Juliana took the newspaper back and studied the picture minutely, her eyes narrowing intently at the ankles. A finely manicured eyebrow arched and she frowned thoughtfully. "I didn't notice at first," she said, "but since you mention it -- I'm surprised you're on the list at all. Those are the most hideous socks I've ever seen. What kind of socks are you wearing today?" She leaned over to look down at Orson's ankles beneath the table, then straightened.
"Having seen those socks, I'm now not entirely surprised to learn that your mother dresses you," she said dryly before raising her coffee to her lips for another drink.
"I'm allowed to smoke," said Juliana, "but I don't. But I don't mind if you do. Feel free."
The young woman returned to the newspaper, flipping back to the front page. She held it up to Orson again. "I don't remember the city having this much crime when I was here before," she observed. "Should I be worried about my people still living here?"
"Having seen those socks, I'm now not entirely surprised to learn that your mother dresses you," she said dryly before raising her coffee to her lips for another drink.
"I'm allowed to smoke," said Juliana, "but I don't. But I don't mind if you do. Feel free."
The young woman returned to the newspaper, flipping back to the front page. She held it up to Orson again. "I don't remember the city having this much crime when I was here before," she observed. "Should I be worried about my people still living here?"