Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Holocron of Ancient Masters - Lightside PC Master Sign up

[member="Kira Talith"] - Since this is intended to be a living/organic sort of thing, and Julius isn't a Master yet, i'll happily add some bit on the Green Jedi (OOCly i've gathered about all the info there is, and have a lot of plans to put to IC action) when I hit the appropriate rank.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Tionne Thanewulf"]


Okay, due to the DDOS and the many mini events and the GA/OS invasion that will take up people's time in January, the holocron of Masters for the Lightside will go up February 1st.

I'll tag everyone and we'll have a great time for this. I'll write up a small template for participants to include their contributions. If you have a blog post or a thread where you would like to link back to, you are more than able to add it in.

I'll toss up the template soon.

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