Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra
Heritor and Lord

Objective: Opportunities

Production is small at the moment with only 300 prototypes currently in development and soon to be finished with considerable deployment within the Outer Rim and Mid Rim where pollution is often highest due to lax regulation practices. The predicted business model will have to be taken fromSaro Nakaioma
Saro Nakaioma as the lead developer for the technology as I currently don't have that information on hand due to a scheduling error. Although the Nakaioma Corporation is up for a partnership to push out the product to a wider market.
"Yes, it is such a shame that there are so many irresponsible stewards of progress," Strontus shook his head morosely as he sipped from the wine.
"Ah, you read my mind. I confess, I am interested in coming to some sort of partnership in both scaling up production of these products and deploying them in markets that Elevar Holdings already has subsidiaries in, or on worlds out manufacturing companies have already sadly despoiled." Strontus was glad to see the other man receptive to the idea.
"We should find time to discuss-" The Force twisted in Strontus' gut just before he heard:
Pardon me; Mr.Elevar.
Strontus fought down the urge to immediately slay the assassin with his throw of his lightsaber or Force Lightning, putting on instead a shocked façade. Lawq Vasrell and

Kishimoto tapped into his martial arts mastery and zoomed pastToby Russen
Toby Russen quicker than he could blink or fire his own weaponry;
This maneuverer slammed into the would be assassin which killed him immediately without fail before he could discharge his weapon further.
The situation has been resolved; please commonly return to your conversations and entertainment for this evening
Strontus breathed a sigh of relief. They could continue their conversation then, and he did not slip up.
"Thank you for attending to the situation so swiftly, Mr. Nakaioma. So, as I was saying we really should discuss the possibility of synergising EH subsidiaries with this program. I'm sure Crimson Engineering or one of the Z&T subsidiaries would be a perfect fit."Kishimoto moved back to engage in conversation with the Head of Elevar Holdings and this served as a good chance for his public relations and ability in front of a large crowd.