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Home Front: Virtue & Vice || The Confederacy


Office of the Vice-Head & Speaker of The Confederacy

Xazzex Xivar was ambitious. Empress of Falleen, Crown of The Leviathan Ring syndicate, former Viceroy of Falleen in a former Confederacy, and now the Vice-Head of another Confederacy. In her private reflections, the seat she occupied hadn't entirely been in her original plans. She wasn't any more of a galactic partner than any other Falleen; things were infinitely better back home without all these aliens roaming around with their little preferences and needs and wants. Just because they were a credit-cow to be milked didn't mean her people liked them in any amicable capacity. So to think she'd somehow end up with some manner of authority over them...

Last time, Xazzex had represented Falleen in the Confederacy of Independent Systems because someone had to after it'd been absorbed. It had not been a voluntary service. When it all collapsed, her people could at least fall back on themselves without their entire way of life being destroyed because of their passionate desire for independence. For isolation. Not that they hadn't felt the fallout. It'd been impossible to ignore just how many worlds floundered; even if piracy was allowed to tick up without the prior Confederacy patrolling the lanes.

That was then, however, and now she was presented with the unique challenges of being the Vice-Head of State. Vemric was likely to foist some social matters on her as a result. The man was about as interested in listening to people bleat as she was -- problem was he still held the higher authority of delegation. Some of it would be delegated off to the members of the Executive Council, but not all of it; certainly nothing the Council itself required assistance in dealing with. In its own way, it wasn't much different than being the Empress of Falleen... except for how she wasn't allowed to vaporize people because they gave her lip.

Well, Xazzex would still give people the sharp edge of her tongue. People would be lucky if that'd be the extent of her ire, as well. Whether official or unofficial in capacity, she had a number of resources at her disposal to handle the Confederacy's problems.

After having finished some paperwork, Xazzex turned to her calendar next to see if there was anyone requesting an audience. There was much to be done organizing the regions of Wild Space. How many governments had come and gone over these sectors? Its people were hardly the more receptive when another came along. A litany of matters had to be addressed, and there was only so much time or resources available to do them. If people needed something from the Confederacy her door was -- regrettably -- open.

If there was a lull, it might be time to take a walk. What was the point in sitting in an office all day? She might be Falleen in her desire to be amongst her own kind, but she was also Falleen and they weren't known for sitting still -- outside formal occasions.

Open to Members or Guests of The Confederacy​

The Neimoidian navigated the corridors of power on Rothana with both speed and considerable caution, discreetly alternating his focus between the windows and the floors. A multitude of servants and planetary representatives traversed the expansive space, transitioning from conference rooms to lavish lounges as they debated back and forth on planetary issues.

In many ways, this scene mirrored the Federal Assembly, which the Trade Federation had successfully infiltrated a long time ago, thereby establishing itself as a formidable political entity within the Galactic Alliance.

The Alliance, under Chancellor Auteme's leadership, had significantly diminished from its former stature; as a shift towards idealism and ethical governance replaced the previous practices of excessive spending and extravagant incentives for political supporters to facilitate legislative approval.

Consequently, the Federation had installed him as Governor of Abrion Major within the newly formed Confederacy, aiming to leverage the planet's agricultural potential within the emerging Parliament.

There was no more suitable starting point than the Vice-Head of State, whose significant power and influence played a crucial role in the decision-making process. A servant had informed him that the Falleen was present in her office, prompting him to undertake an unannounced visit. Sentapoth felt a sense of relief in being a politician rather than a military officer, as his encounters with the Alliance's Defense Forces had led to persistent nightmares.

"Par-Par-Pardon the intrusion, Vice-Head Xivar." The Neimoidian said with a bit of a stutter due to fear, as he embodied the phrase cowardice to a tee. He gently sat down on one of the plush chairs within the office, awaiting some form of recognition.

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Office of the Vice-Head & Speaker of The Confederacy

Xazzex's eye lifted just enough to spy the Neimodian inch into the room while feigning her attention being entirely on the screen in front of her. It was a skill people like her developed very early on in their career/life -- being aware of everyone while making them think they were being ignored. A woman like her didn't want to send 'mixed signals' after all. Not unless she was making them a thrall then it was all smiles and sweet whispers until they forgot their own name.

Neimodian. Described as... nervous and cautious (the polite way of calling someone a coward). "With you in a moment, Governor Findos," Xazzex replied absently as her fingers danced over the holo-display briefly. Abrion Major was a world of interest to the Confederacy. There was a galaxy of people to feed and with the Core spending its time turning planets into parking lots thousands of levels high, there was scarce room to grow all that produce. You could always count on people spending credits on food. Not the most lucrative market, but a stable one and the Confederacy needed a firm foundation.

Half a minute later the holo-display turned off and the Falleen's sharp, golden gaze turned entirely to Sentapoth Findos Sentapoth Findos . "Governor, I wasn't expecting you today. I hope you had a smooth flight." Being polite didn't kill a woman. It might inflict spiritual wounds though.

A flick of her eyes toward the door and then her eyes returned to Findos once more. "Forgive any intrusions. My normal secretary is out, and I try to maintain an open door policy to ensure the needs of current and prospective members are met." Not that she was expecting other visitors, but it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility.

"How can I help you today, Governor?" Xazzex clasped her hands atop the desk and awaited the man to conjure up the courage to speak. The worst part about cowards was even a hard-ass like her had to tone down a little of the "theatrics" -- they were already on edge just being there. Sometimes she wondered if someone of them were just putting on an exceptionally authentic act just for that reason.

When that recongition finally came, the Neimoidian was preoccupied with scanning the office for a potential exit in case the meeting took an unfavorable turn. He had never interacted directly with a member of the Falleen species, often linking them to the Black Sun Criminal Syndicate, which had once been the preeminent force in the galaxy's underworld before falling into relative obscurity in 900 ABY.

During his shuttle journey, he had encountered extensive information suggesting that they possessed a form of supernatural ability to sway others. He would have dismissed this notion entirely had he not also been aware of the existence of the Zeltrons. Sentapoth was uncertain whether the woman was toying with him, yet she appeared completely engrossed in her tasks given her high position of authority.

"Ye-Ye-Yes, a smooth flight was completed without any major complications. The Hyperspace Lanes within the region are secure for the moment due to the brillaince of our military might. As you must know - I am an accomplished general says so in my file." The Neimoidian replied to her inquiry, and while he claimed to be an experienced military officer, this assertion was somewhat misleading. In truth, he had only commanded an army on a single occasion, which resulted in a significant retreat but it did accomplish the objectives to distract the Alliance Defense Forces.

He anxiously drummed his fingers on the armrest of the chair when she noted that her secretary was absent and that others might arrive unexpectedly, just as he had. Nevertheless, she promptly wanted to know the purpose of his visit.

"I-I-I-I -The Confederacy remains in its early stages of development, necessitating a readiness to pose challenging inquiries regarding the administration of certain resources. We seek-seek clarification on the individual or corporation responsible for overseeing the allocation of resources and materials within the Confederacy. Specifically, we-we wish to understand who will guarantee the safe delivery of our food shipments to other planets, and ensure that those planets do not ask for more than we produce." The Neimoidian faltered in explaining his questions, fixating his gaze intently on the Falleen. This inquiry held significant weight for the Trade Federation, which wielded substantial power in the commercial shipping industry and sought to identify its competitors in the region.

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Office of the Vice-Head & Speaker of The Confederacy

"It is early in its development," Xazzex acknowledged, "but there are experienced men and women in charge of overseeing that development, Governor." The man might come off as a simpering push over, but she wouldn't be baited by him. "Executives that have recruited some of the finest in the galaxy to put our collective will into practice."

"The Magister of Diplomatic Affairs is always available to assist world governments. Any question you have can be directed to them if you are uncertain which of the other Executives may suit your request best. As I am, of course, but as Vice Head I may at times be indisposed, while the Diplomatic Corps will have people available at all times."
The last thing Xazzex needed was every world in the Confederacy calling her personally demanding they solve every little problem. Not only would that drive her mad, she was only one person. The Confederacy had a Magister in the first place for this very reason.

As to the man's more direct inquiries, "Following your example, the Supreme Commander's forces will provide protection between worlds while the Commissioner of State Security will ensure that of planetary affairs, the Viceroy of Commerce will assist in negotiations and contract disputes, the Governor of the Interior will ensure equitable distribution of produce intended for the community at large, and the Chief Justice will arbitrate and settle any legal challenges that arise. Other worlds may ask for more than you can produce, Governor, but you will always have means to control your own output in accordance to negotiated contracts. Parliament will provide the various frameworks for all negotiated deals within Confederate space, but all members may negotiate their own binding terms. The Viceroy of Commerce may be an indispensable partner in making sure those terms are in your favor."

Xazzex afforded the man a brief smile. "The Confederacy seeks growth, Governor. It will provide the means of members to prosper. I invite you and those you represent to engage in all of our programs to extract the most value in return for all that you contribute. A man like yourself might go far, Governor, with the right word in the right ears; and those your represent, of course." Too much? It didn't hurt to make it a little more personal. Something for him to aspire toward rather than vague talk of nameless, faceless cabals.

The sharp report of Zenva's stiletto heels on tiled floors announced her presence long before the Droids escorting her possibly could. The Zabrak, once a Trade Baron before the Confederacy's restructuring, was confident her imposing figure would open the doors her name used to. Nearly two meters tall before the high heels she wore, and over eighty kilograms of thick, battle tested muscle. The Zabrak was, in her own mind at least, the apex of her species. The crimson skinned alien was wrapped in a tight evening gown, it's elaborate design blurring with the ebony tattoos that swirled, and thorned across her powerful figure. Electrum rings decorated the crown of vestigial horns that circled her hairless head. Similar rings encircled long fingers, each tipped with surgically implanted titanium claws.

A Golden Droid, likely a Protocol Droid judging by its appearance, marched a step behind her on her left. Trailing further behind the Zabrak, a large pair of Combat Droids labored to keep up with their Mistress's brisk pace. Now and then the golden Droid's faintly masculine tone chirped a warning to those that might interfere with Zenva's path. "Stand aside for the Baroness of Sriluur. Make way for her Excellency." It's synthetic voice changing language to one of the millions or more options available to it as the need arose.

As the Zabrak neared her target, her dominant hand waved off to her right in a dismissive little flick. Immediately the large Droids behind her slowed their pace, drifting towards the nearest intersection to stand sentry. Pausing briefly before she reached the suspiciously open door to the Vice-Head and Speakers personal office, Zenva drew a calming breath, and straightened her dress. She listened for a few moments, a woman's cool voice placating some Noble by the sound of it. A moment later she strode forward, walking into the office as though it were her's.

As she walked towards the desk, her bizarre yellow-red eyes fixated on the seated Neimoidian, a Governor if she had heard correctly. Coal painted lips curled into a smile, serrated shark like teeth gleaming as she did. She spoke a word in a harsh language. Her mother tongue of Zabraki was one few outside her home world understood, never mind spoke. "Her Excellency, greets you, Governor. We apologize for the interruption." Zenva's Droid chirped from behind her.

The Zabrak's caustic gaze shifted to the green woman behind the desk as she came to a stop in the middle of the office. The Crimson Devil's hand twitched near her hip. A simple muscle spasm one might imagine, however the longer she studied the Falleen seated before her, the more confident she was the criminal in front of her would recognize the reflex of going for a weapon that was rarely missing. The Zabrak spoke a single word in her native tongue, it's sharp tones at odds with the woman's uniquely musical voice. Zenva's horn crowned head tilted forward slightly in a bow. Again her Droid spoke for her. "Madam Speaker, I present the Baroness of Sriluur, Crimson Lady of Nal Hutta, her Excellency, Lady Zenva Vrotoa." Zenva's hand off hand rose briefly, cutting off the Droid's introduction.

Again she spoke in that sharp tongue, this time at length. Only once she finished did her Droid translate her words to Basic. Her sharp features were held in a careful mask of neutrality, her corrupted gaze unwavering. "Her Excellency wishes to know why she, and the Confederacy's allies amid Hutt Space have not had their contacts renewed. Those she represents on Sriluur insist the production of the Confederacy's Battle Droids is of vital importance to their world and it's economy. She expresses a deep hope that some black cloud has not come between her worlds and the Confederacy's warming embrace."

Sentapoth Findos Sentapoth Findos
Xazzex Xivar Xazzex Xivar
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Office of the Vice-Head & Speaker of The Confederacy

Xazzex's focus remain on the Governor even when the red woman darkened her doorstep. Only when the woman crossed the threshold did the golden rings shift slightly to give the Governor warning of another's presence, if he hadn't felt or heard the coming storm. Well, at least this one gave off the right attitude even if the Falleen didn't immediately fall in love with her. Humans were dollar store diplomats -- kill one and a hundred one could take their place -- but other species were a hair more interesting given how uncommon they were by comparison. Still not held to the level of a fellow Falleen, of course, but you couldn't help where you were born. Just blame your deity(ies) if you wish.

Slowly, the Falleen placed one hand atop the other on the top of her desk. Zenva took her position in a demand for attention and implied a certain reactionary response that spoke of more than a paper-pusher. Hopefully the woman had set any lofty expectations for a response. Xazzex had met many people that commanded swaths of armed personnel and great hosts of mobile weaponry. The only difference under the presence circumstances was everyone expected to meet without their Enforcer present, ready to kill anyone that made any 'unnecessary' movements

While the droid was the thing that spoke, Xazzex didn't take her eyes off the Baroness. Droids could be a useful assassin with the way people ignored them, especially when it went without saying you paid attention to the speaker not the translator. Xazzex hoped this intriguing situation wouldn't be interrupted by anything... premature like that, however.

"Baroness Vrotoa," the Speaker slowly rose from her set and gestured with one hand toward a seat, "please, make yourself comfortable. I'd like nothing more than to assure our esteemed customers and allies they have not been forgotten nor abandoned in their time of need. This Confederacy would welcome the opportunity to establish long-lasting relations with Nal Hutta and others in the region. Supplies are, of course, limited. A trivial matter I'm sure could be navigated with your assistance." They were eager for financial partners, but not too eager. A few credits or materials-worth-credits helped grease the wheels of production.

"There are countless opportunities for those prepared to seize them." She'd leave it at that for the moment to gauge whether Droids were really what the woman was after, or if she wished to discuss more sensitive matters. Not to mention to determine if she was open to negotiating new contracts since this was neither the Confederacy of old nor the Enclave -- not that a woman of her caliber would have had business dealings with the Enclave.


The Neimoidian observed with great interest as the Vice-Head of State addressed his inquiries with a level of tact and finesse characteristic of seasoned public servants and politicians accustomed to navigating a landscape often rife with empty promises and ostentation. Each of his concerns was meticulously distilled to the relevant departments that held jurisdiction over the issues at hand such as the Chief Justice and the Supreme Commander, with the Viceroy of Commerce identified as one of the key authorities for conducting business in this context.

"Certainly, you will receive the backing of the Government of Abrion Major within the Parliament, Vice-Head. However, my allegiance is derived from a different class of individuals who prioritize tangible outcomes over mere assurances, even when those assurances come from a person of your esteemed stature." Sentapoth responded with a degree of firmness in his tone to emphasize his point, fully aware that the Trade Federation constrained him significantly, limiting his ability to act autonomously in pursuit of his objectives within the Confederacy.

Any commitments she might propose to ensure his loyalty would inevitably wane when confronted with the authority of the Commanding Viceroy whose power and influence was undeniable.

The voice of Zenva Vrotoa Zenva Vrotoa 's protocol droid was noticeable as soon as they walked into the room, announcing the arrival of the Baroness of Sriluur. The conversation was then shifted away from the affairs of an agricultural planet, and instead towards the sphere of Hutt Space, a space dominated by ruthless slug-lords and criminal syndicates. The production of battle droids was a staple of the Trade Federation, and they couldn't allow another rival in that industry.

"While, Her Excellency of Sriluur has a noticeable industry in battle-droid production. There are other partners within this room that could facilitate the right investments into droid production across a wide swade of the Confederacy, if they would be willing to negotiate on purchasing price and exact investments." The Neimoidian interjected for a moment to seize the opportunity for his patrons within the Trade Federation.


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