Amarthaer Saptheth
Her masters had sent her here with one thing in mind: taking a life. There was a Jedi to be found here, one by the name of [member="Connor Harrison"]. Supposedly he shared a close bond with a woman one of her masters wished dead, and killing this man would bring that goal one step closer. Of course, she was well aware that this would serve as a test as well. No doubt the both of them wanted to see just how well one as untrained as herself would fare against an individual who had been deemed a master of the Force in its entirety. Where most would have held some sort of fear in their hearts she retained none, instead maintaining only a steady resolve to achieve.
Bare feet sunk slightly into the desert sand, where she did her best to stick to the shadows in order to avoid the relentless sun. A visible aura of darkness clung to her regardless of where she stood, wrapping about her form in wisps tangible as a strangely cold smoke. Long, dark hair swayed down past her waist, its strands matted and unclean as they fell in her face. Hands completely blackened by corruption reached up to brush it out of the way so that she might see, revealing a face just as tainted by the dark. In contrast her eyes were bright, smoldering embers of fire, a final testament to the unnatural sickness that already wracked her body.
A sort of unnatural whimsy accompanied her as she slipped between shadows and the bright sun, her form never wholly visible in the light for more than a few seconds at a time. In every way she was a predator on the hunt, near-silent prayers to the goddess Vahl falling in an alien tongue past her lips as she pressed on. He was here, somewhere, and she could sense it. It wouldn't be long before she and this fabled Jedi crossed paths, and then he would fall, just as all those deemed unworthy were destined to do. It was only natural, after all, and it befit their place in the world: beneath.

Graveyard of Giants
Dead husks of old, crashed ships jutted out of the sandy landscape, monoliths of a time long past. There was something sacred about this ground, the memories of a battle long past still clinging to the wreckage reminiscent of an old fog. Millions of lives had ended here in one cataclysmic event, with those individuals that traipsed the sands in their stead leaving their own psychic imprints as well. It was more than enough for any sensitive to take in, the sensory overload present capable of overloading anyone's senses. This was a quiet place of reverence, and even Amarthaer was fascinated by it, though her true purpose here was far more sinister.Her masters had sent her here with one thing in mind: taking a life. There was a Jedi to be found here, one by the name of [member="Connor Harrison"]. Supposedly he shared a close bond with a woman one of her masters wished dead, and killing this man would bring that goal one step closer. Of course, she was well aware that this would serve as a test as well. No doubt the both of them wanted to see just how well one as untrained as herself would fare against an individual who had been deemed a master of the Force in its entirety. Where most would have held some sort of fear in their hearts she retained none, instead maintaining only a steady resolve to achieve.
Bare feet sunk slightly into the desert sand, where she did her best to stick to the shadows in order to avoid the relentless sun. A visible aura of darkness clung to her regardless of where she stood, wrapping about her form in wisps tangible as a strangely cold smoke. Long, dark hair swayed down past her waist, its strands matted and unclean as they fell in her face. Hands completely blackened by corruption reached up to brush it out of the way so that she might see, revealing a face just as tainted by the dark. In contrast her eyes were bright, smoldering embers of fire, a final testament to the unnatural sickness that already wracked her body.
A sort of unnatural whimsy accompanied her as she slipped between shadows and the bright sun, her form never wholly visible in the light for more than a few seconds at a time. In every way she was a predator on the hunt, near-silent prayers to the goddess Vahl falling in an alien tongue past her lips as she pressed on. He was here, somewhere, and she could sense it. It wouldn't be long before she and this fabled Jedi crossed paths, and then he would fall, just as all those deemed unworthy were destined to do. It was only natural, after all, and it befit their place in the world: beneath.