Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Homecoming | Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Ession

Revealing Fire of Life


Objective II: Defend the People of Ession, Show the wayward young one another way
Equipment: Force-Imbued Blade,
Tags: McGill

Again, it seemed this being had but only one, single-minded intention, and that was murder. A quick, disappointed sigh left her mouth as she continued to parry the increasingly strong blows from her adversary, having to grasp her sword with both hands as they continued to get stronger. She didn't want to have to resort to violence, and she wasn't going to resort to killing if she could help it, but whoever this was attacking her, had to be stopped before he could threaten the crowd around them, or the young man behind her. "Very Well, then."
Re-adopting the vertical guard reminiscent of Ataru, Sala let loose a fast, relentless flurry of diagonal strikes, channeling her courage and resolve into her body, allowing her movements and reflexes to be ever faster and her strikes to be ever stronger. None of these strikes, however, were targeted for a killing stroke, each focused on disrupting her opponent's strikes while also trying to disarm the opponent by striking his wrists or weapon, all the while building speed and momentum with each strike.




Objective 4 - Taking back what is ours


4 x Ashlan Variable Geometry Command Vehicle
Hundreds of Heavy Tanks
Thousands of Medium Tanks
approx one hundred thousand Sisters of Ashla
4 landed Bastion Planetary Landers
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Pietro Demici Pietro Demici 001-A-986 "Nix" 001-A-986 "Nix"

Isla smiled as she received an affirmative response from the Empress, she wasn't going to turn away an operative of such caliber that could save thousands of her Sisters lives, with the shields down, the defenders would be cowering from her heavy artillery by the time her front lines arrived. She would need to make contingency plans just in case Ingrid failed, but she had confidence in the developing situation.

Ingrid's other message, sent privately to herself and Demici, warning her about the mercenaries did cause her concern. She replied to Ingrid directly via text <Thank you Your Highness, your concerns will be noted and we should dicuss this at a later date> she thought to herself that mercenaries were always a bit of a tricky case. She was happy to use them, they could be exceptionally talented, but they were often loyal to credits above all else and if the next bidder came along at the wrong time, there could be betrayal. She had no current reason to doubt Nix personally though.

She looked up at the Holographic woman that was wistfully watching out the viewport with her arms supporting her for balance. That was a nice touch, it was disconcerting that the image was being projected straight into her brain and that noone else could see her, but the little unecessary natural mannerisms made the effect less jarring. "SAINT, please analyse our rout to the front, check integrity of bridges alpha through delta and plan alternative routes for the destruction of each." The hologram nodded a response and turned, a few seconds later a holographic map appeared between her hands and she swiped it onto the actual holoprojector that other could also examine. All bridges were stable, none were under fire yet, a Mercy pod had been deployed at Charlie and Delta as those were the two most likely to come under fire as the advanced elements of her armour approached them. The alternative routes showed up fairly as optional information, she hoped she would not need them as they would add significant time to the advance.

She continued to study the map, looking at troop positions being updated in real time, Pietro was approaching the enemy defences along with the main thrust and the mercenaries were on the western flank, a little further forward than she would have liked, mercenaries or not, she would prefer them not to be obliterated.

She opened a quick channel to 001-A-986 "Nix" 001-A-986 "Nix" "Mercenary company, you are approaching one of the enemy based and have significant enemy air support in bound, I am assigning two squadrons of Pegasus interceptors and two of Phoenix to your theatre," she transfered him the comm codes for the fighters to allow his units to contact them for support.

The whole vehicle rocked as it crushed some debris under its fore wheel, her forces were getting close and were beginning to take fire. On her far right flank, Medium Tanks had engaged enemy sapper hoping to slow down the advance, there had been a brief firefight but the weight of the armoured wall pushed them back towards a redoubt, which the artillery from one of the landers then levelled in short order.



Objective 2: New Beginnings
Location: City streets
Gear: Double-bladed lightsaber
Tags: Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis

The woman fought back. Her blows were obviously intended to be nonlethal, presuming her target had all the usual weaknesses of a human.

McGill grit his teeth as her blade slashed at his wrist, drawing black blood. He kept meeting her strikes, only to be hit again. Pain drove him to rage. He caught her sword in a momentary bind, and used the opportunity to aim a kick at her legs, hoping to knock her off her feet.

Then he would be upon her, going in for the kill.
Revealing Fire of Life


Objective II: Defend the People of Ession, Show the wayward young one another way
Equipment: Force-Imbued Blade,
Tags: McGill

While the Echani duelist could see the kick incoming due to being attune not only to the force but naturally being able to read someone's body language, she was far too deep into her strikes and had built up far too much momentum to avoid the entire kick, and so fell to the ground, wincing at the sudden pain. In response she summoned a blast of telekinetic force to try and push the assailant away from her, producing room to change her stance. Immediately following this she'd use the force to push herself back and away from him and up, landing in a high guard stance.

"You're a competent opponent, I'll admit that, but it'll take more than dirty fighting to defeat an Echani."



Objective 2: New Beginnings
Location: City streets
Gear: Double-bladed lightsaber
Tags: Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis

Blasted back by telekinesis, against which he apparently had no defense, McGill rolled across the ground, coming to a stop quite a ways away from his opponent. By now the crowds had vanished from the square, leaving it abandoned and eerily quiet. Soldiers or police would be on the scene soon, but McGill wasn’t concerned with the future.

I don’t give a chit what you are,” he snarled. “I just want you to die.

He charged at her. Perhaps some part of him wanted to die, to end the tormented existence his life had become. Or maybe there was nothing left of his mind capable of thinking such thoughts. Throwing himself back into the fight, he slashed upwards, trying to bisect her. Whether his weapon actually made the cut or not, he kept going, faster and faster, trying to break her defense and slice her to ribbons.
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Revealing Fire of Life


Objective II: Defend the People of Ession, Show the wayward young one another way
Equipment: Force-Imbued Blade,
Tags: McGill

One of the increasingly fast attacks singeing her arm, Sala parried the next few strikes with one hand as she launched herself back 50 or so meters, letting out a exasperated sigh. For a split second, everything stood still as her mind raced, trying to find any answer to defeat her opponent. The Grandmaster of the Blades had long wracked her self with guilt over the death of her cousin, and because of this had resolved never to kill unless it was absolutely necessary. Unfortunately the sheer tenacity and strength of her opponent, who seemed only to get stronger and more spiteful with every hit she landed, might require such drastic action.

"Very well. May Ashla's judgement be merciful upon you."

Channeling all of the power of the light side that she could muster within herself and from the planet around her into her body and blade, Sala leapt forward with inhuman speed, her blade and body beginning to emit bright, radiant light as she gathered the light side energy around her. Channeling more and more of the light-sided energy into her sword, the Echani summoned all the strength that she could and began to strike with methodical, targeted blows, dodging away from and around her opponent before blows, before finally bouncing off of a nearby building and executing a tornado of subsequent spinning strikes, gaining speed, momentum, and strength with every spin and focusing all of her lightside energies into her blade, finishing with a Mou Kei against her opponent's limbs.



Objective 2: New Beginnings
Location: City streets
Gear: Double-bladed lightsaber
Tags: Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis

He managed to parry her first few strikes after her little Light Side power up, but he soon started slipping up. Then, suddenly he was lying on the ground, flat on his back.

Struggling to sit up, he found he was now missing both legs and an arm. The stumps of his severed limbs spurted blood across the street. It hurt like hell.

Yet McGill still picked up his lightsaber in his remaining hand and roared.

Get back here! I’ll bite your legs off!
Wearing: Snakeskin

Armed with: Ceremonial Lightsaber (Synthetic Ankarres )

Objective: BYOO (Medical relief)

Themis had laid low amongst the Ashlan's after that one invasion, worried she might have drawn too much attention to herself.

She had gone to ground after Kerest. The Jedi knew for certain Xiphos had a Sith Teacher, but had not been able to identify her. Themis had killed rather than permit witnesses.

For up to a year now, she had hid behind the Identity of Moya De Lifte, Jedi Healer, and had quietly treated the wounds of Ashlan Soldiers, who marveled at how quickly she could heal them... Themis could do in minutes with severe injuries what often took other, sometimes multiple Jedi hours.

Repeatedly she had been offered a place in the Healing Divisions of the Church, but had always refused, remaining strictly volunteer. Many had come to her, requesting to study at her feet but she had always refused, making up excuses that she was simply too busy.

That, and because so far, every future where she did accept a student she was inevitably exposed when the student got too curious.

Darth Themis was doing every thing she could to avoid getting too involved with The Ashlan Church. Not just because of their inquisition type methods for finding signs of heresy, but because, when it came right down to it...

...she couldn't stand these people.

She had thought Jedi self righteous, but the Ashlan's had them completely beat in that regard. She had never encountered a people so insufferable about imposing the Light Side. Themis used the Light herself, but she would never have imposed it on anyone this way. Living amongst them was a nightmare to her.

She hid her contempt of them well enough--even very powerful Force Adepts never sensed more than minor flashes of annoyance.

Her opinion of them had soured completely upon learning what they had done at Ziost. Going door to door, executing families, just for being related to Stormtroopers.

And worse...there was what had happened to her poor granddaughter...

Themis no longer knew how to help Laertia. Every vision showed that Themis would just make it worse if she tried to intervene in Laertia's choices by Force. It was like being paralyzed.

So Themis had stayed away, even when Laertia's choices caused her to draw The Cult of The Brain Demon and her own Serpents of Ashla to work ever closer in a form of perverted Irony. Laertia promised she would destroy the cult, and Themis, for the most part, believed it. She knew Laertia could not let what happened to her parents go unavenged. Not forever. But she still needed them for her own purposes before disposing of them. She had even promised Themis a front row seat for it. All she had to do was wait.

So wait she had, cut off from her own cult save one or two life lines. It was picking up disillusioned Jedi all the time, and the number had skyrocketed after the Maw attacked Coruscant. She was having them trained on multiple worlds in secret, teaching them how to twist their will upon the light, to impose upon it rather than be imposed upon. She had remained as a low level type, doing her best to go unnoticed, however powerful she was. A simple healer. A powerful healer. Seemingly a pacifist.

In that respect, it was much like the days when she truly had been Moya De Lifte, having tried to sincerely escape the identity of Darth Themis. That had ended after Darth Phyre killed everyone she cared about and cast her into a magical black flame where her soul had suffered for centuries. After her resurrection, she had permanently sworn off the Jedi as anything except a front.

And now they were retaking Ession. After all the chit they had pulled.

Themis tried not to pay attention to the Puritans marching through the streets of Ession, or the feelings of those present made to watch this latest conquest. She instead operated quietly from a set up Triage tent, healing the wounded they brought to her. There were still Sith Holdouts, loyalists. And those who were not loyalist didn't look all that enthusiastic regardless.

She was clad in her scaly, skintight black catsuit, heavily enchanted, healing various injuries on multiple people, quickly, at the same time from terrible burns from a surprise flamethrower attack to a sucking chest wound an Ashlan Jedi had received from a sniper. It was trivial work, and cost her only a moment's Concentration, but the worst part was the awe she saw in the faces of observers. Their prayers under their breath as they witnessed what they thought was a miracle filled her with revulsion towards them she was barely able to conceal.

Fortunately, being a Light Side Sith, they couldn't sense her heresy, even if they themselves were Force Sensitive. That was one of the Major Benefits of being a Light Sith: you couldn't set off any other Adepts alarm bells unless you started fighting. Only then would they sense anything amiss about your connection to the Light. Being a pacifist healer was virtually guaranteed cover.

The latest group stood up, fully recovered from terrible injuries. "Moya De Lifte" was not a member of the Ashlan Papacy, but that didn't mean word of her powerful ability to regenerate multiple people at once had not made the rounds.

"Thank you, Master De Lifte!" one of them said.

Themis said nothing except "I need these beds. Please vacate so I can fill more of them."

His face fell. "No bedside manner..."

Themis said nothing as others quietly began to exit. Themis was about to get out another tarp for one whose injuries had been too severe even for her when she got a vision, the first clear one she had had in months.

There was an Ashlan Knight headed to meet her.

Not certain over what, Themis had only stilled her mind, when the Ashlan Knight walked in, garbed in robes of purest white, a reflective gold face mask concealing his features. From his belt hung a silver, ornate double bladed Lightsaber.

"Lady De Lifte, a pleasure..." The Knight began in a deep baritone.

"There could be more injured coming here any second..." Themis pointed out.

"I hope you don't mind, but I have had them diverted to other Triage tents. They tell me your healing abilities are so powerful that you barely leave the other tents anyone else to treat. I wanted to talk with you."

"Surely the Crusade doesn't take issue with me pulling their personnel from an early demise."

"Not at all. If anything, we find it most distressing that such an extremely strong healer as you doesn't seem to be a member of the Papacy.

Themis sat down on a nearby stool.

"I am a Volunteer Healer. I serve the Crusade at my own initiative."

"And we do not question the good you have been doing for us. I have heard from people who have witnessed your healings...many of those you treated had wounds so severe they would have almost certainly expired under anyone else's care, or remained badly mutilated and crippled for the rest of their life. But think about how much more good you could do in the Papacy, even as a low level member. You could even end up joining my own order. Your healing talents could benefit many if they were more properly understood."

Themis kept calm. "I'm not looking to be a teacher. I seek only to do what I am good my own pace."

"A pity." The Knight said. Ashla smiles on your efforts regardless. Forgive me for taking up your--"

She saw it almost too late. She was already running out of the tent.

There was a Sith Loyalist hiding in the ranks of the injured. He had a grenade. She ran as fast as she could. She had been so busy trying not to freak at the fact he was trying to persuade her into the Papacy that she hadn't been paying attention to the currents of the Force.

Just as the grenade left his hand she conjured a sphere of water around it. The blast went off within...but didn't leave it. She had successfully contained it.

The Loyalist grabbed a pistol but an Ashlan trooper tackled him before he could do any more harm.

Themis was silent as she watched him get dragged away. She magnificently avoided flinching as those nearby started chearing her.

"I didn't know you were precognitive..." said the Ashlan Knight behind her.

Themis turned to him.

"I keep that sort of thing to myself..." she said.

The Knight shrugged. "I still think you are capable of offering Lady Ashla much more than you are willing to commit...but I commend you for preventing a tragedy."

Themis didn't say he was welcome, merely going quiet. He tilted his head in curiosity before heading off.

"Moya De Lifte" turned to the crowd of people still wheeling injured soldiers in.

"Alright, next group!"
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Revealing Fire of Life


Objective II: Defend the People of Ession, Show the wayward young one another way
Equipment: Force-Imbued Blade,
Tags: McGill

Sala was panting as she stepped backward, opening a distance from her opponent as he lashed out in hatred with his remaining arm. Even with the light side of the force fueling her attacks, such a relentless, brutal battle took a lot out of her physically, and having to use such barbaric strikes to avoid killing her opponent was taxing on the master Blade's spirit. Nevertheless, at least for now, she had defender herself and those around her, and so for now she was victorious.

Not taking her eyes off of him, she channeled what remained of the light-sided energies she had accumulated through the opponent - forcing them to wash over him and through him as floodwaters flow o'er a dry riverbed. Trying to reach his mind and soul through the force, Sala attempted to find the source of his darkness, and if were of Bogan, purge it from him.

"I don't know what put this darkness and hatred in you, but you're going to have to let go of it. It's only going to make things harder on you."


No sooner than the thing showed itself, its undead minions shambled from the dark corners of the room, both fresh ones the parasite seemed to have brought with him, and the long dead, dry husks of Ession. The first animated skeleton swung a metal pipe at Geiseric, who cleaved his saber through its ribcage and spine. The bones clattered to the floor, following which he lopped the heads of two zombies, which hit the floor with thumps.

"Let the dead lie, necrophage. Fight me yourself."

Geiseric was a shining light in a deep, inky darkness. His last days with Eina had reassured him of Ashla's Light. No more would he fear the Bogan's power, no longer would he let it overcome him.

"I am the Vanguard of the Jedi, of my world, and of the galaxy. Come here!"

Either road let to vindication. Death led him to the side of Ashla, to oneness with the Force. Survival led him to a long awaited victory, to love, to home. Either way it went the creature could not truly win.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Try to survive
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing with:: Geiseric Geiseric | Closed (Please ask to join)
[ Confrontation ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Eina's mind ~
Valkyrja was ready for two frontal wars, the outcome of one of which did not depend on her; she had to lose there, win in the other. Her body and the parasite that controlled it had to lose; the soul must have prevailed. It was just the only way to go, any other result would end with her dying. Eina was very afraid that Gei would not survive her death. She was not afraid of her own passing and death, for her death was an everyday thing. She feared only for her best friend, her soul mate, her love... her beloved crusader.

Whatever pain she faces today, she will endure it. But will Gei also be able to do this, knowing that the man will also feel all the damage he will cause to Eina's body, to the parasite? She hoped the man would have enough spiritual strength not to halt or stop. She clenched her hands in front of her chest and lowered her head as she took a position she saw from the crusaders as they prayed.

"I don't know if it all works or if you exist at all... I don't believe in you, Ashla, but someone who is very important to me, he does. For some reason, I always hear his prayers in which he speaks to you. Please, if you exist and hear my words, please take care of him and give him strength and lead him on his way, as he now faces Bogan. He needs your guidance and assistance. Please, I ask you... no, I beseech you to help him! Embrace him with your light and show him the right way." she tried to pray and beseech to Ashla.

She knew it was a clumsy attempt, the Valkyrja had no practice in it. She didn't know if prayer was useful, but strangely this, the prayer, reassured her. Gei believed in her, hoping the man knew she was trying and she would do her best to win. Eina wanted to reach out in the direction of the crusader to support him; but if she does, she sacrifices her own defence and the parasite wins. She couldn't, she promised she would fight.

"Please help him..." she said softly.


~ Reality, Ession's surface ~
"Oh, the dead exist to serve us." the parasite chuckled. "Vanguard, eh? You are nothing, Jedi, a cowardly no one! Nor are you able to protect the one you love. And you will come to me!" they said.

At the same time as their words, a loud thunder began outside and the cold wind also rose strongly, and the air began to cool rapidly. The strength of the Dark side intensified more and more. A Force Storm and altered environment; caused by the parasite. When the man was in the Sanctuary, the Valkyrja told him that in a more serious fight against the demons, Eina liked to change the environment, and every time she caused even colder and heavy snowfall, for the demons were bothered by it, but not the Valkyrja. The parasite seemed to do the same, only they even added the Force Storm to the palette.

The next moment, they also spread their wings and arms, at which point purple Force lightning appeared over Geiseric in the air and struck him. The attack now more mirrored the parasite, with no trace of Eina's golden glow, as it had before when she attacked the Sith in a similar way on Coruscant; now only corruption was visible and remained.

And the power of the Dark side was thickening and growing faster and faster in this place. If Geiseric dodge the lightning sideways or forward, the parasite will attack him. They try to strike him by the invisible dark side spear, trying to make an arched cut with an attack from above, trying to injure him at the man's left shoulder, and then from this they would carry through the attack, which would end at the man's right hip. The paranita apparently did not know that their opponent had a great defence against such attacks because of the rosary, for they might not have even tried. But without this information they did.

However, if the crusader did not dodge the lightning towards the parasite but backwards, then the parasite cannot attack because of its own lightning, but it was able to speak mockingly.

"Would that be an invitation to dance? You are no more than a cowardly nonentity! That's why you can't win today!" they said and conjured more and more Force lightning towards Geiseric.




Objective 2: New Beginnings
Location: City streets
Gear: Double-bladed lightsaber
Tags: Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis

To any outside observer, McGill must have seemed thoroughly insane. Sitting on the ground with missing legs and a missing arm, he was still waving his lightsaber at his opponent and demanding she resume their duel.

The blast of Light Side energy succeeded in knocking McGill flat on his back again. It was hardly possible for him to become more agitated at this point; what he didn’t count on was his anger being blown out like a candle in the wind. He could, at the very least, think a little more rationally now.

He fought to sit up again, eyeing his severed, spurting limbs with a much better understanding of his situation, then glanced up at the white-haired woman.

All right. We’ll call it a draw.

Objective 2 - New Beginnings


Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Aedrien

Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure. Bit weird we're betting on who can actually murder the most but sure.

Greer wrinkled her nose a little "When you put it like that it does sound a bit monstrous doesn't it?" And she grinned, "OK then, let's just agree that we make sure to kill more of them than they do of us? I'm Greer"

The IFV slid to a halt and the door hissed open, they were far from the open air of the surface down here but the breeze from between the towering blocks whipper Greer's kilt up a little as she stepped out. "So, I was given a map which says this pipe would lead us into the school area and close to our target, we would just need to cut it open. But seeing as how this place looks as well maintained a the coruscant lower levels," and she gestured to the security grate that had rusted clean off, "shall we take a stroll"

She led Aedrien through the grate and along the pipe. She turned on a torch to see where they were going and dozens of rats scurried away into darkness. She felt a brief shiver go up her back as if someone was watching her. It made her skin crawl as it wasn't that far removed from the feeling she felt before her disgrace on Wgah'ngal. The physical wounds from that place were long gone, but the mental effects might take longer to heal. She had gone there believing that it was her Jedi trial, if it was, she had failed and had so much to put right.

"I think they might know we are coming" She finally said to Aedrien, as the sensation of being watched continued to chill her spine.




Wretchedness roamed readily around the nigh-forgotten Ziggurat. For a temple that was supposed to boast warmth and light, it was ruefully soiled with the cold influence of darkness from within. The malfeasance of fear and anger permeated against Ishida’s curious outreach, and she frowned deeply.

Deep within the bowels of the architecture, there was a presence darker than most. A fateful clash of darkness and light. It drew her senses like a siren’s call, almost entirely deafening the influence of other wicked acolytes.

In silence, Ishida held up a hand with a palm facing the two others behind her. In true Ashina nature, she’d defaulted to taking the lead, creeping ahead through the holy temple until she stopped in a crouch around a corner. So far, she’d only felt the shadows creeping around the vicinity. They’d yet to encounter anything other than a few traps that had been laid here and there. Gratefully, the trio had managed to overcome shifting walls and falling floors.

According to the original blueprints of the structure, ones from the archives they’d equipped themselves with before descending on the allies’ soil, they were about to descend through the temple chambers. Above the holocron vaults.

“They’ll probably have tighter security around their holocrons.” Ishida murmured, pressing her back to the wall and rotating to the blue glowing schematic from the tiny circle in her palm could be seen by both the Master and the face-painted warrior alongside her. She pinched in to the corner they were above, enlarging it.

“Maybe we can catch them as they run evacuations.”

A distant sensation, like draining of the Force itself, pulled at her cheeks and stomach.

" feel that?"

GA | NJO | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Viers Connory Viers Connory

BOTM (DISTANTLY, NOT IMMEDIATE) | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


Thunder rolled as the last light of day died behind the black clouds that formed out of a seemingly clear sky. The work of the Dark Side. When the Force Lightening struck him, Geiseric conjured a protection bubble in the Force, knowing his regular energy shield would be useless. The blue field of energy retracted into his wrist-mounted generator and he deactivated his lightsaber.

The lightning wracked the golden bubble around him, but could not penetrate it. Geiseric looked out through the bright sparks that almost completely obscured his view of the creature. "I am no longer afraid of you or your kind. You got the better of me once, but no more. There will be no dance between us. This will be regrettably quick for how much pain it will inflict upon you, beast."

Geiseric lowered to his knees, steepling his hands in prayer afront his chest. He felt himself in the Force, focusing on the mysterious power's ebb and flow as it connected each of them, him, Eina, and the parasite. He could feel the light within it, the light of his loved-one fighting back. He wasn't sure how she was doing within her prison, but she would be free soon enough.

Since Wgah'nagl he had practiced his use of the rosary and of Force Light. Where on that dread world he had used it as an involuntary reaction, he had learned to control the power of the artifact, and if done right he would not pass out from expending the energy he was about to.

The crusaders entire body glowed with a bright golden aura much like the shield of Force around him. The noise of the lightning barrage and the hum of the Force bubble drowned out Geiseric's muttered prayer to Ashla. When he finished his prayer, he released the pent up power he had held within. The bubble around him exploded outwards with blinding light that seared anything touched by the Dark Side. He shot up and activated his lightsaber once again, waiting to see the effects his Force Light had on the creature and if his plan had worked at all...
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Try to survive
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing with:: Geiseric Geiseric | Closed (Please ask to join)
[ Confrontation ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Eina's mind ~
Eina continued to concentrate, still not knowing when the whole thing would start, when Gei would meet the parasite. Perhaps the worst of all was the wait. To strengthen her soul she tried to recall the most beautiful moments they spent together. Although they were all real, everything happened only in dreams or in their minds. Physically, in reality, they have never been so close to each other or in a close situation. When they could have been, Geiseric fled from the ball and her, and that was what caused the current situation.

She wished it was finally over for her to meet him again, this time not only in their imagination, not in their dreams, but really. In reality. She was forced to suppress the desire to look at reality again. It was hard, but she knew she must not break her concentration. Eina didn't know yet what the sign would be when the fight started out there or the man started fighting, the actual fight. All she knew was that it would be painful. For everyone.

The sky was gray, not from the darkness or anything similar, but from the snow clouds, and the northern light was playing there in the sky as well. Just like at home; while the snow also fell gently. And then the answer to her previous question was received. Strong light filtered through the clouds, as when the sunlight was visible for a moment through the darkest storm clouds, blinding everyone strongly with the sudden onset of light. It was just like that now.

The clouds parted and a strong ray of light raced straight toward him. Eina didn't know how Gei defended himself in reality out there, but she also conured a Force barrier; it used to be was a blue colour one, now it’s the same gold color as Ashlan Crusade's colours because of Gei. Physical injuries also affect the soul in the case of the Valkyrja because they are souls only, even if they are in a physical body. And Eina was weak, nowhere near her true strength and power, just a shadow of herself. However, she concentrated with all her power and tried to maintain the shield.

But in her condition she didn’t have as much protection as the man, she was just an almost completely disappearing soul that the parasite had almost completely devoured. The ray of gold reached her, though she was still neutral, not Darksider, her physical body was corrupt, so the attack hurt her as well. Ena was able to resist the attack only for a single moment. The barrier broke into a million pieces as the Valkyrja's strength ran out and Gei's attack hit her as well. Everything was surrounded by the golden light, while Eina's mind was filled with the woman's painful scream beside the light...


~ Reality, Ession's surface ~
The man's reaction surprised the parasite very much, they didn't expect the crusader not to move, but to stay there in place. It was something they did not anticipate. The air continued to cool, and outside it caused snow to fall, not rain. The indoor area was protected from this, but the weather outside was already very harsh. The parasite continued to watch with interest what the man was doing, but she felt regret after smashing the golden shield that the crusader was still there and he was unharmed after the attack.

"Oh, you better fear!" the parasite replied mockingly.

The parasite continued to watch what the man was doing while he was also preparing to attack. They were, of course, prepared for a Dark side attack, they wanted to attack with Force Destruction. Both the parasite and Gei’s attack required concentration, so it was a race against time to see who would be ready sooner. The parasite’s tentacles, clawed hands began to glow as the energy of Force destruction began to manifest in the real world. At the same time, the Force light also became stronger.

The two forces were perhaps the most destructive form of the light and dark sides in the present situation, allowing the crusader and the parasite to attack each other. The moment the crusader Force light filled the room, the moment the parasite attacked him as well. The success of their attack was doubtful because they could no longer see anything from the light, in any case the attack set off in the direction of Geiseric. Not knowing anything about the fact that they will experience the same pain if they manage to injure the Jedi.

And the man's attack hit the parasite's side. The creature screamed in pain, as did Eina deep in her mind. And their great pain because of the dyad could be felt by the man, in the same way; maybe he could even hear Eina's painful scream. The parasite fell to the ground, the first sign of the man's success was a loud thud. It was visible that their side had been damaged because in that part the corruption had temporarily disappeared and Eina, her "skin" gleaming in a faint blue light, was visible. After a few moments, however, the corruption strengthened again and Eina's "skin" disappeared.

"You'll pay for this!" the creature hissed. "Suffer!"

They reached into the Force, this time not physically attacking, much more mentally. Through the bond, they tried to reach the man’s mind and recall the man’s worst and most painful memories to torture him with those.



Objective: Duel of the Sons
Location: Ession
Valery: Appearance (and outfit)
Valery never was the overly talkative type on missions, but today she was unusually quiet. Ever since she landed with the others, she had felt the darker presences wandering through the structure but one, in particular, felt familiar, and it was hard to concentrate because of his presence.
Why did he have to here...
With a slight shake of her head, she eventually snapped back to reality and watched Ishida take point. She smirked faintly and followed after the Padawan while her mind still somewhat lingered on what was ahead of them. While she was here to take care of any Dark presences, deep down she hoped a clash with Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble could be avoided.
Eventually, she was going to confront him, but this wasn't the right time.
"I'm quite confident the three of us can catch them by surp-" she stopped mid-sentence as the feeling struck her through the Force as well. Valery frowned and nodded her head to Ishida before her gaze shifted to the holographic map
"I do feel that - it's quite far away but we have to be cautious," she said in response.
Valery then walked closer towards the structure and stood still, her senses extending as far as they could while her eyes closed. She took a deep breath and connected with the Force, allowing it to clear her mind from distractions. Following a longer exhale, she felt centered and ready.
"If you're both ready, let's get to work, hm?" she asked with a faint smirk, as she looked back over her shoulder.
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Revealing Fire of Life


Objective II: Show the wayward young one another way
Equipment: Force-Imbued Blade,
Tags: McGill

Sala couldn't help but chuckle under her breath at the beings comment. Here the being was laying armless, completely defeated, and it called it a draw. She had to credit him for his optimism, especially after all of his anger and darkness being removed. Sigh. Guess I should call in some help. "Blades Squad Aurek, Move in and secure my perimeter. Besh, send in a pair of healers. 1 Being seriously injured - species uh... Sorry I'm terrible with xenoanatomy. He looks like a human but has black blood, if that helps." Wincing at the singe on her left arm, Sala looked back at the youth who was trying to stir up anti-ashlan sentiment earlier. She couldn't tell if his face was shock, fear, or awe, but his anger had subsided enough that he wasn't going to be rabble-rousing for the time being. "Ashlan Command, be advised no remaining active threats in Blades Sector."

As six Blades Knights moved in and secured the street around them, one of them tossed a med-pac to Sala as she approached her injured foe. As she approached, Sala removed several Bacta Patches from the pack, showing them clear as day so the man would understand her intentions clearly. "This won't do everything but it should stem the bleeding, at least until we can get you in a tank." The stern, resolved look of the warrior melted away to a kind, if still focused, expression.



Objective 2: New Beginnings
Location: City streets
Gear: Double-bladed lightsaber
Tags: Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis

I’m a Shi’ido, you gonk!” he bellowed, his shouting aimed at her comms (her ears?). “I don’t need your stinking bacta! I’ll regenerate on my own!

Indeed, the flow of blood from his stumps had already begun to trickle down. As for his arm and legs growing back, however, that was yet to be seen.

McGill didn’t stop her from slapping the bacta patches on his stumps, though he didn’t look very happy about it. Eventually he descended into muttering, uttering a series of profanities in his mother tongue under his breath. He insulted the planet he was on, the people, the white-haired witch who had deprived him of three-fourths of his limbs, and whoever had dropped him off here in the first place.

"Bloody crusaders..."


Tags: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis



The shadow of the Bogan grew with each step as Cedric and Heinrich pushed forward, reaching a peak as they entered into the once great hall of the Jedi temple. Soon enough, the apex of darkness itself stood before them, his sinister glare falling upon the pair as they slowly closed in. Heinrich could only imagine what may have been going through Cedric's mind in this moment, but upon shooting a look toward his leader, he only saw that same cold stare. There was no misconception as to their purpose here; the intent to cut the head from the snake was at the forefront of their minds.

Heinrich's gaze shot back to the Dark Voice as he spoke to Cedric, searching for any sign of response. The Ashlan Kaiser left the talking to Solipsis, only leaning slightly toward Heinrich as the Sith's words continued to seep through the air. Then, the slightest response, a simple word that carried the weight of years in conflict with the darkness.


Heinrich nodded, eyes narrowing as he took a defensive Makashi stance.


As soon as the words were said, the Dark Lord was upon them. Cedric was the first to come into his sights, a vicious thrust of the lightsaber sought purchase, but found none. Despite Cedric's injury after Korriban, the man managed to move as fast as ever, strafing out of the way and to the Dark Voice's left. Before he could react, another strike came, but this time toward Heinrich's neck. Heinrich quickly threw his emerald blade in the lightsaber's path, parrying it and attempting a riposte, cutting straight for the Dark Voice's wrist. While attempting to disarm the man, Cedric threw a cut of his own, hoping to slash at the man's back.

The two had heard the tale of Solipsis' fight against the Jedi during the attack on Coruscant, and both men knew that there could be no room for error. Should they fail for one moment, they would be at risk of losing it all. They had to act as a unit, and could not give the man any ground. This would be the toughest fight the pair had experienced, but by the will of Ashla, they would find a way...

They had to find a way.



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