Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Hel sighed as the two individuals reacted in the ways she had almost expected them too. Krest bashing his way through the mental walls without tact or patience. She was almost annoyed by that but Daeda looked at Hel with an expecting glance, keeping her from reacting in a way that might damage Alexandra's mind. Hel wished she had command of this place but it was not hers and she knew that, she had learned that some time ago.

Her eyes became distracted though, hearing a voice filter into Alex's subconscious and she found her eyes drifting to a monitor on the desk. Almost as if a camera were pointed at Alexandra's body, she found herself watching as [member="Abigail Meredydd"] tried to help Alexandra and unwittingly helped Vulps and Krest in their purpose. Hel side and looked at the girl that she had come to find was her daughter, thinking on the matter and looking at Daeda again. The wolf just shook its head and returned to laying down, working to keep the maze shifting and occupying the other two.

Hel in the meantime would sit down, listening as [member="Krest"] broke down another wall and [member="Vulpesen"] pushed on through, Ace helping him deal with Hel. She was almost laughing at the effort put in by these two, knowing it was more vindicitive than altruistic. It was with that thought that she would close her eyes and appear before both Krest and Vulpesen separately, merely an image saying the same thing.

"How little you care for the one you stand in the mind of?" The voices than separated, each talking in particular to the man they stood infront of.

"You, who let anger disguise your judgement, who forced the one who could have told you what was happening to be focused on keeping you from harming the woman you thought was abandoning you and those children..." She said to Vulps, almost disappointed. "If I had known how easy it was to get you to abandon her, it would have happened far quicker..."

"You, who turned to the sith for power and greed, and harmed everyone who was your friend. Do you really think you know whats best for someone who has lived quite better without you around?" She said to Krest, interested in his response.
Vuelpsen continued to slip through the maze, adapting just as well as it started to shift around him. The mind was a tricky thing, but he knew his way around it. It was just another game, one he recognized fairly well. Still, Daeda was becoming quite the inconvenience, something which was compiled upon the hateful words spewed by the witch of Alexandra's conscience. "What can i say? I couldn't stand her schutta of a roommate." With that, he pushed on, casting a glance to the astral wolf at his side. "Ace."

It was only a word, but with it, came a command. Vulpesen could handle beings of the force. It was his job to remove the taint of evil from its presence. Hel, was his villain today and he would see her cast down. But in matters of the mind... thats where Ace shone. And his involvement in this place came through two sources, one of which was now actively working against him. In an instant Ace disappeared from his bond mate's side, and instead took a location by the one other person that anchored him in this realm. Daeda. He may not have access to Alex, no matter how close he came to her in the mind scape, but he would always have a direct shot to the younger wolf who he was now slamming his shoulder into in order to distract him from his task.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Krest"] [member="Minna"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]
Krest paused his rampant beatings of the mental walls as the visage of Hel formed before him. He watched her speak for a moment, his blue eyes simply gazing at what was once half of his old friend. Then, without bothering to answer, he slammed his fist forward to break the next wall. The Zabrak would then continue on, his only goal to free [member="Alexandra Feanor"] from the darkness within her.

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