Alexandra preferred to train with her newest student, [member="Abigail Meredydd"], at her home rather than the Praxeum or the Jedi Temples, feeling more attuned there and with the significant nature of the nexus she had fostered over the years it made things much smoother. It was like a guiding hand for the young woman that Alexandra trained and would eventually become a mark for Abigail to leave on, a new tradition Alexandra hoped to foster with her students.
It was as she was giving Abigail a lesson on the basics of a saber that Alexandra's eyes grew dark and she stopped mid sentence, her eyes turning towards the outskirts of her area of control. The force had given her a strong connection to the forest for about a few miles around her home, the land untouched by the vong forming that had occured during the Sith occupation, land she had protected and kept clean. Her tree tied her into that life around her home and she was quick to sense two individuals as they crossed into what was her territory more or less.
Alexandra's hand curled tight around the wooden training blade she had been holding, her use of Force Weapon cutting out and letting the item drop to the ground. She stared daggers through the forest and breathed in, trying to calm herself down as her body was already drawing in the force to her limbs. Only a glance to Abigail allowed for her to know what Alexandra was about to tell her.
"Run to the Temple, Meet me there... I need to go greet some visitors." Abigail would know when Alexandra was unhappy. This was no such time, no this was something far worse and the Jedi Master had to put some serious checks on her emotion, not letting it consume her as the force gathered at the bottom of her soles. In a moment she leaned forward, the
spear she carried now leaping to her hand and her cloak forgotten as she shot through the woods in only her
Her presence soon masked itself, layering over the influence of the Nexus itself and blending into the life of the forest. It seemed to meld with the woods around [member="Jairdain"] and [member="Darth Ferus"], her life around them and standing to their right, left and behind them. It would continue to grow stronger as Alexandra got closer and when she stepped into the woods behind them, she did not keep her footsteps soft. No she walked with a purpose and raised the spear, putting it to either Ferus' back or under his chin, depending on if he turned or not.
"What in the living hell are you doing here... and why are you with him." She shot daggers at Jairdain, more concerned than angry, but still a small bit of anger bubbling up, especially when her eyes turned back on him, holding herself back from simply pushing forward with the spear and shoving it through his neck. She could severe his brainstem if she wanted like this, with the force and her new body, it would be so easy.
But she held back, her breathing soft as she waited for whatever answer was given. She had to control her darker emotions, to not let Hel take over after learning what she had about the woman in her head.
"I suggest you not piss me off Krest. Otherwise, my hesitation will end and you will be cut down. I have worked hard to delve into the light, but I am certain I can make one exception here, if I have to."