"Oh, nothing," Kaden replied, even though it was definitely not that.The mandalorian thought it would be best if he did not vocalize what he had been thinking. Yes, both of them were well aware that he had been dead at one point. Kaden had haunted the poor blonde almost to the point of making her insane. While he regretted the damage it may have caused, Kaden was happy it led to where they were now, and now was what he wanted to focus on. They did not need the reminder he had been dead, how he got to be dead, and more importantly the woman that he had once been married to. It had been enough of a shock to Daisy when Kaden first told her the truth about his death. It was the one looming truth that always made Kaden feel shocked that Daisy would still allow him to get close, and close they had gotten.
Why else would Daisy think she could steal his hat in the manner she had. Kaden wanted to be angry, but instead he faked hurt.
"I suppose I deserve that after my ill timed chuckle," he answered as she put the hat on her head. "Right, attitude. I'll have to remember that when I get a new hat."
Another chuckle escaped his lips, and his eyes darted to Daisy with a look that dared her to follow through on her threat. Instead, the rose had her preoccupied. Yes, Kaden should have brought a gun or more knives. Nothing would have conveyed his feelings more than by giving her one of his twin pistols, though without her DNA coded into the reader, she would never be able to use them. That was a situation he would need to remedy one day. The pair fought alongside each other enough it would be smart, and yet, Kaden knew with Daisy it would also be more significant.
Perfect and kind. Those two words had never been used together to describe anything about Kaden or what he had done. The color creeping up on her cheeks was nothing compared to how the reaction to his gift and flattery came across their force bond. Kaden didn't say anything, he just filed it away. It seemed the blonde mandalorian could also enjoy things like flowers, though Kaden noted they needed to be on rare and special occasions. After all, they were still mandalorians even if there were those would call them dar'manda.
"You're right, we should."
Kaden started to move them toward the barn which hosted the dance. He shook his head at the ordinance remark, which he was careful not to chuckle at. While he knew Daisy was joking, he also knew there was more truth to the statement than jest. Her father and brothers all likely had weapons, slugs, and various explosives, all with his name on them waiting for him to slip up somehow. Rumor had it some of her brothers didn't wait for that either.
The distinct twang of the fiddles and banjos filled the air as the pair made their way closer. They had to pass the games which others seemed to be enjoying as they slowly walked past them and toward the dance which was already in progress. They would not have to wait long before the current dance ended and new one began. In the meantime, Kaden stopped for them to pick up drinks as they waited.
"Just so you know... this is my first dance, of any kind. I might be bad at this."
Kaden shrugged after his comment. The song was winding down and it was time for them to get into position for the next dance.