Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Higher Revenue ; Sweeter Fruit


Lord Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Mr. Strontus Elevar, CEO of Elevar Holdings, M.Eng., M.B.A., B.A.
Location: Onomato Grand Hotel, Galactic City, Coruscant
Objective: Opportunities


Production is small at the moment with only 300 prototypes currently in development and soon to be finished with considerable deployment within the Outer Rim and Mid Rim where pollution is often highest due to lax regulation practices. The predicted business model will have to be taken from Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma as the lead developer for the technology as I currently don't have that information on hand due to a scheduling error. Although the Nakaioma Corporation is up for a partnership to push out the product to a wider market.

"Yes, it is such a shame that there are so many irresponsible stewards of progress," Strontus shook his head morosely as he sipped from the wine.

"Ah, you read my mind. I confess, I am interested in coming to some sort of partnership in both scaling up production of these products and deploying them in markets that Elevar Holdings already has subsidiaries in, or on worlds out manufacturing companies have already sadly despoiled." Strontus was glad to see the other man receptive to the idea.

"We should find time to discuss-" The Force twisted in Strontus' gut just before he heard:

Pardon me; Mr.Elevar.

Strontus fought down the urge to immediately slay the assassin with his throw of his lightsaber or Force Lightning, putting on instead a shocked façade. Lawq Vasrell and Toby Russen Toby Russen reacted to the assailant, but Kishimoto was on-task.

Kishimoto tapped into his martial arts mastery and zoomed past Toby Russen Toby Russen Toby Russen Toby Russen quicker than he could blink or fire his own weaponry;

This maneuverer slammed into the would be assassin which killed him immediately without fail before he could discharge his weapon further.

The situation has been resolved; please commonly return to your conversations and entertainment for this evening

Strontus breathed a sigh of relief. They could continue their conversation then, and he did not slip up.

Kishimoto moved back to engage in conversation with the Head of Elevar Holdings and this served as a good chance for his public relations and ability in front of a large crowd.
"Thank you for attending to the situation so swiftly, Mr. Nakaioma. So, as I was saying we really should discuss the possibility of synergising EH subsidiaries with this program. I'm sure Crimson Engineering or one of the Z&T subsidiaries would be a perfect fit."

Kishimoto Nakaioma | Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra

Three contractors arrived from a different entrance to retrieve Caulder, and they watched along with him as Kishimoto turned the assassin into an unrecognizable pulp of viscera. Caulder blinked irritably and noted with distaste that even his cybernetic eyes had difficulty keeping up with the enforcer's movements.​
"Go bring the speeder around," he muttered to his droid. It skulked off and out quietly.​
Nakaioma's security had finally arrived and were dragging off the ruined assassin, leaving a nasty trail of blood in its wake. Gruesome. But at least they had found their way to the event after all.​
Witnessing homicides had a tendency to spoil Caulder's appetite for socialization, so he was resolved to leave. He downed the rest of his drink in a quick motion, left it on the bar, and proceeded to the exit.​
But of course he intruded on Strontus and Kishimoto's conversation on the way out.​
His guards lingered impatiently a short distance away. "What an impressive display of martial prowess. Saro must sleep so soundly knowing he has you on payroll."​
He didn't sound especially sincere. Rather, his dull eyes flicked briefly over to the the gawping onlookers currently encircling the zabrak the assassin had slain.​
"I've taken the liberty of contacting law enforcement for you. They may have some questions. I know I certainly do. Promise me your men won't drag the bodies too far, hm?"​

Kishimoto Nakaioma





Kishimoto froze for just a second after replaying the problem within his mind; it was awfully suspicious that the assassin picked this exact moment in time to strike at him when he could have done so when he arrived to set it up. He didn't have a chance to hear Mr. Elevar response to his earlier statement and resumed the conversation back to that point in time.

"Ah, you read my mind. I confess, I am interested in coming to some sort of partnership in both scaling up production of these products and deploying them in markets that Elevar Holdings already has subsidiaries in, or on worlds out manufacturing companies have already sadly despoiled."

"Then we are both in agreement on the idea of a partnership to scale up production of these devices and the further deployment of them to worlds less fortune. We can finalize any settlement reached between us with my cousin Saro Nakaioma Saro Nakaioma and his trusted board of directors. Although I will put in a very good word for your company to receive the contracts." Kishimoto said; making some hand gestures to convey his point towards him. While the Nakaioma Corporation had enough influence to push out this product without any partnership; wrapping another company around their finger was much more important to expanding their corporate empire into the furthest reaches of the galaxy.

"Thank you for attending to the situation so swiftly, Mr. Nakaioma. So, as I was saying we really should discuss the possibility of synergising EH subsidiaries with this program. I'm sure Crimson Engineering or one of the Z&T subsidiaries would be a perfect fit."

"It was nothing to thank me for; as the host it is my responsibility to defend my guests from harm. While that is a considerable offer; all respective rights to production and partnership would have to be looked over by our lawyers to insure any disagreement between the parties is settled out of alliance court." Kishimoto said with a humble tone; the Nakaioma Lawyers could find a loophole in any such agreement reached and that is why he suggested it. Convincing one party that you were going to follow your word when you weren't likely too was much more amusing to him. Although he personally couldn't be held responsible for such a lie considering he didn't run the company and thus had little personal liability.

He moved his gaze a little and spotted the Commerce Guild Representative Caulder Dune Caulder Dune coming towards the both of them.

"What an impressive display of martial prowess. Saro must sleep so soundly knowing he has you on payroll."

"Thank you for your humble words;" Kishimoto said with a polite smile; he wasn't going to let the insincerity in the man's voice affect his mood. Grabbing a drink from a passing service droid and holding it within his hand to bring it gently towards his lips.
"I've taken the liberty of contacting law enforcement for you. They may have some questions. I know I certainly do. Promise me your men won't drag the bodies too far, hm?"

"My security will certainly have the bodies ready for the corsuanti law enforcement to be processed. Beyond that would you possibly be open to mutual agreement between the Commerce Guild and the Nakaioma Corporation in the future." Kishimoto asked; assuming that the umbaran was within the commerce guild just by the way he walked and the limited information on companies he managed to obtain before the event tonight to not make a fool out of himself. The Commerce Guild was ancient but had made the mistake of supplying the Confederacy of Independent Systems against the Galactic Republic all those eons ago. They grew powerful after their rise from the ashes and the Nakaioma Family would profit off of them.

Toby Russen Toby Russen
Domina Prime Domina Prime
Lawq Vasrell
Amelia Amadis Amelia Amadis


Lawq Vasrell

Lawq's blood-drained face, shockingly, was a shade paler as she sat, ash-and-gore-flecked, next to the weeping, dwarflike humanoid who was still weeping and nursing his bolt-scorched shoulder next to her. The next minute elapsed almost as though nothing had even happened, though the telltale sight of fresh blood in the wake of Mr. Holyhellfist's rapid, incredible dispatching of the party-crasher, even despite a lack of Force-sensitivity on his part, and the handful of dead men and women and the accompanying void-like silence, spoke as to the shock, despair and dismay that followed the incident still raw in the survivors' hearts and minds...

Lawq's membraned arms shifted, her trembling free hand rubbing over the red-singed and blistering flesh of her exposed scalp with a wince, and her free hand interlacing her dexterous furred fingers through the pudgy, wrinkled fingers of the bronze-skinned dwarf-alien at her side. A shifting of her free hand into the expansive pocket that lined the inside of her jacket produced a rumpled and worn navy blue flat cap, which she shakily placed over her scalp with a hiss of pain... It'd take weeks to grow her hair back even a little, and Fajyk would probably have a good laugh once he got over the fact she had nearly been killed.

A flick of the Qom Jha's ear towards Mr. Kissheiney's swiftly renewed, cold-hearted and hollow return to business-oriented affairs soon left the young woman straining her ear, giving her an odd, almost constipated look across her chiropteran features as one membraned arm encircled the trembling dwarf that sat next to her, her thumb stroking the back of his pudgy hand reassuringly as she kept her notched ear trained towards her target. She had to strain, her eyes narrowing and her ear twitching and, it was only with the barest and briefest use of the Force's gray, neutral, twilight aspect (it would be troublesome to be caught drawing upon it here) that the Qom Jha's pained and battle-ringing ear caught two words that, thank the Force, gave her all the success she needed, for now.

"...Commerce Guild..." The dour-looking, cybernetically-enhanced Umbaran had spoken softly to Mr. Spinetangler...

Those aviator-sporting, vainglorious-looking guards of Mr. Bootslurper had, by now, filed out and, forming a circle around the immediate massacre where their companions had removed the Advozse outside, as the freshly-trailed blood signified, were now examining the bodies of the few deceased most improperly and in lieu of standard police procedure. Just beyond the ring that the businessman's personal guards had formed, knots of fearfully whispering, weeping men and women, as well as one or two who sought to approach the deceased, were warned away by the Aviator Dolts who had commandeered the situation..

As Coruscant was a large, constantly-bustling metropolis, it was in a matter of minutes that several moderately-armored CSF (Coruscant Security Force) officers made heir way in, the Quarren and Kitonak sporting blaster pistols raised cautiously towards the ceiling, while the aged black-and-gray-furred Wookiee leading the other two instantly took the lead towards Mr. Weenieroast, rudely pushing his way between the Umbaran and the human to address the host directly...

Patting the dwarf at her side and squeezing his hand silently, the Qom Jha and he shakily got to their feet and, trailing ash and trembling. The chiropteran led the aged man on, nodding as they approached the Kitonak and Wookiee just next to Kishimoto Nakaioma . Considering her words as she braced the bronze-dwarf at her side, the Qom Jha tightening her arm compassionately around the man, even as she wearily and cautiously regarded Mr. Callouspencilstick (ha ha...) and the barrel of sunshine, cheerful bastard of a cybernetic-eyed, aged Umbaran that had been interrupted by the police Wookiee...

"Holy hell... Well, Sir, give the nice Kitonak Officer your statement, and, when we're done with that, I'll get you a cup of water... No need to thank me... Someone here has to do something compassionately, I'd say..." Looking stonily out of the corner of her good eye at Mr. Lacksapair and Undeath's Embodiment at his side, still smoldering at his having been interrupted, the Qom Jha silently and patiently continued to comfort and stroke the injured old man's gnarled, fattened hand...
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Tʜᴇ Mᴀᴅᴄʟᴀᴡ


Onomato Grand Hotel, Coruscant
TAGS: Kishimoto Nakaioma | Domina Prime Domina Prime | OPEN

Abelard could not help but smile at the unique creature as she had her moment with her droid. It was strangely endearing, which was an emotion that the Man from Alderaan rarely experienced these days. He carefully raised his hand and patted the nearest arm to him before continuing on to speak with her.

"My dear Dima, you need not be so nervous!" He encouraged, sensing she was not used to these sorts of situations, "And certainly don't change on my behalf. I enjoy the company of the unique and different. I know what it's like to be stared at..."

He made a vague motion towards his face and eyes. If Dima were to notice, his skin was abnormally reddish for a pureblood human, and his eyes were fully green...including where there were supposed to be "whites". No, he looked very alien for someone of Alderaanian heritage.

"I am a mix of two species. Let's just say some of the Alderaanian nobles don't know when to bite their tongues" He spoke, perhaps a bit venomously, "In any case, I would like you to join my little entourage. One of my plus-ones, if you will. If anyone gives you trouble, you tell them you're with me."

He was truly impressed by the sheer look of this creature named Dima. The fact that her armor bore umistakeable patterns that denoted some sort of Mandalorian affiliation as well helped. The warriors of their kind always seemed to be hired as mercenaries, bounty hunters, and various paramilitary personnel. His attention soon swivelled to the commotion of supposed assassins and blasterfire.

"Oh my. Seems this soiree got a little violent." Abelard monotonely feigned worry, "Perhaps I should hire you as my bodyguard, dear Dima? I do pay handsomely."

Kishimoto Nakaioma | Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra

Caulder raised his eyebrows. What kind of cold-blooded creature could slide so easily back into business after ending a man's life? One worth making arrangements with, obviously. Even if it was - technically - only one of the lesser Nakaioma, it cost nothing to be polite. The old umbaran held his gaze produced a credit-clip from his coat pocket, withdrew two business cards, and offered one to each man.​
Nothing too extravagant. His name and his contact information printed in neat, monospaced aurebesh. The logo of the Silver Shield Group was printed on one side, and the logo Commerce Guild on the other.​
"We'll be in touch, I'm sure," he droned.​
A wookiee CSF officer attempted to interpose itself into the conversation, only to be firmly repulsed by his guards. Hands shifted to rest on their stun batons. A matter of policy.​
One of them warned, sternly, "Do not approach the senator."​
"Oh, that's quite alright," Caulder said, in a tone so perfectly polite it could only be described as venomous, "I was just leaving."​
He paused to survey the officers. What a motley assembly they were. Mismatched and ill-fitted for the uniform. The corner of his mouth twitched in disgust. "I suppose CSF will hire just about anyone these days."​
With those parting words, the umbaran departed the venue with his escort.​
And that was that.​
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