Glow Knight
Well his mind was going all over the place, Zaiya thought to herself, amusement igniting her own pulse of light blue color tones over her mottled spots. Watching him ponder only to flush in embarrassment and have the Holo headband confirm his embarrassment was a hoot.
"Haha, no need to be embarassed about what your siblings would do. I'm sure they'd have fun regardless," She teased him, incorrectly assuming the reason why Aris had flushed in embarssement.
"Yeah! Should be great," Zaiya chirped back, only to notice the holo light ears melt into another color. What did that mean? She glanced down at the cheat sheet. Really there were only ten possible options. Nothing compared to the dozens of color combinations her skinshifting provided with all the glow effect nuances.
Oh. Concern flickered in her eyes as the hue labeled it as fear, unaware that it was reality nervousness. Wait, was he afraid of getting on the Ferris Wheel? No that made no sense, Aris had suggested it.
"Now it's saying you are feeling fear... Are you afraid of something?" She asked, concern in her voice, only to then frown, a grey iridescence illuminating the edges of her patterns in confusion. "At least... that's what the color label is suggesting you are feeling."