Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How long had it been since the Zabrak walked on Alderaan. It hadn't changed, that was for sure. Who was still left? How many familiar faces would he see? All these thoughts ran through his head as he walked down an all too familiar path that he had once forgotten. Krest had returned home. The aging man wore no armor, held no weapons. Even his cybernetic limbs had been replaced with simple ones more akin to flesh then the weaponized limbs he had crafted.

"I do hope my lack of weapons will be enough to show my intentions. More importantly, I hope that having you here might keep the hostilities down. I dunno how welcome I'll truly be." Red eyes glanced to his side to [member="Jairdain"] , a smile faint on his lips. He wasn't really sure himself why he brought her along or even asked her to begin with, but it oddly felt right to him. Still, would it be enough to keep his old friend from trying to take his head?

Krest paused before the temple he once called home. "Well, they should already know I'm here. I don't mind if they strike me down so please stay out of harms way if it comes down to it, hmm?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra preferred to train with her newest student, [member="Abigail Meredydd"], at her home rather than the Praxeum or the Jedi Temples, feeling more attuned there and with the significant nature of the nexus she had fostered over the years it made things much smoother. It was like a guiding hand for the young woman that Alexandra trained and would eventually become a mark for Abigail to leave on, a new tradition Alexandra hoped to foster with her students.

It was as she was giving Abigail a lesson on the basics of a saber that Alexandra's eyes grew dark and she stopped mid sentence, her eyes turning towards the outskirts of her area of control. The force had given her a strong connection to the forest for about a few miles around her home, the land untouched by the vong forming that had occured during the Sith occupation, land she had protected and kept clean. Her tree tied her into that life around her home and she was quick to sense two individuals as they crossed into what was her territory more or less.

Alexandra's hand curled tight around the wooden training blade she had been holding, her use of Force Weapon cutting out and letting the item drop to the ground. She stared daggers through the forest and breathed in, trying to calm herself down as her body was already drawing in the force to her limbs. Only a glance to Abigail allowed for her to know what Alexandra was about to tell her.

"Run to the Temple, Meet me there... I need to go greet some visitors." Abigail would know when Alexandra was unhappy. This was no such time, no this was something far worse and the Jedi Master had to put some serious checks on her emotion, not letting it consume her as the force gathered at the bottom of her soles. In a moment she leaned forward, the spear she carried now leaping to her hand and her cloak forgotten as she shot through the woods in only her robes.

Her presence soon masked itself, layering over the influence of the Nexus itself and blending into the life of the forest. It seemed to meld with the woods around [member="Jairdain"] and [member="Darth Ferus"], her life around them and standing to their right, left and behind them. It would continue to grow stronger as Alexandra got closer and when she stepped into the woods behind them, she did not keep her footsteps soft. No she walked with a purpose and raised the spear, putting it to either Ferus' back or under his chin, depending on if he turned or not.

"What in the living hell are you doing here... and why are you with him." She shot daggers at Jairdain, more concerned than angry, but still a small bit of anger bubbling up, especially when her eyes turned back on him, holding herself back from simply pushing forward with the spear and shoving it through his neck. She could severe his brainstem if she wanted like this, with the force and her new body, it would be so easy.

But she held back, her breathing soft as she waited for whatever answer was given. She had to control her darker emotions, to not let Hel take over after learning what she had about the woman in her head.

"I suggest you not piss me off Krest. Otherwise, my hesitation will end and you will be cut down. I have worked hard to delve into the light, but I am certain I can make one exception here, if I have to."

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Jairdain"]

"Master Feanor," Abigail asked with one eyebrow raised," is something wrong?"

The fact that Alexandra had stopped her teachings mid sentence had obviously not gone unnoticed, and Abigail could see an emotion on Alexandra Feanor 's face that she had never seen before. Not this strong anyway.

"The temple? But why-", she started, but stopped halfway through her sentence as the spear flew into Alex's hand.

"Alexandra, what is it?", she now asked in a more serious tone, but it was already too late. Her master had already set off, ignoring Abigail's protests and sprinting through the woods with exceptional speed and agility. Abigail couldn't help but feel something was terribly wrong because of the way Alex was behaving.

"Woah," she mumbled, " can we do that too?"
Not a second after she asked that Abigail felt a considerable blast of wind in her back, almost making her trip.
"Whoah! I don't- I don't think that's how she does that. I'll just run there myself."

Her gaze then rested on the cloak Alex had left behind. Abigail sighed before she leaned forward and picked it up. "She'll probably want this later."

"Well, let's go see what this is all about I guess", she said as she started to run in the direction Alex had gone off to.

It took her a little while to reach Alex, as the woman had had a headstart and was also using the Force to move, something Abigail couldn't do. But when she did finally come closer, the Force gave her a few images in front of her eyes from what was up ahead, and it didn't look very good. In fact, it made a shiver run down Abigail's spine.

"What the..."
That was everything Abigail could mumble as she picked up her pace to reach her master as soon as possible. It looked like she might have been in trouble.
It was a surprise when Krest had contacted her. He explained what he had in mind and together they came up with a plan to accomplish what he wanted. However, Jairdain had her doubts...not of him actually. As time had passed both of them had changed. In a way they each had a hand in this. This man had changed her life, helped make her who she was today. After he died, there was a hold in it and while it may have been a mistake at the time, she had brought him back...a changed man.

Again time passed, but they both knew the other lived. Then her world was shattered...again. Not in the same way though. The sith had destroyed one of the last places she had called home. Her love was missing and she had attempted to go into hiding. He had found her and displayed his change. Knowing her hiding place wasn't safe, she had run again. Their connection though allowed them to communicate in a way.

He could call out to her, but he held no control over the woman. Jairdain on the other hand had full control of him. That was because of the manner she had brought him back. She wanted to ensure he would cause her no more harm. So when he reached out to her, she answered. Now they openly approached the home and domain of her friend Alex.

Krest was without weapons, but she was not. While she knew he could not harm her any more than a moth could a flame, she didn't yet fully trust him. Pushing that doubt and untrust aside, she agreed to accompany him to this location.

She had no doubt at all Alex would feel them and come running. When they had met, they shared their respective memory of Krest with the other. If anybody had asked her then if she ever thought something like this might happen, her answer would have been no. Not anymore though. And she hoped her presence next to this man might be enough of a sign to her friend that something was different and for once it wasn't her.

"I will allow him to explain, but I am with him because of what he wants."

Tipping her head at the almost silent approach of Abigail, her focus through the Force went to her and it would be known by the other woman for a brief moment only that she knew she was there. Not calling her out on it though, she allowed her to remain hidden.

Taking a gulp, she held her hands open at her sides. A small sign she meant no violence either and that her words were true.

He's changed Alex. Read me, I'm not under his influence.​

If Alex wanted to do just that, Jairdain did open herself to her friend. They had been through enough together that she did trust her fully.

[member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Vulpesen"]
"Everyone is changing these days." The Zabrak mumbled to himself even before [member="Alexandra Feanor"] revealed herself. The force whispered of malice and death, enough so for Krest to assume what was to happen next. As the spear approached his back he simply held up his hands. "Hello Alex." It was a soft response to the venomous reaction his old friend had for his appearance. There was no doubt in his mind now that [member="Jairdain"] was the only reason he wasn't skewered on the spot. Keeping his eyes forward he would speak at the woman beside him's prompt.

"I simply wish to reconnect with something I sealed away so long ago. Will you allow me to see our tree again?"

[member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Vulpesen"]
Vulpesen's head perked up as he lifted up on the tree branch he was inhabiting. Something was here, a presence he hadn't felt since... Rolling from the barked surface,t he zorren dropped quietly onto the grass below, his golden eyes smoldering with a growing fury. He had come to alderaan to aid in the training of another for a friend. As well as to handle a bit of personal business. But the man he felt now, entering this place, boiled his blood more than he expected, and for the first time in a long time, the Valde felt something he hadn't felt in a long time. Hate.

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] @Jairdain @Abigail Meredydd

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Ferus"] apparently didn't quite hear her when he mentioned the tree after being told not to piss her off.

"You do not belong here, that Tree holds no part of YOU. It holds the light of a dear friend, not a traitor, a bastard, and a piece of steaming..." She breathed in, keeping her hand steady before pulling back slowly, It was only then that she twisted the spear and turned it, swinging the butt of the spear into his side if he could. That would only be the start, throwing the spear to the ground and putting her hands together as she would begin to walk over to him.

She wanted to beat Ferus' face in with her own two hands, not with some blade, or a rifle, or a saber. She wanted to knock him out and make sure he never woke up. Even if the spear strike was stopped for whatever reason, she would walk towards him and she paused, looking at @Jairdain. Her hands faltered and she sighed, calming herself down once more.

"I suggest you get ready for someone else. I can hold myself back but there is an old friend here who isn't quite a Jedi anymore. Good luck... and do not step within 10 yards of my tree you piece of bantha poodoo. I have no intention of letting you near it... Ill is in my garden." She started to storm off, heading straight for the stairway up to the roof of her temple, and to the garden containing her tree.

"Follow if you must... my student will know where to find us when she returns." She shouldered her way past Ferus, purposely slamming her shoulder into him and reaching out with the force, allowing her spear to return to her hands. She was not done with him, but Jairdain had kept her from skewering him. Hopefully, she could do the same when [member="Vulpesen"] arrives.

[member="Abigail Meredydd"]
On Veradune Alex had taken Jairdain to visit something she had created there. There was a similar one here too. The tree Krest wanted to visit and see. It was true what she said about him, but it would take more than mere words to convince the others.

When Alex made her move to attack Krest, she did nothing to stop it. But she did not leave his side. If this situation had happened before the fall of Commenor...things would have been far different. She would have instead been on the side with Alex and thrown in her own attack on Krest.

At the words of her friend, she knew exactly who was coming. A man that had rescued them on Coruscant and one she had gone to when she needed to hone some new power. Watching Alex leave, she turned her attention to Krest.

"Vulps is coming and he's not at all happy. I'm sorry if I can't..."

She cut off her words a​t that point. The meaning and message as clear as if it were spoken.
The older Zabrak kept oddly still even as the haft of the spear cracked into the side of his head. Even as the blood dripped down his cheek he stayed silent, watching [member="Alexandra Feanor"] with an almost sad expression. There were some wounds that even time couldn't heal. He'd watch the Lady in Silver walk away towards that familiar place, lingering only for a moment as [member="Jairdain"] spoke to him.

"I do not fear [member="Vulpesen"] anymore than I fear death. His reasons for his hate are founded on lies I made to protect the one he assumes he can avenge. The same for Alex. There are some sins I will carry to the grave." He would begin to walk after the Grandmaster, faltering for a moment as his head swam. Yeah, getting hit in the head hurt. But Krest was determined to reach the tree, even if it cost his life from old grudges.

"All I ask is that you refuse to let me fight. I know our agreement for my resurrection prevents me from willingly dying, but just this once I think it's okay, don't you?" He turned his head back to [member="Jairdain"] and gave her a simple, honest smile before turning back to the stairs and ascending, his arms down by his side and his ears open for any strike that may come. He would not die before he reached the tree, that much he swore.
Stalking out from the garden, Vulpesen's signature in the force was certainly taking a turn from its usually mixed appearance, to one that was dark as a shadow within the force. Before he had even approached Darth Ferus, several tendrils of force energy had spread out behind him like tails, waiting for the opportunity to pierce any target he set before them. As he walked Vulpesen caught sight of Alexandra, leaving the area. He wasn't sure what had stopped her but he didn't necessarily care either. She was of weaker stock, giving in when she felt it was time. Such was the reason he had grown so disenchanted with the woman. He however, was far more resolute in his convictions.

Upon arriving at the scene, several durasteel cylinders flew from his coat, igniting in an array of blue and green blades while a paid of golden eyes fixed themselves only @Dath Ferus, smoldering like a bon fire. "You made a mistake." The words came out in a growling tone and as each blade pointed itself at him, his intent was made known. There was no quarter to be given. No mercy in his demeanor. Vulpesen hated death, even served a code that opposed it. But there was a precious few in the galaxy that he would happily see ended for all eternity, with even their souls erased from the nether. Ferus was one of them.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Jairdain"]
Abigail had silently been watching from the side, carefully taking her time to look at the [member="Darth Ferus"] and [member="Jairdain"] , but she failed to recognise either of them. Obviously Alexandra knew them quite well, but even as she tried to recall whether Alex had ever told her about her past life, Abigail couldn't recall anything that might've been related to this.

Abigail had already stood up, ready to try to calm [member="Alexandra Feanor"] , when the woman calmed down herself. While she was clearly.. not very fond of the man, she seemed to remain calm for Jairdain's sake.

Not sure what to do, Abigail tried her best to remain hidden as she followed the group towards wherever they were going. She wanted to know what this was all about, but was slightly reluctant to show herself. Besides, it appeared that Jairdain already knew of her presence anyway, so the rest would probably soon be aware of it too. There wasn't any need to rush things.

She had already seen another man, [member="Vulpesen"] , come towards their direction before the rest had seen him.
Even though Abigail was clueless about his part in all this, she did know he looked pissed. Really pissed.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra paused as she was walking up the stairs and sighed, her eyes turning towards the location that Vulpesen was coming from and halting the rest of those behind her on the stairs. She knew this was coming to pass and she knew he would not support her decision to hold back her hand but her place was no longer to kill unless absolutely necessary. Krest had come disarmed and without the means to actively defend himself against the point of a blade or the saber's heat.

She lowered her head and sighed with eyes turning on the location where Vulpesen came out and now was standing with his sabers out and ignited. She debated on how to have the situation continue, thinking on what to say but eventually looking at Jairdain and thinking.

"Escort him to the tree, I trust you to make sure he only does as he said and that you will stop him from going further. For whatever reason there is, your presence calms him down." She turned her eyes on Krest, still very much so livid with him.

"Im going to calm down Fox Face. You have one chance to prove to me that you are telling the truth, you ruin it by so much as breaking a branch off that tree, I will personally gut you. Got it?" She waited for some kind of understanding before turning on Vulpesen and sighing, stepping around the other two and inbetween them and Vulps.

"Vulpesen, You and I both know that you can't commit this act without him threatening someone or actively in conflict. He is unarmed and has come here in peace. This would be murder and against your blasted code. I may be a Jedi now but I spent more than ten years standing by your side and believing in your damn code, I know you would not break it for revenge. Stow your blades and talk, ask why he did what ever it is to make you act like this..." She had a feeling she knew already, already mad at Krest for the same thing and wanting to kill him.

But like she had said, he had come here unarmed and under the flag of peace, and she knew what would happen to Vulps if his mind commited this act, about how the Zorren mind works now. Especially one like his that believed in his code, maybe it wouldn't break him, but if it did he would become like Carliah and she did not want to see Vulpesen become that twisted. Her hands did not grab her sabers, but she was clear on not letting him pass without either dropping his intent to kill, or going through her to get to Krest.

[member="Abigail Meredydd"], [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Vulpesen"]
Krest glanced over his shoulder to [member="Vulpesen"] as he approached, but did nothing. He continued on to follow [member="Alexandra Feanor"] with [member="Jairdain"] by his side. There was a misunderstanding between the Zabrak and these people that gave way to this anger. As Alex gave her warning he reached into one of his pockets and tossed a vial to her. Inside was a blue herb. False Death, or at least that's what Krest called the plant.

"Minna's in hiding."

It was all he said before turning his attention forward and continuing his ascent up the familiar stars of the old Grey Temple. Finally, as he rounded the top, he saw the white tree that he once use to sleep under. His hands curled into fists from nerves. Would the tree still accept him after all this time? "If it starts to burn me let me continue on, please." The Zabrak glanced from the corner of his eye to his blind companion.

"I've lost my way for so long I'm sure something will hurt."
It had been too long since she had seen these faces. Krest, of all of them, affected her the most. Even after all this time in exile and meditation she could not have prepared herself to see him again, so much so that it almost threatened giving herself away. Whilst the gathering of people had talked and moved, Minna had been watching from atop the treeline, perched upon a branch as still as the tree itself. Her concentration was focused on two things; hiding her presence and extending her senses to hear what her old friends were saying. She grew concerned over the hostility, at one point thinking to interject, but Alexandra had seemed to calm things down.

Instead Minna watched Krest approach the tree, the beautiful creation they had all shared a hand in, curious as to what he was trying to accomplish. She was still confused as to his status, dead or alive, as her visions had shown her so many conflicting events over time. Nevertheless she could see him now, and it seemed her own whereabouts and even livelihood were unknown to the others. Atleast until Krest had told them she was hiding. Curiosity continued to grip her, keeping her in place as she watched the gathering ensue.

As if expecting conflict she was wearing her old Jedi armour and sabers, but she hoped dearly that it would not come to using them...
"The hell I can't! Traitors die!" His blood boiled and his eyes fixed on Kest, even as he turned his back on the Valde. Hated burned in his gut and stepping forward, his stride showed the intent move past Alexandra whether she liked it or not. He was the Valde. He knew the code inside and out. He protected the lives of the galaxy, but there were blights that had to be purged. Diseases to be eradicated. A man who would kill the woman he loves, so callously as Krest had... it wasn't a life. A virus does not live, nor does it speak.

And yet, it was the words of this disease that stopped Vulpesen in his tracks. Before he could even reach Alexandra, three words slammed into his consciousness like a freighter. "Minna's in Hiding." Frozen in place, Vulpesen stared hard at Krest, his eyes following the herb that flew through the air. Tob over bottom that vial flipped through the air, and Vulpesen's sabers started to mimic the motion, spinning in their place as his control over them ebbed. Still, it took more than three words and a flower to stop him completely.

"Get back here you son of a schutta!" Snapping himself out of his thoughts, Vulpesen started to run after Krest. While the sabers behind him deactivated and fell to the ground, the Valde would attempt to leap into the air, using the force to launch himself over Alexandra's head so that he could catch up.

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Minna"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] @Jairdain @Abigail Meredydd

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Vulpesen. Listen to me for god sakes. Doing this cou-" And that is when his mind caught on what was said by Krest, something she could avoid bringing up because Vulps had caught on. The man was a pain in the ass sometimes but at least he seemed to catch on that Minna being alive meant one of the biggest issues they had with Krest could be forgiven. Alexandra trusted Krest oddly enough, knowing what plant was inside the vial and having it in her own garden.

And then just like that he dropped his saber and tried to jump over Alexandra's head. She groaned and turned, seizing the force and drawing it into her with a shudder and her eyes burning for a moment as she looked at him, still moving above her. [member="Jairdain"] would be the first to catch what was happening as the force flowed out of the tree much like a river and curved, wrapping around Alexandra and grabbing onto her. This was her home, this was her garden, and that Tree was her. It was a direct connection to the force and something she maintained and strengthened over nearly a decade thus far. A constant increase to the power that [member="Minna"] and [member="Darth Ferus"] would remember.

Alexandra's presence in the Nexus and the Tree itself overshadowed their's, containing a great reservoir of her power that she kept locked here. She didn't only draw on that, but her need to protect and keep Vulps from doing something that could harm him, even if he had thrown away his sabers, Alexandra understood wanting to beat in Krest' face with his own hands.

The first thing she would tree is reach out with the force and tear him out of the sky, even if that would pull him down onto the roof itself and into the garden's outer reaches. If not, she herself would push the force under her feet, gathering a ever increasing supply right under the balls of her feet and pushing off with a quick blast of air from under her, leaving her to reach the roof and stare towards Vulps. She herself would push forward and move to slam into Vulps, assuming he had gotten up or even never been pulled to the ground like what she had intended. She needed to pin Vulpesen down if she could.

"Listen you fox brained idiot, I know this plant. If he is telling the truth, shes alive..." She tried to tell him, the Force telling her they had more guests, one she assumed was [member="Abigail Meredydd"], but not realizing the second was [member="Minna"] herself. She was too busy trying to stop Vulpesen and her use of the force would push vines from the ground, reaching up to secure and hold onto Vulpesen as well, strengthened by the force just as one's body could be.
Krest didn't look over his shoulder to [member="Vulpesen"] and his words. Instead, he was focused on the task before him. The tree, the source of regret. The hope for a future. If [member="Alexandra Feanor"] trusted him enough to come this far then he would trust her to keep Fox face from interfering. He cast one last glance to [member="Jairdain"] before stepping forward to the tree of light and set his hand upon it's bark.

Immediately pain coursed through his body. Mind numbing and powerful pain coursed up his arm and through his whole body. The tree rejected him right off the bat, but the Zabrak was use to such sensations. He did not remove his hand even as his skin began to blister. The tree seemed to glow brighter and brighter, blinding him rather quickly. Yet in this blindness and pain Krest heard a voice, one he recognized immediately.


"Ah, there you are. You took your time, didn't you?" The rest of the world was gone, replaced by a room of white. Within it was himself, much younger. The visage of the man who sealed away his light to better hide in the dark. Krest simply gave a sad smile and bowed his head. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. None the less the younger Krest answered.

"I know why you're here. Are you sure?"

Krest nodded.

"You will never be the same again."

Again, Krest nodded.


To Jairdain who would see him he would be kneeling beside the tree, palm to as his skin blistered over his arm yet oddly quiet and with an expression of peace, not pain. All at once however where his skin blistered pealed away, revealing a chalk white color. The red of his body seemed to float away, replaced by the paleness similar to the tree before him until all Krest was no longer the red skinned Zabrak he had been.

He was now white as ash.

"Jair, I need your help. There's an evil in Alex's mind that the tree has shown me. If you can, put me in her head. I will help her remove this taint." Krest didn't open his eyes as he spoke, instead focused solely on the tree before him and what he was sensing within @Alexadra Feonor . Hel was her name, and he remembered her well. "And tell the Fox Face to be ready to deal with Hel once I am in her head."
A sense of sudden danger spiked in Vulpesen's head, and it wasn't hard to identify the source. He could feel her attempting to grip him, to yank him down with the force, yet the hold didn't make it past the force protective layer of tarentatek within his coat. Of course, he still had to contend with plan B. With Alex rocketing up towards him, he pulled his arms in and turned into a tight spin, avoiding her assault as darted past him. It was a game of cat and mouse, and so far, the mouse was doing alright, if not a little slowed down in his overall plans.

After continuing to whirl through the air for a brief moment, Vulpesen would land limbly on his feet while Alex spoke and gathered her power around herself. The sudden surge of vines wasn't exactly unexpected given he skills, location, and their history. And for him, the response was simple. Shooting out his arms, the Valde send a flurry of multi-colored blades out from himself, and from the place his earlier sabers had dropped. A flurry of plasma would soon encircle him, burning and shredding through the vines that attempted to reach him in the eye of the storm. "Then i won't kill him. But he sure as hell deserves one helluva headache!"

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]
[member="Abigail Meredydd"]
The raven haired woman had been silent this whole time since speaking to Alex and telling her Krest had changed. When her friend had hit him, Jairdain had done nothing to prevent or stop it. This was done by his request, if she had choice, that hit would not have happened. They had a past though and Krest needed to pay for what he had done. Jairdain knew and understood this so did nothing other than speak to Alex.

When Alex had left, she spoke again, but to Krest only. Making no mention of Abigail, there was another presence there also hiding in the trees. Not a presence so much as that was being kept buried, but Jairdain could sense the life of the woman. She took a far greater interest in Krest than the other unknown though. An aspect of her Force sense would focus on Minna as it had Abigail and she might know that Jairdain was aware of her.

As Krest started to move though, that focus moved away and back to her companion. He said something about a woman in hiding and something clicked in Jairdain. That woman hiding in the tree could be this she had known to be here today though she had no clue. She did not mention it though and kept her theory to herself. Time would tell on it either way she was sure.

A form of permission was given for Krest to approach the tree and she went with him. To the heart of the reason he was here. Through the Force it was a beautiful thing and Jairdain had nothing to compare it to. She wouldn't want to either. Quiet observer that she was today, she was paying attention to what happened with Krest. Her tormentor and savior, a man that had put her through hell and brought her back from a form of another was changing. She gulped slightly at what she witnessed and would remember this.

Hearing what Krest said, she wasn't positive she would be able to get through to the others what needed to be done. Jairdain would try and hope her message broke through to them. A focused Force message was sent to the two people fighting over what should or shouldn't be done to Krest...

He needs your help. All of our help. Lay down your weapons and come to the tree...​

She was ever calm, composed and waited next to Krest for the others.

[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Krest"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Minna"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]
Minna too heard the words come from Krest, as her enhanced senses were now solely focused on him and his interactions with the tree. It took everything in her not to jump out and stop him from enduring such pain, but she kept her resolve; albeit at the expense of her stealth. A part of her sensed she was discovered by someone, one of the people she did not know. Nothing had been said so far, as it seemed they were more focused on getting the help Krest needed. Minna took a few moments to think through her options, eyeing up Krest and the tree as she thought. If he needed help with something about Alexandra, then surely she should help. She was still a Jedi, and these were still her friends even after so long.

Almost effortlessly and silently Minna dropped down to the tree, only the rustling of her cloak indicating she had arrived. With Krest focused on the tree and the other person already knowing of her presence, she hoped her entrance wouldn't disturb the scene too much. Instead she gave a nod to [member="Jairdain"], hoping she would understand her intentions to help. Her eyes then moved beyond the woman, looking to catch [member="Vulpesen"] and [member="Alexandra Feanor"] entering the garden.

As she waited she maintained a calm smile.

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