Kishimoto Nakaioma






Making a profit was in the Nakaioma Genes some would say. Each successful endeavour and technological breakthrough propelled them through the corporate charts not just in the Galactic Alliance but across the known universe. But a successful businessman once said "Just because you have tons of revenue coming in; doesn't mean there isn't room for more." and that advice would be followed here tonight. The Onomato Grand Hotel had just finished construction on the Galactic Alliance Capital of Coruscant a few weeks ago. Although setbacks and delays had pushed the opening date to this exact moment in time.

The Grand Hotel was supposed to envision the richness of the upper level combined with the subtler tones of the Densely Populated Underworld. No expense was spared by Onomato Holdings to make this an enjoyable place to be with exotic imports from Alderaan to the Grumani Sector being flown in by shuttlecraft to accommodate a variety of tastes and interests during the opening and the foreseeable future.

The Nakaioma Corporation was unveiling their brand new campaign titled
'Ending Industrial Pollution on Primitive Worlds' underneath the management of Senior Executive Officer Kishimoto Nakaioma at tonight's gathering of the elite for the opening of the Grand Hotel. The Corporation had been working on a brand new device that could eliminate industrial pollution on a planetary scale to save the native populace from suffering from negative health and turn that captured pollution into potent biofuel for starships and in the longer run entire fleets should governments choose to adopt the new technology being showcased tonight. All manner of personnel and service droids moved throughout the hotel getting everything polished when the guests arrived. Kishimoto himself had been a recent unknown figure within the Nakaioma Corporation and had failed to make an official appearance as a proud supporter of the Galactic Alliance's Mission of Freedom and Democracy to all worlds within its sphere of influence.

The Morale of the Galactic Alliance had never been higher with the defeat of the Brotherhood of the Maw to the Tython Accords. None could deny that they were still a formidable force to be certain but a small weight had been lifted off of the people's shoulders for a time. They were free to carry on their lives until total war called them to the front once again to lay down their lives against an foe which sought to destroy the galaxy for some twisted sense of rebirth. Onomato Holdings and the Nakaioma Corporation would tap into this new found morale to push their campaign to the elite tonight once the doors to the hall had been opened. With the recent senatorial elections and the push for the chancellorship; they expected attendance to this event to be considerably lower than normal. However those statistics might have been false considering the people who had already arrived from coruscant's elite.

The curtains were raised
as the hall opened to the public

"Do you expect alot of attendees; Mr Nakaioma." An aide from Long Xingzou asked him while they were heading down the hallway from the VIP Section towards the grand lobby which would house the event tonight. "The Nakaioma Family has never failed to draw a considerable crowd to its events. Although I am certain that the Galactic Elite are busy with the Senatorial Elections and the race for the most important position within the Alliance. Whomever becomes chancellor must stand firm against the foreign aggressors" Kishimoto replied in his distinct Long Xingzou accent combined with galactic standard basic. His black suit pressed tightly upon his slightly obese form with a hint of muscles within his shirt line. The event tonight was important not only to introduce himself to the galactic elite but to unveil the new product that Nakaioma was developing.

"Welcome all to the opening of the Onomato Grand Hotel right here in the glorious capital of the Galactic Alliance. I am certain that you will enjoy tonight's dishes and entertainment provided. This event is not only to celebrate the unveiling of the 'Ending Industrial Pollution on Primitive Worlds' Campaign' but to celebrate our freedom from oppression and show the galaxy that the Alliance will not cower so easily."
- Kishimoto said in his introduction speech on the podium provided; he wanted to fire up the crowd with signs of nationalism with a hint of corporatism with the including of the New Nakaioma Campaign. Ending the speech with a toast towards the crowd before climbing down to head towards the main lobby.

The campaign was nothing short of a double edged sword with allowing the corporations to appear to help the primitive natives to avoid the negative health consequences of Industrialisation but actually they were generating quite a considerable profit by purposely polluting worlds and then transforming it into biofuel for starships to then sell back to the galactic community for a hefty sum. All in all a giant scheme by the corporate sector for a public relations boost while doing nothing to save primitive species.

Kishimoto had made it down into the main lobby followed by a single corporate aide. The Nakaioma Enforcers were not far behind but kept their distance to avoid any trouble. Parties such as this had the tendency to attract criminal syndicates who would not doubt use this party as a cover up for their criminal activities. Kishimoto could not blame this because he was doing the same with his own criminal gang who were among the security staff for the event.

Grabbing a drink of boga noga from a passing service droid; Kishimoto would be hard to miss being 6'6 in height and wearing a black bowler hat. He scanned the crowd for anyone of note to discuss things with until the time came for the campaign to be officially unveiled to the crowd for their reaction and comments. But for now the current objective was to mingle and make relations.

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Coruscant, Onomato Grand Hotel
Tags: Kishimoto Nakaioma

Mr. Nine loved many things. Adventure, thrills, eminent danger... But there was something about breaking into parties that really resonated with the Umbaran explorer. The food was great, the guards always provided a decent escape challenge, and he had always found the elite to be hilarious as an undercity dweller himself. With all of that in mind, how could a man like Nine not enjoy a party? The Umbaran had dawned his navy blue suit jacket again, one he had inherited from his late father. It was, by all means, a well tailored jacket, crafted in a vintage style uncommon in the modern era. His hat remained firmly on his head, however. It was Nine's trademark, after all. He couldn't be without it.

"Welcome all to the opening of the Onomato Grand Hotel right here in the glorious capital of the Galactic Alliance. I am certain that you will enjoy tonight's dishes and entertainment provided. This event is not only to celebrate the unveiling of the 'Ending Industrial Pollution on Primitive Worlds' Campaign' but to celebrate our freedom from oppression and show the galaxy that the Alliance will not cower so easily."

Nine was in the far corner of the grand lobby with a non-alcoholic beverage in hand. He couldn't help but crack a childish smile after hearing the opening greeting. Nothing said freedom from oppressions like a high-end cocktail party about decreasing pollution. The comedy wrote itself. As the guests cheered, the Umbaran sarcastically raised his glass.

"Looks like we're in for a good one tonight," Nine muttered to himself, a grin still plastered to his face.

Now people were beginning to mingle. This was where the real fun would begin.
Tʜᴇ Mᴀᴅᴄʟᴀᴡ


Onomato Grand Hotel, Coruscant
TAGS: Kishimoto Nakaioma | OPEN

Another gala, another politician trying to fulfill empty promises. Yet, who could pass up the chance for good food, and to network. Arriving in a suit of deep magenta with a cape of nexu fur, Lord Abelard Ulgo was quite the gaudy sight to behold. Yet, what else could be said of the Galactic nobility? They liked to flaunt their wealth in fine clothes and expensive drinks.

The Alder-Espirion kept his green eyes on the man of the hour. Almost studying him, as if glancing at an intricate painting by one of the old masters. This by far more than just a soiree for getting drunk and posing with the other wealthy. His underground informants had come across the name Nakaioma before. Whispers, and nothing concrete. Thus, Abelard's interests, both legitimate and not, were piqued.

"I will say this about Mr. Nakaioma." He spoke dryly to his attendant droid, "He has some wondrous tastes. Perhaps I can talk him into something from our collections, eh, Kay-Five?"

He did not bother to hear the droid's response. He merely kept cautious attention in the meeting hall. The cards were dealt. Now it was time to see who raised, stood, or folded.


Lawq Vasrell

Kishimoto Nakaioma Toby Russen Toby Russen Darth Kinrath Darth Kinrath

Lawq grimaced, her lips pursing against the glass between them for a moment before, with a harsh snort of disgust, an unusually quiet and soft spitting spray of the sawdust-flavored white wine shot back into the stemmed glass from which it had come. A foxlike muzzle twitched in irritation and triangular, brown-furred ears folded back along a noggin of fiery hair as a membrane-adorned arm lifted the used glass back onto the platter offered by a service droid, even as the droid had begun to soullessly make it's way past the disgusted Qom Jha.

Just what in Hutt Space was that supposed to be?!

Extending her alien, pointed sky blue tongue from her thin muzzle in a desperate and futile attempt to somehow rid herself of the cheaper selection's taste, the demure, boyish and lithe alien was an odd sight, even among the myriad of species that were attending this rather lavish and prestigious event. Barely over four feet tall and covered in velvety-brown hair (with glossy black along her underside), the fiery-haired alien was distinctly out-of-place, and Lawq silently prayed that she wouldn't attract too much attention before she could make away with information - preferably gained from either talk or, worst-case scenario, a stolen datapad or perhaps a computer link - regarding this Mr. Nakafarta's (ha ha...) supposed corruption regarding his fueling industry...

Clad in the outlandish combination of a thick nerf-leather jacket that had kept the worst of Coruscant's cold night air from her fur, the underlying short and a sleeveless turquoise dress, unfrilled and cut up to the hip that left her brown-furred, scrawny and athletic legs exposed, her bare, four-toed (three forward, one backward) feet silently carried her between laughing and chatting guests, and one seemingly perturbed green protocol droid, even as she sought to get away from the worst and thickest portion of the crowd. The sway of her thin, delicate hips and the twitching of her long, pointed tail behind her was more then enough to lull any male with a taste for exotic alien women into a false sense of security, and, if necessary gain her an advantage in seeking the information she needed - even if it hurt to recall just what her husband would have thought of such behavior, had he still been alive...

Reaching the edge of the crowd and spying a well-dressed Umbaran in a cheap blue suit (ha ha...) the Qom Jha fiddled with her jacket, smoothing her short, unkempt red hair away from her good eye even as the Umbaran spoke. With a grunt, the batlike creature's gray-membraned-arms folded along the front of her boyish torso, delicate fingers steepling beneath her muzzle as the odd alien nodded, a triangular ear, the notched one on the right, trembled...

"It might be a decent evening, if they actually served any good drinks and the talking guy wasn't so full of himself..." her raspy voice mumbled...
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Kishimoto Nakaioma





The room soon filled with a considerable number of people which was a surprise given the low turnout expectancy. Kishimoto would use this turn out to his advantage when promoting the currently developing product. Fundraising and networking with potential investors was extremely important for any project even ones with less savory intentions. His brown eyes scanned the crowd around him taking in the subtle note of how much money he could squeeze from them to make the "Environment" a better place to live on more primitive worlds. A rather large money sign appeared above Darth Kinrath Darth Kinrath who was dressed in extremely fine clothing which indicated a large amount of wealth and that would be his target tonight. Moving through the crowd with a polite excuse me and pardon me to avoid any negative connotations towards him.

"Lord Adelard Ulgo; it is a great honor to have you here within the Onomato Grand Hotel for the unveiling. I am certain that you must have received thousands of invitations to various events." Kishimoto said within his polite Long Xingzou accent after making his way over along with his aide and using the formal title that Ulgo liked to stroke his ego; he would sound extremely different to his cousin Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma who spoke with more of a coruscanti flair. While they were officially family he came from a Branch Family of the main nakaioma line on Long Xingzou.

Bringing up the hour glass shaped bottle of boga noga towards his lips; he began taking a rather long swig to wet his whistle as it were. Having not had time to properly hydrate himself due to planning this enormous event. Some might see him as nothing more than another political figure trying to sell false promises while doing nothing but promises would be kept tonight in regards to the device itself. The Nakaioma Corporation would not be a laughing stock by not fulfilling their promise to the primitive worlds under threat by heavy industrialization.

"It is a considerable shame that corporations have done little to repair the damage to worlds underneath their care. Wouldn't you agree?" Kishimoto further added a little bit later after allowing Lord Ulgo to respond back to his earlier statement. He wanted to pose this question to the lord to judge his response to know where he stood. If he agreed without question than he was someone to watch out for when the Nakaioma Corporation expanded their influence and power by the creation of this device. If the lord didn't agree than he would paint himself as a cruel being who didn't care about planets being destroyed by corporations.

Either or the question was designed to analyze the lord for his own future benefit.

Lawq Vasrell
Toby Russen Toby Russen



There was not much in the galaxy Caulder Dune cared for, but he did enjoy (in the way he enjoyed most boring things) recycling. Conceptually. And any event that purported to be about recycling, or rather, to be about recycling more efficiently and profitably... Well, he was practically obliged to attend. He observed the opening remarks placidly, shadowed as always by a sinister protocol droid.​
He never quite grimaced, but his expression was a far cry yet from a smile. Dune had perhaps underestimated the degree to which this event was open to the public, and overestimated his patience for being surrounded by a great throng of unfiltered citizenry. Hoi polloi. Commoners bereft of sense and sensibility.​
They might as well have been unwashed barbarians, fresh off of Mawite landing craft. Not the sort of elements the Commerce Guild's honorable senator preferred to move among. Oh well.​
Caulder sniffed disdainfully at the air, turned sharply from where he was, and stalked off in search of an open bar. Something stronger than a champagne flute off a serving droid's tray would net him some comfort. His own droid followed close at hand.​

Amalia teral


open to all

amalia had arrived a little late stepping out of her platinum plated hover limo she walked up the steps of the hotel. She had managed to persuade her head guard to stay behind on alderaan for tonight either fortune or not was yet to be determined as the night was young and unfortunately junko was busy an couldn't make it as far as she knew.

As a buisness woman a night like tonight would allow her to make connections to further her companies profits and Nakaioma was a large and profitable company in its own right. Perhaps if she was lucky she could gleam some of their plans for her own or get a buisness partner maybe assuming all wanted to play fair. Worst case scenario she would make an enemy which she would try and avoid walking in she drew a few eyes which was preferred and what she wanted letting her zeltron pheromones do their magic the young aristocrat walked through the party and took a glass of wine surely it wouldn't stack up to those she had on alderaan but they'd do for tonight.

Lord Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Mr. Strontus Elevar, CEO of Elevar Holdings, M.Eng., M.B.A., B.A.
Location: Onomato Grand Hotel, Galactic City, Coruscant
Objective: Opportunities


Cause the problem, sell them the solution. Anthysius- or rather, Strontus Elevar, found the thought extremely appealing.

Corpos, politicians, and socialites milled around the lobby hobnobbing. Deals and secrets worth billions passed from lips to ears, from hands to pockets. A perfect place to start spreading roots and making connections.

Strontus was also very, very interested in the new product this launch was ostensibly about. CEG would do well to apply this new technology to the rapidly increasing pollutants thrown up by ZMIC and Z&T projects, or even to license it out for use and application in their neck of the woods. Nakaioma was ubiquitous, yes, but whether they were willing or able to use their own resources to deploy this technology in the political void of the Galactic South was another question. Strontus had little qualms about that.

He reached for a drink from a nearby serving droid, catching sight of his own prosthetic hand. It had been some time since the events on Odavessa, but Strontus- Anthysius, was still bitter and unsettled.

But, that is why I'm here after all. Time to forge a fate away from the self-destructive fools.

Strontus made small talk with some old acquaintances from the Core. An engineer here, a small-time politician there. They were so... limited, small compared to him. He listened with one ear closed as they prattled about their puny ambitions, their colourless lives. But he supposed they all had their uses. It was good to know not all of his contacts and resources had been taken away from him. His attention drifted, spotting Kishimoto Nakaioma , speaking to Darth Kinrath Darth Kinrath . Strontus felt the subtle impression of the Force here and there too. No doubt other Sith. They were a dime a dozen in the corporate world.
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Location: Onomato Grand Hotel, Galactic City, Coruscant
Objective: Drinking, mingling, general mischief~
Appearance: Light Armor [X]
Tags: She's open to any encounter <3

Piercing, hyperactive cerulean optics flicked and darted about the dazzling skylights of the famed cityworld of Coruscant, a leg dangled and swung back and forth passively from the side of a balcony as four hands fiddled and twisted with a mechanical item in azure claws, distracting the wandering mind of the xeno as boredom threatened to strangle the Mandalorian woman, huffing and puffing melodramatically as if she were distressed, evoking a deep, almost bothered sigh from the Xenos companion and only friend in this...bizarre city-planet.

"What is it this time? I know your upset when you do that...thing~" X9 questioned, the tiny, levitating droid drifting past Dima as they rested atop the roof of a massive skyscraper. The young xeno finding comfort in highly elevated positions of advantage, feeling comfortable sitting on the edge looking down at the dazzling lights below.

"Dima does not think she belongs here~" She mumbled, claws scratching against the item in her hands as Dima made a face. "Cities are always so big, the people are always so mean, and this one isn't even allowed to eat any of the mice that are rude to dima!" The alien complained, visibly upset at the last bits which caused X9 to groan so heavily he'd probably be rolling his eyes if he had them. Once again having to deal with Dimas strange, bizarre instincts and feral tendencies that always got her in trouble.

"Dima, Dima please. It's not all that bad! Besides you love climbing all the tall buildings right? And you can't just eat people Dima not everyone who is mean to you needs their face chomped off okay? Your young! Still learning! You'll learn to fit in over time sweetie!" X9 tried to encourage, attempting to talk the unpredictable alien mando down and prevent her from doing anything rash as the girl sniffled, her upset expression slowly shifting into a hopeful look.

"Dima does like climbing the tall, fancy towers and all the pretty colors smells really bad at the lower levels and Dima is always getting in trouble, why can't Dima go anywhere without the wee wee little mice being all like 'No Dima, that area is RESTRICTED' or 'Dima no, you can't eat the thief we need to arrest them'" she blurted angrily, using all four her arms to gesture 'quotations' at the mention of restricted and 'arresting'. The droid shaking its frame at Dimas behavior.

"Dima, hun, your mind is beautiful, and i love you. But you still got a looooooot to learn about how the galaxy works. It's just...complicated, and you haven't been around long. Just give it some time you might come to like it! Like uhhh, the music, eh? Coruscant has some good music! Entertainment is great, uhhhh...the alcohol? Yeah? Am i right? Maybe find some cute boys?" The droid mused, trying to cheer the xeno up with mixed results as Dimas long, scaled tail thumped about and the xeno chittered in thought.

"Well, Dima does like warm and sweet songs, songs that remind Dima is sugar, honey and sweet things~" She cooed, her inner glow of luminescence flickering in bashfulness as she lifted her claws and began to rake them through her snowy hair at the mention of boys. "Oh this one is not so sure know, boys are always scared of Dima." She quipped shyly, X9 blinking its lights before shifting its sights.

"Maybe some fine ladies then? I hear city girls love a warrior in armor~" X9 cooed, his statement making Dimas highly expressive alien body language to go slightly haywire for a brief moment as her ears fluttered rapidly like butterfly wings.

"Really? Would they be nice to Dima?" The alien asked, X9 unsure how to really answer this honestly and just staring for a moment before responding.

"Uhhhhh. Maaaaaaaaybe? If you don't do anything weird then possibly? C'mon follow me, we'll go to a bar, we can practice your social skills! Maybe make some friends? Or enemies, but preferably friends!" X9 hovered off, causing Dima to bite her lip nervously before reaching over to grab her helmet and put it on to conceal her strange, alien face before jumping off the edge of the skyscrapper and catching the side of the building with tendrils that spilled out of her back menacingly and clung to the steel foundations, scuttling rapidly across the buildings and following the droid that escorted the strange creature.

Dima followed, and as the two went about the city X9 and the strange spider-like alien passed over quite the spectacle as bright, shining lights and festive music radiated in the air around what looked to be a fresh, massive mega-structure that stood out to the xeno like treasure. Pausing in her tracks and gasping in delight as X9 paused to see the mando staring down at the Grand Opening of the Onomato Hotel, a tasteful and highly prodigious opening event that had a collection of powerful, influential individuals attending.

"Woooooow, so pretty! Look X9 look! So many colors!" The Xeno chirped in glee from behind the filter of her helm, those back tendrils threatening to carry her towards the commotion as X9 zipped himself straight in front of Dimas visor to stop her and draw the aliens gaze.

"Whoa now girl! Hey! its real pretty down there i know but no! Whats going on down there is an exclusive event~" X9 told her simply. "You can't just go stomping down there with your weird...tentacle things and causing a ruckus around a bunch of rich CEOs and scheming politicians your gonna end up in jail for throwing a tantrum when someone steps on your tail! We start small, socialize at bars and...parties. And when you learn to talk without saying silly nonsense, we can move up and attend the fancy stuff, yeah? Right?" X9 explained, making Dima shift her gaze from the droid, to the event, back to the droid again, and back down to the event as the sound of laughter and delight filled the air around the event. Causing Dimas chest to swell and her tail to flick in annoyance, the feeling of being left out triggering instincts within the xeno.

"But...everyone looks so happy, Dima wants to have fun like them~"

"Dima, Dima no! Look at you your in full mandalorian armor if you come stomping in there your going to get in trouble! You don't even own clothes of your own! Do you have a four sleeves suit or a dress that your scales won't shred?" X9 questioned reasonably, making Dima inspect herself and pout from behind her helm.

"Whats wrong with what Dima is wearing?" she questioned innocently, the concept of 'casual wear' and 'combat wear' clearly not something the xeno had fully yet learned to grasp before lifting one of her hands to shove X9 away from her face. "Bah! Dima has heard enough! Dima is sweet, sweet like berries and fruit and when they meet Dima they will know Dima is sweet because Dima is very well behaved yes? It is known, certainly they will welcome Dima and be super nice to her because they like Dima so much~" The xeno convinced herself, tendrils suddenly extending ahead and bringing Dima lower and lower from her elevated position above the hotel and eventually bringing her to the red carpeted stairs.

"Nononono Dimaaaaaa, DIMAAAAA!" The droid called as the xeno scuttled about the stairs, only to suddenly walk off the stairs and attach those tendrils to the golden arches that loomed over the massive staircase, the curious and inquisitive spider scuttling about in delight as if inspecting the new environment before giggling impishly and looking at X9 upside down from the ceiling before quickly returning to the stairs.

"Woooow, look how fancy it is! Do you think Dima could live in such a shiny house?" Dima asked, X9 visibly frustrated with having to chase Dima around and keep her out of trouble.

"It's a hotel, and NO! That takes money and you keep spending yours fixing the ship you can't stop crashing all the time!" X9 hissed angrily before gesturing with a hover for Dima to come back. "Now get back over here before you break something because we both know you can't pay it back! DIMA! DIMA COME BACK!" The droid shouted angrily as Dima got distracted and scuttled off, straight up the stairs and towards the entrance. And it was then X9 watched Dima go straight up to the line waiting to get in, stand at the back for all but two minutes before getting impatient and using her back tendrils to hoist herself up many, many feet into the air, now over many of their heads and stomping over them to the front of the line where a tendril snatched a bouncer, pulling them up to Dimas visor level as the droid hurried up the stairs. "Oh no, oh feth, oh kark, nonono!" They called in distress.

Dima however used her tendril to squeeze the bouncer gently as Dima used two hands to wave.

"Salutations little mouse! This one is named Dima, and uhhh, well, Dima saw how much fun everyone was having and X9 told Dima there would be music and cute boys and sweet girls who are nice to Dima so Dima came down to say hi." She cooed, the bouncer staring in horror as X9 hovered up to them.

"Oh heavens, oh my, i apologize for her! She's new to the city ya see! And i told her i'd take her to a 'party' and she got distracted by everything happening here she's harmless!" X9 tried to cover. "Dima! Put the nice man down, you can't just....grab people ok?" X9 scolded Dima, the xeno making a face and grimacing.

"But...Dima didn't even hurt hi-"

"DOWN DIMA!" X9 hissed, causing the tendril to instantly just loosen and let the bouncer fall back to the ground. The crowd watching in absolute bewilderment as the strange mandalorian alien caused a commotion. "Good, now retract your weirdness people aren't used to things like you scuttling about!" He warned, making Dima tilt her head and slowly pull those dangerous tendrils back into her body, now standing on her own two legs and staring nervously.

The bouncer, unsure what was even happening had a feeling he wasn't equipped to deal with whatever 'this' was. And just lifted a hand inside while leaning away and back. Dima gasped, giddy with delight, looking at X9 who was just as baffled as the crowd at this point. Watching Dima run inside with a skip in her step, almost immediately finding herself bumping into random individuals and toppling some over in her excitement, suddenly crashing into the side of the bar area where a ton of tiny little glasses were lined up, filled with a bright, pink liquid which made Dima eye the glasses curiously. Watching as people would walk by, pluck a glass from the collection, and walk away sipping at their drink.

To this, this gave Dima indication they were free. And immediately the helmet of the Mandalorian was unclipped and air pressure hissed from the cracks as Dima pulled the helm away, holding it in her tail while all four of her arms took a glass into each hand. Her flowing white mane of wild, unkempt hair spilling down her back as her much more...strange alien features were on display for others to see. Azure, crystal-like teeth lining her cheeks and those segmented jaws splitting slightly as Dima lifted her head up, opened her jaws, and just poured each glass into her open maw, all four downed before sealing her segmented jaws back together and licking her lips at the flavor of the drinks as Dima chittered.
"Ohhhh, spicy~" She cooed, unsure what she was even drinking or if it was good stuff or bad stuff, the Mandalorian just happy to be invited to such a fancy party. "Oh happy days! Dima is never invited to places like this!" She delighted~


Kishimoto Nakaioma





His conversation with Lord Ulgo had come to an end and so the Senior Executive Officer of Onomato Holdings was ready to begin networking with the various attendees at the event tonight. His eyes scanned the crowd until coming across a rather interesting looking Caulder Dune Caulder Dune approaching one of the various bars within the room along with a droid model. While he certainly looked important and a imaginary money sign floating above his head was a good indication that networking with him would provide equally profitable to him and the Nakaioma Corporation as a whole.

Kishimoto was about to approach until the sight of a exotic zeltron drew his gaze for far longer than he wanted. Getting close with the known "Party Species" of the galaxy was about as smart as approaching an angry reek armed with nothing but a stick and a rock. He would keep an eye on Amalia teral position within the room incase some of the guests started to act strangely. He reached into his coat pocket and pressed a button; sending a signal to some of the Nakaioma Enforcers to stalk her for a while to make sure they weren't going to cause problems.

He walked through the crowd without a destination after his previous conversation had ended. Ending up spotting both Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra and Domina Prime Domina Prime make their grand entrances into the hotel. He regarded the alien looking woman with interest and would have to make conversation at another time but for now his focus was on the humanoid looking male. Adjusting his throwing hat above his head and moving to engage with Mr. Strontus Elevar.

"I extend a warm greeting to Mr. Elevar for making time to come to this event. After all the recent elections for senate might have distracted some of the more important players on the board." Kishimoto said towards him in his mix of Long Xingzou and Galactic Basic accent; grabbing a glass of wine from a passing service droid and bringing the glass to his lips. He had heard from a corporate informant that Elevar Holdings was growing across various sectors and was put on the Galactic 5000 Chart for most powerful companies in the galaxy. Of course the chart was then divided between the factions with the Trade Federation occupying the number one seat within the Empire. His 6'6 and 380 pound form would be quite noticeable.

Mr. Nakaioma was pleased at the gathering of the infamous and powerful within the room. More people to squeeze money from when the project was unveiled fully. Although some recent problems had emerged with the device including the need for around the clock maintenance due to the high performance power and the generators required to power such a device in the first place. Although the advantages made these problems worth it.

The hidden sith lord would likely notice the small amount of voidstone within his hat.

Darth Kinrath Darth Kinrath
Toby Russen Toby Russen
Lawq Vasrell


Lord Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Mr. Strontus Elevar, CEO of Elevar Holdings, M.Eng., M.B.A., B.A.
Location: Onomato Grand Hotel, Galactic City, Coruscant
Objective: Opportunities

"I extend a warm greeting to Mr. Elevar for making time to come to this event. After all the recent elections for senate might have distracted some of the more important players on the board."
Strontus smiled and bowed his head.

"My thanks for your hospitality." He lifted his glass in appreciation and took a sip. It went down easily, a little too easily. A very exquisite blend for its strength. "And my most hearty complements to the sommelier. It is not often that I am able to spend time outside the Rim, but I am always happy to attend Nakaioma events. Your esteemed family has always been a focus of my admiration." And Strontus was even telling the truth. He rather appreciated the straightforward ruthlessness and careful dealmaking that the Nakaioma corporation had used to expand its reach over generations. Alas, that he was not too an heir to such a legacy. But that was the story of his life, wasn't it?

"As to elections, well, no matter who's in power, the Core will always need entrepreneurial innovation, doesn't it? And I'd much rather spend time learning about these innovations than buttering many of the Alliance's senators."

"I must be frank here; I am extremely intrigued by the new environmental technologies on display here today. Do you mind giving me an explanation on this new suite of technologies? Not the mechanics, mind, as I have browsed through the tech spec brochures already. I mean from a business perspective of creating at scale and deploying these technologies. What's the predicted business model on the use of these technologies?" Strontus began his play, slowly angling this to possibly open up the suggestion later that CEG would be the perfect business partner.

This was already shaping up to be one of the most interesting parties that Mr. Nine had ever been to. These people were as flamboyant and ridiculous as they came, a line up of people that would be impossible to make up. Some, like Dima, seemed to just be bizarre characters. Others were definitely riding that upper-class high. It didn’t really matter to Mr. Nine regardless. All of it was entertaining.

What this place needed was a little bit of chaos, more than the strange Mandalorian already brought. A mischievous grin spread across Nine’s face. He was a master of chaos, after all. What could be the worst that happened if he stirred the pot a little?

Lawq Vasrell

Kishimoto Nakaioma Darth Kinrath Darth Kinrath Toby Russen Toby Russen Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Amelia Amadis Amelia Amadis Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Domina Prime Domina Prime

The Qom Jha huffed as she nervously viewed the approaching form of Kishimoto Nakaioma , the very target her partner-in-crime had briefed her on upon giving Lawq this little information-seeking mission. Fajyk would be disappointed if she didn't at least eavesdrop on the correct information to ensure they could target this man's smuggling routes at a later date... Using a hand to brush away a spare piece of lint from her gray-skinned membrane (her well-kept jacket was specially crafted without sleeves due to her arm membranes, of course), the Qom Jha gave the Umbaran youth a polite smile, even as a dangerous and thoroughly mischievous smile began to emerge on the pale humanoid's face.

Brushing her unkempt red hair down over her useless eye to give her a demure and innocent-looking, charming facade, the lithe young alien woman swished her pointed tail to and fro in a nervous and agitated manner, before she began to fall into step a few paces behind Kishimoto Nakaioma , a practiced swipe of her lithe fingers snagging a second (hopefully better-tasting) gray, bubbling drink from a passing service droid. Intent on getting away from the dangerous-looking and potentially rowdy Umbaran youth, the batlike alien's bare, clawed footpaws clicked softly along the floor mere steps behind the businessman... It was now important to listen or, if possible, subtly converse regarding the shipping lane information as casually as she could from her target...
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Tʜᴇ Mᴀᴅᴄʟᴀᴡ


Onomato Grand Hotel, Coruscant
TAGS: Kishimoto Nakaioma | Domina Prime Domina Prime | OPEN

Lord Ulgo was just about to answer the question posed by Mr. Nakaioma when he was suddenly pulled to the side. A Nephran dressed in a fancy suit, chittering in its insectoid language. An acquaintance that he had recently sold priceless sea-glass mosaics to. A matter of business, as the mosaics had to be carefully shipped as to not break their fragile nature. He gave a slight smirk and nodded to the lobster-like creature.

"Yes, Mr. Delge I assure you, they will be shipped within the week." He nodded before turning, finding himself absent a conversation partner, "Tsk. Tsk. Seems he's lacking in manners, this Kishimoto."

Despite being seemingly brushed off by the Nakaioma scion, Abelard was not going to let it spoil his time at this party. After all, it was coming heftily out of the other man's bank account. Greenish eyes flicked over to some sudden commotion nearby. A strange looking woman dressed in what appeared to be Mandalorian armor. She certainly was unique, and he was at least curious. Cane in hand, he strolled toward the female being, nexu capelet flowing as he walked briskly. Once close enough, his eyes watched her, admiring her in a way as one might a statue in a museum

"My, my, my.. What a truly remarkable specimen you are." He commented earnestly, "In all my dealings in this Galaxy, i have never come across someone like you."

He bowed down gracefully to her, as a sign of pleasantry. Despite being a gambler, and a secret dealer in the criminal element, he was first and foremost a nobleman.

"Lord Abelard Ulgo, of Alderaan" He introduced himself, "And I'd very much like to make your acquaintance."


Location: Onomato Grand Hotel, Galactic City, Coruscant
Objective: Drinking, mingling, general mischief~
Appearance: Light Armor [X]
Tags: Darth Kinrath Darth Kinrath | Open to others <3

"Jeez, slow down Dima! The foods not going anywhere!" X9 warned, the droid watching as the four armed lifeform just reached out and grabbed literally entire slabs of premium steaks and meats and just stuffed one after another into her split, segmented jaws. Razor sharp, crystal-like teeth shredding the food and the jaws compressing together and resealing in a rather audible, ungraceful chewing noise when suddenly a strangers voice rang in the air beside the Xeno.

"My, my, my.. What a truly remarkable specimen you are." A stranger mused, causing Dimas ears to perk as Dima looked from one side of her to see nothing, then to the other side to find what looked to be a man with a can offering a low bow, a gesture which confused the xeno as five, bright alien eyes traced him to search for anything she may recognize, only to find she had no idea who this man was.

"W-who? Dima?" She asked, looking around herself to see if the man were possibly speaking to someone else only to find she was the only one really standing there at the moment.

"In all my dealings in this Galaxy, i have never come across someone like you~" He then took a bow. "Lord Abelard Ulgo, of Alderaan, And I'd very much like to make your acquaintance."

"O-ohhh wow, ummmn, one second!" Dimas eyes widened for a brief moment, gasping in shock as if she was caught off guard and suddenly, out of nowhere turning her back towards the man, reaching across the table and grabbing X9 she yanked the droid closer and nervously made a face. "X9! What does Dima do! A stranger is being sweet with Dima but Dima does not know how to talk fancy!" She pleaded, rather audibly and without any subtlty as well. The man clearly able to hear everything she was saying as that elognated tail flicked rather dangerously about, the sharpened barbs nearly grazing near the mans legs in her overwhelming delight. "What should Dima say?" She asked, the droid staring at her, then back at the man, then back at her.

"Sweetie just...turn around and tell him your name!" The droid tried, making Dimas eyes all flicker before Dima suddenly spun back around to face the stranger. Her eyes all twisting about, dilating and teeth along her segmented jawlines chittering nervously as Dima took one of her upper hands and waved rather weakly at the man.

"Heh, oh wow. Uhh, well, Dimas name is Dima! And uhhh, it is a pleasure to meet uhhhhh. Your..." She tried to find the word the gentleman used.

"Acquaintance~" X9 finished for her, seeing the bashful shynes of the beast in an actual social situation was delaying her thoughts.

"Yes! Thats the word, helloooooo. Dima is very sweet like sugar, honey and candy yes?" She replied to the man, half referencing when he called her a 'remarkable specimen'. The xeno looking back at her droid and nudging him playfully. "See! Fancyman thinks Dima is lovely as well so ha! Dima knew she would be precious and beloved~" She sassily quipped confidently, her ego being massaged from the sudden encounter.

The Droid sighed, gesturing to Abelard and speaking.

"Its a pleasure Sir, don't mind her, she's never really been to parties like this and she has a hard time understanding things sometim-" Before he could even finish the droid was whacked with the tip of Dimas tail.

"S-shush! Don't humiliate Dima in front of her new friends!" She hissed, her inner, azure glow fluctuating a greenish hue as if she were feeling embarrassed by X9 telling the stranger how daft she often was. "Dima is very smart, X9 is just jealous! Dimas head thoughts are beautiful~" She hissed lowly.

The droid stared.

"Headthoughts? You've been talking to Gungans again haven't you?" X9 questioned, recognizing the familiar phrase, immediately causing Dima to just grab the droid and with all her strength throw him across the vast, massive room near clear to the other side, just to get it away from them. "Whoa hey ahhhhh!" X9 yelled.

Dima then swung back around to face the stranger.

"D-don't listen to X9! Dima has big, big brain, and her smarts are just as big yes?" She tried again, biting her lip as all four of her claws began to nervously rake and twist through her mane of snowy hair.

Talking to humans was so...hard. The strange mandalorian woman was clearly showing signs of visible distress at the pressure of trying to 'fit in'.


Kishimoto Nakaioma





"My thanks for your hospitality."

"You are quite welcome; Mr. Elevar." Kishimoto said in response to his statement. Although he had this nagging feeling in the back of his corporate mind that was a little too friendly for his liking. Grabbing another drink from a passing service droid after putting the last empty glass on the tray. His training within Martial Arts allowed him to detect the small soft footsteps of a person following him. This was yet unknown to him to be (Lawq Vasrell) although he made no sudden movements to indicate that he had known.

"And my most hearty complements to the sommelier. It is not often that I am able to spend time outside the Rim, but I am always happy to attend Nakaioma events. Your esteemed family has always been a focus of my admiration."

"You will have to save your admiration for my cousin, Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma who has been the mastermind behind the family. I have just recently returned to the corporation after a considerable stay within Imperial Space to lead this project." Kishimoto then replied; being humble about it and admitting that his admiration would be best reserved for his cousin who had expanded their family's power within the galaxy exceptionally. This bit of information about being within Imperial Space was a direct lie feeding to the person who was no doubt spying on him as they had not moved away from him.

He reached into his pocket to draw a cigar; although clicked a hidden button within his suit which alerted several of the Nakaioma Security Officers to come to his direct aide. They would arrive slowly but they could be seen making their way over here. Which would give someone a good enough time to slip away.

"I must be frank here; I am extremely intrigued by the new environmental technologies on display here today. Do you mind giving me an explanation on this new suite of technologies? Not the mechanics, mind, as I have browsed through the tech spec brochures already. I mean from a business perspective of creating at scale and deploying these technologies. What's the predicted business model on the use of these technologies?"

"It is a shame that corporations have not taken care of planets better and thus have forced the corporate community to develop such technologies. Production is small at the moment with only 300 prototypes currently in development and soon to be finished with considerable deployment within the Outer Rim and Mid Rim where pollution is often highest due to lax regulation practices. The predicted business model will have to be taken from Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma as the lead developer for the technology as I currently don't have that information on hand due to a scheduling error. Although the Nakaioma Corporation is up for a partnership to push out the product to a wider market." Kishimoto replied; taking up the implied offer from the Elevar Holdings to become a joint partner in moving the product throughout the galaxy. Although it would be up to him to take that offer.

He was confident in the product to trust the models although they could influx at any moment in time due to a variety of situations.

Domina Prime Domina Prime
Lawq Vasrell
Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra
Darth Kinrath Darth Kinrath
Toby Russen Toby Russen
Caulder Dune Caulder Dune
Amelia Amadis Amelia Amadis

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Lawq Vasrell

Kishimoto Nakaioma Domina Prime Domina Prime Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Darth Kinrath Darth Kinrath Toby Russen Toby Russen Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Amelia Amadis Amelia Amadis
Lawq had to admit that the crowd of chattering, laughing, gossiping, the pseudo-amorous (in some cases) and vainglorious nitwits that made up the ranks of businessmen (and women) served as the perfect cover. Mr. Nearaheiney's slow and purposeful walk spoke of overconfidence and possibly some sort of combat expertise - his swagger was noticeable and distinct, even compared to a few corrupt business-types that she and Fajyk had roughed up in the past. While hopefully it didn't come down to a fight in any way, the distinct stocky appearance of the human and the barest hints of corded and developed muscles beneath the suit on his arms and torso seemed to indicate some form of combat training... That, or he was just a vain, appearance-obsessed sort who used exercise to add to his charisma and appeal to the opposite sex.

While their intel had been only of varied pseudo-reliable and one or two official sources, Fajyk and Lawq's perusal of the Holonet had uncovered enough information to determine that this particular crooked bastard had done stints in prison... Yeah, that had to have been where his fighting skills had come from; after all, this scumbag was the delinquent among a family of respected, secretive sorts who probably had plenty of skeletons in their respective closets... She and Fajyk would have to research several more of the relatives and, with luck, public records and a fair amount of slicing, the others might have to be given the Gadfly Treatment from she and her best friend...

The Qom Jha's membraned, toned arms folded over her jacketed, scrawny bosom, a harsh snort of derision emerging from her foxlike muzzle as a heavyset gray, blue-horned Zabrak sporting exotic, frilled yellow silk of some flamboyant and alien variety and an intricate, gem-encrusted golden circlet among the forest of his horns blocked her path as he stepped in front of her. The fat bastard took a drunken step backwards, then another, his roll-infused head tilting backwards to bellow with raucous laughter, an improvised dance move he was showing to a female Vor at before him allowed his immense backside to strike the chiropteran alien's stomach at a ridiculous speed... The marshmallow-infused, pink-and-purple-polka-dotted-clad, jiggling butt was way, way closer to her then she ever wanted that particular part of another's anatomy to be...

And I thought Fajyk's butt was bad... For a second, Lawq wanted to laugh.

Even as the Qom Jha tried to make her way around the right side of the Zabrak's hip to continue trailing her target, that was when all hell broke loose, much to the shock of all present... The harsh cry of a blaster followed the drunken fat alien's mirthful outburst, cutting him off mid-guffaw as the intense emerald glare erupted from a blaster pistol of some alien variety. The acrid stink of ozone and sizzling flesh filled the nostrils, scent-sacks, pods and nasal-tentacles (use your imagination for those) of the partygoers in the immediate area, while ashen, burned flecks of ruined gray flesh peppered a handful of aliens and a screaming, aged human, Lawq among them. The gurgling, shock-filled Zabrak's purple eye and his blinking cybernetic eye met Lawq's good and blind eye alike as he fell past her shorter frame, seemingly in slow motion, his face a strange equal-and-opposite mirror image of the hellish intent that had manifested among the shocked guests... Stumbling back against the wall next to the wrinkled, dwarfish old man (he had begun to weep), Lawq's clawed hand scraped for purchase against the metal in her terror...

Lawq's muzzle parted, her ears folding back in shock and fear as her raspy voice screamed, "ASSASSIN! RUN!"

A leather-suited, well-dressed indigo-tinged Advozse, an intricate tattoo of alien lettering in sea-green ink extending along his arm, had begun to turn his pistol in a blind arc, emerald fury indiscriminately bursting forth from the sleek alien pistol that he had dropped from the loose, large sleeve of his suit jacket... A hole burned the shoulder of the wailing man at Lawq's side, his tears being wiped on the Qom Jha's velvet-furred wrist as he fell at her side, his scraggly gray-and-blond beard tickling her limb and membrane on the way down... A second green shot screamed through the air, burning a hole in the wall next to the chiropteran's head... A third shot nearly cost the Qom Jha her life - looking back on it later, she wondered to Fajyk if the Force was looking out for her and aided her in maneuvering her head just enough to avoid getting a smoking hole in her forehead - but a chance movement as she slipped down along the wall to land on her petite butt due to her trembling, shock-infused legs giving out saved her life, even if the green bolt succeeded in burning away the frazzled scarlet hair between her ears and the lightly burning the underlying skin, as well...

Perhaps the timing was perfect, and perhaps the Advozse's determination to strike at one particular target several feet away from his initial victims helped to save Lawq's life, in addition to what was probably the Hand of the Force playing in her life...

Even as she took to vomiting in disgust as a result of the sight and smell of the poor Zabrak's blasted, ozone-infused and scorched ruin of a throat combining with the scent of her scorched-away hair, a defensive instinct owed to several years of training with her best friend kicked in, and the Qom Jha grasped the fallen, emerald-encrusted golden circlet that the dead Zabrak had been wearing. With a harsh, righteously-furious yell of defiance, her former quarry nearly forgotten, the athletic little chiropteran alien swung her arm, flicking her wrist at the last moment, sending the intricate circlet spinning towards the head of Mr. Wannahoochie's would-be assassin as he continued firing the blue-and-silver pistol furiously through the crowd, steadily winding his rapid, usually-accurate shots through screaming, crying, stumbling, fallen and dashing aliens, humans and confused service droids alike. The assassin's scarred face broke into a determined smile upon focusing on Mr. Fondofbongs...

(You determine his reaction Kishimoto Nakaioma , of course, as well as whether my improvised weapon even hits him - maybe you could show off those martial arts skills and kick his ass accordingly? Anyone else wanna help, feel free... I've done my part unless this gets drawn out.)

Also, some links:

Assassin's weapon:

Lawq's new hairstyle:,630
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A leather-suited, well-dressed indigo-tinged Advozse, and intricate tattoo of alien lettering in sea-green ink extending along his arm, had begun to turn his pistol in a blind arc, emerald fury indiscriminately bursting forth from the sleek alien pistol that he had dropped from the loose, large sleeve of his suit jacket...

An assassin? Mr. Nine thought. Now this is a party. Of course, Nine had his pistol on him. He always did. With a draw faster than the blink of an eye, his weapon was drawn, directed at this would-be assassin. A Qom Jha had begun to fight the assassin with an improvised weapon.

“Alright, bastard!” Mr. Nine howled from across the hall. “I suggest you freeze, lest you want a bolt between the eyes.” He briefly acknowledged the Qom Jha woman. “Don’t worry about this bloke. He’s a dead man walking.”

Mr. Nine spoke with confidence, a grin plastered on his face in spite of the carnage that the assassin had begun to ensue. He was a master marksman, after all. There was only one way this ended.

“I’m the best shot this side of Coruscant, mate,” Nine explained to the man. “If you wanna live, I suggest you put that bloody gun down.”

There he was at the open bar, minding his own business. The bartender handed him a rather plain-looking martini and he handed them a credit chip by way of a tip. He didn't check the denomination, but something in the way the bartender's eyes bulged suggested he should have. Whatever. It was just money. It always comes back.​
Caulder had turned to face the rest of the room just as blasters were being fired. Screams. It took a few seconds for the other onlookers to process what was happening before they started to shuffle out of the area. Not Caulder Dune, though. He frowned and watched, took a genteel sip of his drink. He'd be fine. Experiencing mortal peril at a social event was for proles.​
Still, there was protocols in place for this. "Send the alert."​
His droid quietly acknowledged the order. Meanwhile, an umbaran and some alien were confronting the assassin. Neither of whom appeared to be part of a Nakaioma security detail, much to his chagrin. Amateur hour.​
What a farce.​
He sipped his drink again.​

Kishimoto Nakaioma





While he awaited the response from Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra the sound of shouting and running was heard behind him. Someone (Lawq Vasrell) shouted "ASSASSIN" and Kishimoto gazed over too see an Advozse with tattoos of alien origin along his arm extending his pistol in a blind arc and indiscriminately fired into the crowd which made everyone panic. He disliked the idea of his party being ruined and would handle this problem personally.

"Pardon me; Mr.Elevar." Kishimoto excused himself temporally and moved through the panicking crowd as the Advozse Assassin managed to skillfully dodged the improvised attack from Lawq Vasrell and aimed directly at him. The Nakaioma Security Force had not yet arrived as Toby Russen Toby Russen moved in to stop the assassin and force him to drop his own weapon. "Not a chance;" : The Assassin said towards the umbaran youth. Withdrawing a secondary pistol from his holster and pointing it at the umbaran with his own quickdraw holster within his hand. He might die by he would also take him down with him.

Kishimoto tapped into his martial arts mastery and zoomed past Toby Russen Toby Russen quicker than he could blink or fire his own weaponry; unleashing his powerful
Fifty Two Fists in which he sent a blizzard of 52 lightning fast attacks over a period of less than five seconds with total commitment to the absolute destruction of the opponent. This maneuverer slammed into the would be assassin which killed him immediately without fail before he could discharge his weapon further.

The assassin's body slumped to the floor in a puddle of blood as Kishimoto returned back to his normal form with blood dripping from his hands. Grabbing a face towel from the Nakaioma Security that had arrived and wiping his hands clean; as the body was dragged out of the hotel and thrown into the back of a garbage truck.

"The situation has been resolved; please commonly return to your conversations and entertainment for this evening." He said to the panicked crowd which calmed them down considerably. Kishimoto moved back to engage in conversation with the Head of Elevar Holdings and this served as a good chance for his public relations and ability in front of a large crowd.

Domina Prime Domina Prime
Darth Kinrath Darth Kinrath
Caulder Dune Caulder Dune
Amelia Amadis Amelia Amadis


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